Worth buying?

Worth buying?

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Yeah bro, very worth buying. Make sure you play smoke alright. Do hitler proud.


It is. Be sure to use a mic and don't just spam the "target located" button for the cameras, otherwise the other team get notified that you're watching them.

Cred Forums, go home, you're drunk.

I am going to buy this game once I finished moving to my new flat and getting my router.


only if you're not afraid to get your ass handed to you in seconds in every match like 500 times until you git any gud

Mute a best.

doesnt take long

just make use of the drones and youre fine

if youre just a dummy youll get fucked and deserve it

> tfw rookie MVP multiple times

where's the weebum fajjit?

No its fucking shit with the garbage netcode, enjoy getting headshoted because you leave your hitboxes behind for roughly 2 seconds.

Yes but don't get it on console

Yeah it's not bad

Will shields ever be useful? They're just an invitation to get a C4 or an impact grenade in your face now.

nah 2 quick 4 impact gnades senpai.

I still use montange every day, I mean, if you see it coming you can get out. It's still really handy considering I can sit there and just stare into your beautiful eyes until they flank me and fuck me


>COD-style running and gunning
I've only seen youtube videos of this game, but is this how it's supposed to be played? From all the gameplay it seemed you need to be extra sneaky and tactical.

Yeah, you're usually sitting on one room sweating balls because you don't know where the fuck those attackers are gonna be.

I've been given pstd because all my buddies around me just die in a flash, it's horrible.

monty is top tier if you're careful

Should I use the revolver or his other pistol?

How active on PS4?

I have no friends or mustard and I must scream.

if you run and gun on pc you are dead

like instantly

>Montagne tries covering the breach
>He can't because his shield is narrow as hell
>Everyone except him dies
>Run up to him to melee him
>He drops his shield down, shoot his legs and kill him

How the fuck can you make him useful? He's in "at least it's not Tachanka" tier now.

It's usually nothing like that WEBM, It's real swat shit where the attackers are all breaching at once from different angles whilst the terrorists sit in a corner pointing down a corridor pissing themselves

Except for the rounds when they're instantly spawn killing you.

here's how the typical game is played:

>try to find the objective in the drone phase (9/10 times you find it)
>spawn, shoot out cameras
>split up and take individual routes, scanning each room before you enter
>try to get above the objective and make a hole in the floor to shoot everyone in the room
>drop down and take objective

>reinforce room, don't even bother with drones
>4 people stay in room
>1 person roams

Haven't played much since the SEAL update, back then I used pistol because you can spam and get headshots BUT they may have nerfed pistol accuracy since. Apparently Blitz's shield can get shot through now.

I play on PS4, it's very active. You'll get a game within 30 seconds in casual, but you'll want a team for Ranked (for obvious reasons)

You can aim down the sight of your pistol for an accurate shot so fast. Line up a headshot from behind your shield then tap aim and fire for an insta kill, shields are fucking amazing

when did you last play
pistol ads from shield has been nerfed like fucking shit, as soon as you move that shield you're gonna get headshotted

it is NOT worth 60$ or 50$ or 40$ or whatever they want
get it on g2a

>I play on PS4, it's very active. You'll get a game within 30 seconds in casual, but you'll want a team for Ranked (for obvious reasons)

thanks, Senpai.

I played during beta, loved it but had some major concerns about matchmaking -- more specifically teamkilling running rampant back then. I asked before if that's an issue and most seemed to indicate it's not the norm anymore.

Going to pick it up now. Wish me love.

>He's bad
Just shoot them as they break down the windows?

>when did you last play
fucking ages ago, that's upsetting.

I also learned that Smoke doesn't get C4 anymore so my two favourite characters have been nerfed, great.

>tfw playing with low-ranked people against level 100-somethings and winning because of superior tactics
It feels amazing when that happens, especially when you pull off some really tacticool shit like planting a kit and withdrawing to keep a watch on the room from outside. One guy actually ragequit complaining about getting killed by my teammate who was level 16 several times.

>implying the whole defense team isn't roaming around the map because of muh meta
>implying you don't win 8/10 times simply by taking the shortest route to the objective

Claymore mines do help a bit against roamers at least.

Get it.
It's fucking great.

> console aiming

also, nice streak mane

>6 shots
>massive damage
>massive recoil
>not a revolver
>less damage
>who gives a shit

i repeat
do not fucking buy it on steam or anything
do not buy it for full price
it is not worth full price
get it on a keysite
do not pay full price for this game
do not do it it is a mistake
stop yourself before you drop yourself
buy it on a keysite
do not pay full price
just buy it on a keysite
whatever you do
do not pay full price
g2a has it cheap
that homoerotic penguin has it cheap
steam has it overpriced
buy on keysites
do not buy this game at full price
this game is not worth full price

if you have balls buy a stolen account

It's a great game, but suffers from netcode issues.

