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Still has more current, and alltime players than Cred Forums's beloved Dragon's Dogma

>it's another NMS thread

Can't wait for the same reposts from the last thread.

realy sets u ponderign

For the thousandth time it didn't go wrong, they made all their money on release date.

Sean has pretty much fallen off the face of the earth since then with his pockets full of hype money.

it still has one of the highest all-time peak players on steam

which means what

Kind of impressive that a contentless rock shooting simulator still manages to have that many players.


Well, first you installed steam.
Everything was downhill for you from there.

the wonder of marketing

No qt alien girls to wife and runaway to the stars with. Such a lazy oversight I have to wonder what Sean was thinking.

>tfw you didnt fall for the NMS shilling

Dragon's Dogma still has more multiplayer than NMS

Because of the hype that it did not live up to. That's not something to be proud of at all - If anything, it just proves that everyone was greatly excited about the game at first but as soon as they tried it out they realized it was shit and asked for their money back. None of the other games on that list doesn't have a large amount of fans that still play the game regularly.

Dragon's Dogma is a niche game beloved by that niche. Nu-males Sky was marketed to everyone and the game had a massive playerbase drop.

I was suspicious from the moment I heard the "you can do anything!" spiel. I don't know how anyone can fall for it.

Maybe it's just because I remembered Spore and all the procedural generation shit looked suspiciously similar.

It's almost as if it was advertised a fuck ton with false promises

Now it's come to an end, we tried so hard, but lost it all, and you were my worst game you were my Men Sky... No Men Sky and when you reached for help, we were too late to find gameplay, but were here now... you're the moon and were your stars... and were here for you as you fade into the dark (fade into the dark) "I hate you Numan".

>they hold the advantage

>L4D/2 will never reach those heights again

Sadness. It used to be so fun online, now it's literally all tryhards.

So were those trailers all prerendered or what?

NMS is more like a half baked mangled bun.

still more than 5 times the number of people playing Battleborn


rekt and kek'd

What went wrong: no ending, and no reason to care about the planets you were on.

Fuck's sake, even Todd knew that he had to include the settlement/basebuilding shit in Fallout 4 in order to keep players distracted from the shit quests. It worked out well enough. If NMS had basebuilding, or even just cities and roads that could produce quests, nobody would be crying over it. Instead it's just a few hours of collecting crap, then restarting the game.

the planets and space encounters were scripted

IIRC the game at launch even had the folder for "E3 planets"

One was marketed as "Thousands of hours of gameplay and unmeasurable amount of planets to discover"

I'll let you guess which one

Was No Man's Sky a money laundering scheme?

Nobody should have bought that game. it was clear from the getgo they were selling lies and not features.

Sean Murray forgot that Kerbal Space Program came out three years ago. Except while KSP as fucking nothing to find, the challenge is actually getting there making it an actual journey.

I'm doubtful, money laundering schemes doesn't get Sony backing them all the way. More likely he just overpromised on what his team could actually deliver. Either that or he didn't actually have a clear vision for the game.

I'm referring to this one, mostly
From what I played it doesn't even seem like the engine could handle drawing the density of objects you seen in any one of those shots.

I just find it baffling that the game looks like shit most of the time, can't even draw asteroids that are more than 10 feet from you, but this footage was captured from somewhere. I guess it's usual downgrade shit but it seems so much severe in this game.

This is the shittiest meme.
That game sold off 20 seconds of footage of randomly generated planets and no dialog, everyone who bought it did so exclusively because of that.
That game has everything that was promised in those trailers
>randomly generated planets
>space and gound combat
>cave exploring and resource farming
The game is shit because there's nothing to do, not because you people lied to yourself and thought it would be mass effect star trek wars.

>but you fell for the Overwatch meme


This holy crap. But you can't expect any of the neanderthals on here to understand what you're getting at.


>tfw you didn't fall for the NMS shilling or overwatch shilling

>a literally INFINITE content games has 1% of its buyers playing it a month after release