If you go into ranked mode in any game...

If you go into ranked mode in any game, and treat it like it's regular matchmaking and just dick around and fuck us over, you need to uninstall immediately and stop screwing people over.

It's a fucking joke how shit people are at any game. At least in games like Dota 2 you can carry the entire team but with games like Overwatch you have one retard and it's all over.

Imma go put my teleporter on the ledge

Not really, if I dick around in ranked, then the rank system puts me at a rank that's in line with my dicking around skill

Go fuck yourselves.

stop solo queuing and have fun.

>playing meme watch even though it's a dead game

But why?

>friend want to play csgo comp
>all right, sounds fun
>spends half the game afking, other half doing his own thing
>ask him to try
>"lol not even trying that hard, just a game"
>"sorry mic isn't working don't know why"
>"no i will not text chat"
>"what's a? b?"

And that day reminded me why I don't play vidya with irl friends

>mfw hearing people complain about ranked when I made it from platinum to master entirely solo queue
Not everything is the team's fault

>At least in games like Dota 2 you can carry the entire team but with games like Overwatch you have one retard and it's all over.

You have that backwards

>Why so serious?

Lol that's a movie quote from Batman good movie

You sound upset at the fact that people are having fun in video games...

... Tell us how you really feel, OP.

Some people can live their entire lives without getting cancer. There's nothing inspiring about being lucky.

it's just a video game, stop being so tryhard

>Playing ranked anything
>not playing leagues and constructed competitive formats

>someone doing trash in a game
>call them out
>"I'm just playing to have fun"

>Place 2300
>The slow slippery ride to -2000

I play to the best of my ability in comp, but I accept I'll always be a bronze shitter if I solo queue. Obsessing with reaching the top ranks with randoms is not worth the nerves.

>but with games like Overwatch you have one retard and it's all over
no it just proves you're shit, if you were atually good you could carry regardless of game unless your team was actively sabotaging you.

>Playing Ranked
You're not going to join a team, and there will always be a lot of people better than you. Why bother?

It's just a game bro.

I always play ranked. In every "competitive" game that has ranked, there's no point in playing in any other mode. Doesn't matter if I just picked up the game and know nothing about it, I'm playing ranked.

I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Ranked mode is just regular matchmaking except you get a grade afterwards on your performance. If you fucked around you know it will go down so it's no biggie.

Why do people have to be so fucking autistic all the time? Get a life and let people play as they please.

Yeah? what are you going to do about it? Oh that's right, fucking nothing haha faggot.

Isn't the whole point of ranked matchmaking being an autist and trying to do your best?

I mean you don't see people in actual sport competitions doing whatever they want.

If people do well "oh well you just got lucky tho."

If people do bad "this matchmaking is broken fuck Blizzard."

The game factors your rank based on a lot of criteria, not just the teammates you get. Nobody wants to admit they might just be a shitter.

Competitive modes attract a certain type of humourless faggot who forgot that games are entertainment not a fucking job.

Same people that ruined WoW, and they have no self-awareness that maybe they're missing the point of playing games in the first place. They're meant to be fun fuckwits