Be honest with me, is overwatch worth it?

Be honest with me, is overwatch worth it?

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I put around 250 hours into it before I got bored. It's fun, but I feel like it's lacking content.
Also if you don't have any friends, it'll suck more. People on this game are fucking tards

It's forty dollars. If you like team based shooters, you're sure to get your moneys worth. You'll enjoy it more with friends, and some of the maps will start to feel stale after visiting them so often, but it'll be enjoyable.

Did you enjoy tf2 in it's glory days and don't mind a 6v6 format? Yeah it's a pretty great game.

Do you despise DOTA likes because of fuckhead teammates singlehandedly sinking your chances of winning? Might wanna wait for the next free weekend to give it a shot.

There's something for almost everyone in overwatch, but there will be shit you hate too.
A game where fun depends on the people you are playing with can never be perfect, because people are shit.

I dont regret buying it but it lost its magic for a certain point you run out of mechanics to learn and its less about getting better and more about which team has the most players with macro knowledge

since 16 of September it's not at all worth it

It lacks content, but what it has can be fun, especially with friends.

Team reliant, can't deal with that, don't buy


so triggered right now I can hardly breathe tbqhwya

Do you like TF2
Do you like waifushit
If the answer to those is no then no. If so maybe yes. Personally I found it to be slow and unsatisfying (weapons lack omph, no giblets when you shred people, Extremely limited weapons). But for me Duel/FFA AFPS>Class based Objective shit.

To add to this there's also limited maps and no CTF which is a fucking crime.

I don't know how I'd feel about Capture the Flag in Overwatch. It seems like certain characters simply weren't made for it. Reinhardt doesn't seem particularly useful on it for example, while you would expect three Tracers per team.

overwatch is a fun online fps.

I was hesitant to get it, I hadn't played any FPS for years and hadn't played an arena shooter except a little bit of TF2 when the Orange Box came out. Tried the open beta and instantly fell in love. When the beta finished, I was genuinely heartbroken I couldnt play for a whole week. So, yeah if you think you'll like it get it. Even if you dont end up enjoying it just get a refund. People can say what they want about Blizz but they have the best customer service out there. Community is hit or miss but what do you expect from a popular multiplayer game
If you're broke Paladins is an alternative, its an inferior copy but its free, though honestly if youre broke just play TF2. People who claim Paladins is better are like people who claim to hate Apple products because they cant afford them but go out of their way to buy a Chinese knock off of the iPad and claim its somehow superior.

I'd wait for a sale. I have about 100 hours into it currently and I've been enjoying it a lot but there's some really limited content and winning games can easily hinge on who has the least amount of retardation on their team instead of who has the greatest overall skill.

Plus I just lost 3 games in a row were the enemy team just had infinity better ultimate coordination, which was annoying. That and the 3 tank 3 support meta is also really lame, the game has noteworthy balancing issues and like 1 real tank counter so getting around some strategies is really annoying.

Beyond those issues I'm digging the game. If I get higher in ranks and notice more of a moba-ish annoying meta fuckery I'll probably drop it.

Need a team of people who communicate to have fun
The focus on stacking ultimates at higher mmr gets old quickly
The game can go from fun to unbearable shit if Blizzard releases an unbalanced patch
Even if you get past all that, it gets boring quickly.

If you can get competent teams, it is very fun.
Almost nobody is competent.

>No server browser
>can't chose map or mode
>waifushitters autisticly maining the wrong hero for the map
>No loadout customisation or weapon choice
Until the game fixes these it stays uninstalled for me.

Personally no. I played it for like 20 hours and was pretty bored.
Paladins is basically the same thing and free, and I'm having a reasonable amount of fun with it. Probably drop it too after 20 hours, but it didn't cost me anything.

>Did you enjoy tf2 in it's glory days and don't mind a 6v6 format? Yeah it's a pretty great game.

I like OW but please don't even compare the two. TF2 was a much better experience post-crisis. DON'T GO IN EXPECTING SOMETHING TO FILL THE GAP, YOU'LL BE DISAPPOINTED.

>tfw ultimates literally ruined this game

Some just need to be nerfed a bit.
That PoTG wouldn't have happened against a competent team.

>its an inferior copy
Having fast walk from spawn makes it better than overwatch. Just for that alone.

If you rage easily, fuck no, don't buy it. I don't need any more spergs throwing autistic rage fits after a loss.

I miss TF2.

Or rather, I miss my experiences playing TF2.


I'm still playing it and I've probably put in a couple hundred hours at least. So I've definitely gotten my moneys worth.

My biggest problem, and this is just a personal one, is how tightly designed the game is to keep people motivated to win. I'm fine with that when in competitive. But I'd like to relax and fuck around sometimes and I never feel good doing it, even in quickplay.

That's partly my fault though. The other way it affects the game though is that it makes people take every match way too seriously. Seriously the playerbase is just horrible.

>fuckhead teammates singlehandedly sinking your chances of winning?

This is a pretty major issue with the game.

I liked my experience with Paladins. But mounts are dumb.

Hero's have mobility options for a reason.

All of them can be completely negated though, in one way or another.

But I wish they weren't there. The game is designed around it, hence the choke points in every map. It's more fun getting kills by normal means than literally gathering everyone up in a magnet hole and then someone else presses q to kill them all instantly


Looks like a telltale game from the lanky models and bad animation


I don't think its you, it seems odd how quickplay is so competitive. People will get on your shit even in quickplay. Been playing on the PTR, much more relaxed but wait times are a bitch

Only for the pr0n

If you're looking for an arena shooter, you've come to the wrong place. Overwatch is basically a MOBA. If you like MOBAs, then this is the game for you. If you want an arena shooter, I suppose you're better off playing BO3 because it is basically an arena shooter now.

