What's your favorite thing about New Vegas?

What's your favorite thing about New Vegas?

Other urls found in this thread:


the billboards, definitely


Selling Arcade to slavery

the game itself
I want to start a new run but the last one is still too fresh in my mind

How empty the world is. Just like the rest of my life, truly immersive.

Having constant sex with a redhead after she gets enough proof of you having 4 1kg testicles

The characters

how it makes you think about a post-post apocalyptic america and the problems it might face

This thing...

Love it.

The desert and Vegas really. Grew up in Mojave and took constant trips to Las Vegas as a kid cause my parents are Asian. I love the old west feel and being able to recognize places like Primms roller coaster and the air force base

It would be nothing like fallout unfortunately. There are so many smaller cities and towns dotting the landscape of america, there is no way people would revert to savages.

that it's better than fallout 3

>Fallout 3 was better
>Fallout 4 was better
>People actually still play this shit and don't get bored of being constantly surrounded by sand and nothingness.

The area immediately around New Vegas.

ebin post todd

careful there lad, 3 was better in some aspects, but 4 was a fucking train wreck
>posting MKD
get fucked.

>3 was better in some aspects
Not even. And spot replying to obvious lazy ass shitposters.

young city folk would form gangs and the general populace would flee to those smaller towns and loot them. then in 50 years most people would be dead or in hiding, leaving only the most remote civilized towns standing.

How it crashes every 30 FUCKING MINUTES, really makes me appreciate it more when I can actually play for a few hours in a row.


outer vegas is great
works on my machine

Alright. I'll play ball.
>better opening sequence
felt more immersive, introduced you to the vault and life within it, and then violently thrusts you out into it. Allegory for the old world and the new world.
>story had better pacing
you could skip the whole of Bolder City, Nipton and Primm if you tried, the world of F3 made you use the metros and tied you to that central spot on the map.

I wish New Vegas had a gunfu as comfy as Pa's Fishing Aid.

Other than that, it's better in every aspect, and I just enjoy how it feels wandering around and how it feels alive, rather than being in some permanent "game over" state after finishing all the quests.

You'd have to eliminate less than 30% of the worlds population to send us back to the stone age. Very few people understand how to build and maintain things like generators, computers, phones, and other basic tools of modern life.

>a good chunk of those factions only have 1-3 quests associated with them

I think NV is far superior to 3 and 4, but let's not pretend it's some perfect game.

>Buys a Bethesda game
>Complains about crashes

if you think only metropolitan people know how to do this, then you've probably only lived in the large cities. And why wouldn't they pass on those skills, especially in a survival situation? It's way too pessimistic really.

The lottery.

Sure it isn't, but it still does what it does far better than any other game on the market.


To be honest that weapon is a piece of shit. Project nevada adds it and it's just useless.

This is a Bethesda game?

>better opening sequence
it drags on for ages and isn't immersive at all imo. it just feels too forced, tries too hard to make you invested in the story by literally showing you single minutes from your character's life and saying "see? that's an important moment in your life, you should probably care about it". NV's blank slate is way better because it's more roleplay-friendly
>you could skip the whole of Bolder City, Nipton and Primm if you tried
I fail to see what's wrong with that. maybe the courier had a hunch to go straight to Vegas because Benny seemed like a guy that would hang around there?

also the metro sucked dick and were tedious as fuck

you can go straight to vault 112 in fallout 3, skipping the entire first half of the main quest.

i get to be gay.

>>better opening sequence
you just play through that once and then skip it every other playthrough. its really linear and isnt at all representative of the actual game.
still better than the fallout 4 opening sequence though

For me it's between the factions and the weapons. I like the radio songs too.

what mod

Just the fact that you could aim down iron sights and the scopes were lined up properly on the sniper rifles were enough to make me call it a gameplay improvement over 3.

red lucy you fucking faggot

What does your parents being Asian have to do with anything to visiting Vegas.

Your mother a shit, Pa's shotgun is my main gun.

Asians love gambling, Vegas is like fucking Mekka to them

i guess asians like gambling a lot.

That someone's working on a multiplayer mod for it.
Just release a hosting client so I can do this shit already without waiting for a closed beta

Big Iron.

