Criminal Girls 2 Uncensored Steam?

Well anons anyone going to sign and give their support for having a uncensored weeb game full of BDSM and fetishs on Steam?

>implying it would actually end up on Steam uncensored

At best you could petition to get it on Steam period, at which point either the devs or some modder would just make a discussion thread with uncensoring patch download links like every other weebshit porn game on Steam.

Glorious Petition Race

It's not likely to happen, but I signed it regardless.

On the topic of localization and censorship, companies like IF, PQube, and importers like Play Asia are listening to fans.

I've already played it uncensored on the Vita.

It's not worth the effort to NISA. Anyone who *really* wants to spank the girls will have already obtained the game elsewhere.
Everyone else will just rag on the game endlessly for the fetish. What's even the point?

It's already confirmed to be on Steam. The uncensored bit comes from a NISA employee trying to keep people from burning the NISA forums down. He claims that if enough people speak up about wanting an uncensored version, NISA would give it a shot. Whether he's lying or not is up to you to decide.

>some modder would just make a discussion thread with uncensoring patch

You can't. The only uncensored version is the JP Vita version, and it is 100% incompatible with even the US Vita version (as in, you can't just replace the censored assets). The US version of the game has an entirely different file structure than the JP version, and it refuses to boot if any of the files are changed.

Does uncensored mean all of the left out DLC is included for free? If so then yes.

We all ready have uncensored anime with graphic rape scenes on steam so I dont see why we need to stop there

Release it censored: Who'd buy this mutilated piece of shit? 0/10 dropped
Release it uncensored: Creepy nip fetish game, if you buy this I'm calling FBI

Give it up NISA you can't win this


This seems more like the fans to me rather than NISA.

People bitch when it was censored, now they offer (or are at least gauging) it uncensored and people still bitch

No one is every happy.

Most normies would find it plenty creepy, censored or not.

I'd be happy if they stopped bringing over games.

Release a niche game about spanking and punishing girls in hell, censor that and no one wants it.

Did anyone else sign as Danny Baker? Never signed a petition but it had me logged in as this dude.

i think NISA is one of the few publishers i would actually not mind see disappearing off this planet.

so many other smaller publishers have taken up the mantle now such as koei-tecmo and rising star along with even smaller ones like p-qube.

who would have guessed they would bring over valkyrie drive and gal gun?

>who would have guessed they would bring over valkyrie drive and gal gun?
I think businessmen in Japan would favor the studio doing the job cheap, fast and without hassle.
It was only a matter of time before studios like p-qube take over.

PQube is pretty based. Though I haven't gotten a reply, I've emailed them about a couple of titles I'd like to see published as well as asking them what games they are looking into already.

And despite IF/CH basically rehashing games and assets, their stance on publishing games is something I can get behind.

Hoping Monster Monpiece does well for them and that the other Genkai Tokki games get steam releases.

I'd purchase. No question

When is 1 releasing?

"Eventually". They also said 1 will be fully censored and will not have any options to uncensor it, because it would require too much time and effort at this point to do so. That includes, but is not limited to:

>thick purple fog to cover shit up
>ALL voice tracks removed (mostly due to moaning or little girls begging you not to spank them)
>Punishment Time changed to Motivation Time
>various story elements that allude to this being changed
>the basic premise of the game's story being changed

For reference's sake, it's a game about rehabilitating criminals (what a surprise given the name). They'll often disobey orders or commands that you give, so you have to use Punishment Time to get them to behave.