Off thread in progress

off thread in progress...

Other urls found in this thread:

Taste my holy wrath, corrupt posters.

Best song in the game by far. I was actually disappointed nothing came close to it after I heard it.

Is there even a place to grind in the end-game in order to get the high-level spells?

Zone 3 secretaries

>Be Mortis Ghost
>Make a strange but meaningful game inspired by some of my favourite games like Silent Hill
>Not very succesful but a small handful of fans actually got invested in the story and try to make their own interpretation
>Slowly the games gets reckognition
>Hear a site called 'tumblar' or something made some art of the game
>See pic related
>MFW I have no face

>video games

You aren't going to get far with OFF alone OP. Should have made an RPG maker thread.
I found the game to be too easy, specially the fight against sugar, which i was told was the hardest. Still, it was entertaining.

What is this game about? I keep hearing about it

>Going back to purified zones

Oh shit, is this the Getting Up thread?

The game gets extremely easy after finding the third ally. Try fighting Sugar with only two and it's a legit challenge.

I managed to beat Sugar when I only had Alpha and Omega. It was fucking hard, I can't remember how many items I went through.


I can't explain it without telling you the ending. Here is the creator's description:
Phillip and the Leg Horse set off on a strange and deadly mission to find the legendary City Of Forms from which all things in the world are derived.
It's like any other weird RPG maker game. Some of the random events and items may be odd at first.

>cant explain a game without telling the ending
game must be shit if the ending is the only good thing

Those door knocks fuck me up so much

Its just undertail, but worse

Nah. It's because the plot, if you could call it that, only makes sense once you see the ending. And even then i'm not sure.

>Le undertale le meme le le le pancakes XD

Why does the text in RPG maker games always look wrong for me? Mainly S looks like a G, and it's all cramped up.

shitposting in progress...

Most come with fonts you have to install. You did install them, right?

>play OFF in 2013
>enjoy its simple, bizarre and obtuse story and gameplay
>check back up on it now in 2016
>tumblrtale autists have infested its fanbase
>they honestly believe that batter is the villain


Thank you

Just recently played it. Very much enjoyed it, I would recommend.

Are either of the fan games worth playing?

Heard nothing but bad things about them.

Who would you say the villain is? I would say The Judge is the good guy.

You did purify them all, right Cred Forums

The queen.

I still don't exactly get the Batter's deal. From my understanding, he either went crazy and adopted the Batter persona or just wanted to end a dying, but struggling world.

but its his birthday

Shame im not surprised though has any fan game of one of these rpg maker games been good? Also a shame since I want more OFF but I know not only will it never happen theres no reason for there to be. Have my steam avatar its a slightly edited fan pic I found.

>that one puzzle where the answer is hidden inside a .txt file in the game folder
That was kinda jarring and out of place.

But what did she do? The baby was the creator, if I recall, I don't even know what the queen had to do with the story, really.

>that nose

Only good fangames are the YN fangames.

I found the balloon game jarring, and before beating it I was entirely convinced it was a side mini game

Are we still talking about OFF? Because i don't remember any such puzzle.

I really need to go replay Y2K

What is your definition of a villain?
There's no context for the batter or almost any of the other characters so its left ambiguous as to who is good or evil.

Ya its not great but it looks great as a steam avatar trust me.

there was a code you had to input in the Sugar Factory, and the merchant tells you the code is listed in the FAQ. I thought it was kind of cool.

Yes. In order to solve a puzzle you had to read the README file

All of it is mostly theory, since Mortis Ghost never said shit. Hugo created both the Queen and the Batter to be parents for him. He gets weaker because fuck if i know and the Queen neglects him. Then the batter does his thing.

But I thought that was the point. The other user was saying he was annoyed people thought The Batter was the villain, but he kind of was. Really, no one had their hands clean, except for maybe The Judge.

The Batter did nothing wrong. I say this unironically. He is the hero of the story.

Haven't played this yet but apparently there's a dev approved fan translation that basically just adds gender neutral pronouns

Who is the villain then?

Meh. Everyone in the game either isn't human or doesn't have a gender.

I only listen to REAL music

If you let him suck too much blood he kills you
Well that was an early ending. I was expecting him to get mad if i didn't let him.

The Judge's brother?


The judge's brother was possesed or some shit by Japhet.

Did you save before that?

Judge can't be absolved of anything.
If he was evil then batter would be the villain but at the end judge decides for whatever reason to try and stop you (the player) from controlling batter and to defeat him.

If judge is good then why did he allow you to literally destroy the entire world and only get off his ass and try to stop you at the very end?

I think i did. Maybe. Still, i wasn't that far from the start.

He didn't know what the Batter was planning to do. He said as much.