>multiplayer mod
Hnnngh muh dick.

pls no, i want to stop playing already

gameplay and writing is miles better than 3, and even has a better atmosphere sometimes. the world design is so shit i haven't been able to push myself through it fully a second time, and i didn't find the main plot even remotely compelling. chances are with more time and money it would have been one of the better games ever made though

Destroying the Brotherhood and selling that lesbian brotherhood whore to the cannibals.

Good luck getting into this because it's closed beta only right now.
Last beta was August 13th


this looks pretty good
kinda wonky, but not as wonky as you'd think

>Love fallout 3
>Play it over and over and over again
>must have had completed the game at least 15 times
>hear about NV
>get it
>play it for 2 hours
>its ok
>go back to 3
>Fast forward to today
>see endless threads about NV here
>decide to give it a go again
>play it 2 more hours
>force myself to play it more
>finally reach vegas
>its just three tiny strips of street divided by loading screens
>get out of vegas
>its all sand
>go back to 3

I dont get why people hype it up so much. Its just so bland. Walking through DC is miles better than walking through vegas.

Its like the witche games. Theyre hyped up to hell and bsck here but everyone knows theyre trash.

Good end

Smart modfags, get working on this pls

one of the weakest baits i have ever seen on Cred Forums and that's saying something


Peasant, why not The Federator?

Yeah, it's clearly all other people wrong, but you're right.

allright i just looked at their website and i have to correct my previous statement
this is shit
why do all of these fucking modders always try to turn these games into fucking mmos?
just have it be coop you fucks
this is stupid

Hence why I want a public release so I can just host a NV Thread Server once in a while
But nope we have to wait for them

i did the opposite
>play fallout 3, enjoy it
>next play new vegas and love it
>decide to try out fo3 again, this time with dlc's
>play 10 minutes and realize how utterly shit it is
>go back to new vegas, with dlc's this time
>keep on loving the game
it's like you didn't see how god awful fo3 was before you actually tried nv

Tricking Cass into following you, only to have her killed by Jean-Baptiste.

its called having an opinion user. I never said everyone else is wrong. I simply said that I personally dont get the appeal of NV.

And as far as the witcher goes, the general consensus here is that theyre buggy clunky messes that only hardcore fedora warrirors enjoy..and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that.


i dont understand why vagas wasn't located in the corner of the map like downtown DC was, that way you can have a managable sized urban environment but you still feel like your actually in a city because you can see it continuing beyond the boundaries of the map and see that youre only exploring a small part of the city, whereas apparently according to obsidian level design the entire city of las vagas shrunk to like 5 square blocks by 2077. the worst part is people will defend this

>killing Cass
There's a special place in hell for people like you

The only mods i care about are graphical upgrades and minor gameplay tweaks. The rest can go die in a fire for all i care.

This beauty on a crit chance build.
And a flamer on standby.

because las vegas is in the middle of a desert

>not having that annoying cunt vaporized
seeing her turn to green goo is satisfying.

that has literally no effect on anything related to what i said


>wanted to save her so i have a waifu
> have to destroy my save file by pissing off everyone to finish her quest

Killing this lil bitch


>having this shit of taste in companions

The key is holding them off with explosives...
lots of explosives...


You saw me standin alone...

>shit of taste in companions
I said I DON'T like Cass.

A little off-topic, but is Fallout 4 fixed now?

well, they said that the reason for all the invisible walls in the game was because they wanted to have long sightlines between many points of the map.
also it makes little worldbuilding sense to put it into the corner of the map. all of the settlements around it are all just there because of new vegas. Putting the city in a corner would mean that there are other settlements that are also important to the city that are not in the game. That'd be pretty stupid.
You'd also have to put it to either the legions side or the ncr's side, which would both be pretty stupid.
It worked for DC because that's just ruins, barely important for the plot.

Why is roleplaying as a Cowboy/Bounty Hunter objectively the best way to play?

Are revolvers and lever action weapons viable late game?

Really wanna roleplay a cowboy

exactly, shit taste m9

You don't have to follow any1's rules or care about the war's bullshit.

How is it even possible?

