Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?

Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?
Member when Let's Plays weren't a thing?
Member when video games weren't easy?

Other urls found in this thread:

'member moot?




member when south park wasn't preachy and actually good?


i member

Why do these grapes trigger some people? It's a joke about nostalgiafags, isn't that a good thing?

Member cartridges and just throwing them into you backpack when you went out to a friend's house?

People get butthurt when you fuck with their nostalgia

It makes fun of the alt-right aka trumpfags.

>Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?

>Member when Let's Plays weren't a thing?
If you count AAR and Round Robin games, they've been around since the Internet because a big thing. So no.

>Member when video games weren't easy?
No. Maybe you just got better.

It's making fun of Republicans.

i.e.: Cred Forums.



I honestly don't see it.

Member when Bioware made games that weren't a political statement?

Member when Capcom cared about their fanbase?

Member when the FPS genre wasn't ruined by Halo and then casualized to all hell with Call of Duty?

Ohhhhh I member!

It made fun of me so it's bad

Actually it's making fun of reboots not nostalgiafags. If anything it is pro-nostalgia fags. The berries don't actually offer any of the things they talk about, exactly like a reboot.

member when Kenny died?

Games are still games
LP's can be not watched

OP is a fag

You have to be 18 years or older to browse this board

I haven't seen the episode, but from the clips I've seen it looks like standard South Park fare of a cute thing actually turning out to be a racist or something.
They've been doing jokes like this for years.

To actually think South Park has an agenda is retardation. South Park's entire point is to make fun of everything and everyone. They did a whole season about SJWs, and you're complaining about them making fun of republicans now?

It would be pretty sweet if modern games had a WINNERS DON'T ABUSE WOMEN splash screen, and if game plots were summed up in a single text box, SOMEONE TROLLED UP US THE WOMAN. TAKE OFF EVERY SJW! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

why does every game have to be "hard"
A good game let's you play it how you want to.

i remember the alamo

The last season was SJW propaganda. PC Principal saved the day in the end.

>It would be pretty sweet if modern games had a WINNERS DON'T ABUSE WOMEN splash screen
An indie game did this already.

>Undocumented immigrants problem = Mexicans problem

sasuga south park

They did a whole episode mocking safe spaces.

>A good game let's you play it how you want to.
So if a game doesn't let me play the way I want it's bad?

Think about that for a second.


Why do so many people not understand this skit? It isn't making fun of people who liked old stuff more than new stuff it is making fun of people that like the new stuff just because it superficially reminds you of the past. Like the new Star Wars just throwing Han and Chewbacca and Star Wars imagery in it as if that is enough for it to be as good as the originals.

No, they did a whole episode promoting safe spaces. Butters got sick reading the mean comments, indicating that they're awful and should be avoided, and the guy who hated safe spaces was mean and evil and was killed in the end.

Cred Forums gets pissy when someone makes fun of them.

Member when Cred Forums was good?

But the vast majority of America's illegal immigrants are from Mexico.
Like how here in Australia they're all from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. But we managed to stop the boats.

Member me?

Member when Cred Forums wasn't afraid of reddit?

You are literally retarded

Holy fucking shit

>the guy who hated safe spaces was mean and evil and was killed in the end.
Yeah, his name was "Reality."

Way to totally miss the point.

Member when (You) didn't shitpost on Cred Forums?

OK, so you're just baiting then.

Yeah so that must mean people who think illegal immigration is an issue actually hate Mexicans.

Member ME?

The adults were gobbling the member berries to get away from their own shitty lives. It was also making fun of how people think Trump is going to turn America into the 1950's mindset of white men controlling everything.

Holy fuck you people are idiots. The Member Berries are making fun of nostalgia baiting that studios use to trick people into going to see the shitty reboots. The Member Berries are describing the trailers.


Names don't mean a thing. Butters isn't made of butter. Cartman's not a cart.

Did you watch the whole episode?

Or they think that illegal immigration is an issue for the social and economical damage it does to a country.
Are you from Germany, perhaps? Why do you love illegal immigrants so much?

me neither

The shit about the Mexicans doesn't refute that. If anything it would be implying that Trump is like a reboot, so he ultimately won't be that great in their eyes.

>Cartman's not a cart
Have you never actually seen an episode of South Park in your life?

How can I forget dat ass?

nope, cant remember when south park has been good
nice to hear you grew out of it though

There are technically no illegals in Germany :^)

member Kenny as a character being involved in the show at all??

Yea, they're honestly stupid.
It's better to like Trump because illegal immigration poses a great threat to our country, because the 2nd amendment is an extremely important piece of our bill of rights, and because we need strong financial leadership, not because of nostalgia towards a previous generation.

reminder that 'games should be apolitical' is a political agenda

I watched both and they used the berries to segway into the racist stuff and even that was still nostalgia baiting to trick them.
The Wine is Member Berries and Herald is an aggressive drunk.

