Western character customizer

>Western character customizer
>20 extreme Ethinc hairstyles and 10 over the top punk hairstyles
>Only 5 hairstyles that look normal

>any xeno/non-human skin color comes out fucking neon
>build options are delegated to a scale, meaning you're freakishly deformed if you don't stay towards the middle
>the lighting engine and texture resolutions used in game and in character creation are completely different from one another

>customization also includes horrible facial hair such as pencil moustaches and the curved circus ringleader.
>end up bald and cleanshaven nearly every game.
>realize you've been playing a pornstar for years.

>game has a decent amount of customization
>devs add a bunch more for the first DLC pack
>It all looks totally ridiculous, like it was ripped right from some joke mod
>modders have to add in basic shit like a few decent looking military helmets or more then 4 bandanna patterns

>20 extreme Ethinc hairstyles
Literally no game ever. The bulk is always generic boring white guy hair.

>tfw black and always have to go bald or with le silly 70's Afro.

That's what I mean. There's always a bunch of giant afros/dreadlocks/weaves/etc. but never any black guy hair that most black guys actually have.

>character's armour is visible on their model
>default armour is distinctive, detailed but not too busy, has a nice colour scheme, and is a good balance between practical and stylized
>more effective armour looks progressively lazier, uglier, or just tackier

>a nigga can't even get a simple Ceaser
It's even useable with other races! I will never understand how it's ever not an option.

y-yeah, those japs are always so conservative about hair in their vidio gams

>30 different facial hair options
>None of them are just a regular-ass full beard


One day I will find a character creator with a straight haired, flat top.
The most basic dime a dozen haircut that every god damn police officer and fireman in my area has.
No, not a buzz cut, not a high top, not anime hair, not gelled spikes, not a fucking slicked back pomp that kinda looks like a flat top A FLAT TOP OF STRAIGHT FUCKING HAIR!

>light skin tones and Caucasoid facial features look pretty damn good
>medium skin tones look like a spray-on tan addiction, dark skin tones look more like burgundy velvet than skin
>no non-Caucasoid facial features, besides *maybe* Asian eyes that just look like Caucasoid eyes squinting

You just summed up FF14. It's a shame how the armor looks all horny and retarded now compared to something that looked practical.

Look at this, it's fucking great.

You live in white South Carolina?

>only "black" skin tone comes off way too orange-y

Maryland actually, white people live here too.

But that looks ridiculous.

>female character customizer
>hair options include three bob cuts, four types of ponytail, six subtly different varieties of small-of-the-back length hair, and more combinations of braids than you would have thought possible for hair to have
>zero options for just regular goddamn short hair

It's not subtle enough for me, but for FF standards, I'll take it.

Fallout 3 and NV have this hairstyle


why the fuck would you want this though, it looks heinous and it makes you look white trash af

>black characters are just white models with black skin
>uncanny valley and it's full of black people with white facial features and voices

Because maybe someone wants to make a character that looks heinous. More options is usually objectively better than less.

I've played those games and I don't accept buzz cuts or a blob of hair where the lines of hair in the texture run from front to back like it was slicked over.
Am I not allowed to make a white trash character?

you can be white trash as fuck and all the more power to you, but don't you ever come into my house again and imply that that looks good i swear

>Ethan Hawke's imperfect clone

If there is no randomize button i just go with the default guy.

I am a grown man and dont have time to play princess dress up. It was always lulz worthy to see what random faces elder scrolls games game you

desu something like a mullet is white trash. Crew cut just means they are a militaryfag

>implying they aren't the same thing


So completing video games is your job

I wish I knew. I'm asked that every time I post it but GIS gives me nothing useful.

>why the fuck would you want this though, it looks heinous

but what if I WANT to look heinous


I'm thinkin' ARBY'S

this is the current Tomestone gear for XIV. It's fucking garbage

Slice of Life you dumb fucking retard nigger.

Salty PoC is salty

GTA San Andreas has it

>Slice of Life
which one?

This shit is why I always go bald.