Game has "Call of Duty"-man

>Game has "Call of Duty"-man
>He's incredibly mediocre and outclassed by better characters

How do you feel about this?

You obviously haven't played Paladins because hes literally the best DPS in the game.

Truly a metaphor of the video game industry

>Every other character is boring NEET manchild shit

>only other good characters are nerfed

>Hey guys, lets give anti-flanker a high DPS weapon that is viable at any range!
>Won't that make 76 a less viable pick?
Blizzard are retarded.

>guys, we have 6 characters that are completely useless and 8 more who need a buff, what do we do?
>buff Junkrat's ult activation time so he could get free kills even easier?

I think you're crazy, dog. His aiming is way too wild when you aren't in iron-sights and with iron-sights you become a sitting duck.

But Viktor is in a really good place right now. He outputs a good amount of damage at pretty much any range and is one of the most mobile characters in the game thanks to his movement ability having no cooldown.

Add to that the fact you can make his gun pinpoint accurate on full auto when aiming down sights and he is pretty beastly.

>viable at any range
Mccree's range is

>He didn't include the card that increases movement speed when looking down sights into his build

That's maximum damage, he still reliably fucks shit up up to 40m. And thanks to cramped maps usual engagement range rarely goes over 30m.

>Soldier isn't even bad
He's a worse McCree and is least desirable offense hero in high level comp.

76 isn't as COD-esque as Viktor.
Viktor (grenades and his ultimate bieng a killstreak) wouldn't be out of place in any of the CoD titles.

Who is the call of Duty man of TF2?

No one.

People just don't know how to play soldier and when he outshines mcree

>tfw sprinting to rein or any ally and defensively using the biotic field instead of hording it for myself to charge my ult

Just don't pick him if the enemy team has a rein or don't be a retard and let rein block uncontested and get a junk or road to melt the shield REEE

i played a bunch of games today with my ex e-sports friends and one of us destroyed as viktor ; youre getting pared with shitter retards

No one because the classes are actually unique


viktor is a battlefield man

>works for me xD

Not him but he's right. A good Viktor is a fucking nightmare, even if he isn't TIME IS TICKING XD tier.

>76 left click shreds and can nearly instakill 200 hp shitstains with rocket
>Viktor is the second most broken character after skye
I don't understand