Have any of you guys played middens?
I've been thinking about downloading it but I never see it mentioned on Cred Forums.

no way, the canadian bastard lets people bring whips into court

Anyone played Endroll?


It was too much like an rpg for me, I had trouble getting into it but I have also been thinking about going back. It just seemed more battle oriented than world oriented, but the world was a huge party of it.

it's fucking stellar, get that shit right now
it's a lot like yume nikki in that it's just a lot of exploran and you can kill any npc you want but there's actual combat and some npcs you try to kill WILL fight back

It's pretty cool. Play the prequel Gingiva afterwards, too. I personally recommend not looking too much about Middens before beating it to avoid spoilers.

MFW i killed a save point

I played and finished it.
Weird as hell, I really liked it, even the weird combat. You need a pretty decent machine to run it properly though, mine had some slowdown issues.

Not like it's popular enough for people to discuss and spoil it

Je suis Le Batteur.
Je dois purifier la monde.
Purification en cours...

Yeah, but it's more fun going into it without realizing the consequences of your actions.

Best game I have ever played, changed my opinion on art

Who even needs drugs when you have shit like this

The person who recommended me the game called it the "most Suda51 game not made by Suda ever". I loved the strangeness of killer7 and I'm looking forward to The Silver Case, so I was intrigued to say the least. Would you say he's right, or how would you describe it?
I'm really liking it so far, only like 20 minutes in though.

Can I get a rundown on these?
I haven't played anot indie rpg since undertale

I still don't exactly what were the consequences of my actions, I feel like the game's message just flew over my head but I think I got the good ending, maybe?


The third one is Mad Father, an horror RPG. You play as a girl in a house where a bunch of spirits come back for revenge because her father does evil shit. Pretty short if you know what you are doing. Make sure to tie all loose ends like i did and you can get the best ending and bonuses on your first run.


>boy gets sick
>his father grows distant due to this
>mom keeps telling him how much of a piece of shit his dad is
>he combines this with the only kind of villain he knows; a batter
>conclusion: a cold, calculating being whose only purpose is to grant its creator the peace of death
It's not that complicated.


could i shill / show off my RPGM project here?/spoiler]

Seems really edgy

i'm trying to avoid that. it's got the average weight of a beavis and butthead short, seeing as a bit of the scenes there i can get looking kind of pretentious

but it has a certain charm to it, don't ya think?

Looks interesting. Love the designs.

I couldn't get into Space Funeral. I just wanted to explore and talk to people but it kept throwing random encounters at me that killed the atmosphere

Is this some kind of dating sim thing

thanks anons, i try to keep them fun and mean looking at the same time



nah, the top/left/right/bottom images are battle intros
there's a running musical gimmick



Fuck, i remember playing this on PS2


are you the broquest dude?

Art isn't bad, man. you got a playable demo yet?

None, but if there ever was a good one or a sequel, or even just another Mortis Ghost RPG, this would be great for the default battle theme. Alias Conrad Coldwood is awesome.

>Meanwhile, on Sluggish Morss Cred Forums...

Sometimes I wish I could learn to draw as well as this


HOME is good

can't say i am
thanks man. putting one together soon, though as is stands the 'demo' doesn't have a lot of coherence and it's more or less a number of kind-of connected setpieces.
still need to work on the interface quite a bit, too

learn through imitation. that's how all the greats did it. try and reverse engineer techniques through trial and error until you can imitate a style. move on to another style. once you've got the hang of a bunch of styles they'll bleed together inside you to create your own style

Suits: A Business RPG is the best .99 cents I've spent in a long time.

It's not the longest, but it gets surreal as fuck as you go on. I enjoy the hell out of it. The art is pretty great too. It has a great aesthetic.

>Knight in a kevlar vest with a shotgun
Kinda cool


thanks user, one of these days ill start learning how

So what's this actually about?

Maybe when it goes on sale.

Ok user, I got a question for you and it's extremely important.
how is the soundtrack? You can't have an indie RPG and not have a memorable soundtrack

>that vic rattlehead

my nigga, with all the classic metal references, this soundtrack better be thrash as fuck.

that day is today, two hours from now. prepare your body.

What program did you use to make the game? I want to start trying to make one myself

>wait for a sale
>99 cents
Jesus Christ user


>City Of Forms from which all things in the world are derived.

Huh. Not every day you come across straight-up Plato in vidya.


Hey man I aint made of money.

>tfw everytime I heard that sound it sent a spike of anxiety through my brain because my instincts thought I was dying of asthma

Cheeki Breeki. Buy it.