Member when Cred Forums wasn't Cred Forums?

>Member when video games weren't easy?
This never happened. Videogames were always easy. That is why they gained acceptance. In fact they are so insanely easy that when Japanese games were being localized for the western audiences they had to be made 10x more difficult/insta-death just to make the gamer not feel like they were being patronized.

Hell even the alleged "hard games" of modern times like Dark/Demon series is designed around wide hitboxes, slow animations and managing a stamina bar.

Merkel please fuck off.
Not like it matters since you're about to lose the next election.

Not necessarily, I mean Pac-man is inherently apolitical bu tit is a good game. Games don't have to have plots.

Ms Pac-man.

It's always been about political stuff and morals etc

The only difference from now and then is that now you are an adult and you find yourself feeling guilty of the behaviours they are mocking

I member

Member Cred Forums was the only vidya board?

yeah, that was pretty sweet

They didn't do that for political reasons, it was just a new game that played differently so they made it Ms. Pac-Man to distinguish it.

I member
Member when liberals didn't act like 8 year olds?

people get it, but they can use the member berries to copy that exact same behaviour/meme if they want

I mean, member Megaman? Megaman was great...

yea it was full of pokemon freaks


member when conservatives are the one trying to censor video games?

No. I believe I arrived at the beginning of the end, '12

>Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?
It's you faggots fault for turning games political with your alt right gamergate bullshit.

>he's from my state
OK has literally the most retarded, straight-ticket voterbase
>voting Fallin twice
like how

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Member Japan time?!

Oh I member I member
Then Anita started the leftist censorship movement.

Name ten popular games with a political agenda.

Member Jack Thompson?

t. bronze

I dunno, I feel like they still care somehow but businesses has changed so much and they sadly got everyone in Clover to hate them for stressing them out etc
Yes, I even remember CS making the genre incredibly boring before that

Because while conservatives can sometimes be dumb about shit like climate change, and sometimes they want to protect rights for the wrong reasons, they're usually still the ones protecting the constitution at the end of the day.

>When let's plays weren't a thing
No. And neither do you. They've been around for over 20 years. Since fucking 28k.

>everyone in this thread

Conservatives thought video games were harmful to children. Liberals think they're offensive to adults.

Oh I Member... Sonic...

>Member when video games weren't easy?


Red Alert?

USA is great, eat burgers and enjoy freedom

>Capcom caring about their fanbase


I loved the Sonic's reveal

Member Red's reveal?

>Cred Forums bitches about "SJW game designers" when all the best games are made by SJWs

Name a single good game made by anti-SJWs.

agenda pushing games have always existed

if you ever watched someone play a game, like your brother/dad/friend or something, that was a lets play.

video games were never hard.

The first political post in the thread was anti conservative.
Seriously, if conservatives making fun of or talking shit about liberals triggers you so badly, maybe you shouldn't do the same.


Deus Ex is blatantly made by libertarians that are borderline anarchist.

>voter suppression
>banning the press
>responding to legal protests with violence
>encouraging violence in response to legal protests

You right-wing boot lickers are hilariously out of touch.


Nice 1 m8

JC Denton can be black, the villain is white, and you have the option to join the Illuminati. SJW propaganda.

Member /games/?
Member when Cred Forums has text only boards?


What the fuck

military industrial complex
secret societies
are the enemies of the people

religion is outdated

notice how jews are only propaganda for ARABIAN
setting them up for war against each other

member when Cred Forums wasnt Cred Forums 2.0?
i dont


>What is the first amendment
>what is separation of church and state
>what is freedom of religion
>what is abortion rights

Uh huh

Did they drop all the PC lampooning shit from last season?

Wanting people to prove they're a US citizen to vote is not fucking voter suppression you retard.
Conservatives do not want to ban the press
Liberals respond to protests with violence far more often, see; BLM shooters and people that have assaulted Trump fans
Liberals do this far more often.

Which one? The ones that were pointing out that member berries are making fun of republicans? That's just pointing stuff out

>Not living up to your skin colour and blowing up A51

Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?
No. All games pushed an agenda. Metal Gear Solid was anti-war for example.
Member when Let's Plays weren't a thing?
I watched friends play video games, so I dunno.
Member when video games weren't easy?
Video games weren't ever really harder. There just wasn't anything like quicksaving or saving at all.

>Member when video games weren't easy?
difficult video games still exist

Member when Cred Forums wasn't overrun with reddit faggots that whine about everything that's not part of the liberal agenda?

You mean now?

PC Principal is still around, but he only had a small role in the first episode and wasn't in this one at all.

Seems this season is more about making fun of anti-SJWs.



dumb statist cuck

It is a "dumb Americans getting triggered by each other in the election period" season.

>It's always been about political stuff and morals etc
not true, the first few seasons were different.

member when mega man wasn't dead?

