
In all seriousness, why exactly do I suck at first person shooters

Take off your mask, dumbass.

I said in all seriousness


maybe you just dont play enough? playing a lot only goes so far, eventually you have to specifically train things like hand eye coordination and reaction time. but ive definitely improved quite a bit since i first started playing FPS, just by playing a lot

Turning down mouse sensitivity helps

I play on ps4. My pc is garbage
I haven't played seriously like this in awhile. I think I know what happened. My brain is fucked up or some thing. I occasionally have these motor problems in sports

>I play FPS with a controller

Gee I wonder why do you suck

I've seen great players us a controller. I just can't afford good pc parts.

>I play on ps4. My pc is garbage
Any serious genre, except fighters, are best played on a PC

>I occasionally have these motor problems in sports
This will prevent you from reaching the top 1%, but with practice youll be able to shit on the vast majority of a playerbase

But seriously faggot, why the fuck are you playing a fps on a console, jesus christ. every dollar you spend on a console game or acessory is a dollar you could have put on a decent PC

but he's playing against other people who are also using shitsticks.

Do you have poor eyesight or hearing?
Do you have poor hand-eye coordination?
Do you have poor spatial reasoning or reaction time?
If playing online:
When you spawn do you just run in the direction of the enemy?
When you get killed do you become emotional and fixated?
Do you work in concert with your teammates?
Do you choose your movement and weaponry based on the location and strategy of your enemy (ideal), your personal strengths (sub-optimal) or what you need to grind (terrible)?

I can play an FPS with a NES controller if I could and wanted too and still destroy the opposing team, but I have always been good.

If you want to get good at FPS play with a mouse and keyboard, get used to them until you can play a game on hard, then use whatever you want and see if anything has changed.

Just play Winston, Rein, or Mercy

You see, the problem is I have a Dell inspiron 531S, with parts over a decade old. The whole thing will cost me a fortune to replace.

Way to pat yourself on the back

Yes and no to a few of those

You know what. I officially give up. I haven't had fun in 4 years. How cam you have fun in everything if you suck.

practice with older games and the newer ones become child's play, especially overwatch where the hitboxes are huge
playing shit like unreal tournament, quake, even tf2 will make you naturally better at all fps games
if you're on console you don't have a lot to work with, maybe older CODs?

I'm quite good okay I'm slightly above average at arena-ish shooters like TF2 and Overwatch, but I suck major ass at tacticool shit like Siege specifically. Is there any remedy for me?

I used to be good in COD MW3 (I'm 18), but then my parents stopped getting me more if those games for some reason. Last FPS I played before overwatch was bioshock infinite in 2014. I think my parents fucked my brain up. If I had kept playing COD, I Don't Think I Would've dropped from good to mediocre grades either. I hate my life.

in all seriousness do people still play this game?

Heroes never die you fucking retard.

If ya gonna ask for advice you ought to answer his questions properly for fucks sake.

You just need to practice until you understand some meta that all shooters share. Like how a pro tekken player can pick up street fighter for the first time and completely smash a normie picking up the controls for the first time.

I can't aim for shit, wish i could. I do well enough in the rest of the game, positioning, healing, movement, communication, but when it comes down to shooting the guy before i die, i always fail.
I grew up on RTS and RPGs, so part of it is just that its a relatively new genre for me I played battlefield 2, and Halo on PC but thats it, but i don't seem to be improving in the one thing i have the most trouble with,

Poor spacial awareness?

it's less than you think.

$600 bucks and you can play w/e

>a fortune

Jesus Christ how horrifying

I apologize I'll answer
>Do you have poor eyesight or hearing?
>Do you have poor hand-eye coordination?
>Do you have poor spatial reasoning or reaction time?
I have good hearing, but the rest I'm not sure. How would I rate it? Also, do controllers really hinder me that much?
If playing online:
>When you spawn do you just run in the direction of the enemy?
no I go for The objective in overwatch
>When you get killed do you become emotional and fixated?
I'll admit, if I'm on a losing streak I do lose my cool a bit
>Do you work in concert with your teammates?
yeah I usually try to communicate by mic
>Do you choose your movement and weaponry based on the location and strategy of your enemy (ideal), your personal strengths (sub-optimal) or what you need to grind (terrible)?
I usually adapt to the enemy and my strengths

same here dude

fuck tacticool shit, its boring anyway.

lol there is no hope for you. Get gud at M/KB or get rekt. Stupid fucking peasant.

Nah not really. I love tacticool shit but I'm ass at arena shooters for some odd reason. The mechanics are weird as fuck for me to get into.

it would be extremely painful

When you're poor, that's a lot. I tried applying to jobs and got Rejected over 30 times. My life is a fucking joke. Go ahead and laugh at me anons.

Overwatch is baby's first shooter, it was designed from the ground up to be easy to play

user maybe the genre isn't for you

Aiming is one half of being gud, positioning is the other half.

You're only problem and im going to say it's the main reason you are getting anally blasted is that you are playing against seasoned PC gamers with a fucking controller lol. Stop using a controller use a fucking mouse and keyboard. It's not hard once you get used to it you will notice that you can snap on a dime.

One part at a time user, one part at a time.