Looks like RPG Maker, if I'm not mistaken.

egotistic robotic occultist wants to bring back a bunch of older (caanite, made up, etc) deities.

protagonist is an incompetent thief who bumbles his way into mob politics while a vaguely-corrupt starsky-and-hutch buddy cop duo struggle to keep up with the mob and the scary magician shit, until everyone gets tangled up in a confused effort to stop the cultist from summoning the even bigger bad

it's a lot more coherent (or at least i'm making sure it is) than that sounds

is that easy to use?

Nah, I'm from /x/, I understood it in one.
I'll be looking forward to it, though I don't check /rpgm/ like I used to.

i've got a few cheap guitar riffs i came up with and recorded completely unprofessionally. still thinking about the soundtrack, i want it to be baller as fuck
that's the endgame plan my man. i couldn't release the game in good conscience without a soundtrack like that

But I need to sleep

Are there any other good RPG maker games that haven't been mentioned in this thread? I've been hooked on them recently, and I'm adding as many as I can to my backlog. I've already played Off, the 3 Lisa games, and Space Funeral

yeah. even a twelve year old can figure it out

I made a game on it when I was like 7. Only people that played it were me and my siblings. Good times.

Based on my experience, yes. Problem is, it can easily become an unoptimized mess if you don't know what you're doing.

no excuses.


Also check out VGperson's page. There are plenty of good ones there. I really liked Misao.

it's not half as experimental or post-modern but I enjoyed Ahriman's Prophecy way back.

Thanks, im gonna make a game then get better at make games

Tomb of Friends.

Yume Nikki and it's fangames (.flow and Yume 2kki specifically) are all great to play if you're okay with no actual RPG combat. Ib is pretty good from what I've heard though I never finished it.

yes, you don't even have to do some crazy shit like Oneshot did to make something interesting on it.

tomorrow for sure

Dedan has such a dope character concept

Someone explain the 4 eyes thing. I played OFF twice and I don't get it.

>Central Station
Shit, that one was cool and i never see anyone talking about it on Cred Forums.

who here got all the endings to "Mr. Krasnoludek, Give Me Your Magic Spells"


I recognize more games in the unique section than in the basic one

>Hylics under obscure
Pretty sure it's on Steam for $5

not rpgmaker but if you haven't played the Chzo Mythos games (5 Days a Stranger, 7 Days a Skeptic, Trilby's Notes, and 6 Days a Sacrifice ) you should put them on your list too

what is the story of off? just spoil this shit for me.

His eyes and eyebrows are both just drawn as lines.

Nobody knows

We would spoil it if we knew

You, the player, guides The Batter into his mission to purify the lands, while The Judge, a cat, gives you hints and tips on how to keep going.

on his sprite he has that anti-glare paint some baseballers use.

but because the lines for the paint was the same thickness as the lines for his eyes on the talksprite, some people mistook it as indicating he had four eyes. other people liked the idea and ran with it anyway

The story makes little sense. Everyone has his own theories. Might as well ask us to explain the Voynich manuscript.

Confusion over the face sprite.
Some artists assumed that the two lines were like two eyes (further pushed by the Batter's form in the alternate ending).

From my perspective, the lower lines are his closed eyes while the upper are eyebrows.

There really is none of note its more interesting for the design music and tone. But basically your the batter its your job to purify the ever living fuck out of everything. The point of interest is you may be in a post apoplectic world or the imaginary figure made by a dieing child to represent his father who want to "pull the plug"

I just classic baseball player eye black but tumblr (like always) blow it up and star making the Batter with four eyes.

Funny how Mortis Ghost made a draw mocking all of Tumblr theories

Dad ruins the world.
Cats and monkeys are at work.

>Funny how Mortis Ghost made a draw mocking all of Tumblr theories


>Funny how Mortis Ghost made a draw mocking all of Tumblr theories

Got a link?

It's pretty much pic related

Perhaps you recognize them because they are unique and are more interesting to know of.

>ctrl + f "flow"
>one (1) result

Dont make me purify you kid.

Maybe it's about beating ghost whales to death with a bat.

Maybe it's about a world corrupted beyond saving.

Maybe it's a fever dream by a child.

Maybe the alien ape ending is canon

that ending was a joke I believe it was suppose to be a reference to a movie and also a mocking of people expecting fufillment
or so I heard

From his Tumblr

I don't get the impression of "ill intent" like mocking from that. just seems kind of funny.

well he fucked up because I love heads covered in eyes

Everything went to shit and the only person to survive is one baby I guess.

They create Batter and a queen to be parents and a three people out of sugar or something to act as friends

Those three people try to remake the world but they fail and the world is shit. Batter then decides to put the world out of its misery and kill everything calling it purification.

There's also a cat called the judge that I don't remember the purpose of. Anyway batter kills the three people created, the queen and his kid along with the entire rest of the world.

