

What's with this new meme of making VC threads all day every day? Where did this even come from?

Why the fuck is that game so blurry?

One thing I hated about the PC version of GTA Vice City is that it didn't have the trails present in the PS2 version. That visual effect contributed to the overall atmosphere in a very positive manner.

GTAV is better

Only nostalgiafags think the old GTAs are good in the current year

in terms of gameplay/mechanics and graphics, definitely.

in terms of style and charm, no way.

probably rockstar shills trying to build hype for GTA VIce City. the same thing happened a few weeks before skyrim remastered was announced.

But it does??

i'd be okay with this

I'm okay with this.


VC looks like that on PCSX2 for some reason

I am actually okay with this.

>worse everthing than GTAVVV
>DLC and sharkcards out the ass
>worse gameplay
>more auto aim
>shit nu rockstar ***********HUMOUR**************
>will be shit


Yeah some PS2 games do that for some reason

This is what i looks like without the trails.

And this is what it looks with it.

So what's the deal with that effect

your post got me hyped, thanks

finally a good game gets hyped on here

It's an effect meant to give it that 80s feel.



>Vice City """update"""
>songs removed
>mods retroactively made incompatible with the new version
>people frantically downgrading to make the game playable, let alone to use mods

wow it's fucking nothing dot webm

Uh. This was before people made it a big deal. and then we get shit like Drive and Kung Fu that only rely on aesthetics to present a movie.

I'm surprisingly okay with this.

Enjoy your mobile port on PS4 and Bone.

All GTA since III are great (but excluding all the portable ones, for reasons).

>dude antisemitism lmao
end your life

People actually like trails? That shit is awful.

GTA 5 is the best, fuccboi.

Apart from the characters, story, and physics all being worse than previous titles, yeah, I guess it was better.

>being memed by "journalists" to like a game without substance

Observe global rule 2

Why not just play the PC version?

I don't think it's the best, but it's definitely my favorite, the vibrant colors, the soundtrack, the characters, and overal atmosphere of the game hit all the right spots for me.