/news/ is technically a text board, but the last good one went away in like 2014

>what is 1st amendment
Something most conservatives protect, though a couple are retarded about
>separation of church and state
Something most conservative protect
>freedom of religion
Something all conservatives protect for US citizens residing in the US
>abortion rights
That's not in the constitution retard.

How about
>what is the 2nd amendment?
>what is the 5th amendment?

Right now the first amendment is being attacked by democrats not the other way around. Of course that's sort of the point, everyone likes free speech when they are the ones being silenced. When the tables turn they start to attack it.

Wait what


The illuminati are made out to be retards just as bad as majestic 12
JC can be whatever color you want him to be, but he's white in all promotional material.

uh... k

Don't reply to deleted posts. Or you will be next.

t. G. Soros

The only thing I remember from /games/ was that they had a WoW thread that was up from the day the game launched. It was nice to scroll back and see what people thought a decade ago.

Kenny's a shit character other than showing poor. Not much to do with him. "Hahah I can't understand him unless I rewind and listen 7 times."

I think SJWs should be able to have a platform to say insane shit
Just like I should be able to say we need to not let any refugees in.


Why are conservatives so easily triggered?

You have 10 mainline games, 10 X games, Battle Network, ZX, Zero, etc

Megaman fags have it easy. Stop crying about your giant franchise being "dead"

I'm guessing that's a "no" then

but you are allowed to say it

and you are saying it and Trump is saying it.
We just don't agree with you.
Also while saying it, just avoid saying racist shit.

While that's true, Southpark is a lot different now than it has been in the past. The one cohesive narrative throughout the season(s) is something very new, and it's not always good.

Whats happening user,
I don't know what to believe

Remember when Cred Forums wasn't Cred Forums and Cred Forums combined and actually talked about vidya?

How can anyone be this retarded?

>We just don't agree with you.
Who is "we?"

What am I triggered about?
Seems to me you're upset about me saying that the bill of rights is an important document that should be protected.

Pepperidge Farm 'members

No way of venting in a mainstream era dominated by marxist thought.

there we go

Trump hasn't said racist shit though.
And if you find the statistical evidence that the refugee crisis is doing serious damage to countries such as Sweden and Germany to be racist, then there's something wrong with you.

Because they can't stand someone else having a different opinion then them, so they have to shit up every thread with Cred Forums shit.

inb4 that one "Don't you think anti-sjws are just as bad as sjws?" image.

no, i just remember a billion dubs threads and meme threads.



The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4

I 'member!

The problem is using bullying tactics to silence people or worse private companies enforcing rules againts the "wrong opinions". Freedom of speech goes beyond america's first amendment, It is a basic human right.

The first seasons were filled with lots of anti-Bush, anti-terrorism, anti-fear-mongering-news stuff anti-soccer-moms etc

Don't you know that replying rationally and trying to have an actual conversation means you are triggered?

You guys never even present an argument.
Once people start bringing up facts and evidence it's always just "ugh conservatives are so racist / triggered / mad / dumb"

Season 18 is proof of that. Jesus that season sucked ass. I think Handicar was the only decent episode out of 18.

Last night's episode focused too much on setting up future plots. I wouldn't watch it if it came on as a repeat. But I loved the montages and the Black Hawk Down music at the end.


>But you had lots of games!
That were pretty much expansion packs by today's standards, and MML3 and ZX3 were the exception to the rule.

oh shit its back up save before they delete

America's Army (join the army)
Bioshock (objectivism is self-destroying)
Deus Ex (question authority and the news)
Oddworld (Environmentalism good, unrestricted corporations bad)
Metal Gear Solid (nothing good can come of nuclear weapons)
Final Fantasy 7 (environmentalism good)
Final Fantasy X (question the intentions of religious authorities)
Assassins Creed (breaking the law to remove corrupt people protected by the law is good)
Undertale (nonviolence good)
Secret of Monkey Island (never pay more than 25$ for a computer game)

Oh goddammit, of course he's from my state.

everyone on my side
What, you don't have a tolerant pro-immigration ghost-army at your disposal at every time?

yes that was funny for a few episodes. Not 100+

don't post gg, you are just going to start a shitstorm or get the thread deleted

Nobody here says that, user.
People have just noticed that it's incredibly easy to bait Cred Forumstards. They're only baiting you and not SJWs because no SJWs bother visiting this place.

I live in Sweden.
It's fine here


>Member when Cred Forums wasn't Cred Forums 2.0
In maybe 2007? When you could still like a random indie game and share it with the board?

I am posting DARPA creating GG

and DARPA should be dismantled and burned to the ground for doing that

>Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?

The days of Pong?

I love how this started with nostalgia and is now turned into "SJWs ruined everything!"

You guys are so predictable

It's all just sour grapes

Butters as a main character was way better than Kenny

I feel as though this is the only reason I watch the new season of Southpark now, the episodes themselves seem to want me to be more invested in the 'plot' than I actually am, so I end up losing interest.