>lost 270 sr last night

I think I'm just going to drop solo queue competitive entirely.


The map design is hallways and wide open boxes. Some seriously amateur-tier stuff.

The game revolves almost entirely around Ultimates and feels completely unsatisfying to play because of this. At first the game feels good and fun to play, but slowly your realize fighting normally is irrelevant and a waste of time - it's all about teamwiping the enemy with your ults or preventing your own teamwipe with a support's ult.

Lost a bit over 100 today. I will admit if it's my fault if we're losing but almost every single match today were retarded teammates. I have no idea how I can have so bad luck.

Meanwhile if I play with my friends (usually 4-5 man premade) we win most matches. It's just so infuriating that when I solo queue the coin flip will never put me in the good team. What the fuck

You don't know what a moba is, do you?

They do, but you can't do shit until you drop off a mount, giving opponent frame advantage.
They just keep the pace Fast, which I like a lot, instead of the dragging boring and terribly long walk from Spawn in OverWatch.

Yeah it sucks because some of my best memories in TF2 came from messing around or spontaneous relationships I made with complete strangers while playing. Usually without any verbal communication at all.

Stuff like running into a cloaked spy when you're cloaked too and both of you pretending it didn't happen. Or messing with snipers by taunting them with the fists of steel and having your medic waste an uber on you for a laugh.

I miss that atmosphere. I'm not a fan of this perpetual hyper competitive one. It wears me down and turns it into a game I can't just sump into to relax for a while.

I just dont solo q at all anymore. I can wait to play if it means not losing points.


It's a team game, so competitive is the only mode to play. Because of the broken balance, competitive at above braindead retard level is almost 100% focused on either shit-boring "take damage for 30 seconds so Ana can charge ult and then nano boost" or shit-boring "counter enemy nano boost".

Do you want to kill yourself?

If no, then this game will help

Why do your labels matter?
Why can't overwatch just be overwatch, why can't BO3 just be BO3? Why do you feel the need to lump everything together?

If I buy the Origins Edition right now, am I still eligible for the free Tracer in Heroes of the Storm?

The problem is my group is so rarely available and I get sick of waiting. I should find some random faggots online to group up with I guess.

Best years of my gaming career were playing TF2 with 11 other friends. Playing comp and pubstomping, enjoying old memes.

I'll never have that feeling again. Overwatch could never give me that.

Whenever I do have a good match, I friend everyone who was in it. Made a couple good friends from it and I have them to thank for lots of wins.

I'm mid-master rank currently. It's not a good FPS game. 90% of games will have outcomes that you cannot affect in any way, win or lose, no matter how well you play. You can't 1v6 through the giant cloud of shields and AOE/aimbot ultimates like you can in a game like Quake.

Unfortunately, every superior FPS is dead. Tribes: Ascend was willfully killed off to funnel players to the devs' shitty ASSFAGGOTS game. Quake 3/Quake Live is a decaying corpse. 90% of Quake's best players are now playing Overwatch. TF2 is TF2... a decade old game. Counter Strike is still casual zero-movement garbage built on the worst AAA FPS engine.

guys, seriously I'm not memeing I keep losing what do i do?

It's the most fun I've had in an FPS for a while. You have to deal with the occasional shitter, but but they're much rarer than the AAA generics like Call of Duty or Battlefield.

It can be fun but it is just absolutely ridiculous how shallow this game is, literally made for girls and the most braindead casuals so they can make as much money as possible.

Take Genji since he is in your picture, he was the most complex character in the game and still shallow as fuck, but at least it was possible to do some tricks and mind games with his triple jumps and combos. What they do? Scrap both.

>n-nerf was needed

Kill yourself. They could just make him slightly weaker, give him less ammo, less health, higher cooldown time for his specials etc. What they did is taking the possible DEPTH from their game so retards can master it.

You can master every class in two minutes, not even kidding. Still haven't mastered Demoman in TF2 after 10 years. Or Scout.


TF2 and similar games did not start with a quick play option, they started with dedicated servers. Some of those servers were based around people who wanted to have fun, and others were just as comp as the QP in OW and would get you kicked and banned for doing stupid shit other than playing the game.

The problem is the vast majority of people only want to dick around when THEY want to dick around, not when some shithead solo or duo joins a game that everyone else fully intends to win and dicks off for 15 minutes. Dedicated servers usually meant that there was a dedicated time or a few hours where more of the people who liked to joke around and play casual tended to be on at the same time and it didn't overlap with the people who wanted to play to win.

Basically, both sides of the coin are fucked by the other, and just as detrimental to the play of the others, and there's nothing that can really be done outside of custom games, which require you to already know the people you're playing with and gets bland quick.

I'm mid to high diamond and still routinely run into teams that act like they've never played the game before. Routinely.

And if it's not that, it's trolls throwing matches because they're still mad at someone in the game from 3 matches ago or someone tries to quarterback and doesn't get his way so he throws.

The community is beyond cancer.

Nah, Reaper has an obvious audio clue when he *teleports behind you*. That team was probably low level.

post a game I'll see if I can offer any tips


>TF2 is TF2... a decade old game

Last I heard of TF2, Valve broke Competitive mode the moment it's released and made the Pyro OP.

