Are you retarded edgy contrarian fucks ready to admit he needs a nerf yet?

Are you retarded edgy contrarian fucks ready to admit he needs a nerf yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

how 2 fix roadhog.....

1. make it so his shotgun requires more skills to use. double its fire rate and ammo amount but make it so it does half as much damage per a shot.
2. Add a ddr minigame when players get hooked. players can escape hooks by succesfully pressing the arrows that appear on screen. this makes it more pro.
3. WTF 600 hp? that's way too much! lower it to 550. for balanced play

>playing Overwatch
How about you fuck off to >>>/reddit/, faggot, because you certainly don't belong here

>keep your distance
>if you can't, don't be in his line of sight so he can't hook you

>dont you dare talk about video games on my Cred Forums

His chain is basically a free kill and can grapple behind walls so yes he does need a nerf

Fix the hook pulling people around stairs/corners/etc.
Fix the hook misaligning people in close quarters
Remove the ability to melee someone instantly after a hook + shot
Give him 50 more HP

They just really need to work on chain detection. I have literally seen a hook go through a wall and get me.

Don't come here thinking you can discuss casual shit, user.
Your reddit mindset is awful, my man

>don't be in the same area as him and don't let him see you
>he's totally fine guys just don't be in the general area of him

>2. Add a ddr minigame when players get hooked. players can escape hooks by succesfully pressing the arrows that appear on screen. this makes it more pro.
So make his hook completely useless in any form of higher level play?

Pick fucking soldier, reaper, mcree, zarya, reinhardt. Hell, even widow maker. Stop being so fucking bad and learn to counter

Only thing wrong with Hog is the chain disobeying walls and reaching 100 meters.

He's a free ulti charge pinata. He's a big fat target that heals himself to give you even more charge. You might just need to git gud.

The only thing that needs to be fixed on him is his hook that sometimes gets ridiculous
People need to learn to focus fire on him
Its a similar deal as when people said bastion was too strong

ITT: Cred Forums fucking sucks shit at this game like every game they play.
you are all literally shitters whinging about underpowered characters that go down like a complete bitch to sustained fire, just because you are all edgy little shits who can only play snipers horribly, doesn't mean you have a clue in fuck what you are talking about.

Who are you quoting?

Just don't be directly in front of his fat faggot face is all I'm saying. He's an easy target for people who aren't complete retards.

fucking retard. He's not even a good tank.

>playing overmarketed

>People wanting to add QTEs to an online multiplayer shooter

I've officially seen it all.

How many buzzwords can you count?

He's got high dps, highest hp and an ability that makes pickoffs better and happen more often

His damage needs to be nerfed, if you ask me. maybe fix the hook

>get a legendary skin
>it's for a character you don't play

let's play my little phony: paladins are magic instead!

He doesn't need a nerf. They just need to make his hook less retarded or atleast somehow hide the fact that it's retarded in replays.

Give him a fucking block if anything. Even Mercys and Lucios see him and just think "free ult".

>free ult everytime a roadhog hooks me

>be anyone else
>roadhog misses his hook
>free ult charge everytime

You are literally a retarded 12 year old.
KYS you fucking shitter, its called stand at range, his hook can't reach shit and is easy to dodge, his sawed off shotgun doesn't have any range what so ever and his health drops like a rock making it really easy to pick ultimates off of him.
you are seriously so god damn bad someone with crippled arms could probably whip your ass.

counter with another roadhog, you both die, everybody wins bc you 2 are dead.

>I lost to roadhog so he needs to be nerfed

He needs a fix, not a nerf.

Like Genji/Torbs animation cancels. Removing aspects of the game that were never intended to be there isn't nerfing the character, it's fixing a bug. Fix the bugs, THEN you can look at tweaking them for balance.

Reinhardt does not counter Roadhog

Reaper counters roadhog harder than nearly anyone in the game. His shift lets him escape the hook and he can kill him in an extremely short time due to his huge hitbox around his head.