But the little moments with music are fucking gold, like the gortoz a ran piece from the latest episode, or the fucking music scenes from the tweek & craig episode. Feels like we traded gold episodes here and there, for gold moments here and there.

half of Cred Forums is corporate shillbots now that tell you everything about a game and when the DLC comes out and defends a game no matter how shitty it is.

Least you guys didn't produce Mike Pence. That dude is a joke and anyone who doesn't come from Indiana will never understand his stupidity.

It is in fact the peanut house.

>everything is fine

member WT Snacks?

Honestly, after the last two years, it's not like Cred Forums got BETTER for removing Gamergate.

I'd be happily that this board's swansong is actually trying to solve something instead of being a bunch of autistic sociopaths so bored with themselves, they live on the internet.
granted that's the majority of the growing youth now, jesus christ.

>a tolerant pro-immigration ghost-army

good news is that govts will give the citizens guns to protect women and women will protect themselves from the islamic terrorists.

They are doing this on purpose to enrage the common citizens to stand up against the injustice

They want the govt corporate structure to fail and for people to feel like they have power again like in this statement

Remember the sunwell

>member berries is literally vanilla wow nostalgia posters


well half this board is sjws now so it's better that we can't post gamergate stuff, it would just be entire threads of shitposting.

Cred Forums never removed gamergate

It was orchestrated by the govt to make any rebelling against any industry a bad thing

member man of wax?

course not, no one does.


CIA MEME spammed on every website bart

>borderline anarchist
more like monarchists. the benevolent dictator end in DX1 is presented with no obvious downsides like the other two are

Gotenks pls go

member when that one guy made [/spoiler]your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post [/spoiler] and ran off with all the money?


Soo much truth in this thread it is disgusting keep this shit up.

Member when people were people and not pawns in childish political games?

A literal sandbox is for playing how you want to. If the game isn't challenging then its trash. I.e. The Sims is not a game.

>kikezam for goldstein records brainwashing

Member cat liek water?

>Insted of just posting "remember when" OP had to attach an epic meme to his post
I think it's time for you to go outside, get a fresh perspective on life, then you can return,

those were far better times ;_;

>member cartridges?




i need to see this

Think you got that backwards mate, SNES games were routinely dumbed down for western export. The gameplay and the writing.

>not pawns in childish political games?
Talk about thing that never happened.

Member when moot shut down Cred Forums for all the right reasons?

No, that has never, ever been the case. You can go back as far as Alexander IV and see someone being used as a pawn in a childish political game. I bet you can go back even further, I just can't.


The thing that South Park was, and still is, is kids being kids in fucked up scenarios created by adults and their childish perspective on it all. The show still holds that up.

Vidya has always pushed agendas. All media does because the idea of them needing to be neutral is retarded

>south park is going to make some sort of reference that ties this all together with the member berries
>something like "Member"="dick" and the berries were turning people into trolls.

Someone hasn't been here very long.


>Member when Let's Plays weren't a thing?

I didn't get home Internet until 2008, and one of the first things I did was watch some Let's Plays, because I searched for video game stuff on YouTube.

>all this shitposting in a South Park thread

That was easily the best part of the episode. I seem to like just one plot line of each episode and dislike the other plot. The stuff with Cartman and the boys wasn't as fun to me. If this episode focused on Gerald more it might have been better. I still thought it was better than some of their other recent stuff.

>you find yourself feeling guilty of the behaviours they are mocking
You mean any behavior at all?
>lel everyone who believes anything is a fucking idiot

Look around user. Idiocy finds a way.

I think the best part of the entire episode was how everyone was calling SkankHunt42 a low life worthless piece of shit when he's pretty much the only one who is actually fucking happy with his life.

Why is that every now and then, whenever there's a particular South Park episode that hits a nerve, Cred Forums makes a thread about it? I remember that "MUH Cred Forums IS CYNICAL" when Stan starting see everything and everyone as shit.


>Think you got that backwards mate, SNES games were routinely dumbed down for western export. The gameplay and the writing.
Nope. I started gaming at 8 on the NES. Almost every game imported from Japan and localized implemented a 1 hit kill system while Japan had 10 hits to die.

This trend continued well into the PS2 generation with such meme CUHRAYZEE titles like Devil May Cry setting our hard mode to the Japanese Devil May Die and instituting a newer higher difficulty.

Things have started to level out now because Nips are ashamed of their poor performance in action titles.

Story is a different matter. The largest consumers of media, Americans, are puritan. They can't have bad words or elbows and knees in their videogames. They do however demand them much harder than the average slant can manage

I don't have anything against weeb games. They are good old fashioned mindless fun, and very easy to pick up and play. For them it is more about consuming time than an exercise in reaction time. That can be relaxing. Plus all those sexy feminine boys and girly women

Was anyone else expecting them to actually kill cartman?

Like the entire build up was fucking stupid because we already knew the punchline.