What an absolutely useless webm.

Sorry for your attention deficit and that you couldn't wait 10 seconds but I posted a comparison which just shows the non-existing depth and shit physics of this game for girls and retards like you. Trickery like this literally is not possible in Overwatch in any way.

It fucking sucks solo. If you have 2+ friends who play it, it can be a pretty good time.

Well a real server browser in Overwatch would help. I sure love getting only KOTH maps when I don't want to play KOTH.

Overwatch is built from the ground up as a console game, it is never getting dedicated servers.

Also, you have to imagine there is a turret in these windows and there usually is one. So perfectly timed sticky jump is almost the only way that isn't overkill.

Yeah I was so relieved when I finally got to diamond since then the shitters should have been weeded out, but NOPE. Bad players somehow made their way up to diamond... I guess they were lucky and got to play their main a lot uncountered.

This x100
It's very simple. Although that's not always a bad thing.

Then you run into the opposite problem where everyone plays on the shit map, e.g. 2fort.

Wait, do you think these physics are somehow better than these? Are you actually braindead? They're both terrible for different reasons. You need to be legitimately retarded to think an explosion would send you straight forward and not up at all. I think you should take a highschool physics class before showing everyone how retarded you are.

TF2 on console had a server browser

They could just solve this by letting us choose a mode before connecting us to a random server. Retard.

TF2 does the same with its quickmatch.

Blizzard is just pure trash.

>It's more fun getting kills by normal means than literally gathering everyone up in a magnet hole and then someone else presses q to kill them all instantly

Then why not play a different game?

Not the poster you're replying to, but you're a dipshit. I take it you've never played TF2 or OW either. The comparison is that at a forward blast angle in TF2, you go forward, in OW, you go up. TF2 allowed you to change your direction based on the blast angle, OW only really allows you to change the speed and height.

I'm retarded for wanting a server browser? I just mentioned one of the many problems it would fix. But yes even only the option to select a game mode would be welcome.

>Wait, do you think these physics are somehow better than these?
Yes because they obviously are.

>Are you actually braindead?

>They're both terrible for different reasons.

>You need to be legitimately retarded to think an explosion would send you straight forward and not up at all.
No. It would send you straight forward.

>I think you should take a highschool physics class before showing everyone how retarded you are.
I think you should never reproduce and just keep playing your casual games for retards and girls.

Not to mention it doesn't even matter if it's physically more correct in TF2 (it is), it's simply deeper and more fun.

>put around 250 hours into it before I got bored
>I feel like it's lacking in content

I didn't say the ultimates made the game unfun. I still like it a lot despite it. It would be way more interesting without is what I'm saying. I still enjoy a bunch of the characters in the game

I really don't see how people can call overwatch competitive.

It lacks everything that competitive games need.

>ou need to be legitimately retarded to think an explosion would send you straight forward and not up at all. I think you should take a highschool physics class before showing everyone how retarded you are.
Source engine uses an actually working physics engine for literally everything while OW uses fix algorithms for many things.

Read the titles of his webms, you fucking moron. He's a drooling retard who thinks that TF2 physics are somehow better than the Overwatch physics. They're both fucking horrible.
>Yes because they obviously are.
Why? Because you say so? They're fucking horrible.
>I think you should never reproduce and just keep playing your casual games for retards and girl
Nice argument you've got there, my man. You've obviously had a lobotomy very recently, so I won't be too hard on your inability to recognize basic physics.

I had zero hype for the game but it's definitely my GOTY so far. I'm not even a big competitive fps player. Like everyone else has said, don't bother if you rage at losing or don't have any friends playing (if you have a mic it's really easy to meet people who want to group up). It really does have a lot going for it.

>Dripping with attention to detail
>A character that suits a playstyle for every type of fps archetype, plus some brand new ones
>Hilarious dialog
>Super self-aware writing and characters
>It takes an hour or so to become anywhere close to proficient at a character, so that's 22 hours guaranteed if you try to learn every character
>Free maps and characters being developed right now

Also I'm the opposite of a BlizzShill. I haven't been a fan of their games since Diablo 2.

mccree doesn't belong in this game and either needs to be reworked or removed completely

>Source engine uses an actually working physics engine
And it's notorious for being unrealistic trash.

This. I even believe Phara's E and rocket blasts only allow two different angles you can pushed.

t. rank 550 shitter

More options involved in a game's physics engine that are built into the game to be utilized and not just a random case of abuse is, without a question, better for depth in an FPS that uses vertical gameplay. You might be retarded.

>I really don't see how people can call overwatch competitive

well, it lets people who are bad at video games pretend they're competitive esports mavericks, so confirmation bias

overwatch's 'competitive' scene is an absolute joke. the #1 and #2 teams both contain confirmed aimbotters (see pic related - EnvyUs.Taimou, the hitscan player for the #1 team) who are shielded by blizzard because they make the scene look higher level than it actually is

The fact that you think TF2 has depth is hilarious. Modern FPS babbies never cease to amuse me. I hope you don't drown in a puddle.

here's EnvyUs.Internethulk aimlocking accidentally on his stream

here's Cloud9.Surefour, hitscan player for the #2 team, aimlocking in an online tournament (watch the end)

All my friends bought it, so its great when Im bored and want to kill an hour.

and here he is aimlocking in an online titanfall tournament, which is a game he immediately abandoned when more stringent anticheat measures were added to tournaments

>loadout customization
Thats the slippery slope that murdered TF2.

t. Reaper main.