>highest hp
but it is all hp and not armor or shield, so whatever.

you didnt even mention his insanely fast CD heal that also charges his ult, which is the only real gripe for this character besides the horrible hook code that everyone knows about and just accepts as broken

his shield literally makes roadhog irrelevant since his hook can't do shit to it.

To counteract OP's retarded question:

How would you fix/buff Roadhog? He's the worst tank in the game by far, so something needs to be done.

That's actually a pretty good name. nice.

>tfw roadhog is ripping you a new asshole

He can tear up MY road anytime

why not pick the hero who literally counters roadhog

I will now spoil Persona 5

That's like saying Rein counters everyone vecause he can block damage. Also, Roadhog's M2 does quite a bit of damage against Rein's shield.

happens every single time i get a gold item

make him as he was in the beta with his extended hook since it has literally no range worth shit as well as a faster healing time, he litwerally got nerfed into the ground as soon as the game got out because shitters like OP cried because they fucking suck and blizzard is shit and can only nerf crap into the ground.

>Block hook
>Charge At him
>Kill him with the help of one of your dps

what did he meme by this?

Just adjust the range on the hook. Hopefully that'll fix shit up.

Your fucking with him too much. He doesn't need a ton of changes. Just needs a little nerf. Like
>lower health
>slower/smaller heal
>longer hook CD
>lower damage
Pick one (maaaaybe 2)

The idea is to balance him, not nerf him into oblivion.

You could just make the qte be completely random, even pros have their limits.

Give him a shield and a motorcycle

his hook doesn't go through the shield though you crying shitter, in addition in order to actually deal enough damage get to your faggy magical christmasland scenario he has to be literally right next to reinhardt, which will simply get him out DPS'd and hammered to death.
get fucking good and jump off a bridge you worthless parasite on society.

Hmmm... interesting point. Maybe make it so roadhog can counter this by stutter stepping @ a rate?

>Get hooked and oneshot
>Ghost to avoid hook, get oneshot anyway because lmao shotguns and you're forced to get close
>Ghost to avoid hook, Roadhog is mentally retarded and can't seem to oneshot you with the shotgun
>Huffs and then hooks you because the cooldown is shorter than a midget with no legs

>tfw got cybergoth zarya

broken ass bitch plus the shittiest legendary in the game

I've given up on Overwatch and moved on to Paladins. It's really Overwatch done right.

>literally no range
>he needs an EVEN faster Tank self-heal

This is bait, or someone who has never played overwatch.

>i literally cannot dodge the easily dodgable hook from the easily visable fatass since i'm literally a lobotomized retard
>being this bad at video games

>Get hooked and oneshot
This doesn't happen unless you were already missing health
>Ghost to avoid hook, get oneshot anyway because lmao shotguns and you're forced to get close
If you're losing to Roadhog as Reaper without even getting hooked you're fucking awful

this is bait


Adding a shitty qte is not the way to fix roadhog stop trying to make it work.


clearly you haven't because your crying hard about an underpowered character because your some shitter pubby, you are seriously so god damn bad its incredible, how are you even still alive when you are seriously so retarded you probably stick your tiny pencil dick in electrical sockets to feel something down there for the first time in your life.

Reaper is slow, has a large hitbox, and must get very close to be anything near effective
>lol just dodge it buddy! Everyone's speedy like tracer right?
Found the faggot who never played the game

Anyone who thinks reaper is a counter to roadhog has not actually played the game

well how do u increase apm then?
Really roadhogs just too fucing nooby! you hook then they die theres supposed to be apm and pro skills.

Found the hookhog main. You are the worst kind of player because you make roadhog look like shit.

>hes actually serious thinking roastypig is actually good to the point of needed nerfs
>literally being this terrible


He doesn't one shot Reaper though. With a really good hook he'll get him to 50 health, any Reaper worth a shit will just ghost away and look for a health pack.

Reaper IS a counter to roadhog though, he's tougher then the other tasks but it's not THAT hard to kill roadhog with reaper.