I didn't see it coming, but I really should have

I guess I subconsciously figured that they couldn't possibly completely cut off his access to the internet at once

I liked quite a few episodes from season 18, Cock Magic, Grounded Vindaloop,Freemium, the Drone one.

No, killing Cartman would be too obvious and he'd have to live since Cartman is the most popular character on the show.

Yeah it was pretty stupid how they took the fake out seriously. The entire episode was treating leaving social media like death, it was so obvious. Maybe that's the joke?

>implying killing anyone in South Park means anything

Only exception to this is Chef.

This is wrong, everytime I give an argument to one if you guys you start to post the hipster meme. The only facts that I ever see is crime statistics and sjws do that with males.

>No, killing Cartman would be too obvious and he'd have to live since Cartman is the most popular character on the show.
they could have just had an episode where they went to hell to get him back.

Really makes you think...

Member when games were a boys only club with no girls allowed?

>Member when video games weren't agenda pushers?

go back to 8fag you faggot neckbeard

>Aunt got me into vidya HARD
not really senpai

it's true, people make themselves feel better by saying trolls are awful people that hate themselves, but really they just enjoy getting a rise out of people for fun.

'memba when Reddit didn't exist and Gaia was our archnemesis?

Did she fuck you in the ass with a strap on?

I saw the phone thing coming, so no.

Liberals literally cannot stick to a gun control debate without breaking down into emotional arguments every time.

If early 90s PC games count as a strap-on, then I suppose so.

>hipster meme
I always get called a shill when I try and argue with them. And I don't get anything out of the Cred Forums hugbox so I usually just say fuck it and try and at least make them mad or something.

Of course, they're dumb. But Im not talking about the bill of rights or anything. Im talking about race relations and how Regan put drugs into the black communities to lower property values. Its called the Crack Epidemic. I beilve he started the heroine one that lowered alot of white communities by a ton but I forgot.

You would probably get emotional too if the result of an argument lead to the deaths of your friends/families so that a very small minority of people can hunt deer or some shit


I see your point, but that was just one screen before the game started. As opposed to the kind of shit that EA does.

user, im nota Cred Forumstard in anyway so don't take my opinion so harshly. But guns are needed and will always be needed. It's a sad truth but if a Mexican breaks in my house agian I'm gonna shoot him in the ass.

You do it again!
You fucks just can't stop!

>if the result of an argument lead to the deaths of your friends/families so that a very small minority of people can hunt deer or some shit
The fuck? You realize banning guns does fuck all to get rid of guns right? First of all there is a large black market. Second of all it is incredibly easy to make a gun so there will always be a black market, it just might have lots of DIY guns but they will still work.

>not a Cred Forumstard
>le mexican boogieman

>Louisiana just a massive outlier on all those graphs

why does my state have to be so shit?

member when shills

>mentions gun control out of no where
>suddenly charts and whining
Are you guys going to argue about abortion next?

>voter suppression
o i am laffin

Im saying the mexican thing because only mexicans broke into my place of work, church and home.

>greater correlation with blacks than with poverty


pffft bwaahahaha neck yourself

>No rebuttal.

I just really like debating gun control because nothing triggers liberals more, pun intended


I'm gonna go agree with that other guy. Did you start going to church when the fedora meme started? How many people did this?

I'm just curious.

Existence itself is a joke
I've always went to church. I enjoy it.


Your two sentences are a little contradictory. Do you just go because the other kids don't?

Not an argument.

>implying any of the main south park characters are kids

Stan: Cynical Nihilist that bitches about everything and cant enjoy modern things.

Kyle: Douchey liberal preacher that everyone has gotten tired of hearing (I really like that they've done that last season, NO MORE SPEECHES fuck yeah fuck off kyle)

Cartman: Realistic oppurtunist with no morals

Jimmy: Writer insert

They are kids for the sake of setting up plotlines and settings like taking place in a school and whatnot.

I go because I want to. I still believe Existence is fucked up yo.

Member when we could have a thread on Cred Forums that didn't degenerate into Cred Forums shit?

So you just go for no reason? At least say you're a fan of the architecture or something because at this point it sounds a little disrespectful.

Member when you weren't subjected to months of underage memeing of whatever shitty joke was made in the last South Park episode?

I do not member this.

Honestly, you anti-Cred Forumsfags are just as bad with your constant whining in every.single.thread.

You and all the Cred Forums faggots. should just fuck already and get it over with.

I said I enjoy going, I don't know what you want user.

I'm not an sjw but have you ever noticed how anti-sjws are just as bad as sjws?

>last season

We've done this since literally the creation of Cred Forums.

That's literally what he said, faggot.

I wanted to know your reasoning but I guess I'm upsetting you?

I'll just take it as some weird thoughtless complacency if you're not up for explaining yourself.

Both sides are annoying and need to be gassed.

Oh sorry, I enjoy the stories. I think they're cool and pretty beautiful sometimes.

