Paper Marios Feels

What chapter did you like the most from this game, what chapter did you hate the most?
What enemy did you struggle with the most from this game? And why?

Other urls found in this thread:

Favorite Chapter - Tubba Blubba
Hated Chapter - Yoshi's Island
Most struggled enemy - Lava Piranha
I kept fucking something up, so I kept dying, I don't remember what I didn't do, every other enemy isn't all that bad though.

Hahaha great post user, now check my 6

Oops stole that shit senpai

get bent its mine

Second chapter, since it had a beginning, a middle part and a final part with an prologue ending.
Toy box, it was basically the dungeon all other chapters had with no real city hub/intermission
Final Bowser, I kinda went in low on levels/items first time though and his self-heal was annoying.

probably not using sushi and did the multi-target water shit, literally turns the fight into easymode with them perma-stunlocked

>Favorite Chapter
Chapter 3/Tubba Blubba

>Disliked Chapter
Chapter 2

>Most Struggled Enemy
I don't know, I remember being total ass at Huff 'N Puff when I was a kid since he'd make little Ruff Puffs who would rape you & also charge up with his electric move. Also fuck Kent C. Koopa if you don't know he's weak to Lullaby.

The only good Paper Mario we will ever get

On phase 2 of Lava Piranha, its retardedly easy if you have the freeze stomp badge. The get knocked out for a couple of turns everytime you jump on them

Screw flower fields and Toy box with its constant backtracking. Also, Huff N' Puff was difficult the first few times

damn man this game literally defined my childhood, so many good moments and fostered my love for RPGs. it was an amazing feeling being like a 9-10 something years old and somehow beating this game.

favorite - koopa fortress/tubba blubba
hated - flower fields
worst enemy - fuzzies, fuck those things man

>Favorite Chapter - Shiver City just so many good tracks after tracks
>Hated Chapter - Toybox felt like such a slog
>Most struggled boss - Huff N. Puff was very young so I cheesed it as a kid spamming stone caps and just having Goombario spam charge till he did like 99+ damage
>Despised enemy-Dark Koopas' or dance guys heck anything that gets you stuck in a dizzy/sleep aliment then spams it (that shit eating grin Dark Koopa's make when you know what they are planning

TTYD was also decent and still kept the same formula.

But then Nintendo went full retard with Super Paper Mario and from thereon it's been gimmicks and mechanics rather then the RPG people came to love.

I have tried TTYD, didn't like it. Why the hell they made it so hard to get timing right? Why do you have to pay coins to recover health at blocks? that's stupid.

SPM, at the very least, still had interesting characters instead of every fucking NPC being Toad

Favorite Chapter - The snow one
Hated Chapter - I don't dislike any of the chapters
Most struggled enemy - Huff N Puff

Any enemy that can leech health from you is the worst

I know your favorite enemy then.

Jungle fuzzies are worse, but im currently on chapter 7 and these things are retarded. If they have full health, they leech your health instantly.

I always ignored Swoopulas so I forget how annoying they may be. I posted the Forest Fuzzies since they duplicate a lot making battles drag on while also stealing HP. They're actually worse in TTYD since they take more HP. Also favorite Chapter so far? The one you're on is my second favorite.

Hey bro need some hp, just come near me and press "A" promise I won't poison ya.

Also didn't forest Fuzzies have the ability to multiply or was that Jungle?

>tfw i had so many good cooked items by then that it didn't even matter and it was just tedious instead
Handing the yoshi cheap mushroom steaks and fire flowers was nice to get his expensive melons.

Both, and they were annoying as fuck and made battles take way longer if the duplicate one multiplied in the next turn

Never played it. As a kid I was a huge Square fanboy and thought it was garbage because Square had nothing to do with it

>Not just using attacks that killed everything on screen
That's what I did. You already had a shitton of coins and items by that point anyways.
I always end up with 999 coins and then the rest are all wasted.

While it doesn't play too much like SMRPG apart from action-commands you should try it out some time, the original is pretty chill & laid back with some fun moments.