Hook is fine, his damage is too high

With good aim he can right click to kill 200 health characters at midrange, like Zenyatta which is supposed to be a decent counter to him

Roadhog's one of the most balanced characters in the game.

I have seen reaper get oneshot by roadhog even without being hooked beforehand. It happens. Reaper is slow and significantly larger than the other attack heroes.

I follow that nigga when he ghosts and right click him in the back of the head when he comes back to form.

>i have no clue how to work together with my team because i sit in a next with widowshit and shoot at walls all day

>why is roadhog so good, this guy must be a roadhog main becuase only he would say i'm clearly shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
this is you right now, you are literally this retarded; pic extremely related to you right now.

How to fix Roadhog:
>If you have less than 20 percent of your hitbox on a wall when you get hooked, you're going to Roadhog
>More than 20 percent being blocked, you stay right where you are.
>Take away his melee cancel after your hook/scrap gun blast

If we take that away, we gotta buff him in some way.
>After you're hooked, you have a .4 second delay on when you can use abilities or fire. That way Meis won't be able to Ice Cube/instantly jump away, but you still have a chance to get away.

lower the range on his hook considerably
and fix the fact that it's a broken piece of shit
maybe make it not hitscan

Holy shit, he triggered the shit out of a roadhog main though. I've never seen a kid seething like this over his one trick play style being scrutinized.

Roadhog also has a fuckhuge hitbox. It's pretty much impossible to miss at close range.

His headshot does 200? Mccree doesn't even do that much.

No, like he literally can't one shot Reaper unless he's already damaged. Even at point blank. You know he has 250 health right?

>play 76
>shit on him

seriously, soldier 76 fucks roadhog up

Headshot and some pellets hitting body can one shot 200 health characters if you hit it right

It's tricky but easily doable if you practice Roadhog

I think just an increased CD would help, or not making players stunned while being hooked would help, it would make a hog really have to think about his hooks a bit more since there's a chance he could be nuked if he hooks the wrong person, or does it with too little health.

You know that headshots exist, right? Roadhog only needs to have three of his pellets hit Reaper's head and the rest bodyshot and that's a oneshot from full health. It has literally happened to me. I watched the killcam carefully, not only did roadhog get 100% kill credit, no one else was around and I was not discorded.

I course not. He's literally the physical embodiment of Cred Forums. A fat, edgy, ugly troglydyte who only converses through grunts, squeals, and epic maymays

Shit, with the "Dot" reticle, I could see myself learning to hit those consistently.

>theres supposed to be apm and pro skills.

He's free ult charge for the enemy team. You're supposed to play him like the stealth assassin that he is, and that requires a lot of burst.

I guess you haven't been playing that long. Melee used to do 50 damage, so a hook-shoot-melee combo used to be able to be a guaranteed kill.

Now, melee does 30 damage. You can fix this by right-clicking before you hook, then completing the combo - it doesn't take any longer, but now you need 2 ammo for it to work.

Also, if you're lucky with the pellet distribution, an M1 headshot can instagib reapers.

Yes? Hence why I said "at point blank range". Go into a custom game with 6 Reapers right now and play as Roadhog. Tell me how many of them you one shot.

Spoiler, the answer is none. Because he can't one shot Reaper. Period.

>don't change my hook, if I can't instantly one shot 90% of the players in the game every 5 seconds with the push of a button then my favorite character is useless. It's the other guys fault that he can't dodge it hue hue hue

Yeah, I'm the retard. Cry More hookhogger.

>i got hooked while standing in the open with no cover
>pls nerf

Meanwhile most hogs are useless when you dance like 3 feet around them


Why don't they just add like a 0.5-second delay before roadhog can attack after hooking someone? That way it will at least give the other person a chance to use an ability or move a little bit. I just hate that I don't ever have any time to move at all right after he hooks me and is an instant kill unless he sucks at aiming or i have a high health character.

