Where did it all go so very very wrong?

Where did it all go so very very wrong?

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after 2004.

When they found out how much many you can make off other people games

>Where did it all go so very wrong?

I've got it down to two things, it either went wrong in the abortion clinic when your mother changed her mind, or much later than that, in your bedroom where you decided it was a good idea to push another, probably better thread off the back of the catalog.

Left 4 Dead 2

Neck yourself. TF2 and Portal 1 were their last good games.

>good games
>tf2 and portal

nice meme.

epin xDDD

as an indie dev who makes a living thru steam, you're retarded

Orange box, although good, was the beginning of the end. FACT.

Seconding this.
Also, still waiting for that Half Life 3.

They made it company policy to not communicate well.

Also, by making Steam a quantity over quality platform.

When they switched to a hat-based economy. We need to go back to the Half-Life standard.


Show us your latest trendy pixelated work

A bunch of faggot nerds who made successful franchises/platforms, but could never figure out the next step. VR will be a flop, CS is fucked, DOTA is dying. They are making fucking bank, but there is so much missed potential there.

This is what you get for having a flat company structure.

They pioneered a more profitable business and gradually lost interest in continuing real game development

when they said that the whole company is a "desk on wheels"

Meaning they touch whatever they feel like

One day a faggot is working on L4D3, the other he's designing Steam UI.

The biggest meme is that nobody manages them.
They are free to do whatever the fuck they want.
At least that's what normies say about them. Insiders from VALVe would have to confirm that.

On the 21st of May, 2009.


>Where did it all go so very very wrong?

When Steam began to earn billions.

Valve has a very flat organization so there aren't strong leadership nor incentive to create new games. They don't have shareholders either to force all those lazy lard asses to work.

That kind of organization would normally be unsustainable if it wasn't for the massive revenues coming from Steam store and market.

>starts off with a Reddit meme
>posts two Reddit meme games as examples
I bet you are one of those little Y2K born fagglets whose first experience with Valve was the orange box and came to 4chink around 2011.

It's owned by a single man whose worth is 4.1 billion dollars. No shareholders. Just one man.

I think he just doesn't care, he's glad to pay people doing nothing all day.

That's why so many key people left Valve throughout the years.

Came here to post this