I don't pick sides either but have you ever noticed how people who don't pick sides are as annoying as those who do?

Oh so it's like having really shit taste in fiction combined with story time?

Member the joke was from George lopez.

I guess, I dont think it's shit taste but everyone has their own opinion.

member westwood?
member good rts?


ahaha die

Well a guy who only hears stories from one book doesn't really HAVE a taste. It's more like that sad complacency I mentioned earlier.

I was just saying it sounds like a guy who has shit taste in fiction and also wants story time.

member brains?
member actual skill?

I also read books user, I like alot of shit by H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe


>H.P. Lovecraft

holy shit ahahahahaa

He don't member.

Not all Trumpfags are alt-right. Fuck, Trump himself isn't even close to alt-right. Forums/status/779056333249142784

is it true that Cred Forums is getting shut down?

>samefagging this hard

Well I can see why you're desperate to go to the church to find "beauty" when all you read are dumbass horror stories.

This is a side I never thought of before.


No matter who wins this is what will be written in the history books about politics today.


>remember chewbaca
you are really really dumb


>went through all that trouble in photoshop
>desperate ateempt to fit in with meme tabs

end your life,man

Populist =/= alt-right

>The Fractured But Whole confirmed to have both Uplay and Denuvo
Member when the Stick of Truth didn't have several layers of draconian DRM?

You PC bro?

I think some of the stories are beautiful, plus that's not all I read I just gave an example user. Chill out

Not really. The "Cred Forums" attitude on Cred Forums intensified over the years as a response to the leftist meme that's overtaken the industry in the west. This is out of Cred Forums's control; the push for social justice is just fucking happening and that's all there is to it. The difference between Cred Forums and a lot of other sites is that you can be against "social justice" and not get banned for it, so the backlash exists. And without that backlash, you get Neogaf/Cracked/Something Awful, the type of place where only retarded liberal opinions are allowed.

I'm sure you'd prefer if everything was apolitical on Cred Forums and sometimes it is, but you can't deny the politics behind shit like game censorship and how content for games in the west is being altered to fit into the "SJW" mindset more and more. These things are happening so people are going to talk about them, and when they're not happy about it and they make you upset because it's "Cred Forums" bullshit the only thing you can do is retreat to your cuckshed and hold yourself until the triggering has passed.

Member video games making you feel fulfilled inside?

Member getting a new video game and looking forward to playing it with a sense of wonder and mystery?

Member finding a new thing you had not heard of before, and being entranced by the colorful art on the box?

Member getting your opinions from playing instead of reading?

alt-right is an umbrella term for both sides that means something different for every person you ask

But the history books will just call them populists and lump them with Trump like I said.

Your examples killed my interest in you, no offense.

It's called growing up, Anonymous.

>the result of an argument lead to the deaths of your friends/families
It's quite the opposite. You see, when a country has strict gun control laws, only criminals get guns through a black market. And what happens when regular people don't have guns while criminals do? Higher gun violence and, as you said, it leads to the deaths of friend and families. If the criminals know it is possible their victims have guns, they usually don't risk their asses. Stop being stupid.

Japanese games

It's m'kay user,

>Cred Forums has text only boards
i actualy miss those

>Member when video games weren't easy?

Member when a video game's campaign could be one giant timed mission?

>growing up

There are people older than me who find genuine joy from video games.

Where is the joy?

Is it because we're immersed in it now?
Because finding any singular fact is as easy as a touch of a button?
Because there is so much information, intrigue, and constructed misinformation that it's easy to let yourself be talked down from feeling good about anything?

Is it?

Because I refuse to believe it's only me who has changed when, in the 90's, we were still getting the majority of our information for upcoming/existing games from print magazines.

And we were happy about it.

shut up mehmet

You say that, but all I see is a bunch of faggots like you bitching about Republicans.

>tfw people are so hipster they play knockoffs of popular games instead of those popular games, even when those games are made by somehow even more cancerous studios

'member when liberals hated the Bush clan and warmongering neocons?

>This whole thread
Fuck guys,just vote for whoever the fuck you think will make semi decent changes to the country.
I don't even care if its some third party shitter just vote and shut the fuck up. The election really could not give two shits about your opinions or feelings so just give it a break.

Cynical Maaaaaaaan.


for most people here, it's their first time voting, if they're even 18+


My first time voting.

Is it even worth voting democrat in arizona? Pretty sure AZ is a guaranteed red state.

Not that I even like hilary, I am also considering going third party, but that's even more of a waste of a vote

Its not like people are going to know who you vote for unless you blurt it out like an autist.
Just vote for whoever you want.

Why the hell would you vote for a turd sandwich?

I just don't want to waste my day off. If it's a waste of time, I'll just stay home and masturbate

Arizona's normally red but with an extremely low Mex percentage voting Trump, Hillary might make something out of it

Masturbate in the polling booth, they legally can't check on you while you're in there.

Uh you mean trump!???