Did you buy all the Badges from Rowf & Rhuff? They can quickly eat up your coins.

Favorite: Penguin Murder Mystery and unexpected Hemingway cameo
Least Favorite: Toy Box can be a drag

>Why the hell they made it so hard to get timing right?
Are you playing on a modern TV? For some reason the delay is really hard for me to overcome on LCD TVs but if I switch to a CRT it's fucking perfect.

TTYD is 10/10
PM is GOAT no number system is worthy of rating it

Yeah but if it's your first run into them you really won't be prepared for that especially as that one anons said the copies also multiplying.

Mine actually is chapter 7 because like some said earlier, alot of the music is good.
I know I couldve but Alot of the multi hit attacks cost a shit ton of fp, and i failed to save up tons of coins. I kept buying badges too much lol

Yeah, even if you buy those you make a shitton of coins, unless you purposefully avoid every enemy.

10 year old me was fucking scared of tubba blubba, more so his removed heart.

The concept was disturbing enough without the heart kicking my arse.

What is your favorite lil oink?

The one that looks like night time
Too bad he drops stupid crap

I remember saving at the point where you stole the key from Tubba Blubba just to hear all the partners reactions of the dude chasing you down I think Parakarry had the best one.

>Mine actually is chapter 7 because like some said earlier, alot of the music is good.
I gotta agree there, Crystal Palace Crawl is probably my favorite track in the game, it's pretty dope.

Not surprised, Paper Mario games are way too generous with coins, I wish they were less forgiving with it.

This one.

He gives you Shooting Stars though.

Tubba Blubba should be scary, the invincible thing is a real thing at this part.

Its his heart you should be scared of

>Tfw almost dead, but you don't want to use your Ultra Shroom

Plus the two Koopa's at Bowser's castle who foreshadowed the guy didn't make it any more comforting he'll never go to the bathroom by himself ever again.

Nowadays, I just cheat and use savestates in the playroom. 900 coins each time. Then I spend it all on Lil Oinks.

Yeah I used to do that before, but rather reach maximum level and use the bump badge. Coins rain over you, and you only have to cheat to beat the golden marys.

It's on bros!

>Playing it on tv
Is it better than emulator? I want to know if it is worth it to buy a n64 and a flashcart even if just to play paper mario the best.

>best chapter
Shy Guys Toy Box. Super colorful and fun. Tons of enemy variety and Watt is one of the best partners. Best chapter hands down.

>Worst Chapter
Not that much of a fan of Yoshi's Island. I didn't like getting the Yoshi kids and it just felt like you had to run around a shit ton. Sushi sucks too

>Most struggle enemy
Final Bowser I guess

Paper Mario is one of the best games of all time

>But then Nintendo went full retard with Super Paper Mario
Fuck off contrarians, Super was fucking great.

>Is it better than emulator?
It's an N64 game. 99% of the time they'll run better on the original console than it does on an emulator.

Emulation has never been the best with Paper Mario so you'd probably want to play it on the original system, if not the Wii VC & even better the Wii U VC are good alternatives (I say especially Wii U VC since the frame rate is better & from what I've heard it doesn't randomly dip like the Wii VC one does). Personally I always play on my cart.

Lol im on an emulator, thats my monitor
Of course the real thing is better though, emulator is probably better just cause if you fuck up, you can just quickly reload the save. But Toad Town and certain areas can give you a seizure
>This prick healed twice back to back....

Actually now that I think about it the Flower Beanstalk level is the worst.

All the flower NPC's are such cunts and it was fucking grating to do all their "run around in circles fetch quests". I feel like it needed more story in this area.

Yoshi's Island still felt weak to me but Beanstalk area is the weakest. I'm sad the cool Lakitu is stapled to such a shit chapter.

You know once you got Lakitu, you just ride him everywhere since he was three times faster than walking

>riding Lakitu for speed
>not equipping the Speedy Spin Badge

Do you even fast?

>Certain areas can give you a zeizure
I am detecting integrated video fag
With my gtx 750 ti, even as crappy as is, it works nearly flawlessly, but yeah there are some small parts where shit doesn't show still.

