What are some strategy games where the world map actually looks like a map rather than a blatant hex grid?

What are some strategy games where the world map actually looks like a map rather than a blatant hex grid?

Hard mode: no Paradox.


Total wsr games


>the camera is not in the direction of the north


you can change it

The maps visuals are .tga files so in principle they could be anything, but I tend to like the aesthetic that most commonly played maps in Dominions have. Some more or less random screenshot.

Every time I think Dominions 4 will be an appropriate response to an OP it seems that somebody else beats me to it.

I cant really think of any that do look like a grid? Apart from civ.

The last Age of Wonders, Endless Legends, Beyond Earth etc... Frankly, most of them do. It's one of the main reasons why I don't play turn-based strategies very much: they all tend to have this hideous, artifical feeling to them that does not feel even remotely like real worlds and places.

I miss Master of Magic.

It's actually a tactics game, but I think Ultimate General: Gettysburg is worth mentioning because I think it mixes 3D terrain and map-like look very well.

You can relatively easily make maps yourself for this one.

Battle for Middle Earth

That was an excellent simulation, but a very boring game.

ACW is just a boring setting for any game

That does not make it okay.

I like the game but it stresses me out.

I just want to be a Lich King and cover the land with the undead.

Total Warhammer is pretty good in this regard. The world map is as close to the official as it can be.

Was going to post a screen shot but realized I only have screen shots of battles, not the over world map.

Excuse my graphics, I played on low medium.

More boring than HOI or EU?

Is modding still to difficult? If yes then Med2 is still mu favourite game. Sad though, as magi and unit types would be great for total conversion mods.

>HoI or EU

OOH I rember when the SJW cunts got mad over teh CONFEDERATE FLAG in A CIVL FUCKING WAR GAME.

How is Gettysburg different? Try not to meme too hard in your reply

That's some German level censorship they wanted to implement.

Knighs of honor is a grand strategy that takes place in High Middle ages so you get realistic Europle even with a political map, not counting typical GS blobbing and general bullshit .