I would give my right nut to get drunk and wrestle with Cass.

true enough. it still hurts me deeply that ill never get to explore a half ruined half bustling post nuke las vagas on a higher scale though, fuck bethesda for cutting it short

>people prefering the laughable kiddie playground that was NV instead of the goddam national mall that was in DC

I mean, there you have the museum of techology, the underworld, the washington monument, the lincoln memorial, the national archives and the capitol building to explore, not to mention the super mutant trenches right smack in the middle.

But i guess New Vegas is better because it has casinos and shinny lights.. i guess.

>Cass cancer
I'm going to play NV again and have her vaporized just for you. I'll make a webm of the whole thing and upload it every time I see a Cass autist.

It's hard to pick one. If I had to, I think it's the tone, it's quite somber when the grand scheme of things is considered, but it's mixed with just the right amount of humor not to be dull - but it doesn't go overboard like Fallout 2 does. It treats itself seriously enough. It was written by people who don't think that writing for a setting full of mutants and wacky science means they can ignore basic logic and human interaction.

Go for it bro, Whatever makes your boat float.

I still love Cass, and Arcade... and I blow the fuck out of the VanGraffs for a lovely suit of Tesla Armor and join the Brotherhood.

Let me guess... You side with those savages at the Fort right? Bwhahahaha. And you call me cancer.

Just look at Brush Gun/Medicine Stick stats.

It's a good Fallout game.

The Underground Hideout mod

I thought this was a NEW VEGAS THREAD

You'd think that DC of all places would be a smoldering crater after nukes get dropped, what with it being as important it is, especially figuratively speaking. But yeah, let's just assume those shiny bombs just scraped a couple historical buildings, and the rest barely collapsed a hundred years later or whatever.

If it was a smoldering crate you faggots would be bitching about not being able to explore the most important landmarks of DC in a game that is based on DC so which is it you contrarian nerds?

no we wouldn't, stop making shit up

Being as important as it is surely there would be some effort to save it

I don't know why I'm playing it in the first place. Like it has good features, but overall gameplay is complete shit.

You aren't able to explore the most important landmark of DC anyway, considering they for some stupid fucking reason decided that the ONE landmark that they shouldn't put in the game is the fucking WHITE HOUSE.

>The board that likes to bitch about every minor detail wouldn't bitch about that.
Yeah ok.
2/10 see me after class.

And that's reason enough to disregard everything else?

If i could go back in time i would tell Bethesda to give obsidian 1 more year to dev New Vegas, and also to to redo fallout 4

>hey Bob did you see that smelly neck beard wearing a cum stained final fantasy shirt yelling "redo fallout 4" at the lobby?

Are there any mods that add quests to the game? I feel like playing it once again this time with maybe some graphics mods too but i have already done the dlc and base content a bazillion times.

i dont even like final fantasy
and yes Fallout 4 does need to be redone
The Story
The Lore
Some parts of the world
and most of the gameplay

>He take's Cred Forums's shitty opinions seriously

there is the New Vegas Uncut mods
it adds cut content

There are also tones of quest mods on the nexus

New Vegas Bounties is one of the best.

The only thing they need to redo is the awful dialogue choices. They're basically trying to appeal to the cowadoody ADHD children who can't focus long enough to read the long answers from previous fallouts

Do you know any good graphics mods or good mods to have to combine them with the extra content?

>Cum stained final fantasy shirt

My sides status: gone

yeah it fucking is, considering what a disappointing and stupid exclusion it is.
how fucking unimaginiative did they have to be to think that the best thing they could do was just put a fucking crater there and throw some pillars around.
I mean, i think anyone in the whole fucking world would have put it in there. but they for some fucking reason thought it would be a good idea to not put it in.
like i cant fucking believe that they somehow managed to fuck that up so bad
they could have done something cool
and then they fucking didnt
they did put the declaration of independence in it, so i have to give them credit for that

The fact that I beat this game years ago yet I still get drawn into arguments over faction choice with you incredible idiots.

You're all wrong and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Don't listen to this user New Vegas Bounties is horribly paced monotony that eventually turns into downright moralizing tripe. Get The Inheritance instead, by the same guy.

