You. Yes, you. The one screaming...

You. Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority. I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together. Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us.

Other urls found in this thread:



Here have another

Reddit: the post.


I'm suing for false advertising.

heh, back to call of duty kid, i guess this game is too hard for you lol

>We Man's Sky fans
All 2000 of you?

This sounds a lot like the guy who wrote the reddit post about invaders in DkS2 ruining his girlfriends first playthrough when he was trying to introduce her to vidya.

fuck off cucks

>mfw they are being investigated for false advertising

Meme: The Game

Kek at everyone who bought this game.


They should be.

Can I be FUCKING real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.

A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?

Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but…"

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.

Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

go away sean

It has dropped below 1,000 even. I don't think any game has ever been a bigger letdown or has died harder than this one. Truly an epic time to be living and I'm loving every moment.

You still fell for it since this is a pasta


Post more of these, I need to increase my folder

>hello games lied on most of nms' features and haven't apologized, game is repetitive and boring, game described by hello games as technical marvel but only what's behind the scenes is impressive
>was sold 60$ anyway
>"dey ow u nuffin"

they owe sixty bucks to their clients

If games like no mans sky can promote themselves and then not deliver other companys will start doing the same.
It's anti-consumer and that's why it shouldn't be ignored

When the trailers first showed up for this I thought it was going to be Russian vaporware.
I avoided buying it because it looked too good to be true, and unfortunately I was right.

>But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

The game that they spent years selling us. The game that they showed in demos and advertisements. The one that the fools who bought this game paid premium price for.

They're still waiting.


i have a few