One thing to note about the Wii U VC version is that everything is darker for some retarded reason.

>You're actually right, but its just a cheap laptop.

I mean its only like a couple of areas, but Toad Town takes the cake for horrible flickering issues, otherwise the game runs fine.
Also, are we really gonna get into it over video cards for a N64 game....

I like to not pause after every spin :)

Cancel it with jump at the end

Can't you simply rise brightness and contrast on the tv?

The wrestling chapter was my shit.

It helps to some degree but you won't fully achieve the original look.

>How Bowser should be referred to as in future installments

God do I miss Kammy she just complemented Bowser so well being like his right hand.

I was thinking of getting a tattoo from Paper Mario. Any suggestions?

>vidya tattoos

I was thinking either one of the badge sprites or Mario's sprite after winning and he grabs the brim of his hat.

Why get a tattoo nigger? Do you plan on never having a job or you are going to put it in your dick or something so it is never seen.

A job just opened up for Paper Mario Tattoo Guy down at the ol' quarry and I almost meet the credentials.

>I was thinking either one of the badge sprites
Any badge specific in mind?

>Mario's sprite after winning and he grabs the brim of his hat.
The N64 version or TTYD one?

>6 or 7, maybe even 4
>i guess 1 just because no action commands yet

>>i guess 1 just because no action commands yet
Technically that's the Prologue, Chapter 1 does have them.

oh yeah fuck its been a few years

The game feels so slow without the Action commands

It probably feels that way since you're just watching an animation play at that point. Once you get Action Commands you become apart of the gameplay making it not feel like you're just watching the game play itself.

Yep, exactly. You can actually make a difference in the battle

Favorite Chapter - Ice King
Hated Chapter - Flower Forest
Most struggled enemy -Huff n Puff

I could not for the life of me beat that boss without excessive grinding before hand.

Glad to know im not the only one who got shit on by Huff n' Puff. Every else here seems to hate flower fields as well

That chase scene in Tubba Blubba's castle scared the fuck out of me when I was a kid.

I still don't like chase scenes.

Yeah, while not shit Flower Fields was certainly the weakest chapter (though I'm torn between that & Chapter 2 since I don't like desert settings in games). They could've done better than just to have the whole thing be backtracking through a main hub room with 6 branching paths. While Huff 'N Puff was a bitch though, he certainly was cool, also had a kick ass theme.

Favorite Chapter - Tubba Blubba, dat locked up heart twist
Hated Chapter - Shy Guys' toy box is pretty annoying
Most struggled enemy - As a kid I had a lot of trouble with Lava Piranha, but I breezed pass the game later.

If you take advantage of the badges its a really easy game.

Seventh chapter. Final chapter is a close second.


Anti-Guys. Fuck those guys.

>Had trouble with Huff n' Puff when I was younger
>playing it years later I realized Goombario shits on him with 4xCharge and Multibonk

That & the Sad Sun song are so underrated.

I'm gonna try it guys!


Fuck that fight & everything about it. I still had fun with it.

>fuck you too.png
But you still do Action Commands in the game, although now they're all simplified to only A-Pressed sadly.

Already getting shit on...

Kent C. Koopa.

I actually thought he was an unbeatable opponent as a kid. Same with the Dojo master. Replaying it again in my teens, i realized they were both difficult.

Are they the hardest battles in the game? I feel like none of the bosses even come close. I also remember having some trouble with the crystal king, but I did eventually beat him.

>he doesnt have peekaboo
shit nigger what are you doing

I also had trouble with them but you can really fuck them over easily. Kent C. Koopa is extremely vulnerable to Lullaby so he'll almost never hit you & the Zap Tap badge takes care of the Dogo Master's combos. I think is the hardest fight in the game.