>Why? Because you say so? They're fucking horrible.
Because it understands pic related for instance while OW does not and feels clunky and slow. Hell, Genji's jumps feel like you're floating mid-air for 20 seconds, compare them to Scout's.

You are probably the dumbest human being I talked to on Cred Forums today.

I never played TF2 and don't care for waifushit and I love Overwatch

>It lacks everything that competitive games need.
I feel the same about pretty much every team-based video games.

>baddie team bunches up like lamb to the slaughter
Bad players = bad game?

Source: An elbow length up your ass
>that graph
That's now how physics work, you stupid cunt. All three of them are laughably terrible. Source has notoriously terrible physics. The fact that you think that they're anything other than absolutely abhorrent makes it obvious that you're either underaged or dropped out of highschool.


Compared to Overwatch it has depth. Helicopter flash game has depth compared to Overwatch.

>must literally rely on Widow shit to disprove someone's claim the game has no depth

1) That's no unique gameplay trait or anything, it's just aim, every shooter has aim. It's the basis. So is this all it got? The same thing every other shooter got? It's indeed a shallow shit game then.

2) The games gives you 20 characters that can wreck everything when the player has utter shit aim while in other games like Counter Strike you always need decent aim.

and it was built as a PC game, see the difference?

I mean that's fine and all but I gotta know, what's in it for you then?
A lot of people see that as a justification for not playing Dota or League.

this was relevant once, not so much anymore. bad mccrees are useless now and should stick to soldier 76 or healslutting

But HEROES NEVER DIE you dumb piece of shit
God damn you're stupid

It's extremely casual and is built top-down around making mediocre players feel good, at the expense of mechanical and tactical depth.

The movement is very simple and dumbed down. No special form of movement like bunnyhopping/skiing/rocket jumping etc. that requires practice. Instead you get 'canned movement' abilities that are something like: as the rocket character, press X to be in the sky! As the fragile character, press X to teleport away!

The aim element is likewise dumbed down, with almost every character having an ability or weapon which is either auto-aim or so easy to aim that it's effectively the same as auto-aim.

And the tactics are equally simple. Every time you die, you just press H and pick the optimal character to fight the enemy lineup. There are no other notable tactics, all the important ultimates are nigh impossible to play around, for example lucio ult is used behind cover where you can't prevent it or anything. There are no map resources to fight over like a real strategy game. Even quake has more strategic/tactical depth with its health and weapon pickups.

The game is like if you tried to design an FPS game for people who are only going to be playing it maybe thirty minutes per day, but still want to feel like they're highlight-reel badass esports gamers.

A lot of time played doesn't mean a game has a lot of content

>Source: An elbow length up your ass

What is wrong with you? Test it yourself. I really hope Blizzard pays you a good amount because I refuse to believe there are fanboys this deluded and fucked in the head.

>That's now how physics work
It is, you mentally retarded child.

Doesn't matter if you want to call the Source physics terrible, what matters is they are hundred times better than the ones in Overwatch.

quite the contrary, I think he's the only hero that allows for a significant skill cap and basically makes him a required pick, because when someone's really good with him, his value exceeds every other hero by orders of magnitude

>I fucking hate this game but I've played dozens of hours of it

not him but you actually need to get off the computer. You will probably feel better after a nap. You're not really reading what the other guy keeps saying.

Not really, the gameplay is really slow and casual.

>tfw hit 3k from 2.4 in solo queue

So was Overwatch. The only difference is Overwatch actually gives a shit about its console versions.

Overwatch and TF2 both have the depth of a puddle in the middle of the Sahara, you autistic Valve drone.
>B-but muh physics engine
If I taped a cardboard spoiler on to my car, it doesn't make it worth more, now does it?

>How to spot a TF2 fag

t. mei shitter

aim is more important to be a good mcree than that shit combo

It's only worth it with friends. It's a nightmare solo

>this asinine mode of behaviour is now accepted on Cred Forums
>more and more Overwatch fans with shit standards and no sense of physics or acceleration on Cred Forums

Either this board is officially dead or mods will give those guys their containment board.

low attention span? you'll love it
korean? you'll love it
into """"e-sports""""? well blizz bough MLG earlier this year so you'll love it

>meta is now 3 supports 3 tanks because every DPS character is nerfed as fuck and can't do anything
>shooting your enemies is actually bad because it charges up the enemy supports' ultimates
Can't make this up

Wow, dozezns? Holy shit!

None of those Webms show Scout or Genji jumping, you raging autist.
>It is, you mentally retarded child.
No, it really isn't. Just admit that you've never taken a physics class because you dropped on out of highschool. Cred Forums is full of losers like you. Nobody is going to make fun of you.

People are always bunched up there because thats the initial choke point and against good defenders its hard as balls to get through without coordinating shields and speed boost

The team turtling together to get into the flanking route hardly identifies them as bad players, they're doing what needs to be done

I've gotten great death blossoms off in the exact same manner many times before and I finished season 1 at rank 70

Epic banter. It's almost like he posted a TF2 webm.

>Overwatch children

>The game is like if you tried to design an FPS game for people who are only going to be playing it maybe thirty minutes per day, but still want to feel like they're highlight-reel badass esports gamers.
God don't remind me of that fucking unskipable shit every time a match finishes. And speaking of the rocket jumps, Pharah is such a disappointment in that department. She could have actually been fun to do that with if the rockets didn't cause so much self damage and she wasn't one of the squishier heroes.

