" That " weapon

That one category of weapon that automatically makes you " that guy " regardless of any game it's in.

From Counter strike, to Call of Duty, to Insurgency, to Battlefield, no matter what game, you're always either so useless you're a detriment to your team or a cancer to the whole game if you're a sniper.

MG players that have bipods and max ammo capacity are bro tier.
Also sniping doesnt make you that guy in cs

>implying you're instantly not a cancer if you're using the AWP

it's literally banned from most servers

noobtubes make you noob

>tfw only 5-man with friends in CSGO MM
>tfw LEM
>tfw dedicated AWP-er
>tfw get accused of cheating all the time

offensive vehicles
>tfw I was so good at using vehicles in Halo 2/3, not even multiple other players in vehicles could take me out, got to the point where vehicles were always turned off if I was playing

Pellet S ammo in Monster Hunter

>noobs ban shit that they think that is op
more news at 11

Native warband, if you play archer and/or cav online, you are automatically cancer.

>AWPfag think his gun takes skill

more news at 12

>newfag uses old meme to be unfunny

more news at 13

take ak watch corner shoot if see police I put in bomb ok?

I never get it whenever it's the awper that gets blamed for cheating. That's the easiest weapon to create situations where enemy has to intercept.

>MG players that have bipods and max ammo capacity are bro tier.
Seconding this. They're the guys who do the actual killing all the while making that awesome BRATATATATA sound

People always call me a noob in insurgency when I use the shotgun. I'm sure that half of them never used and only go with the M4 or M16 most of the time Tbh.

I'm usually in the top 3 or 4 with it though.

The AWP isn't uselsss, it's a cancer.

The rifle in the OP is the L115 from Battlefield 3.

Typically, snipers in Battlefield 3, 4, Hardline and 1 will hide in the back trying to take out the one guy that comes within their sight of vision

People either never come within their cone of vision, or do, and the sniper panics, missing horribly because they can't compensate for bullet drop and bullet speed, combined with their truly awful aim.

90% chance you're called a noob because shotguns are fucking awful and competley useless considering they're only good in short ranges, something every other gun in the game can do well besdies the sniper rifles, while performing well in every other range.


This fucking guy up until the last patch.

>literally take your post and reword it against you
>you do it back at me
>but im the unfunny newfag

It's okay user, your not as good as you think you are.

Nice. Which bond villain did he steal that from?

This is true in most games, but in insurgency shotguns are actually decemt. With two body shots you can kill someone in medium range, and if you scope it with slugs it becomes even better.

stopped reading

Since when was the UMP45 an entire category of weapon?

Not a weapon, but it still counts.

Okay, now kiss!

Name a game where the MP5's beefier, cheaper to produce little brother ISN'T a blight to deal with,


Rainbow Six Siege.

cod4 didnt have the ump45

No idea what you're talking about really. In bf3 a proper recon doing his job for the squad placing beacons strategically and sniping people at medium to long ranges was a godsend. A shit player is always shit, no matter what he uses, an aek or m40.

I used the correct your, dipshit.

>stop reading reply because you don't wanna be wrong


Fair enough, I haven't played Siege so I can't confirm or deny that.

>Game is about close quarters firefighting
>Put a giant shield on your weapon that would actually get caught on just about every doorway and corner imaginable

>It's okay user, your not as good as you think you are.
Did you really use the right your, user? Really?

You said MP5. Early counter strike then, 1.3. It gets blown out of the water by every smg in game.

No, you didn't use the correct one retard.
At least google shit before you make yourself look literally autistic.

One, you're talking to a different guy, Two, I was referring to the UMP45, I was merely referencing to the real world fact the UMP was made to be a less expensive to produce alternative to the MP5.

>You said MP5
Learn to read, you mongoloid.

You don't live to fire the shotgun more than once in insurgency. Both shotguns are at most 90RPM, but the M16A4 is 760RPM and can kill an enemy in a single burst. There's no reason to use the shotgun.

The only problem with Sniper Rifles are the Adderall addicts who think they should be battle rifles with perfect hipfire accruacy and quick scoping because Sniper Rifles are normally "balanced" to be OHK weapons while they run around cheesing people

The point of a Sniper is to be far away from action, providing Intel and scouting while taking out high value targets who aren't on the front line

She looks sick.

he said weapons, user. not loadouts.

that being said, you're right. Using SOFLAM or an MAV right gives your team an edge.

Sword cav is ok, but lance cav are cancer. Most of them aren't even good; they just run up and lance people in the back or cavbump spam them into the ground with missed charges.

Playing Rhodok or Swadia vs them is great though. They run right into the Pike half the time. Switching to pike and seeing the good Cav just veer away is a great feeling. Still amazes me how many fall for the 'ol 180 jump spin, too.

Insurgency has a nice solution for this. Long range scopes block up a huge part of the player's view while they aren't zoomed in.

>remembering that time you went 40:2 in Call of Duty Modern Warfare on Overgrown sniping and camping a single house

Fuck you, I had fun.

Snipers are ok in Battlefield because the maps are big and everyone knows snipers are shit.

The only problem is when they go into COD and the only thing they can do is quickscope because the maps are so small.

Also, fuck any good sniper player. They are fucking cancer.

I don't really know if other games have this issue, but in wolf:et and bf3, people would bitch non stop about mortars.

The fucking Banshee in Halo.

There were always those faggots that would memorise the spawnpoints and just strafe between them, firing fuel rod bombs at them before you even respawned so that the very second you were alive, you were dead again.

read the op

You're still a cancer.

>nearly always main shotguns in every game
>always find a way to get good at them
>enemy cries im a noob for dominating them
>swap to ar
>still fck em up

Why cant people handle being killed by shotguns?

read my cock fag

Low skill ceiling.
Regardless of how much better than any other mongo you may be, its still not hard to be good with them.

>I don't know how to use smokes or flashbangs

Snipers make good players better and shit players useless, in almost every game.

exactly, kill yourself

.44 Magnum w/ tacknife+marathon, lightweight and commando


Getting good at shotguns means getting getting gud at the maps, because you have to get up close and flank around so often just to kill. I used to be able to use them successfully. There's definitely a high skill ceiling, especially when you're playing something like battlefield on a large conquest map.