He gets to the very end and there's an on/off switch for all existence, he tries to turn it off and the Judge appears to stop him, it pulls some meta twist that you the played were unknowingly being manipulated by Batter to help him or something and the Judge wants you to help him instead.

You can choose to kill the judge and turn off existence, or kill Batter and have the world be completely dead anyway because you already killed everyone.

Then it was all a coma dream of someone who was abducted by alien apes, then the third of the game is shit because it removes your ability to run so you move at a fourth of the speed of Red from first gen Pokemon

why do people actually believe the secret ending was the true ending

not everyone, there is that one man in zone 3

its a fun game for cute children

nigga if you're gonna talk big better walk bigger

It was actually Zone 2. Remember, the first, is Zone 0

Same reason the Dog ending for Silent Hill 2 is canon.

it's the only explanation that makes sense

fuck that's right.

remember how before you purified the zone, when birb sent the ghosts on the citizens you could go into one of the vaults and ask one of the citizens when OFF 2 was coming out. and they just said "what?".

I wonder if that was a joke by the translator or mortis himself. or if it was backlash for all the tumblr girls asking for a second game

>lower lines are his closed eyes
Holy hell , how could anyone else think differently? I always thought the same

in what way?
the way I see it the ending was just a joke
and in essence was making fun of you for actually expecting closure

I always thought that to but its also possible that the lower lines are make up baseball players put under their eyes

Because Tumblr and le wacky character design

If that was the case, it just looks like he's fuckin' tired and shit. I feel like the closed eyes give him this "i don't care" look on his face

That kind of snooty, above-it-all look.
It's his duty to purify the impure.

I always thought the same and his face was sorta turned up and "snooty"

Been meaning to play this and Barkley lately. How long are they?

im 99% sure that's how he was designed

I alwasy thought he had these wide, empty eyes like in his monster form,

this is short takes a day
depends on how you are with puzzles

barkley is a ride that could take a couple

Barkley Shut up and Jam
Theres a sequel being slowy developed too.

Pocket Mirror. It's great, if not for the story at least for the production values.

Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

Barkley Shut Up and Jam was an actual licensed basketball game

Goblet grotto is both over and under rated

Are we going to have to pull out the Johnny games?

apparently this was in the spin OFF Home

its time

FUCK, I was thinking about this

Saint no!
They are not ready yet!

>ctrl + f "flow"
>two (2) results!

Maybe some other time. I must sleep now. Next thread they will be awoken

>I'm the Batter and I jumped down the chimney.
I love this guy.

I am Dracula

Is that an early version or something? I remember it looking better.

>Space Funeral
>Looking better

It's been 8 fucking years, sequel now.

OFF will always be my favorite rpg maker game

>Start off as penniless, scrawny loser watching TV
>Final chapter has you murder hundreds of clay people and blow up the moon with magic
Why was Hylics so damn good?

the game doesn't have random encounters though?

It does. All the fights except the bosses are random encounters

through all the nonsense it was legitimately one of the coziest games i've played, loved the bizarre yet unique landscapes and enemies, it was just strange good fun. i'm due for another playthrough.

needs a better font

patrician taste.

.flow is the YN of the true conniseurs.

>Yume Nikki with jumpscares
No thanks

I just started it again and enemies show up and can be avoided fairly easily

So I just started Middens.
Is it okay that I have no clue what is happening?

Yeah I just stopped for a bit after starting it. No direction that I can see. The look of the game is pretty fantastic so far though.

you mean the original?

Is Part 2 a thing or is it officially vapor already?

I don't remember the game having any jumpscares

I'm surprised the creator hasn't placed Off on Steam. It seems like it would get a lot of attention, the same way Lisa took everyone by surprise.

I was told that flow has jumpscares. That's the only reason i haven't played it.

Nigga, the original YN had more jumpscares than fucking .flow
The only moment I can think of as a "jumpscare" in .flow is the psychedelic flower event.

it has one thing resembling a jumpscare, and it really isn't one

This. I have a hard time even seeing the alternatives.

>being this much a baby bitch
>talking shit about a game when you know nothing about it
Stop having your decisions influenced by others when it comes to playing RPGM horror. Like 90% of the fun you get from playing these games is derived from jumping in them blind.

Name one that isn't Uboba. Then name 64.

>tfw want to be able to draw
>uncreative and wouldn't know what to draw
And don't say "draw life" I want to draw something I imagined and I never will.

please look at the conversation more closely before posting, i was referring to .flow

Unless I'm forgetting something, .flow doesn't have any jumpscares.
Whoever told you that might be a closeted homosexual, or doesn't actually know the definition of jumpscare.

>tfw fleshchild is still not finished
I hope it doesn't get dropped or something, shit's damn good so far.