What are Cred Forums's Hopes/Dreams for this game? What do you think the gameplay will be like? How about the story...

What are Cred Forums's Hopes/Dreams for this game? What do you think the gameplay will be like? How about the story? When the hell do you think it will be released?

I have good faith it will be the definitive cyberpunk game of all time upon release. It's insane nothing has been shown though.

knowing cd, the gameplay will be shit, but everything else will be spectacular.

It's a shame they really can't make the core gameplay mechanics fun whatsoever.

Games should be fun to play before anything else.

>tfw no perturbator doing the soundtrack

I feel like it's harder to fuck up a game with a combat system revolving around sci-fi tech and firearms rather than swords and sorcery.

But it remains to be seen how it will be.

Theres dozens of games with the gta-esque shooting mechanics that are so mind numbingly dull Id want anything else instead.
Actually I dont even want combat focused game, I want narratively elements w3 had with beautiful world.

I hope at least lay back on the hand holding. Witcher 3 was great but it was stupidly aggressive with it's quest guidance. Let me do actual investigating and interrogation on my own like in TW1

God no. I dont play Fallout games because of it lacks of "handholding". If I dont have a clear objective, I dont care and quit playing.

I just want a good rain and neon aesthetic and the ability to make a cute girl

deus ex / bloodines

Go play mobile games, then, you colossal faggot.

Or any CDPR game, incidentally.
I think minecraft would be good fit for instead of cp77.

You wannabe hardcores overpraise the quality of video games and the immersion of "exploring" a bunch of copy pasted shit.

FPS. That is literally all I want. If its the same quality as their other games and cyberpunk they can do what ever they want and I will be happy if its an FPS.

the definitive cyberpunk game of all time has already been released you drekheaded choob

I just pray it's turn based combat

>when the game will have character creation

Its called a character sheet. You can look at your pretty face all you want there.

Giant. Robot. Titties.

but what if I want to look at my pretty butt

Flip the character sheet over.

cp77 better have full frontal nudity
W3 really toned down sexuality even tho they go for the "mature games for mature audiences" thing.

>Or any CDPR game, incidentally.

except witcher 1


>full frontal nudity
>when the game comes out in a few years time

Good luck with that when all the social justice warriors have an even bigger influence on developers

I want fully explorable buildings.

Polacks do not care

the SJWs, they fear the squatting samurai

Open World

Extreme character customization

A Digital Deity that drinks dark energy in the Internet

More than 5 types of possible role playing with extreme difficulty to become a hybrid build/Universalist

Extreme everything


I've had this idea in my head for some deeper character customization in assigning different vices and levels of addiction to them. Like say you wanna make a Sarah Connor type cop that is highly addicted to cigarettes and mildly addicted to sex and alcohol.

Maybe your class can dictate the amount of money you have to burn on vices, and can thus limit the types or amounts of addictions your character has. I honestly wouldn't foresee these having much gameplay impact, but would be dope as hell flavor that other characters can react to.

Bad idea, you can simply have player make those choices as the game progresses and have it be more intuitive and less gamey.


That it's a good game.

Yeah I'm not averse to that, but I thought of it more as filling out a character sheet for a pen and paper RPG.

Theres lots of good games, but what would make it a good game for you?

>Digital death cults--hey, this is fun!

I hope the lip sync will be better than w3

Im sure they'll do better job than new Deus ex on lipsync.

Hoping for a lot of futuristic billboards ala blade runner

Underwater areas


>What do you think the gameplay will be like?

it should be ready to make ready to make r-ready to make sense of

I was hyped until I play the Witcher 3.
Which is crap. Maybe one of the worse gameplay/control in years.

>The Witcher 3
>bad combat

The Witcher 3 has such a great combat and riding mechanic, but it is hard to learn. If you don't know how to play you end up being a button smasher and crying like a bitch "MUH BAD GAMEPLAY".

I'm hoping and expecting that it'll be a GOAT contender.
Why did I laugh at this.

Good job, Mr. "Target Audience".

>What are Cred Forums's Hopes/Dreams for this game?
nothing, at best it will be a game with shitty/half baked mechanics with a slightly above than average plot
>What do you think the gameplay will be like?
Deus Ex(1st one) with slavic jank
>How about the story?
Deus Ex HR/MD but with more sex and body horror
>When the hell do you think it will be released?

That I have person responsibilities

But the lip sync was GOAT in tw3