Cred Forums, why didn't you tell me that this game is gonna be so good and intense? You told me it's gonna be shit...

Cred Forums, why didn't you tell me that this game is gonna be so good and intense? You told me it's gonna be shit, but it's literally Platinum tier cuhrayzee.

I swear it did demon slaying better than DmC

It's ok as a generic shooter. As a doom game it fails in all aspects.

it's sad that action game illiterates thing God Hand style QTE finisher (literally 1 mechanic) can somehow prevent FPS from being not shallow "press this area of pixels asap" mini-game

>make fast paced shooter where the point is a fast pace
>force/heavily entice players to stop and look for stat boosting items hidden away

fucking idiots

it's a fucking shit game made for console plebs who can't strafe jump and twitch aim

It's okay, but overpriced for what it is. No point in paying full price for a single-player game with limited replay value, and no mod tools.

Fast paced combat is fun but why would you want fast paced level exploration?

Because Cred Forums is full of cynical cunts who can't enjoy things

I don't know. That's what I'm saying.

They are fucking idiots for putting shit like that in.

>using God Hand style QTE finisher
scrub detected

Wow it's almost sounds like you're describing Doom 1 exploration.

Doom 1 wasn't a super fast paced action game like NEW DOOM tries to be.

You contrarian faggots need to kill yourselves. You're not making yourself look cool by saying dumb shit.

>I don't know. That's what I'm saying.

What? Pretty sure you're saying that the levels should be barren so the player will just speedrun through the whole thing. That doesn't really effect the pace of combat.

I think the whole game should be fast paced without any distraction that should cause you to stop the combat and fuck around looking for someone in a corner of the map somewhere.

Yeah I agree it should be a lot slower

Then it would be a shortlived blur with no ups and downs. That's just bad design.

>You told me it's gonna be shit
it is shit just wrapped up in a shiny AAA package

that's what i want though

there's fucking nothing that does that shit well. Doom is the closest we've come but even it has problems

Not painkiller, not serious sam, nothing

I don't know if your english is shit or if you're just retarded.
Either way, please never take part in game design.

I am the person single handedly making half life 3

i hope you're ready

it's going to be a rail shooter buddy

OK I'll bite
First you faggots complain that DOOM is slow paced compared to classic Doom (pre-release)
Then the game comes out, turns out it's fucking amazing, fast, intense and gory, and now you complain that it is too fast.
Smh kys desu senpai

When did I complain that it was too fast?

I think that's a GOOD thing.

I just said the original doom wasn't as fast as people seem to think it was.

It is shit. Your taste is just awful.

>le fast
only idiots who can't articulate their point properly argue this
nuDoom is bad for many reasons, some are related to character movement but it goes beyond "fast"

>nuDoom is bad for many reasons
spotted the idiot

If classic Doom were Ninja Gaiden, then I guess Doom 4 would be something like a Platinum gameā€”it has simplistic and repetitive level design.

>mfw I only did 4 hours in campaign, 4 levels 100%
>snapmap at 80 hours
I can't fucking stop

Well when you get to the shooting arenas, you don't really have to explore. You just explore inbetween the arenas.

But Platinum games are at least good at what they want to be. Numale's Doom falls flat on its face both as a Doom game and in general.

>single player

lmfao, get aids. I'll wait for Quake Champions.

Doom was pretty damn fast. You literally had to dance around the map to survive.

I disagree. Doom 4 is a pretty good Painkiller clone.

What happened to this comic? Did the protag become gay? I bet she became gay.

The first doom is exactly like that though, it's great.
Though doom1 is not meant to be fast paced
And I see where you went with this, the emphasis on exploration is a little too naggy

I know that feel.

Doom RTS is almost done for me.

Just need to fix the upgrades and some base building and the UAC faction is done. Not sure if I am going to do the demon faction considering how long it took me to do the UAC.

The shitstorm was based on the multiplayer which was awful. It's not Cred Forumss fault if the marketting team did a shit job.

One did.

Got screens kind user?

I am a filthy XBox one user. I like snap map because it is forge 2.0

If you want to know anything about how it plays, just ask.

You can still take screenshots on the Bone.

I wouldn't come here if I wanted to look cool

Why aren't they adding the Devil as a final boss? It's dumb when it's the same villain for 20 years. (CyberSpider)

yeah there is a lot of really dumb shit like armour literally just being another health bar rather than actually reducing damage
champions is fucked it's outsourced to saber interactive and not even using the newest iteration of idtech

Nah, I'll just wait for it. Gimme a name user

In that case, I am just getting the best shots before dumping.

it gets boring about 5 hours in

Nah it actually starts out boring but gets fun later.

You simply didn't read the threads when it was relevant. The kind of people who posts in Doom threads anymore are mostly shitposters

It is awesome. Don't know where these haters are coming from, it is better than could be expected nowadays and actually feels like a Doom game.

When they start locking the door behind you every 3 minutes? Nah

>actually feels like a Doom game
I enjoyed this game and love Doom but I didn't get feel this at all

>walk empty halls with the occasional stumbling zombie that dies if you sneeze at it

>enter arena looking room with a few more sneezers

>see the gory altar or whatever waiting for you to initiate arena filled with a few waves of sponge enemies and sneezers

WOW so intense! best game i have ever played guys! GOTYAY!

the best thing? you get some old leves, as a secret!

rip and tear guys

Is it just me, or is this game really easy after a few upgrades?

I died a couple times at first, but it hardly ever happens after I get the double barrel shotgun and fully upgrade it.

I just run up to anything, unload two shots at their face quickly (it'll stun any demon, even the biggest sized one for long enough that you can reload without being hit), then unload one or two more and then push F to melee.

