What do you think about it, should i buy it or torrent it?

What do you think about it, should i buy it or torrent it?

Also no spoilers pls

if you're gonna buy just wait till the last episode releases. the game's price will be so cheap

also I just don't play these episodic games till all episodes get released

Pirate all Telltale shit out of Principle.

Yeah but someone who played, graphics, story quality...? Because if its shit i wont bother to even torrent it

Their engine is still shit and broken. They're still cheap fucks reusing assets (literally you fight 10 copy pasta henchmen in the first episode). Still, it's pretty decent but wait until the final episode is released. The story breaks off from the canon Batman so it's pretty interesting so far.

You don't get very much value for your money. If you want to support the devs do what everyone else is saying and wait until they have the whole "season" out for a low price.

Why cant them make a better engine? Like they have the money now, just hire good devs and make an other

buy it, but do wait till all of it comes out

>Why cant them make a better engine?

They can, but choose not to. Read Telltale's Glassdoor reviews. Management underpays employees ($40k a year in San Francisco), forces them to work long hours, understaffed, and rushing out content before it's ready.

Woa, i knew telltale was shit but not this much...

I couldn't even finish the first episode I pirated.
The curtain is completely open. I see Telltale's shit coming from a mile away.

So, like every other studio?

>People who bought the season pass disc on Xbone still haven't been able to play Episode 2

I remember this happening with one of the Wolf Among Us episodes as well. Either it didn't show up or forced the user to buy the episode, resulting in MS having to refund people and even give them some episodes free.

For me it's pretty interesting, but Telltale simply doesn't have it in them anymore to create or use the licenses like they previously did. I look at at their Borderlands series as a last hurrah.

Did they ever? I played TWD at it felt pretty cheap and on rails back then

Capitalism, Ho!

TftB was sooooooooooo good


He was our bro

And we killed his best friend


Harley Quinn isn't in it. There's no reason to play

The guy they picked to voice the Penguin is irritating as fuck

Well he's the Penguin, not the Dove.

I bought it full price because I am a big Batman fan but it isn't worth buying, the second episode only goes for an hour

Will Bats fugg Selina?

I said no spoilers!!! btw ho is Selina?

Catwoman? And sexual tension between Batman and Catwoman is no spoiler.

> btw ho is Selina?

Why the fuck would you even bother playing a Batman game if you don't know who Selina Kyle is?