>Yeah it fucking is
Yeah I think k you're not going to take this dumb discussion seriously. Opinion discarded.

imagining its environments being remade in an modern engine that would make the desert look sick as fuck instead of some stale shit

There is a new Vegas redesign mod that makes all the npcs and courier a little less playdough

stop having hope for fallout
bethesda has literally found the perfect formula for fallout games
skyrim with guns
they dont want to make fallout games anymore

Do you browse the nexus its not that hard
Tons of graphical mods
Tons of quest mods
Tons of fixes and tweaks
Literally everything you want
Even some sex mods

And dont worry FNV nexus isnt as cancer as Fallout and Skyrim


If shiny lights are all it takes to interest you then I suppose you'd like Fallout 3.

Reminder: if it moves the Fallout franchise forward, it's a good game; if it "Resets" everything, it's a bad game.

It's weak, and shotguns added by modding don't count to GRA achievements

Same. Fuck this guy.

yeah i know nexus exists but there is just so much stuff there, i wanted to ask people with experience what's good, i only want some graphics mods and content mods

Im honestly hoping Beth sells it to some other company

or this could be bad and good
do the warhammer thing

But Beth wont do that be cause of the money

Pretty much this.

Its ridiculous how developed it is. Kind of like the dragonborn gallery in skyrim. That mod makes me reinstall skyrim every single time there is a major update.

I usually never get to even half the museum filled though.

Are there any other RPGs as good as NV? With all these options and interesting dialogue choices, and a well built world where almost every location can effect the story line?

Pretty much. Mad Max Fury Road was a good Mad Max movie and a good film even without the Mad Max title.

Ghostbusters 2016 was a bad Ghostbusters movie and a bad movie altogether.

Mad Max Fury Road expounded upon the themes laid out by the original films, while telling a new story.

Ghostbusters 2016 brought back Slimer and the original film's villains, riding off the assumption that fans of the original would go see it because of the iconography. They were dearly mistaken, and the only people who saw it were retards.


you can use this weapon in fallout nv with the ttw mod its fuking useful ass hell

Well graphicly i go with
for textures
For sky and weather
and this for post prossesing and other things
You can also replace Dynavison with and ENB
but the mods here keep the game looking vanilla but just a little better
There is also
Character overhaul
Clothing Hi res
and the weapon retexture project

The more you mod the more you will find out what you need and want.

thank you mang

>Implying the All American isn't a top tier weaponfu

the ones that go jingle jangle?

The decisions you make actually carry weight.

Run the Lucky 38
For an unfinished mod, it's got some good shit. Although I do have some reservations
For one, House negotiating with an Enclave splinter
Two, another master computer named Vivec.

Am I the only person who really enjoys the settlement building in Fallout 4?

probably. You probably liked minecraft too though.

The AA fucking blows. It just looks cool

>Muh exploration
Some of us actually play games for their gameplay.

i really want to like the game but i can't.
it's my first fallout game and wanted to try it out, but it's so fucking tedious holy shit.

do i need to play more of it to get to the parts that i like in open world games, like loot, cool designs and characters?

and can i roleplay as the most evil girl in town and still get good stuff or do i have to be nice to get the good items and shit?

I'll tell you right now and its going to trigger Cred Forums. It was the first fallout game they ever played.

It's the jack of all trades. Uses one of the most common calibers in the game, good at any role and distance with the right ammo type, though a specialized gun would outperform it, lightweight and reliable.

Fallout 1 was my first Fallout though. People who like Fallout 3 only like it because it was their first.
New Vegas is just objectively better as both a Fallout game, and simply as an RPG.


Believe it or not, but we're not all underage Bethesdrones like you are.

If you don't already, get and use f4se, place anywhere, and homemaker (ssex is shit)
Made myself a sick as barn workshop on the island. Not motivated enough to open the game a snap it but it's nice. Fuck building anything for settlers though

I fucking knew it. you cant hide from me with your seemingly neutral point of view.

2 for me. Looking back at it, so many problems. Still enjoyable, but I came to recognize NV superiority.

Evil and Good don't really exist all that much. There are certainly some bastardy things to do, but most quest resolution is a matter of several choices which are morally grey. Although killing random people will fuck you up because there's only one truly essential character other than kids.

you arent fooling anyone.

