Shadow of Mordor sequel is in the works. You play as Sauron in quest for the One Ring...

Shadow of Mordor sequel is in the works. You play as Sauron in quest for the One Ring, you can command Nazgûl and build your uruk army.

The nemesis system is still here but more polished.

Awesome. The first game is the best game ever

Source bitchass?

>You play as Sauron

If you don't kill a dozen people at a time with every attack i'll uninstall twice

A sequel to the boring fanfic-turned-game. Hooray?

Despite the meme combat Shadow of Mordor was my favorite game last year

Maybe it was because I expected literally nothing from it

what is the appeal of the nemesis system again? it is so incredibly shallow

>Main villain: Sauron
>Secondary villain: Sauron-Man

Tolkien was a hack

Holy fuck you play as motherfucking Sauron? The guy who single-handedly caused God to destroy an island? The guy who tried to take over the world like 3 or 4 times? The guy who's basically a high level angel? The guy who took over a country while he was dead? The guy who survived the war in heaven? And you've got motherfucking Nazgûl? The immortal ring wraiths who fly on dragons?
Sounds cool.

this actually sounds fucking radical

As much as I would play that,

[citation fucking needed]

Source or kill yourself

It's shallow but it was pretty neat to see uruks that killed you come back as captains, or the remember if you ran or they ran away. Occasionally even if you killed the,, they would come back with a gaping wound or their head sewn back on and covered in a bloody bag with a desire to murder you. Was kinda neat. Manipulating it was fun too.

Hey retard, the game came out in 2014.

I honestly thought that was an armored centaur OP.

Hey retard, the GOTY edition came out in 2015!

Does the first game have any mods for female orcs?

I want to mindfuck a female orc.

Great, another shitty game.

I can say this because I 100%'d the first one.

It's not impressive because the game was so easy you could play it blindfolded. Literally blindfolded.

The nemesis system was cool, but would be more meaningful if the enemies actually mattered.

Traversal was kinda boring too.


That would actually be the best thing ever