The enemy team will hear it, but being so far under the bridge at that angle they wont see him, and when you're against the clock and clumped together and trying to get through the choke, half the team suddenly stopping to look around is asking for a team wipe anyway. Realistically the best thing to do there is rush inside the safety of the building on the left and get behind rein's shield as fast as possible

I have 160hr clocked. It's starting to get stale, but I still like it. It's good for playing a few rounds when I come home to relax. Having friends to play with definitely makes it better, but sometimes I do prefer playing alone.

I think youre overestimating the brain power at work

>Overwatch and TF2 both have the depth of a puddle in the middle of the Sahara, you autistic Valve drone.
Hm no. There are a million different weapons and there are things you can do in TF2 a scrub couldn't do after two years of practice, see Soldier, Demoman, Spy, maybe even Pyro and Scout. Not talking about Sniper, just having good aim is boring. New elements and weapons every few weeks.

Meanwhile Overwatch gets gimped and they lower the depth of characters, see Genji and his removed triple jump which was the only thing in the game that allowed some kind of mind games. The whole cooldown mechanics are basically there so good players can't get particularly better than scrubs and do more complex stuff.

So Cred Forums....Who would you fuck and why?

>Junkrat's mine is deliberately designed so that it always launches upwards, so that Junkrat can use it for upwards mobility but not forward mobility (extremely few characters posses such a skill, namely only tracer, genji, pharah and to a lesser extent: 76) and so that it launches enemies into the sky where they lose control of their motion and can be picked off by you and your team.

Junk's mine isnt meant to be a carbon copy paste of the demo's sticky launcher, and thank god for that

Good, you can stop trolling now. No one is this stupid.

In case you are not trolling; actually play the games you're talking about. Everyone knows how floaty Overwatch feels and that Scout jumps way faster than Genji.

Its not exactly rocket science to "Group up behind big rein shield, move in together through most covered part of choke"

Its pretty standard.

I feel like I'd enjoy Dva the most

Speaking of banter, there's none of that in Overwatch because the devs want their game to be a safespace to protect their emotionally fragile fanbase

>it's meant to be shit

We know, user. This is the point. This game is meant to have low skill ceiling for women and children.

I don't like it. People told me it's like TF2, but when I played the game I found that both games are fundamentally different.

Overwatch has more characters that rely on their skill set (think "push button for awesome") to combat other characters with different skills.

TF2 characters don't have skills, rather the "skills" they carry are the weapons they have. Meaning there's a lot more ways for a tf2 player to accomplish in a fight than an overwatch player can.

Not the best explanation but those are my two cents. Even if TF2 might as well be dead at this point, I will always prefer it to most character based shooters.


Why do you feel the need to post incorrect information on the internet?

>the obvious choice

No, it sucks.

Are you implying the game would be better if demo's sticky launcher was in overwatch instead of the mine?

Because fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your father, fuck everything you stand for

No way to speak for everyone, but I am still enjoying it. I've cut back on my playtime, but I still get a few matches in every week. It's the first FPS that's held my attention this long since Halo 3


>incorrect informations

The community mentally disabled and WILL report you for anything "mean" you say. And Blizzard WILL mute you for two weeks.

Happened to me four times. Also lots of friends.

It's the most autistic community I've seen so far.

Looks like regular butthurt spergs to me. The trouble is that blizzard would probably act on those reports.
Can't you destroy those?

You know where else you'd get reports (that rightfully don't get you banned) for that? In every single other game with a ranked option.
I don't really understand why people feel the need to shitpost about Overwatch so much.

>New elements and weapons every few weeks.
That's a weird way to spell "hats and cosmetics."
>There are a million different weapons
More weapons doesn't equal more depth. If it did, Borderlands 2 would have the most depth of any game in existence.
>there are things you can do in TF2 a scrub couldn't do after two years of practice, see Soldier, Demoman, Spy, maybe even Pyro and Scout.
Rocket jumping is literally the only thing and it's Valve's terrible version of it.
Any retard can sticky jump.
Yeah, not really
No. That's just a retarded statement.
This game has been trash for years now and Valve doesn't give a single shit about it. And before you call me a Blizzardshill because you can't accept the truth that TF2 is trash now, I have exactly zero hours in Overwatch.

40 bucks for the pc version? sure

60 bucks for the console version? fuck no

>A lot more ways for a soldier/demo/scout to accomplish in a fight


I find her combination of excitable youthful spunky energy + her soft tiny body incredibly arousing user. Im sorry.

If its any consellation it came close between her and Pharah because delicious strong brown girl

>The community mentally disabled and WILL report you for anything "mean" you say. And Blizzard WILL mute you for two weeks.
Nice anecdotal evidence you got there. You must have been insulting the enemy team non-stop in every single game you've ever been in. Neither me nor my friends have ever been muted for shittalking the enemy team.

but you get extra skins

>u-ur dumb!!
At least you seem to have accepted the fact that Source has trash physics. Now, go back to gargling Newell's microcock and spending all of your mommy's money on hats.

I assume he means the reflects on the pyro. Thing is you could do those with the impact hammer in UT99.

No? I did not even compare them to that extent. I'm just saying the game would be better and more fun if it was deeper and had better physics. The physics are shit to a point that they're actually confusing and leading to you making mistakes that are not actually your fault, see Mastering Junkrat, for example, literally means to master shit physics to an extent.