I prefer Lucky 38 Suite Reloaded v4

I bought Fallout 1 and 2 off GoG and played both. I played Fallout 3 and NV first, so I was checking out the classics. Let me tell you, they were some of the glitchiest pieces of shit I aint never played before. So much tedium working through every battle at a snail's pace even with the animations cranked to maximum speed.
Good god. I tell ya, Fallout 3 alone is superior because it has actual videogame to it. Not to mention graphics. Everything in F1/2 is double dirt brown. Nothing pretty to sight see. Never in my life have I been so bored and unthrilled by a videogame, but out of some sense of obligation I completed both.
Fallout 2 was slightly better in mechanics but it was still a poor man's isometric turn based tactics game. It however, traded away any weight it had to the game's plot and tone by referencing pop culture with every NPC. Tell you hwat.


>Everything in F1/2 is double dirt brown.
>says Fallout 3 fan

That fact that it was actually an RPG.

>Do you want to play as a Courier with his own in depth backstory (that talks about him having his own faction among other huge things)
>Or do you want to play as a Courier with his own in depth backstory (that talks about him having his own faction among other huge things)

Nice RPG m8

They can afford going to Vegas multiple times I'm guessing

running around in a space suit with 1 intelligence while punching everyone to death

Old Fallout is just ridiculously brown. Way too brown. Fallout 3 actually had SOME color in SOME places. But 1/2 is just brown.
>didn't dispute the other nitpicks because they're otherwise valid

A Bethesda published game sure

The memories.

It's really hard for me to go back after spending 200 hours in FO4. NV is so god damn clunky and stiff that it's often a pretty big turnoff.

How the world felt like it "worked".

I'm a major history/geography fag, and I can tell that developers obviously were too. Instead of the towns and ideologies that have no logical reason for existing in Fallout 3 & 4 (Megaton, the fucking Railroad, etc), New Vegas had an environment that seemed like an organic reaction of people living in a bombed out future shithole. Economically depressed small towns based on nothing but prospecting and trade, a faction of previously incompatible tribes held together though overwhelming brutality and forced cultural conversion by a strong figurehead, sharecroppers lorded over by warlords with the backing of an invading power, etc etc. New Vegas felt like a real place because the environment and story was largely defined by the interactions of different societies with different ideologies and goals over how the new world should form.

Pinging around the wasteland

Explain the Courier's backstory and what traits are inherently implied by those events.

Is project nevada a meme or is it actually good?

making my way to New Vegas for the first time that character. The journey as the lucky 38 tower gets closer and closer really does it for me. Especially at night when it's lit up

project nevada is a mod that greatly improves the gameplay and should always be used

this is what most people think as well. say what you will but fo4 fixed the horrible out of vats gameplay.

Yeah. Just unfortunate that SPECIAL was gutted and turned into a modified Skyrim perk system, and all the stats were removed entirely.

Game is easily the most shallow Bethesda game ever. People loved to call Fallout 3 "Oblivion with guns", but FO4 was -literally- reskinned Skyrim with guns, down to even some of the talent perks being literal carry-overs from Skyrim.

It's almost impossible to go back to vanilla FNV once you've started using PN

Its funny because the only thing I wanted to be carried over from Skyrim was dual-wielding, even if it required some kind of VATS workaround. That's all we didn't get.

What are some must-play mods for FONV? Never played any mods before and I'm thinking about trying Project Nevada after this hardcore playthrough

I dont get this gripe. the new special worked well in a system that lets you max out every skill it made sure you had to specialize at least for most of the game.

You didn't have very much room for specialization, the game encouraged a well-rounded build. Chances are, the average person will feel compelled to sink points into hacking, lockpicking, carry weight, idiot savant, maybe more caps and ammo found, and one of the 3 primary weapon skills, as well as blacksmith, gun nut and science. Once those are taken there is very little room to take interesting perks.

survivalist rifle + hardcore mode + camping mods


The dialog and using speech to get my way through everything also all of the really important decisions that you get to make.

My biggest issue with Fallout 4 was the stupid dialog system and lack of meaningful choices.

thats the thing you could tell they were thought out. you really did have to specialize depending on the weapons you wanted to use and then it locked you into certain kind of characters. but once you picked out your main it allowed you to add secondary skill trees later in the game. I thought it was well done but I do understand most people here will burn me at the stake for saying this.