Haha cus hillary is the best. Suck it drumpf

Fuck Pence. All he ever cared about was his own ambitions, gave fuckall about the state going to shit. He was endorsed by our last guy promising to not try pushing a social agenda. He broke that promise and pissed away tax dollars on his faggoty little crusades over gay marriage and muh religious freedom act, also fucking refusing federal grants. Everyone hates him, and I see stickers of his face on urinals in bars.

Vote for Gary Johnson, his party could become legitimate if it gets enough votes.

Nah, Trump's a giant douche, Hillary's a turd sandwich.

It'd be sexist to call Hillary a giant douche.

Matt and Trey know this better than anyone

>Gary "open borders, noguns, blm pandering, "what is aleppo"" Johnson

Hell, I'd rather vote Trump

your second line was redundant

>just vote for whoever the fuck you think will make semi decent changes to the country

Stop pretending that informed voters can make a difference, it's a two-party system and both sides offer horrible choices. It really is a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

South Park is more thoroughly tapped in to the zeitgeist of middle-class western living than it has been in years, the member berries are a great conceit and, as has always been the case with this show, everyone is getting mad because the satire is hitting paydirt and nobody has escaped the mocking.

>wanting to vote Hillary
>is against Gary's left wing views

Why would you vote Hillary and not Trump then?


>makes fun of reboots and nostalgiafags
>Garrison is the one that is meant to mock trump
>still bring up boogeyman you're butthurt at out of nowhere
The salt is real.

Hey we've been through that fire before.

At the expense of other people. I mean a school bully would come up and throw you in a locker for his enjoyment but the damage was long lasting for you

>The Sims is not a game.

And came out the other side

I don't know why I even come to Cred Forums, you guys are retarded


I understand this. It's a real shit show right now but i feel as if there are better places for political discussions besides Cred Forums
I also really enjoyed the last season of south park and really enjoy the new season so far.

More like not at all. SP just moved back to neutral.

Garrison was making fun of Trump. The berries were something else and the fact that they remembered too far back is making fun of regressive tendencies (far left, tea party, etc) and more nostalgia. You're seeing enemies where they don't exist. Calm your buttrage.

Not an argument

>only liberal opinions allowed


Too bad conservatives don't have a party. By your own claim, Republicans are even more anti Constitution than anyone. And Trump must be the biggest enemy of the Constitution in centuries

Why did climate change became a "right-wing" issue anyway?

Have fun "opening up those libel laws and stopping terrorist protestors" my free speech loving friend

Also there are no federal libel laws so we'd simply be making new laws with the clear intent of forcing media censorship

Much like Russia

That isn't silencing any more than Cred Forums bully tactics censor shit here

>there are better places for political discussions besides Cred Forums

You're probably not wrong, but sadly Cred Forums is no longer one of those places and I don't really venture outside of Cred Forums for this kind of talk. Contrary to popular belief, this is one of the least retarded places on the internet.

Are you so self absorbed you think no one opposes your politics?

Literally a Trump propaganda "news" outlet

Even the major news networks are better than fucking Huffington Post for insane people

Does everyone go to pol but me? Half the site is "pol did nothing wrong" or something similar defending them, the other half is obsessed with disliking them and still talking about them, and knows enough to point people out with their "back to pol" and "baaaaaw pol" sentiments. Plus "baaaaaw muh libs/alt-right boogeyman" a lot.

Cred Forums never seems to have changed in my eyes, don't know why everyone throws a tantrum. Pic related. I enjoyed this and the one that mad fun of republicans last time (sauce is a cartoon in GTA IV & V).

>it's a "mentally ill leftists think they're welcome on Cred Forums" episode

getting tired of this one tbqh laddies

Because it's not about climate change.
It's about policing energy corporations.

>video games werent easy

Theres alway been easy vidyas.

Shitlibs thrive on Cred Forums because mods are on their side after the post-gg purge.

When is your fictional book releasing, user? I enjoy alt history stuff

Which amendments of the bill of rights is he against?
Because I can name 4/10 off hand that Hillary is against.

I have had good discussions on FB surprisingly.
Though you always get that one shitter who is far left/right to ruin a decent debate/discussion.
What really bums me out is that Debates are not what they used to be. Instead of talking like adults its just a shit flinging contest until both sides get tired.

>member when south park wasn't preachy
It was always preachy you dumb shit.

>MSM is good
>Huffington post is good
Sad how deluded you liberals are.
And the link had sources for all its information retard.

Turns out he was pedo putz

still, times were best with him around

We have reached the post fact era.

it was a joke because this thread has just as much unintelligible, derailing garbage in it as the average Cred Forumsthread. Cred Forums is a blight on this website and should've never been allowed to grow this big and stupid


They don't thrive at all, and most of the liberal posting you see is probably an asshurt mod or group of them trying to push a pro-Shillary agenda

You know, the one that always posts that picutre of her on a plane with a gameboy

He go to jail?

but that's not what he said at all, you fucking retard.