There would be nothing wrong with fixing this. You think he would be overpowered then? Fine, then lower his damage output or ANYTHING else, there are a million options for balancing in favour of better physics and more fun. They also could have left Genji's triple jump in the game and actually just nerf some of his attributes.

Also, stickies on control points are stupid.

You can, thats not what made the sticky launcher strong though.

What made it strong was the fact that you can just shoot them at people and detonate them almost immediately for amazing damage.

Imagine if Junkrat could manually detonate his grenades, so he could just fire them in the air towards you then Right Click to blow them for full damage the second they get close to you.

Thats the sticky launcher.

Combined with the pic showing what it was actually intended for, but obviously you wouldnt mine the point unless you had to, better to mine around doorways and shit to catch people by surprise

Ummm, it's really freaking cool that an FPS is inclusive for once, and you baby virgins can't accept that a game is made for girls (who are scientifically proven to be smarter than boys) and that we rock at it, so yeah. Get over it.

Too bad in Overwatch it gets you banned or muted all the time.

Junkrat does that with his landmine thing/

Its not shit physics. Junkrat's mine is designed to send targets and himself in a certain direction at a certain speed for balance reasons.

If you want to play a character that can straight up juggle people, play Pharah. Her Concussive blast and rockets move people exactly as you wish Junkrat's mine to.

All it takes to reflect is having semi-decent timing.

Zarya is a racist and anyone who actually played the game would know that.
I'll simply tell my uncle to unban you when you tell people to kill themselves next time, he works for Blizzard. See? We both can make stuff up.

That too. Nothing special there.
Never an issue in Valve games. Half the time though that's probably because people just dont report you.

Do you enjoy making worthless posts like this? Get out.

Exactly, and thats why Junkrat gets one mine on a cooldown

Demo's sticky launcher had 8 shots and much better range and speed.
Shots could even be pre-charged and shot longer distances at faster speeds.

And whats funny is, the sticky bombs do more damage than Junkrat's mines. In TF2 where most heroes have between 150-200 hp on average,

As opposed to Junkrat's lower damage mine, where the average health pool is 200+

Junkrat is literally an attempt at creating a more balanced demoman

Please do not be problematic and toxic, thanks?

I'm not that guy but it's totally fair to compare the two. Overwatch is basically Team Fortress 3

>Half the time though that's probably because people just dont report you.
It's because Valve doesn't care about reports. Writing your complaint on a piece of paper and setting it on fire has the same effect as reporting someone in a Valve game.

>omnic apologist
kys famalam

If youre buying it because you want to play a competitive game and be rewarded for improving, this isnt the game for you. if you just want to have some fun and feel good when you prress q and kill their whole team then you might enjoy it. I like taking games pretty seriously and mostly play csgo. I bought overwatch after having fun in the beta but after release i could get over some of the games design decisions and figured id just wait for competitive. Competitive came out and of course in my placement games 2/10 had a teammate d/cing and other bullshit, we'd finish a game only to hope the coin flip sided with us, and then the game would bug and barely give us any elo even if we did win. I also want to say that the team mates youll end up with in the game are terrible. They'll play comp and not understand basic teamwork and get snotty nomatter how nice you try to be about giving advice. I'm perfectly fine with people being bad as long as they try to fix their mistakes, but ive mostly encountered the former I got desperate and used the reddit discord which helped some

Like i said some people like the game and can play and have lots of fun. I'm the type that wants to know that everything that happens in a game was because of my own skill and not some random bs or someone hitting q. Oh and im not saying cs is perfect because there's a lot of stupid shit there too. but its definitely more competitive.

its fun and easy to get $40 worth out of it. but im not going to put 2000 hours into it like CS

If they were paying attention they would have heard the Reaper teleporting above them

Playing this game at master rank or higher is retarded. Everyone's at the skill ceiling of their character, except for the Mcrees, so every single match, virtually 100% of them, comes down to which team has the better Mcree

I miss tf2

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but she is racist.

>someone webm'd this

They do do them but only for serious offenses. That said they also put you on a report blacklist where they ignore what you have to say if you send them frivolous reports.

Enumbre posts the most boring webms known to man in the Overwatch general.

>he's not trolling

>No. That's just a retarded statement.
RELIABLY setting someone on fire, airblasting him into the air and then shooting him with your alt. weapon mixed with extinguishing teammates, airblasting ubercharged enemies and flare gun trick jumps, deflecting stuff etc. is deeper than 99% the things you can do in Overwatch, sorry.

>That's a weird way to spell "hats and cosmetics."
In TF2 characters have many different weapons with different attributs or even completely different gameplay, user. Don't talk about games you have not played.

>More weapons doesn't equal more depth.
Since they're all different and even quite balanced at this point adding more layers to the game, it factually does. Just as more characters in Overwatch mean more depth. Too bad you still only play 6 vs. 6 and the gamepaly itself is shallow as all fuck.

>Borderlands 2 would have the most depth of any game in existence.
I have not played it long enough, so I don't talk about it.

>Rocket jumping is literally the only thing and it's Valve's terrible version of it.
Market Gardener kills, airborne shotgun kills, rocket jumping twice in a row with the last rocket of a Beggar's salve, shooting enemies and jumping out of the danger zone and then in again when they don't expect and repeat etc. are all things your average Overwatch player couldn't do reliably in even two years.