>ddr minigame

my sides

>literally main winston
>watching these retards whinge about literally the shittiest tank in the game because they are seriously this bad
>automatically blaming anyone telling them to git gud that they are roadhog shitters.
>he probably only plays quickplay meme shittery anyways with pubby shits

Because then it'll make it completely useless.
Instant deflect, dash away
Instant sleep
Instant blink
Flash, roll
Jump jets



Fuck off

He doesn't need an outright nerf
They just need to fix the issues with the hook so the nigga ain't grappling through walls and shit.

No, it didn't. You're just an idiot, you see.

a 4 button combo isn't "one shotting", and that's incredibly situational in the first place considering no Reaper above low gold is going to be retarded enough to attack you head on.

you can't be this bad

because thats easily enough time to get away, theres literally no point to hooking people if they can just get away with literally barely damage done to them since the shotgun has shit for range.
seriously, whats the point, tell me i actually don't get it?

>people who play the game to have fun are just shitters
>I only play super pro competitive full team questions matches, because I'm to hardcore for anything else
Have you ever been outside?

>Be D.Va
>Reinhardt chooses me as his charge target
>if I'm full health, just immediately boost away while my nearby teammates fuck him up

>being this much of a normalfag casual

>250 health, walk around corner in Dorito
>Roadhog shoots me once
I don't know how else I can put this to you, because you won't seem to accept that I know empirically that I am right while you just seem to be stuck on the notion that a few pellets hitting Reaper in the head is all it takes to make roadhog's M1 a 1shot

This, if you wanna go the nerf the installation kill route he would need less damage with a bigger ammo clip. Which would sort of make sense but would also sort of make him a little too much like all the other characters.

Because of how the netcode works it is not possible to dodge his hook on reaction except arguably with tracer and genji and only at far ranges

>still playing overwatch when paladins exists
it's better in almost every way.

*stuck in disbelief of the notion

>a 4 button combo isn't "one shotting"

It's not like you can interrupt the combo. Doesn't matter what you call it, you die either way.

>incredibly situational
You make it sound like some ridiculously hard condition. "Right click at enemies before hooking them? Oh no! That's impossible!"

Because it gives them an actual chance to escape. It's not like they will be half way across the map by the time he can start shooting. And I'm just suggesting that there should be some time for them to move before roadhog can shoot, it doesn't have to be 0.5-seconds. I just think that some should have at least a small fighting chance to do something instead of being able to do nothing while he blasts you in the face.

Yep, that's me man, you caught me, I'm only plat rank yo, I'm not ashamed about it at all. Vidya is fun, but I also like having sex and traveling.

I mean that's how the game kinda works. You have to play around different characters. As a Lucio if I see a roadhog I always try to be away from his LoS and far away.

That's pretty reasonable, but I'm going to question one of your fundamental assumptions.

If you put yourself in a situation where you can be hooked, why do you deserve to escape?

Everything in this game is so piss easy to pull off that I don't understand how people can actually think that there will ever be a way to balance the large cast that is only getting larger.

I'll admit Roadhogs hook is pants on the head retarded easy to use. And when I started playing I thought he was OP. Now though that I love playing him I'll still admit he's pretty OP. If you're a good team Roadhog doesn't stand a chance. Which is why I don't play him in comp. Quick play though, all fucking day. The only nerf I can imagine him getting is lower health recovered or longer cool downs. But if you're not retarded you handle him. I know I can once he whiffs his hook. Even as a Mercy

>be Zenyatta
>melt him down to liquid butter

problem fucking solved

why would you take roadhog over a reinhardt or zarya?
if you're taking hog that means you're sacrificing something, whether it be a spot for a better tank or some other role

roadhog is just a pub stomping hero, if you're halfway decent the only reason you will die to him is if you let yourself die to him

With the exception of the hook, which is bullshit on both ends, Hog is fine.

t. Tracer main that has been playing hog recently

Roadhog player here. You're full of shit. Reaper is easily one of the most pain in the ass characters as a Roadhog. You basically HAVE to hook a Reaper to have a chance. If the hook misses or the Reaper comes from where you didn't expect, you're fucked.

