How am I meant to beat this guy? I managed to get down to the beast stage a few times but it's impossible to beat him...

How am I meant to beat this guy? I managed to get down to the beast stage a few times but it's impossible to beat him, he's just too fast and aggressive. And running all the way from the lamp back to him is getting really old.

I want to like this game, but it's just frustrating me and making me angry.

hit him

You got any other pearls of wisdom there for me, champ?

Seriously, fuck off. I asked a perfectly valid question, how about you give me a proper answer? Reckon you can do that?

don't get hit

Hit him more than he hits you

When he's in beast for he walks straight forward slowly. Just buy the hunters axe and learn it's heavy charge attack timing and spin to win.

>I want to like this game, but it's just frustrating me and making me angry.

What the hell does this sentence even mean?

Stop acting like you are entitled to a correct answer.

Come on, that shits funny.

Remember where you are.

Throw molotovs at him. Hes weak to fire in beast form.

The game is not for everyone, it's specifically for old school gamers who love difficult Japanese games. If you want pay to win or for it to hold your hand, go play something else.

Tl;dr: get gud

comedy gold

>"How dare a videogame frustrate me! Im doing it a favor by trying to enjoy it! The nerve!"

This is what you sound like

deplete his health bar


That's not a valid question, shitbrain. That's you being a whiny little cunt. Maybe if your immediate reaction to struggling with something in a game is to call it impossible and run to the internet for help then you should try finding a new hobby, retard.

Usually dodging towards enemies helps with soulsborne games. If that's any help.
I don't know what else to say other than learn2parry

have you figured out yet how to use your gun?

It's a fucking Souls boss, asshole. You hit the boss until it dies while avoiding its attacks. Why do you think we tell people to git gud when they chimp out like you are?

Lmfao omg this is great.

Take a break and try again

If you want a """guide""" then just look it up or something

Souls games are challenging, but if you completed at least one then you shouldn't have issues completing all of them

You dodge, you hit, that's literally it.

>I want to like this game

What did he mean by this?

play, learn his attacks, practice and do the shit yourself and start blaming yourself instead of the game

A mature person can actually understand when something is their fault

An immature person just blames shit on everything else and says shit like "ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT HIM
he is TOO difficult TONE IT DOWN"

Well user sometimes he'll come at you with an axe or shoot you with a gun and at these times you want to be doing your best to not get hit then when he's not doing those things you want to hit him.

After he transforms he becomes more aggressive and can hit you harder and faster so you need to not to get hit some more and hit him again until you've hit him enough that his life gauge is depleted whilst making sure your life gauge is not depleted.

You can hit him with a fast weapon but generally the fast weapon doesn't hit as hard as the slow weapon so the slow weapon is also a viable option. If your life gauge is low you may want to inject a vial of healing blood to restore your life. It also helps if you stop being a fucking faggots and git gud.

Acquire proficiency and the Music Box, look it up

use the tombstones to cheese him

When he goes into beast form, he is vulnerable to parries because of how often he attacks.

Sucks if you miss the parry though.

with any beast-type enemy, you'll learn that you have to dodge INTO them, or more specifically around their flank

their attacks (him, the dogs, werewolves, any beast bosses) are all specifically timed to hit you if you try to spam roll/dodge away from them

use a weapon with range and use the music box to force him into a stun.
There is a way to cheap him out by using the stairs but that might of gotten patched out.

His advice was all you need. Hit him and don't get hit.


He gets in your head if you lose too much. Take a break if you start getting worse at fighting him. Also it's helpful to know that you can parry the beast form if you time it right. Make sure when he turns beast you don't panic and strafe to the sides, never back and certainly not forward. He will catch you if you try to outrun him.