Youtube scholar the job

Admit it, you've thought of becoming a video game scholar and setting up a patreon for your video essays. You've dreamed of scouring wikipedia for snippets of info that you can paraphrase into 2-3 paragraphs rather than working that corporate job you have going now.

> rather than working that corporate job you have going now.
But I'm NEET lol.

Not really, I'd rather get sympathy money by being a professional victim. Working is for chumps, tyvm.

it still paralyzes you from doing anything creative. a job would at least make you panic. panic is incentive.

I did, but I didn't


Why did I do, or why didn't I do?

why you didn't do it

That doesn't make sense and you aren't smart, kill yourself.

Because I despise youtubers in general. I think of them as of lazy useless faggots who figured it would be easier to make act like complete retards in front of camera than do any actual job and I want to be better than that.

there's a reason why most neets don't do anything for themselves while neeting

which butthurt youtuber are you so I can avoid your content. you come off as a whiny entitled bitch and I doubt your videos are good

eat shit faggot and get a job

anything that people are willing to pay you for is a job

I have to admit, that's a badass loking facha.

makes you wish get mangled

I'd do something creative more if I've had funding lol. Also mental health is not so good after over decade of it, so everything takes more effort.

>begging is a job
>whoring is a job
>"activism" is a job


get paid for it = a job

what's not clear to you?

>download sony vegas
>get a mic or record yourself on a cell phone
>download dxtory and lagarith lossless


I'd need money to invest in that though, so depression and continuing unemployment is my only option.

whorimg yourself out is not acceptable under any circumstances. just be a prostitute and suck dick for money if you want to whore yourself out and be respected

i see you've never experienced wonders of customer service

source: worked in retail, now working as tech support

I don't want to review random boring shit. Have to buy games, maybe even platforms off ebay, no fun using an emulator for that, maybe even something hardware for video capture then, etc. etc.

Get jailed = be a criminal?

>Have to buy games, maybe even platforms off ebay, no fun using an emulator for that