In which games can I commit a suicide?

In which games can I commit a suicide?

Bonus points if it isn't falling off the edge of the map or throwing grenade under my legs.

No More Room in Hell

heavy rain

yume nikki

postal 2

Postal 2 has a dedicated put a grenade into your mouth button

And you cant cancel it when its pressed

The Static Speaks My Name

Gta 5 online


Spec Ops: The Line

You can stab yourself with a dagger in dragons dogma.

return to castle wolfenstein

Bill Cosby Fun Game

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Earth.

Once the sanity falls of the deep end and you are holding a gun the pc might just off himself.
Was actually kinda unsettling when it happened the first time.

For no good fucking reason, out of bumfuck nowhere, at the moment in time of the entire storyline where it makes the LEAST sense for you to.



No Man's Sky.

Happens in real life after you buy the game.

wow that was really clever user

Silent Hill

i know

Borderlands 2 has a sidequest where the bad guy pays you if you kill yourself

>literally everyone is dead
>can either remake the world from scratch or live in the transistor with your husbando

>put off killing yourself until the exact moment where you gain the power to instantly remake the world
Why not remake the world in one minute and then kill yourself
Why not kill yourself BEFORE the entire events of the game where you fight for this power

Call of Cthulhu

Those are entirely fair points to make. There isn't really a good reason for her to suddenly want to kill herself. Everyone is dead, but she can start everything over again, meaning she can just reunite with ??? once she's done fixing everything. They were vague as fuck as to the full capabilities of the Transistor, but she definitely wasn't in an unwinnable situation anymore from what I recall.

Wow user, I'm glad we could come to an understanding

Little Big Planet

Beyond Two Souls asks you if you want to kill yourself over and over again and then asks you one more time at the end.

It was also so bad of "game" that you'll want to choose it each time.

Beat me to it.

But yeah you can blow your brains out

In rising Storm as a Jap player if you die while running with a cooked grenade you don't loose respawn tickets

Techies have a spell where he explodes committing suicide and goal is to take anyone close to him with him.

That is about as suicidal as you can get.

Now if you want to play with killing yourself borderlands 2 has a dlc character based entirely around hitting yourself for massive damage and the lower your health goes the harder you hit. Krieg is also genuinely the only good character in the borderland series.

viscera cleanup detail, halloween map you can jump into an inter-dimensional portal and explode, multiple maps you can blow yourself up with dynamite, and on an excavation map you can jump into a sand vagina


Duck Game

GTA V multiplayer
Dragon's Dogma

>no one mentions karoshi

Worms, duh