I honestly have never fought Kent C. Koopa but I've heard of him before. Not sure where you find him. How come he's a hard boss?
Bro, i know they have 50 HP

Dojo Master is hard but he's easy to cheese

best chapters were 5 and 4. both were really interesting and fun to go through
worst was probably 6
I gotten wiped out by those dark koopas in the sewer more than once I'm sure,miss the timing on their dizzy attack and it's all over

Yep, they just keep spamming it while you're already dizzy and it resets the countdown. And timing the dodge on it was difficult

Star points makes me feel like a baws

>Not sure where you find him.
After Chapter 5 he blocks the road in the beginning of Chapter 1's area. You should see Kolorado talking about it in Toad Town if he hasn't gotten by him yet.

>How come he's a hard boss?
He's super strong & knocks your partner out since he does a Shell Toss at Mario & co. squishing them. Also you have to knock him over by jumping on him a few times, until you do that he's invincible. He's weak to Lullaby & other sleep-based moves but not everyone is going to know that right away so he's a pain.

And yeah I looked him up, he's got 6 defense apparently. Maybe I'll fight him after my anti guy squad battle

he shows up as you progress through the game. he appears between toad town and koopa village

>tfw no post game for 64 or ttyd

Anti Guy Squad down!
>2 Super Shrooms, a star storm, a jelly ultra, and several cloud nines later...

I always loved how the music in bowsers castle escalates the further you go


>taking pictures of your fucking monitor instead of using printscreen
>livejournaling your escapades like anyone gives a shit

What are you, 12?
Jesus fucking christ, I can't believe how far Cred Forums has fallen.

Favorite Chapter - Ice King chapter/Penguin murder mystery
Hated Chapter - Every chapter is pretty damn good but Chapter 1 because the castle is boring up until you meet the koopa troop.
Most struggled enemy - Huff n Puff. Fuck that guy.

its obviously a TV screen you cunt, why come into a comfy thread just to be an asshole, then spout your favorite chapter as if anyone gives a shit about what you think after the way you just acted?

>>Playing it on tv
>Is it better than emulator? I want to know if it is worth it to buy a n64 and a flashcart even if just to play paper mario the best.

and the reply:
Lol im on an emulator, thats my monitor

yeah, nah, fuck this faggot.

>Favourite Chapter
Trials in the Toy Box
>Hated Chapter
Dark Days in Flower Fields
>Toughest Enemy
Lava Piranha. Young me was too dumb to figure out what Freeze Stomp did and the block timing for a bunch of its attacks were weird.

Well gee, im browsing on mobile if you wanna be an ass about it
As for the livejournaling, yeah besides playing the game, im kinda bored.

Was there a way to game this? It seemed kind of stupid to effectively spend 110+ coins on a single item.

I don't recall this fight. Is it hidden?

Would you?


You can't make this shit up.
I want neo-Cred Forums to leave.

There's a bullshit way to cheat it. On the bottom left edge of the gate you can clip into the area with Lakilester to collect the item & then leave without the pigs also leaving.

During the trivia game with one of Bowser's doormen if you fuck up & lose it you are then forced to fight the Anti Guy Unit. It's probably the hardest fight in the game.

In bowser's castle, the second bowser door has you play a little quiz game in order to pass through. If you get 3 questions wrong, you have to fight 3 Anti Guys. Beat 'em all and you can pass.

>Hated Chapter - Yoshi's Island
bad taste the post

Lakitu's Cloud Nine move and RNG luck helped.

Fave: Dry Dry Ruins
Hated: Toy Box
Worst enemy: I dunno, there were never any hard ones. I think the Crystal King killed me once so I'll go with him

Crystal Castle is favorite
Desert is least

I risked my luck with Lullaby personally, it sometimes works on them & let's me charge up with the S. Charge Jump badge to rape one. Cloud Nine has helped me get out of jams in the past though, I should probably use it more often. Also his name is Lakilester/Spike.

Yep, i had a similar thing like that. I used one of those mystery bag things and got a dizzy dial. Got lucky and effected 2 of them. Then I was under the cloud nine effect with 10 HP and the last one did his special 12 damage move and I only hoped it would miss. It didnt. Life shroom saved me though.

>I knew his name but i was too lazy to type it.