On a side note Hog vs Hog fights are always fun. Favorite one I had so far, an enemy Hog panic hooked me without realizing he needed to reload his scrap cannon. Ate him for lunch.

its not possible to dodge on reaction regardless, it has no travel time
if a roadhog misses you its entirely on them or latency, either their positioning was wrong, their aim was off (potentially due to an ANTICIPATORY action on the targets part) or the game fucked up because of high ping differential

Just fix the hook

All I'm reading here is
>I can't hit the second-largest non-tank in the game without hooking him first

In what world can the hammer fag race roadhog? Road hog can kill him in less than a full clip. it takes like 6 swings to kill his fatass WITHOUT him taking a rip from his fart box

sounds like you're just bad famalam

As a roadhog, yeah, that's your only option.

Reaper's shotguns are way better than roadhog's cannon, which is less accurate and holds half the # of shots (4 vs 8).

If you heal, reaper kills you. If you're about to kill reaper, he wraiths

Don't act like it's such a one-sided matchup

>it has no travel time

Stop spreading this myth.

I suppose I can understand that most people that get hooked are usually the ones who get either aren't aware of their surroundings or get to cocky and think they can attack him head on. I guess I'm just thinking of situations when you're standing on the point and just trying to defend it while the roadhog comes up and hooks and kills you. Then again, I suppose the rest of your team should be on the point as well so they should be helping you. Maybe I am just taking my frustration out on my team instead. I don't know

>headshot once with right click
>down to 100 health
>if they stay and fight they die from my left click/ i heal as he empties his whole clip building my ult/ he spooky ghost vanishes away/ I hook him and then shoot him
You're fucking trash, stay sub-2500 silver, nerd.

You can interrupt it, evade.

>You can interrupt it
prove it

You can't interrupt it solo, though, which is the whole point of roadhog - he picks off flankers.

Nigger I routinely go double or triple gold with Roadhog (elims and damage are usually my two golds with a third in healing if my teams healer was trash) and a 60%+ hook accuracy.

Roadhog mains are the absolute worst

They play the easiest character in the game and are drip fed kills for doing basically nothing while having a margin for error that most of the cast would kill to have, but will they ever admit it? No

They've at least given up the 'b-b-b-but he's an ult battery!' because taking damage for Ana to heal is actually beneficial now so his high health is more of an asset than a hindrance with the current meta in terms of ults

you really need to think about being in roadhog's range and sight.

git gud.

So what you're saying is you were slightly damaged before you got hooked? Wow, imagine that.

Again, just go into a custom game, record a webm of you 1 shotting Reaper with Roadhog and this entire thread will say that you're "empirically right".

>It's not like you can interrupt the combo

It's called pressing shift.

Alternatively, your Lucio's healing aura heals the damages of the shitty little shotgun pellets before you even reach Roadhog in the first place.

>You make it sound like some ridiculously hard condition. "Right click at enemies before hooking them? Oh no! That's impossible!"

Because we're talking about a flanker character that drops Roadhog with less than half of his clip? Yes.

His range is huge and sight is not realistically something you can always avoid with the way overwatch maps work

The real question is why do you think the other player should be taking all the risks while roadhog needs to take none?

He isn't saying that at all and has explained multiple times how a single shot kill would be possible

but he did, and now the thread has a hundred replies. guess the joke's on you, "my man"

>It's called pressing shift.
When executed properly, the melee occurs in the same frame as the M1, while you're still stunned from the hook. It's been tested.

>Alternatively, your Lucio's healing aura heals the damages of the shitty little shotgun pellets before you even reach Roadhog in the first place.

You do know that Lucio only heals 12.5 health every SECOND, right? How long do you think the full combo takes?

I'll give you a hint - it's a lot shorter than a single second.

I was saying that I didn't even get hooked. Go fuck yourself troll, you obviously are only here to stir shit.