The special system was rendered completely meaningless by level caps and the general uselessness of most perks. Vanilla New Vegas actually had a fairly sensible progression system before they bloated it to hell and back by raising the level cap.

Getting a new perk felt like a tough choice, not in the sense that I was making dramatic long term changes to my playstyle, but a tough choice with so many bad options that eventually get good.


>Sometime before the events of Fallout: New Vegas, the Courier discovered a supply route into the Mojave Wasteland through the Divide. Despite the harsh environment there, a small community established itself in the area, using the old American flag as its symbol. Kept alive by the Courier, it prospered, and attracted more settlers. After the New California Republic sacked Navarro and recovered unfamiliar technology but with familiar symbols (such as the Old World flag) which they linked to similar ones in the Divide. Soon after, they sent the Courier to deliver a package to the Divide; a package which turned out to be a detonator containing missile launch codes. According to Ulysses, the package "woke up" and sent the detonation signal to missiles locked in the silos, resulting in massive earthquakes and powerful storms.[1]

*minimum level thresholds


Anyone make firearm purchases based off what they like from New Vegas?

I only paid $8.00 for it.

thats the part I dont get. if you played fo4 you would realize its unviable to not specialize. yes you can lvl everything to max but it would be very autistic and time consuming to even try that. its beths MO. they allow you to do it but damn you would have to be fucked in the head to try it.

I really should uninstall ToTW.
Replaying through FO3 made me realize that even with the NV changes, FO3 is shit.


pls reply

>He didnt get the easy pete ending

Did *you* play Fo4? The game outright prevents you from specializing by making you reach a minimum level before taking the next rank in a perk. If you invest in Gunslinger and want to get even better with pistols, you have to wait six, then eleven, then twelve levels to further do so. That's a huge amount of character progression spent doing the exact opposite of specializing.

Depends on what you're looking for.

Personally I downloaded Conelrad radio because I get super tired of 3-NV-4's radio after awhile and having another channel with completely different songs with same themes is nice.

It's basically all nuclear era songs and some civil defense warnings for nuclear attacks.

New Vegas Bounties 1 and 2 were fun. I enjoyed the mix of voice acting and custom characters. Also it had a fairly decent story, also dusters + revolver for days.

The Freddie encounter still legitimately scares the fuck out of me.

I haven't tried bounties 3 so I would assume it's much of the same.

Alternatively you can just cherrypick from all the top rated ones :^)

And what traits does that imply about your character that makes it impossible to role-play?

Conelrad just makes me mad with all the propaganda and bomb music. Country and Jazz > Blues and 50's Pop

those were the big perks. this was balancing. I thought they did a good job with the new system. It was subtle but they really had to change a lot to allow for out of vats gunplay.

The argument is that they killed specialization, specifically because combat became the new aim of the game, rather than character development.

but they didnt kill it its just different. you have to specialize and dont pretend you dont its just in a different way and its obvious as you play the game how each character was envisioned. Its all in there you just have to play the game to see it.

And you can get all the "big perks" (and the game really encourages you to) at little-to-no detriment to your character. Not that it matters since all the combat perks (combat being the overwhelming focus of the game) just increase damage instead of proficiency. You might be a melee champ but a strong enough gun will almost always be a better alternative. And when you find it it, you can become just as good as using it in as many levels as it took to get so good with your melee weapons. If you can't see how that promotes (or even mandates) build homogeneity, you can't be helped.

Hardcore mode is LAME

Yeah carry some water with you. Drink soda so you never have to sleep. Hope you weren't planning on carrying more than 2 rockets. Hope you weren't planning on using heavy weapons in general.

I like that sleeping no longer cures your concussion and mends your bones. I also like that heals work over time instead of instantly healing you. The rest can fuck off.

That you can stand on rocks and the enemy AI breaks making nothing a challenge if you aren't ambushed and have enough ammo.

Right, by killed I was being dramatic. They downplayed specialization big time though, as every build will play very much the same regardless of what perks you take. Even the way weapon modifications worked made it so that every character will use the same weapons with different receivers or stocks.

not true at all. after lvl 20 or so(its been a while so dont quote) the lvls come so far and few that if you didnt specialize you would be severely gimped. I play on hard/surv maybe thats why I liked the new system.