Game is just ez mode after you get that weapon.

Encounter design is horrible, you walk some then you enter an arena.
This happens all the time, no deviations.
Ammo management is horrible, you can carry so little so you have to constantly switch weapons.
Checkpoints make you repeat entire sections, giving the game a false longevity.

Saved for DOOM 4 2

>Ammo management is horrible, you can carry so little so you have to constantly switch weapons.
>not switching between all weapons as you cycle through them
Are you actually dumb enough that you use only one gun and keep "reloading" it instead of quickly switching away shooting something else and switching back?

The game has slow exploration bits, but when it comes to combat it's clear cut that you need to be moving, jumping, shooting and switching weapons nonstop regardless of how much ammo you have.

>Cred Forums is one person

>listening to Cred Forums, who is one person

There's your problem.

No, it is not. Sabre did some minor shit and textures, fuck off.

>Is it just me, or is this game really easy after a few upgrades?

The game is absurdly simple, even on the hardest difficulty.

Was a disappointment, to be honest.

It is meaningless because because the moment you run out of ammunition the game gives you more.
It is simply tedious.
Imagine having a water flask of 1 litre or having a flask of 5 litres in a place full of water.
Giving you the first does not make the game difficult, just annoying.

Moving is annoying because your character has inertia and ends up sliding on the floor.
It's not weird this game sold horribly, the self appointed game devs should stick to flash games.

More like never. I guess we can just assume the 'Icon of Sin' is the devil in the universe.

End yourself

People like you remind me of some post I saw when the game was first announced, it went like "If you stop running at full speed for even a second in the original Doom, you will die"

What the fuck kind of autism is this, that's not how the game works

THis mother fucker is your builder and basically your base. He dies, you die.


Not much of an angle at the moment, but you get the idea. This is your base. Build Turrets, Teleporters and your resource lab.


Here are the turrets.

Does shit tones of damage against enemy units, but after 30 secs of use, they explode, so don't rely on them.

>Snapping from one 2 second cutscene to another excuse for gameplay feels like a doom game.
>cinematic corridor into a locked in arena level design feels like a doom game.

Forgot to download this one.

Your units have to capture this point before getting to the demon base. Problem is, as soon as the door opens, a Baron pops out and all your current units are killed.


It's simple, and if you watch someone play you'll just think it's no big deal.

But when you are fighting all the monster types with multiple weapons on nightmare, with the music blaring it's quite an experience.

One of the first FPSes of after 2010 that I actually bothered finishing.

Needed way more bosses though.

>He thinks doom 1 didn't have arena level design.

This. People who complain either haven't played or picked an easy difficulty. It's as simple as that.

And forgot to put up pic.

It's one of the best FPS games released in a very long time, no idea why some people on Cred Forums don't like it, let alone call it a bad game.

Doom 4 is my personal GOTY
best shooter since Wolfenstein NO

This meanwhile is the enemy base. The timer indicates when "hell" rises, ending the game on a loss.


>Inb4 contrarian virgin faggots will pretend they hate doom4
Goty this far. Wanna be a vanilla fag? Don't use the finishers. I had to use them for scraps of health and ammo, therefore found them useful.

And here is only a snippet of the code running behind the map. Units aren't actually controlled, but I found a way to make them advance towards the base or retreat. There is also the option to upgrade units. Like the possessed soldier squad having shielders or your Mancubi brothers having a Cyber Mancubus joining them.


So wait, you completed ultra Nightmare?

How did you get past Titan's realm?

>How did you get past Titan's realm?

I don't understand the question.

I just killed everything and didn't die.

Come on, there has gotta be a strat you employed in that last room before you had to fight the Hell guards.

5 pinkies, 2 screaming skeletons, 2 barons and a hell knight in a tiny area is hell.

Even then, what was your strat for the final arena in "I am VEGA"?

>that last room before you had to fight the Hell guards

Necropolis is before Hell Guard. Do you mean the long hall way with explosive barrels near the end? Either way, pinkies always get the gauss siege mode. Barons get the chainsaw.

>what was your strat for the final arena in "I am VEGA"?

Keep moving. I used the BFG if I misplayed and got cornered. Never, ever do glory kills. Super shotgun anything that gets close, line up gauss siege shots to hit multiple targets whenever I can. Keep dropping down between the top and bottom floors.

But honestly, a lot of it just came down to BFG ammo management. Since Ultra-Nightmare is a second playthrough, that's easier since you know when you'll need to use it and where to find more.

>it's a can't get a good read on the summoner so you end up fighting eight times the normal amount of demons fight

Plasma stun + rocket burst. Done.


Yea it's pretty great, so far GOTY, beats Deus Ex MD. I don't remember when else come out this year but i doubt BF one will beat it.


>Actually complaining about the developers taking the time to add secrets and collectables everywhere

One of many words Cred Forums doesn't understand and misuses daily.

Because the previews made it look god fucking awful.

>Polygon's Gameplay

>thought the plot of the game was that you're the same guy from Doom 1 and 2
>reading the wiki it turns out you're one of those interdimensional beings from the end of the game

Yeah, it honestly felt like Bethesda tried to fucking sabotage the game.

>Not showing the speed because of the constant jump cuts and focus on glory kills in trailers
>The constant focus on multiplayer
>Giving the game to fucking morons like Polygon who were terrible at FPS in general, not being able to even move and shoot at the same time

You are the same guy from Doom 1 and 2. In Doom 64 he transported himself to hell to kill demons for all eternity. He eventually got chained up and then the events of Doom 4 happen some several hundred years in the future.