9/10 times a person says they can't get a job, it really means they refuse to do things they think are beneath them.
Literal retards can bag groceries, and so can you.
I live in an area where many people claim they can't find work, and yet the store i'm in is hiring for night stock 100% of the time.
Places are always looking for people to move boxes from A to B, people to turn tires into mulch, people to sweep the floor, or cook burgers. Just fucking do it, even part time.

know the precise niche that the character you're playing as falls into. know ALL possible escapes (even minor, cheeky shit like ice walling yourself vertically as Mei to jump out of conflict).

zenyatta and ana should be 50/50 offensive/defensive. a good player as either is capable of handling even 2v1 fights relatively easily. when it's a 4v4+ conflict you should be in full support mode, tossing orbs of discord left and right as zen, shooting enemies and teammates as ana.

mercy is self-explanatory. Just know the who, what, where, why, and when of healing/damage boosting. don't chase after a genji to heal or fixate on a mei.

assault heroes are simple. again, just be cognizant of your niche. pro-tip as genji, be as much of a faggot as possible if you want to be good as him.

the ins-and-outs of bastion are the most obvious of literally any other character if you have even basic intelligence.

fuck hanzo

mei is a fucking beast because of her versatility and how perfectly complementary her abilities are. honestly, just learn when and in what combination to use her shit and your good.

winston: jump in, place shield, jump out. people who say he's a shitty character don't realize he's supposed to be a fucking nuisance for you and the enemy team

with reinhardt you have to be acutely aware of your team dynamics and who's doing what. if you're playing with retards you're absolutely fucked.

junkrat is pretty much mei-lite in terms of playstyle and in abilities (based on my description of her)

roadhog is self-explanatory. know the layout of the map and use corners to your advantage is all the advice you need.

with zarya you need to be jumpy as fuck and always apprehensive when it comes to combat until you can't absolutely fuck shit up at full charge.

don't really know much about d.va

I think that about covers it all. This is all coming from someone who plays the game casually.

Wanna know why you can't git gud? Because you aren't suppose to. The game heavily limits just how much you can pull off alone if you have retarded teammates you will always ALWAYS lose

The faggots in this thread piping how you need to "git gud" are full of shit and probably plat/gold shitters. Once you reach the 3000 Rank mark you begin to realize the only way to win is to pub stomp with a premade or hope you get a teammate of competent people instead of retards. Just play a different game OP the skill ceiling for overwatch is no higher then 3 inches like every other modern Nu-Blizz game.


Not OP but what about shooters in general?

Play Symmetra. Her primary fire auto-locks and absolutely melts teams. Pick a soft target first to build up your charge. Find a commonly used flank point and set up your turrets in a semi-circle around the entrance to minimize any chance of multiple turrets being taken out in one shot.

Switch out once point A is lost.

You're Japanese.

Majority of shooters now days don't take skill
>CS GO has wonky hitboxes and crap aiming
>CoD hasn't been competitive ever since MW2
>Quake dead
>Battlefield just requires you to stay in a vehicle

"Competitive" shooters are dead and Overwatch is the worst of all these.

Didn't the director say he banned m/kb foment console overwatch?
I applied for simple jobs like that and nothing happened. I'm going to apply for cart pusher at a target in downtown Brooklyn. Let's see how this goes.
Yeah I play mei. I get at least 20 kills per game as her, which is shitty. I usually get at least that amount as her or reaper, which makes no difference for my wins.

Do you like Insurgency and Arma?

Counter Strike is the same game it's always been. The differences between the current iteration and the goldsource standalone are subtle at best.

And the hitboxes are fine, you should have seen people bellyache about Source's old hitboxes, and even that was played competitively.

Is cs: go hard?

It really depends

i played loads of tf2 and was decent at pubstomping with soldier,i boot up COD and i just blow dicks for days and even now im only mediocre at COD but relatively decent in OW. Fast ttk kills just rape me

Serious question? Yes, having lightning fast reactions greatly benefits you in CS, so honing that skill as much as you can gives you a big edge but it's not easy.

There's your problem. You live in a socialist, business killing state. Of course there are no jobs.

it's just that you don't enjoy it maybe i suck at fps too and i don't even try to get good in them because while practicing i just am not having fun so what's the point of even practicing, but i really like fighting games and tetris, on fightcade there are only players who know what they are doing, but still losing was fun in every fight there was something to learn and getting good was actually fun so i keep on playing sf3s and am good enough to survive among japs,
if you also don't enjoy practicing in fps games there's a chance that even though you get good you will get bored eventually, you should try other competitive games like fighting games, tetris, rts, moba etc

You used to live here too?
It's weird, I was good at mw3, took a fee years break from cod and now here I sm, gold in overwatch.
I'm actually really good at fighting games. I gotta buy SFV

Also us getting at least 20 kills horrible in overwatch?

Yeah symmetra can be op on defense

I think there are two aspects that applay to fps but actually many ither genres, too

1st technical skill
This is aim, muscle memory, bein able to lead projectiles reaction time etc.
The hard skills of the game

2nd tactics
Winning mind games, knowing where to stand and when (positioning), knowing when to retreat and when to use your ability/ult and when not to

I feel like in OW, depending on your character choice, the 1st or the latter are more important

in OW, different heros have different a different focus on those 2 aspects so pick what you believe is your strength and practise where you're lacking
