What does Cred Forums think of Demon's Souls?

What does Cred Forums think of Demon's Souls?

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I adore it.

It's shit

still like to camp out and idle as i fish for summons. boletaria is poppin' but latria is sadly dead, at least for a SL22.

>tfw you get S-rank

Cred Forums's opinion on every game in the first two comments.

The best Souls game

No, seriously. It's pathetic that none of the subsequent games were able to make great NPCs like Sage Freke, Yuria, or Yurt.

It started a series where the only other game to surpass it was another PS exclusive.

Watched my friend who owned a ps3 play it, I enjoyed watching it. It eventually lead into him getting Dark Souls and even more eventually lead me into getting Dark Souls for the pc.

I like the fact that it's okay to die, you're supposed to die so you can learn what not to do. The downside is that some of those deaths are caused by bullshit, but hey, a lot of games have bullshit moments. I'm also a sucker for medieval environments.


>started playing demons souls few days ago
>stomping on bosses like iron tower, armored spider with magic
>playing as royalty

I'm just cheesing the game right?

I love Adjudicator so much. The encounter itself wasn't particularly impressive but the music and design of this boss is easily one of my favorite in the series.

I put it down after around three hours, combat seemed like this.
1.block enemy attack
2.enemy swings like a idiot
3.attack in their recoil period

Maybe I'll pick it up again, I didn't hate it just felt a bit dull to me.

>get summoned in 3-2
>save host's ass countless times as he gets paralyzed by BP mind flayers and wrecked by gargoyles
>kill maneaters for him as he hides in the middle of the boss area like a little pussy and shoots magic
>tfw he gives me a C

Yes, restart as a soldier.

>You will never get oneshot by Vanguard again

I want to do this but at the same time, I'm pretty far into the game.

Fucking sick of Boletaria already.

hosts giving grades on summons was a mistake

The comfiest souls game

Go take a vacation in Latria

Grab the Crescent Falchion in 4-1. Then you'll be super cheesing.

I picked that up after fucking around with the rolling skeletons but I have a short sword +4.

I'm restarting and doing Beating the tower shield and armored spider in both 5 minutes is bullshit.