I dont see that at all. I very much had to specialize and even had to restart because I didnt the first time.

That I can immediately play out the role of a complete scumbag and fuck over both the people of Goodsprings and the Powder Gangers.

when i uninstalled it

>Want to be an evil Bounty Hunter who never joined a gang because I like to work alone
>turns out I already formed a fully functioning society

Nice RPG

Play the fallouts and you'll understand the argument. In fonv take for example, that lucky old sun. It gives a chance for brainy characters to science the problem, as well as handy repair characters. Off you weren't either you had to accomplish the goal the long way.
There isn't a single skill check in fo4, and all speech challenges are charisma, instead of being able to intimidate via strength or convince via science or outwit via barter

After level 20, the minimum level requirements get even further apart, giving you plenty of time to invest in other perks. You can easily max out three crafting and three weapon skills in the time it takes you to get to level 46 and have nearly two dozen perk points to spare.

The guy that wins the lottery and as he runs away you shoot him in the back of the head.

Such a satisfying kill.

Can't you deny all allegations and say you are not the one?
That makes it okay, clearly,

You could have become the scumbag mayor of a settlement who used his power to do shady shit. Also, a bullet to the brain fucks up your frontal lobe and your ability to empathize so you can easily become a sociopath through the events at the beginning of the game. Stop being an idiot.

how do you specialize if you have to wait to get the more specialized perks

once you pick up the three important perks (crafting, shooting, and more shooting/crafting) you can do whatever you want

that's like the exact opposite of specialization

m8 you were literally just their mailman
you can tell ulysses as much or even deny ever going there in the first place
he's presented as an incredibly unreliable narrator

>Want role play as someone who has never taken a bullet to the brain
>turns out I already took a bullet to the brain

Nice RPG

that wasnt my experience. like I said I had to restart once because everyone was telling me you can take any perk you want and it doesnt matter. Cred Forums is rarely right about things like this specially when its something in fallout/nv threads.

Hey, that's pretty good.

Good for you. That doesn't change how the system actually works. SPECIAL is meaningless outside of perk accessibility and the bare minimum spread of 4/4/4/4/4/4/4 gets you all the weapon and crafting perks, by far the most important perks in the game. You can get each and every weapon/crafting perk in the time it takes to unlock the next tier of those perks, putting your character at near peak combat effectiveness with nearly every build from the start of the game.

I'm calling you out on this. you either played for just a little while or you never played at all.

Based on what evidence? Your starting SPECIAL can get you Armorer/Blacksmith/Big Leagues/Iron Fist for Strength, Rifleman for Perception, Local Leader for Charisma, Gun Nut/Science for Intelligence, and Gunslinger/Commando for Agility. It takes fourteen levels to hit the thresholds for rank two of all of those perks. Your character can do effectively everything out of the gate.

you may be able to play it like that but you definitely arent rewarded and be ready for never having any fucking ammo with any of those guns, it is ridiculously difficult to play the game like that.

Great evidence, m80, you sure proved me wrong. Have fun with your "specialized" build while I grab all the damage increasing abilities, use whatever weapon I want whenever I feel like it, eat my incredibly overpowered food that heals for upwards of 150 HP, equip all the mods that make my max-damage weapons even better, and return to my fully-stocked settlements.

ya nah. what about hp pools and damage at even level 30? you can keep bullshitting Cred Forums but I'm not believing it.

This beautiful lady.

I don't think you understand - damage is determined entirely by damage-related perks, weapon mods, and legendary effects. The latter has nothing to do with your build and I have immediate access to the former two. But, hey, thanks for trying. It's great that you can't actually cite any of the mechanics to support your argument.

Its been a while since I made a new character I'm not going to deny that. but what I do know is you are full of shit. Its still a challenge at lvl 62 with a specialized energy weapon build+ strength secondary.

The shitty graphics.

That just tells me you're bad at the game. It's absolutely trivial to make a broken build, especially if you disregard garbage weapon types like unarmed and big guns or get a dumbshit easy legendary like a bleeding minigun.