So it's like anything with conservatives and minority rights?

Conservitards thrive on being edgy and acting like 13 year olds.

Why is this?

if his twitter is to be believed, that retarded stoner is fine and well, doing shitty radioshows and such.

What rights do minorities not have?

>I want Cred Forums to be my gentle, soft safe-space circlejerk where all dissent and everything I dont like is banned instantly


Really underlines the third grader mentality of conservatives.

They dish it out all the time but the second anyone insults them then it's "Bias" and "SJW" etc. etc.

>it's a cuckservatives projecting episode

You seem as retarded as the ones you mock.

Because extremism doesn't appeal to everyone

>Shitposting is now mainstream



Oh yeah, it is totally not the other way around that a horde of alt-rights come screaming all butthurt and flustered over just idea that someone could have another opinion than them on this board.

Fuck you, Cred Forums is not your safe space you fucking weakminded coward

Were they really making these same kinds of shit posts back then?

>this mad because he lost and the shoe is on the other foot


liberals are so ungraceful, unintelligent and to top it all of, sore losers

Keep stuffing words into my mouth Cred Forumstard

My point still stands.

South Park didn't hit it's stride until it became topical humor though

It's strength is using comedy to present real life situations.


lol, you wish. Unlike these milquetoast faggots we DO fight back.

Poor babby can't handle dissenting opinions? You see, liberal SJW retardation doesn't stands up to scrutiny and criticism, that's why your kind thrives only in places with extreme moderation like plebbit.

>romney all over again

>waaah people are free to act and discuss things as they like even though they're being "edgy" and acting "like 13 year olds" somebody please CENSOR THEM

why are modern liberals so braindead, Cred Forums?

'Member when Nintendo wasn't trash and utterly reliant on gimmicks to sell games and hardware?

I sure do.

>typed from his basement in literal flyover land

hmm made me think

>blatant trolling
>boogeyman complex
>victim complex
>feeding shitposting
>possible false flag and/or samefag for some
. . .

Chain letters are older than the internet. That post was a joke because you literally couldn't reply to any threads normally during that time.

>conservatives are retarded, can't take a joke, and need safe spaces, they're ruining america!
>no liberals are retarded, can't take a joke, and need safe spaces, they're ruining america!

I can't wait for the election to be over, jesus christ

Did I once say they should be censored?

I love how Conservitards only have one comeback because they have no real arguments.

>cherry picking this hard
>insinuating that the human circus act wouldn't draw a large crowd.

I deleted my facebook account a couple of years ago and haven't touched social media since. My experience was that damn near everybody avoided political comments wherever possible, and when they did make them they inevitably shirked honesty in favour of the cheap, obvious answers that they knew would garner them likes and appreciation from the people that would see the conversation.

I prefer to talk politics in person with my friends, or anonymously online, because it keeps the conversation honest and does away with most of the shitflinging. In person, all my friends are basically smart people, but I very rarely saw any of them make a smart facebook post and I had an account for years.

The anonymity here actually hampers mob mentality and hive mind far more often than it enables it, whereas social media sites have the opposite problem.

>le basement dweller meme

You forgot to mention my hot pockets supply and anime figurines. How does it feels knowing that your side full of trigglypuffs and nu-males is coming to an end?

I'm voting Hillary because I don't think the media will stop reporting on Trump's antics just because he's president.

I'm voting for a quieter america.

bets are you've reported every single one of my posts like the numale bootlicker you are


I dont think a single rally hillary has had in the last three months has broken 500 people

meanwhile almost every single one of Trump's has to turn away thousands because the venues are stuffed to the brim

hillary has ZERO momentum behind her because she's so unlikable; she really is the face of the modern left

Thanks for Correcting the Record

>goobergate WILL stop sjws!
>trump WILL be president

Oh, I Member!

Instead they will be reporting on the newest casualties of the Iran war she and her Bush era masters will cause.

Member when Iwata was still alive?

stopping sjws is multi-stage plan, just like their marxist co-option of the west was

luckily Trump is onto them and Brexit went through. their master plan could be permanently scuppered within a few years.

I can assure you that I'm not as retarded as the average meme magic-poster.

>Member when Cred Forums was goooood?

So Cred Forums

i member

I doubt Trump is even aware of SJWs, but I'm still voting for him because his win would cause the greatest liberal cuck meltdown of all time.

>pol/ is a blight on this website and should've never been allowed


It wasn't about stopping them, it was just a big
>Hold on you satly cunts.
And if comics is any indication it was successful in doing it, just look at Marvel and how they never had a mass go fuck yourselves to the sjws, and now major male heroes are being replaced or alternate versions by "GRRRL POWER!" pandering, I wish comics had a GG moment.
So if anything it succeeded in getting this shit out in the open and showing disapproval unlike the betas pushovers in comics.

I member Cred Forums was never good