Would overwatch actually be competitive if their were no ultimates?

Would overwatch actually be competitive if their were no ultimates?


Fair teams and no ultimates for sure.

no, it'll need better maps too

it would also require the game being balanced so not like half of every team is the same

It needs different maps, but yeah, ult stacking is why the meta is so fucked

Don't forget removing the unlimited ammo and placing in ammo pick-ups

i know it would cause all kinds of issues, but i wish the teams were bigger

It already is, no ults would make it a bit more respectable though.

This man is right. Lots of maps are still poorly balanced or are outright unfun. Blizzard should really focus on refining them on future updates.

They should make some bigger maps and have a ground war game mode, larger teams, but no ultimates.

Why the fuck are people using competitive as if it's a measure of quality?

I know Blizzard tries way too hard to push this (which is absolute bullshit), but not every game has to be fucking competitive. In fact I'd love Overwatch to stop trying, add a custom server browser and just be autism free fun.

>already is
>"wait for ults to be up and then push/defend into a team wipe" the meta

First thing that needs to happen pronto is removal of the over time ult charge. So we can't have people just hiding around walls waiting for that last 10% of ult to charge.


What they mean by "competitive" is to require a semblance of skillful gameplay. It doesn't need to be an e-sport to not be so casual.

blizzard fucked up because they were too stubborn to use the tried and tested cooldown formula for ultimates

as a simple implementation, if every hero received their ultimate every 90 seconds, you would see both regular ability play as well as more evenly matched ultimate fights

of course some ultimates are more useful than others, which is where cooldown balancing comes in

THE WORST thing about the current system is that it means 80% of players time is spent just spamming down corridors and baiting damage for healers, trying to charge their dps/support ults

It is competitive. You can shut down a lot of ults rather easily, proper ult timing, coordination... it makes the game come to a grinding halt where the outcome of a match is usually decided in two or three frantic battles (which is why defending is fucking bullshit) but it is still competitive, whether that's good or bad game design is up to you. I wasn't exactly thrilled by it at first but you can shut down a lot of ults extremely easily so I've come to accept it a bit.

They really need to reduce ult gained from self-healing and just outright remove passive ult buildup. I've seen Meis pop over 10 ults in a singe KotH match.

Ult cooldowns instead of a charge would honestly be a better system.

Just look at the new meta cropping up in the tournament scene. Its fucking 3 tanks and 3 supports because it counters the long popular 2/2/2 meta. The entire thing revolves around Ana's ult because it charges so fast. A timed cooldown would completely eliminate shit like that.

Its only a matter of time before this meta makes its way into competitive mode and every fucking is 3 tanks and supports.

Hm. I guess the game being constructed like your typical E-spahrtz f2p assfaggots (matchmaker, ranked games, etc.) attracts the kind of audience that would complain about this.

I mean there isn't anything inherently wrong about a game being 'casual' - disregarding whether or not that is actually true for Overwatch - it just triggers autists.

I wouldn't mind trying ult cooldowns. It'd make the gameplay less "have an orgy while poking the enemy team for ult charge". The only problem is that it is an fps so there isn't a laning phase, farming, or towers to defend from creeps. What kind of timer would be balanced?

The game is built around them.
It's like asking CS to not have spray patterns

duh cause if the game is competitive friendly, then you don't need to feel bad about spending 10 hours a day playing it, or for spending 200$ on loot crates. it also allows players to feel like they're playing a skill-based game

Overwatch tried to sell itself as both a casual fps and a competitive one. The two sides are at odds with each other and leads to some design problems within the game. You can't have best of both worlds.

It doesn't trigger autists, it just bothers people who wanted an actually competitive game and not a press Q simulator.

Competitive doesn't mean you have to grind your bones or not play at all.
It means that it actually feels rewarding and makes sense.
Blizzard as usually goes so deep into casual territory that you can't distinguish a pro from a casual in their game, and most shit is either rng or meta meme.

The problem is maps are designed that you require ults to even push without getting fucked by the defense.

stay mad

The problem is that defense isn't allowed to fuck up once or else they get steamrolled.

Falls back to shitty map design. Alot of wasted space outside of attackers spawns because defense would be fucking dumb to die out there. HannaBarbera is a good example.

It bounces around, first point is easy as fuck to take because attack's spawn is usually closer, 2nd is harder to take especially if they retreat because defense spawns closer.

ultimates are pretty bad game design in an fps yeah

Yes. Ultimates were just made to pander casuals, but they don't add anything good in a competitive environnment, tournaments and leagues should have an Ultless mode or something.

No, it actually needs at least one more ability per hero.

>People talking about removing ults
>People talking about removing abilities in general

Yeah, let's make it just another generic fps. If you don't like a game play something else, why does anything need to be changed? Just play something else, nigga, tbis ain rocket science. Games aren't tailored to your specific likes and dislikes.

>Losing at the last stretch
>Type in chat that we should all just activate our Ults
>Everything dies/Can't die
Yeah I'd say so

I would prefer them to be removed completely, but a fixed cooldown, as others have said, is the next best choice. Players getting loads of hits don't need to add insult to injury by also ulting every 10 seconds....the systems fucked.

Wow this thread is literally full of sub-plat shitters. Many ults can be countered or outright cockblocked by other abilities.

>Players getting loads of hits don't need to add insult to injury by also ulting every 10 seconds
So getting rewarded for playing good is bad now?

Why don't we just make Overwatch a 1:1 Team Fortress 2 or Halo clone and call it a day. Would that you happy?

Nah. The ults aren't even the worst offender. The game could be competitive without them, it would just be fucking boring because very few people would risk doing anything without ults since you don't want to risk getting your ass fucked by the horrible spawns by losing a fight because you went in before your ults were up.

The game would need a few technical fixes. The hitboxes are a bit off, not just big but not always matching the models. Also the "aiming within 10 degrees of down results in shooting directly down" problem needs fixing. The #1 problem though is how if you use an ability but get fucked by lag compensation your ability still counts as being used even though it didn't actually go off.

The second issue would be the maps. They all need a ton of work.

How about making ult charge either build a lot for getting kills or have there be things like 40% ult pickups on the map? That would be cool.

Spawns are so fucked it's depressing.

I know you're just being an idiot but fuck no. The game deserves to be it's own thing. It just needs to be it's own thing with better map design and spawn balance.