Sometimes you'll get killed in the most ridiculous ways, but regardless it's a fun game. A bit of a learning curve.

Don't buy it at full price though. I got mine from G2A. The steam copy goes through uplay as well so you can play with your pals.

>4 people stay in room
>1 person roams

If only this were the case. You have no idea how many times I've seen my entire time on defense roam, leaving me to defend the room by myself, and then get scolded for not being able to win a 4v1 in a room where I'm getting flanked from both sides and sometimes above.

You can add me if you like, I'll guide your hips

Montagne is only useful when bullying roamers. Extend your shield and walk around them while they uselessly spray at you. They either have to run or get picked off by your teammate lurking in the corner.

OKAY so gold or regular?

I have no idea how much 600 funbux is worth for ingame currency or if having the character unlocked at start is worth it?

Before anyone gets too upset about cost, I am not a wageslave and have no problem putting down the extra 10-20 dollhairs.

why is it a mistake?

I'd like that.

psn: morder

600 funbux is one DLC OP
Gold is a great deal because you'll have 6 DLC OPS right away. But it depends on the cost of gold edition. Here in russia you can get it for $20 so it's great deal. If it's 60 for you then fuck it. You aways can AFK farm terrorhunt.

no one cares faggot

because it is a mediocre game

>AFK terrorhunt


>You aways can AFK farm terrorhunt.

So you just... let the ai keep raping you until your backaccount fills with swatcash?

>Single player terrorist hunt
>Highest difficulty
>Rubber band controller to always aim or move
>Don't do anything in game for a couple hours
Free renown

How much renown per hour?

except it's not cheaper for me at all

Sorry I've never done it
But buy a renown booster for double in terro hunt or multiplayer

>how to destroy your controller in 4 easy steps

You start solo terrorhunt that restarts by itself forever after you die. You get 25 regular funbux for trying. It's something like 500 normal bux per hour. You leave thunt for a night and you can earn up to 15,000 bux. 1 DLC OP is 25,000. If you go this way I'd suggest getting standart edtition and 7 days booster or something. If you'll leave Thunt every night you will unlock DLC OP each day and have surplus of 50,000 bux for skins and standart ops which cost 2,000.

The Season Pass just unlocks operators already in the game, and a couple of skins.
As a result, there is no paid DLC in the game, the operators just cost a lot of the in-game currency.

>getting a shooter
>on a console
THAT is your error
its 15$ on PC
NEVER buy a shooter on console

>NEVER buy a shooter on console
Except I don't have a peasea

You can get the standard edition for $25 on the humble store right now or you can get the poor mans version for $15 on the ubisoft store.

The 6 operators the season pass gives you are pretty good but i just started playing a few days ago so what do i know.

>Not buying shooters on console
Everyone is a pleb who sprays and prays
t.Platinum rank

Also this

buy the game second hand from a local retailer
buy the season pass on psn for $30

>I'm 2m tall
>no representation in the game

why, UBI? Why are you spiteful of the gifted?

Never get starter edition. It has bullshit prices even for standart operators.

muh hitboxes

reminder that castle was a literal midget in the character select screen before they changed the format

so never bought anything on G2A before, any tips? choosing sellers? do I need this G2A Shield they keep yapping me on about?

that's a net difference of 7 dollars for me, I just checked the prices

I'm just going to buy it off PSN and save myself the embarrassment of laser cheese

Ok Cred Forums I'm building my first ever gaymen pc this month should I get seige? I know this game has a huge skill ceiling especially on pc . Would it be a good shooter to get used to pc gaming?

If you're not retarded and can actually aim while thinking strategically, and aren't so socially crippled that you're terrified of using your mic., yes, it's worth getting.

>playing with the sensitivity all the way down

At least 720 per hour, but I did it without ADSing.

epileptic masterrace reporting it

usually 66%-75% is my sweetspot


console is pretty good if you arent a fucking pleb

Also, set it to only play on Hostage Defend House.

How do you automate the process so you keep dying without doing it manually?

the thing that cracks me up whenever i see that webm is the tachanka
he does a fucking u turn in that room
it's like he's a fucking bumper car

Mute is like 6'1.

Why isn't there more IQ porn?

because waifufags are busy playing overwatch

not that theres any problem with overwatch

Cant you see the image user the image clearly shows mute is a manlet

It's an old meme.

Isn't Thatcher like 5'6 and 50 years old?
It's like Mute let his angry uncle come to work with him one day.