>Any retard can sticky jump.
No since in TF2 it actualy has physics. Also sticky-jumping into the air and shooting the enemy which you can do any time and don't have to wait for a cooldown, Loch'n'Load which actually requires some aim, Demoknight which adds completely new layers and basically is Reinhardt's E in form of a character and way more complex.

>Yeah, not really
You have to be the Isaac Newton of shitty FPSs to be a good Spy with the current meta. Meanwhile the average Overwatch player is literally braindead or a girl.

>Zarya is a racist
Omnics aren't people they're things.

Not really, it's an unavoidable hazard of any team game, there's no way to avoid it except by bringing your own team with you.

here, I made a nice webm for you

>No since in TF2 it actualy has physics.
And hurts yourself.

I'd ask if you're autistic and/or retarded if you still playing TF2 didn't make it obvious.

Harder to perform =/= Depth

>I'll simply tell my uncle to unban you when you tell people to kill themselves next time, he works for Blizzard. See? We both can make stuff up.
Are you dumb? Play the game more often before lecturing others about it. Everyone above level 300 knows you can get banned or muted easily because of some reports.

Reports can be completely random, too, people on the server just hating you because you play a specific character (pic related) and becauset hey are braindead (everyone in this community).

They just put a random reason in the box and you are muted for two weeks.

Literally any of them. Even old Ana. Hell, I'd fuck most of the men in this game too. Including Zenyatta

>Not really, it's an unavoidable hazard of any MOBA game

No, it's factually an aspect that defines depth. Harder to perform can mean more complex, more mechanics to calculate (physics, do I damamage myself? Do I have enough health left?) etc.

You are playing Overwatch.

In Overwatch you physically cannot do anything if your team is bad. The abilities are so easy to use that they force a kind of attrition. Two or three shitty players can completely nullify a god-tier player because the skill ceiling is so low. This is compared to games like Quake where a 2000 elo player can happily 1v10 a team of 1600 elo players.


>more mechanics to calculate (physics, do I damamage myself? Do I have enough health left?) etc.

And overwatch doesn't have these mechanics...?

fucking outskilled

maybe in a few years when there is more content

i regret buying it even though I played 200hours

sure you can't auto win every 1vv6 match but a good player can definitely carry his teammates. I've seen it happen.

>post levels of skill
>posts CS
Top kek

This so much. This game has zero skill ceiling. You cannot carry a team unless everyone in the enemy team is literally braindead.

It's a fucking disaster of a competitive game.

Even in Team Fortress 2 which isn't quite tryhard itself you CAN literally wreck a 20 men team as Soldier or Demoman because you're simply that much better. And I'm not talking about scrubs.

In Overwatch you do one cool thing, then you have to wait for your specials to work again 15 seconds and can't do anything but M1 and... walk.

No, you haven't. You have seen two utter shit teams with no one even trying and one guy actually trying in one of the teams. That's not carrying. That's just 11 retards.

Man I hate how in soccer I always lose because my team is shit. I guess its just a shitty non-competitive game because I can't win the entire game by myself.

>You are playing Overwatch
No I'm not.

Overwatch is for people who are too stupid to play an actual FPS or just really, really like eating Blizzards shit.
Look at their current games and tell me that well-adjusted people play them.

cs has some shitty design decisions but its definitely more skillful than overwatch.
Also that video isnt what id call an example of skill

Shitty argument.
>yes it is


>mei not using ice wall or ice block
>rein not shielding or pinning

They all deserved to get rekt from that obvious fucking ult that was coming a mile away.

>tie-breakers determined by coin flip
Not anymore
>leaving a match punishes the whole server with less exp
>Season-long ban for multiple leaves
Whats wrong with this?
>Hastily released with little bug testing, no fixes until next season
Not true
>No backfiling, your team must play 5v6
Doesn't make sense to backfil in competitive
>Top rated posted on reddit determine future buffs/nerfs
Source? I don't believe that

I mean I do think OW's matchmaking is shit but this image is fucking stupid. Doesn't even mention anything about the gameplay.

The issue is that every FPS that isn't Overwatch is even more casual (ie. Battlefield, CoD, Titanfall 2, etc...) or ancient and dying (quake, tf2, etc.)

TF2 is great even now but I have over 3000 hours in it and it's just nauseating to play. It was never that deep of a game to begin with, and Source is such a terrible-feeling engine for an FPS. Hitscan doesn't feel right and projectiles are interpolated to fuck.

What FPS needs right now is for Quake Champions to be very good, or for Valve to release a non-shit original Source2 FPS. I'm not holding my breath for either.

but you got 250 hours of enjoyment out of it.

The matchmaking update for TF2 was absolute trash, I can't see anyone defending that garbage. Remember the entire WEEK objective gamemodes didn't work at all?

No? You don't even have fucking ammunition in Overwatch and AoE healing.


>needing all that gay shit

Valve is really the only dev capable of making good games anymore.

I thought it was showcasing how fucking stupid overwatch's "hitscan" is

They somehow also felt the need to split Engineer into two different characters and both couldn't be more shallow.

Symmetra; W+M1 gun, can make teleporters. Cannot even pick up teleportes and adapt to what is happening.

Cuckold dwarf; generic shit gun, put turret, cannot pick it up either, literally cannot even rotate it, you literally CANNOT put it into a corner if you don't want it to face the wall.

You can make twitch shots like that in pretty much any game with hitscan.