This guy

His costume is cool as fuck

full of shit. I'm willing to bet you play on normal or easy.

>200+ posts
>No ED-E
Literally best companion. Both the design and built in mechanics were incredible.

JE Sawyer if you want STALKER, Project Nevada if you want Metro 2033

my favorite thing was modding it and then uninstalling it because it was still shit



>Yes Man

Objectively, the only right choice.

On a side note, of all the numerous playthroughs I've done of this game, I could never bring myself to side with the Legion. Bunch of slaving mongrels led by a narcissistic prick.

Read the actual lore for the Legion, they aren't as obviously black morally as the game portrays, a lot of content got cut. If you're roleplaying a character who isn't from NCR territory or grew up in the Wasteland as a native, the Legion actually makes a lot of sense if you engineer their ending to not fuck everything up.



>Yes Man
The only somewhat decent option in a sea of shit

Congratulations, now YOU are the Yes Man

Legion or bust profligate!


Sasparilla is GOAT drink. I love the desert vibe/Vegas

Feels like New Vegas had so much more character and heart than FO4. I have zero desire to go back and play FO4.

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>being a cuck for house

no thanks. hundreds-year-old shit can rot in his little future diaper in his shit pod.

That I never have to play it again.

said no one ever but classic fog.

I loved that mod, but my autism dictated that all of my ammo be stocked in the shelves for display. I ended up accidentally doing a melee build because I never had any ammo

do you even play these games? what the fuck are you doing here?

The next Fallout game won't have "Fallout" in the title. It will be a spiritual sequel.

I've been finally playing Far Harbor and Nuka World and i gotta say, 4 isnt terrible. it's a decent game that still stands out.
Granted, it stands out because of the overhype clusterfuck marketing but hey, can we all admit it's a decent game?

>Console-debugging weapon
I hope you actually meant the YCS/186

>cherrypicking this hard the quests of both games

Speech checks, and better writing, and not over doing the apocalypse aspect.

fuck i'd play the fuck out of a NV coop

removing this shit head

seems you are instinctively comparing it to another game in the series. let me guess nv is best fallout?

>playing Far Harbor
>make it to Acadia
>See DiMA for the first time
>Have Nick with me


>expect a .45
>its a 9mm

They needed locations east, west, south, and north of Las Vegas.

Used this coupled with a silenced AMR rifle for my first playthrough. It was way too easy.

>Enjoying Far Harbor in Fallout 4 a lot
>Flashbacks of Lookout Point, giant sea creatures are challenging, very little settlement BS
>Children of Atom have awesome armor and The Mother in the Fog
Man this is really co-
>Shoehorn minecraft building bullshit to get DiMa's memories
God damnit.

I was with House all the way and then he just had to ask me to wipe out the BoS.

Silly, silly old man.

>Silly, silly old man.
Silly because you already wiped out those fuckers, right?

No, because Veronica is my waifu.

what if i pick neither and just have chaos?

Best boy.

>I have never shot the guy in my life and I don't understand why so many people kill him

He deserves to live.



I also couldn't sell my gold cause i had it all on display, nor could i use unique weapons

>First time House asked me, I refused and betrayed him
>Now I always destroy the BoS (but make sure those two teens aren't in the bunker at the time)

The Brotherhood was nothing but trouble. They were basically high tech bandits under McNamara and Hardin.

>Are there any other RPGs as good as NV


I want to play the game again but Ive done it all already. If there was a total conversion mod that changes as much as possible while keeping the base mechanics in place I might give it another go.


who /lucky/ here

Like all bethesda games, it's as stable as a rock

vaporwave vegas?

Rollin' for Cass

your gfx card is dying

Those are just the normals of each mesh. Looks like someone broke them

How bad is it on PS3?

fucking terrible

probably watching somebody else play through it on one never healing health bar in MATNs YOLO run of it.

>/cfog/ is still alive and kicking
Good for you guys, you guys are like the only one keeping /vg/ from not being like the Worst fucking board right now

Cass is a shit character. Her dad was cool though.

That I only played it for an hour or two. It feels more like testing area than a finished game

How even after over 200 hours of playing and multiple characters I was able to find new things every single playthrough.

unsolicited. nice try faggots.

The Legion are probably my favorite part