Despite her being cute and having a FANTASTIC ass, she is just a shit operator
Doesn't stop her being my favourite though

But IQ is perfect waifu material

Why isn't anyone picking Pulse anymore? Has he been nerfed to shit?

How can we make IQ better?

Shia aint feeling it

Make it so she can ping out things so her teammates can see them.

As it stands her only job is to counter Pulse.
Maybe find Valk cams too, but after Valk's nerf I don't think it's that necessary anymore.

Just done it.

Dunno what you're playing mate, pretty much every other game some roamer's picked him and manages to get a solid few kills.

she's the best she can be right now

>great guns
>detects C4
>counter to Valk and Pulse but makes a whole lot of other operators' lives problematic
>new sensor detects what kind of device it is
>best ass

Can't have her pinging out devices because then you'll have to do the same for Pulse.
If she can counter the Jap operator too, she'll have reached optimal ability.

The starter edition is on sale again, uplay only tho.

isn't that like a special shit version?

>Best ass

It apparently unlocks a random "easy" operator out of six possible choices and then gives you 600 funbucks to spend elsewhere

doesn't it also increase the unlock prices of operators to a higher price?

Get it

>great guns
Sadly this alone doesn't justify her when other operators have good guns (Capitao and Ash make a strong case against IQ).

>detects c4
Largely pointless since everyone saves them to throw.

>counter to Valk and Pulse
Pulse definitely, Valk maybe. I find that with 3 cameras now it usually isn't a problem finding all of them unless it's in a clusterfuck map like Favela.

It's only 15€/$ but it takes longer to unlock the normal operators, just that.
I got that version on steam back in june or something and i liked it.

Unlocks 1 defence, 1 attack out of the 6 random easy ones, and gives you enough credits to unlock any 2 original ops or 1 post-launch ops.

>your season pass will be active until Nov. 2016

What happens up until that point and beyond?

Are there still yet more things being added and do they plan on abandoning ship at the end of the year?

I bought it but haven't played in a while because it's really fucking hard.

Knowing Ubishit, they'll abandon it.
Maybe they'll keep doing small updates to fix bugs, but that's probably it.

is cdkeys.com legit? will this work in steam?

Theres talk of a second year of dlc because the game got so popular. I even saw a leak of what countries the next operators are from but it could be fake

who dis bee

They are updating this game regularly, I would not be too worried about R6S being abandoned.

However, expect to buy a new season pass for season two, if it exists, because Ubisoft

Buy it, if it doesnt work, charge back or dispute on paypal. Never buy keys from there again.

No kurwa or kangaroo, no buy

Just get the starter edition off uplay.

Just letting everyone know, before you guy buying this fucker on some shitty cd key website, UPLAY has a limited offer called the starter edition, you get to pick 2 ops and you get 2 random ones. It's 15 EUROS or some shit, so it's not very expensive.

I'm anxious about another 4 factions because I just KNOW it's going to be fucking Mossad or something and I'll have to deal with kikes running around my game


The other end of horseshoe hates Israel just as much so I doubt Ubisoft will put them in knowing the backlash.

It's legit, you could also buy just the uplay key since even the steam version requires uplay.

shit advice, check yourselves


>They added another American OP before adding any Asian ops

come on I wanna see those ching chong special forces

Well, japs are the next ones coming

ANd you just know one of them will be called some shit like "Samurai" or "Ninja" or some generic shit like that.

Japs are going to be the next DLC operators.

>those masks
do they also wield machetes?


I can't wait for my cutting board semi-loli waifu

Caviera is a brazilian goddess

>tfw no Segway Operator

if that thing had an armored front it'd be good but nooooooooooooooooo slower moving that being on foot is some how a viable alternative

make a new skin for her with short shorts or like all the normal gear EXCEPT pants or panties


waifufags never rest do they?

It has more to do with making individual models of every height. Plus they'd have to make individual animations for each operator. Doing both of these would take a shit load of time to do.

Sometimes, only patience is needed to win.

Caviera's ass is huge
>tfw she will never sexually interrogate you

They already made individual models, all they would have to do is scale them. Same with animations.

So any advice for me?

Scaling models would look like shit

[email protected]

You don't need G2A shield. Just buy from a seller that has a high rating. Never had a shitty experience with them, you might have to wait a bit for your key but otherwise you'll be fine.


Out of curiosity, how so? Does a person's proportions and ratios generally change as they get shorter? Would not reflecting it look awkward or uncanny?

thanks to the bulgarian air force
[email protected]

My uPlay challenges aren't tracking today, anyoe have the same problem?