I think the problem here is you are thinking over Overwatch too much in terms of other games. Its much more fast paced in that, if you have to re-load at the wrong time, you will get fucked. There is no way around that. But its ok, I wouldn't expect you to know anything about how the game plays since you've clearly never played it.

this is the autism of the average "tf2 is dead" Cred Forums shitposter
holy shit

TF2 is a party FPS for men.

Overwatch is a party FPS for girls, also pushing multiculti.

tales from the borderlands i think

Overwatch is more fun
Tf2 is shit
stay mad

how do you know

they haven't made a game in 6 years. last i heard, valve is firing nearly all of its original staff (including those responsible for Half-Life 1 & 2; both the lead artist and lead writer are gone) and replacing them with strong empowered womyn

it's ok to have an opinion, it becomes a problem when you bring your autism into it though

Still got CSGO
i liked playing tf2 when i played in around 2008, but playing today just makes me realize how shitty the community is with little kids and spergs. I dont usually see people trying or working as a team so everyone just plays for themselves instead of trying to win

The only reason Overwatch could be considered "more fun", is that a) it just came out and TF is 20 years old and b), despite how shit the game is, Blizzard knows how to keep people hooked, it's flashy as fuck with "press button, awesome" mechanics.

>calling Source physics thrash = autism
Hello Gabe

>those shit physics
>hitting the door frame

Oh fuck off it's been years. You guys wait for something to die and then mention something as early as possible as what killed it. Christ.

It's like those people that waited until Pandaria to say that BC killed WoW.

>they haven't made a game in 6 years.
Dota 2 and CS:GO are the best games on the market, currently. They also age like wine.

>unironically scrolling the fucking weapon menu to switch
is this your first 10 hours in the game?

cs is casual, slow as fuck, and the engine is garbage for hitscan

it literally exists because casuals needed something easy when quake was in its hayday

Filename: Overweight pros.

You literally just described Overwatch.

you literally just described every game ever made that I dont like lmao


overwatch's engine works perfectly fine, really no outstanding issues besides the lack of 128tick. the tickrate is at least 64 now

and though it is slow, counter strike is still infinitely slower. it is the FPS for grandmoms

Actually here's something.
You can simply chose to not suck.


Theyve fixed this issue and multiple other hitbix issues, as well as completely redoing the hitbox system and now use capsules. I dont know how someone would consider it slow since you are always doing something or thinking about whats going on. even if im looking at a door for a minuet straight im still keeping track in my mind where the enemies could be or using info given by my team to better position.
As far as hitscan issues i agree that the mm system is shit but i mostly play esea which is a completely different game (figuratively). i like quake too but they are different games. I wouldnt call either of them casual

He was in ghost mode. Gives you about 5 seconds to buy a gun and what not. The demo/upload never rendered it correctly.

Or the server doesn't show it.

Around 40 hours and doing a bit of ranked you eventually realize its a game with no skill ceiling completely dependant on your teammates and if you are a pre made its the only way to move up in the ranks.

Then you stop playing.

Fuck that bitch. Pauling should have been straight but with no interest in the mercs. It would have been so much more pro women to do that than the "hur she's a lesbian, clearly why she wasnt after their dicks"

>But yeah, she's gay
This makes me mad for some reason. Not cause I care about her orientation or anything but its just the way he worded it.

> I dont know how someone would consider it slow

Maybe because it's retardedly slow, as in the movement speed, with no special movement forms. Bunnyhopping was patched out because casuals couldn't cope with it.

Any game with a TTK as low as CS's is designed for casuals. A long time to kill gives more opportunities for skill to matter.

Got to diamond and kinda got bored of it fast after. i enjoyed tf2 more. there's just way too much stupid shit in overwatch. not that tf2 didnt have really dumb stuff but it was just more enjoyable.

It's fun, but I got bored of it fast. You'd better have friends to play it with, too, otherwise it'll get boring even faster.

Like I said, it's fun, but I feel like I've done everything there is to be done.

Don't even touch this garbage.

yeah im not saying its perfect and agree that one shot weapons dont help the game. Though my interpretation of slow is that there is down time where you dont do anything, which isnt the case really. i could critique the game all day but i dont have any problems with movement speed. bhoping is still possible to a degree but not usually viable or reliable, at least on 64tick. I can see how you could consider it raising the skill ceiling but i still dont think it belongs in the game

Pulling off a good reaper ult takes a lot of skill if u play at a tier worth a damn

If they're stuck there long enough for reaper to get his ult then they were never good in the first place

The fuck are they doing. I thought they were AI that's so stupid


So why are people hating on cs? It actually takes sills like aiming, movement, map layouts, reactions and a ton of other shit.

Are overwatch dickriders this fucking stupid?

DOTA is a pretty competitive game, that's team-based

If you are easily angered by dumb teamates then just skip it man. Its not worth it. Everytime i want to play competitive i end up with a team that seems to be working up their way to learning how to tie their shoelaces. If youre anything like ne youll be pulling your hair out.

CS prior to GO, maybe

>end up in 2500 after placement matches
>fight my eay through waves of shitters, retards, quiters and tryhards to 2980
>On a winning streak, this is it, just one more win
>lose the next 6 games in a row


u wot?

Do you mean more heros? Cause we got a lot of them right now and more feels like it would fuck with balance.

Maps? I think after they added the castle it feels fine.I feel like the rotation will be interesting once theres 2 more maps, u might not play in a map for awhile.

Personally i think the game needs more comp development. As in more of the polishing their doing like what they just did on the ptr today with the ui.

Fuck that bitch. I still have nightmares about her fucking LG.