Suppose there is actual artificial intelligence and it is commonplace...

Suppose there is actual artificial intelligence and it is commonplace. Would the correct nomenclature be AI or inorganic lifeforms. Discuss.

I particularly think that AI or inorganic would be fine either way.

When is VR going to have a cortana Fuck simulator.

artificial intelligence is not synaptic, it would be based around us, and our bodies, but it wouldn't operate in the same way. Oblivion with Tom Cruise had a fully automated sentient being called Sally, but it was counterproductive. The best bet would be to identify with the species that can communicate most clearly.

ok little brother

Artificial in AI , in my opinion diminishes the fact that they are sentient and have free will. Artificial means fake. Wouldn't anything fake be considered lesser?

I think, in order to be PC and not offend the robutts. We should refer to them as inorganic life forms.

What's the point for AI of having fertile body?

It's just supplementary. Artificial is not synonymous with worse, just inauthentic.

It's just a representation to communicate with humans better. She doesn't use it most of the time either. Cortana was mapped from the brain of a human woman, so she chose a form similar to that woman as an avatar for herself when she needs one.

Isn't overwatch about robots wanting rights?

Would the bots in overwatch appreciate being called Artificial?
is my initial response.
But I kinda think it would be the equivalent of "nigger" for a sentient bot to be called "artificial".

That was feminine woman.

That's just a synonym for "artificial"

What makes advance computational thoughts less real than our own.

What do you mean by inauthentic? Not real? In my arugument, I just think that artificial means man made. Inauthentic sounds to me sounds like another way to say not real. When you go for authentic mexican food, you don't go for man made mexican, you go for real mexican.

I think that would depend on how advanced it was. AI in science fiction has a lot of variation, ranging from full blown personality engrams to rudimentary command and control systems. Cortana is a full-blown lifeform by the most recent halo though.

So call it a cybernetic being?

>expecting the people who map an AI to a woman to choose a fatty

can I play vr porn games on samsung gear vr?


Aritifical means inauthentic, as in not the real thing, whole removed form the content, thing in itself derived from a false compound, an ersatz, replacement, feature of the original without the original.

my bottom line is, that Artificial sounds like a negative way to refer to a being who is self aware and has it's own thoughts, aspirations and is basically a person, but who's body, or nonbody is not organic.

By that definition I think it applies accurately to current AI, even simple AI that's present in games. It's a mimicry of intelligence but not true intelligence.

If they create a computer that could think and reason on the same level as a human, though, it'd probably be more accurate to call it something like "digital intelligence" or something, I think referring to it as artificial would be wrong.

AH I'm not alone!

We call it artificial in the context of its maturity. The intelligence it has is not compositional, it is created by simply existing. When a human has an idea, cogito ergo sum has its role. When a machine has an idea, a priori and a posteriori don't come into play at all. Thereby rendering intelligence by machine construction artificial.

For you

jesus christ you keep using terms I don't know.
I'm learning a lot of new words ovah heya,

give me minute to gool that shit.

How could you have sex with an ai like cortana?


>Microsoft will never release a dirty cortana app

Why would theoretical deductions before evidence and ones made after evidence not have anything to do with a machine having an idea?

>stuck with her only achieving orgasm through normal RP

Just call them people. 'Person' means 'self-aware', 'conscious'. They're all synonyms. If it's a self-aware machine, it's a person, just like any self-aware animal (which are, in fact, also machines). If it's a self-aware crystal formation, or gas cloud, or electrical signal, or whatever, it's still just another person.

The content a machine makes its decisions on isn't limited to a priori, but a machine isn't capable of deductive reasoning insofar as humans are. It's an abstraction that was gifted to humans. I can figure out x,y, and z, because I'm human, a machine needs to go through a series of boolean determinants in order to do some of the most basic a priori events. This plays a pretty significant role in a machine's ability to come across an idea, and the quality of its intelligence, artificial or otherwise.

I'm gonna go with my main man marky mark and call them "synth fucking shits"

But they are Artificial.

And they could just as easily be offended at being compared to biological life, i.e. slow water-based computers with zero quality assurance.

>Would the correct nomenclature be AI or inorganic lifeforms. Discuss.

The correct nomenclature is "person". An artificial intelligence that is indistinguishable from a person (in other words, passes the Turing Test) is a person but with an electronic brain instead of a meat brain