>2. Add a ddr minigame when players get hooked. players can escape hooks by succesfully pressing the arrows that appear on screen. this makes it more pro.

Zarya needs more range.

There is no reason why a laser cannon has a shorter firing distance than a revolver

>2 Torbjörn legendary skins
>2 Bastion legendary skins
>2 Symmetra legendary skins

the fuck is this screenshot from?

>i could've sworn my laser dick was longer
>it should be atleast

Announcement trailer for Tracer in Heroes of the Storm.

>keep your distance
I always think I am just out of distance but that suit is so fucking long. The only nerf I want for him is for it to be shorter. It's basically mccrees flashbang but long range and very low cooldown, and easier to land the actual kill on after. Using it doesn't require any commitment.

On some maps you simply can't afford to keep distance or be out of sight because you need to get him to fuck off

Yes it does, it protects the entire team from his hook. Yes his rmb can deplete reins shield quickly but most characters can help with that. Reins team should have killed Roadhog before it's broken anyway.

>I always think I am just out of distance but that suit is so fucking long.
This. I was by the tail of the bus at Dorado and a Roadhog was at the entrance to the building beside the other bus when you're heading down to Point A. He was able to successfully hook me from that retarded distance. It's fucking asinine.

His M2 only oneshots at 10m and if Zenyatta is that close to Roadhog then he fucked up somewhere.

Except there is a whole other 5 players such as two healers that they need to worry about instead of a 600 health tank who will be healed up either by himself or those healers before he depletes his absurdly large health pool

>only 2-3 golds
>implying golds even matter when you keep losing matches
No no, it's the team's fault. I get it. You couldn't carry them enough.
FUN FACT: Did you know that if you tie in elims, say you get 4 and your team's Junkrat gets 4, you BOTH get gold? Isn't that something.

Roadhog is literally the biggest retard filter in the game. He's a 1v1 who gets stomped in any other scenario. Literally the only people who have problems with him are solo queue shitters who think they can rambo the entire team single-handedly in a team game.

>3 tank 3 heal taking over the comp meta
>streetpig still has abysmal pick rate at high level
>fuck it let's nerf him anyway
Keep trying to fix his hook so it's less bullshitty, otherwise leave him alone.

>people actually took this post seriously
What the hell Cred Forums? Why all the new fags

>buff Zarya

She's already one of the most OP characters.

Overwatch wants to desperately stay casual to keep its core audience.

At the same time they need to make their playerbase feel like they're good at the game, so they go and nerf Genji's mobility because "aiming is HAAAAAAAAAAAAARD". The casuals gotta have tanks like Reinhardt and Roadhog who can insta-kill people because they need mindnumbingly braindead easy heroes like them to feel good about themselves.

They've been bolstered by this false sense of superiority they get from playing tanks that they think they're good at shooter games and that it's the enemy's fault for dying to big generous hooks and Reinhardt ults that come out instantly and has no counterplay.

I believe that's reserved for reaper mains.

Roadhog's weakness is the fact that he is a HUGE fucking target with no shield, no mobility, and only a self heal over time.

If a team with half decent coordination decides to focus the roadhog down, he's done for.

If you're having trouble with a roadhog, it's because you are the only one focusing him.

As a mercy player my answer is this


>3 tank 3 heal taking over the comp meta
They're already killing it by nerfing Ana's ult charge, which is the lynchpin holding the 3-3 setup together.

Let's be real here, if this game didn't have waifus in it, would any of you be playing it?

He can kill full health Reaper with the combo, go test it out yourself

why would roadhog need a nerf when zarya exists

But I almost never play any of the female characters. I guess zarya but I'm not even into muscle women to that extent

>so they go and nerf Genji's mobility because "aiming is HAAAAAAAAAAAAARD".

Genji was capable of using an exploit/glitch that he wasn't originally designed to have. All they did was correct that. They didn't fix his other glaring issues such as the ridiculous hitbox on his ult and the hitbox on Deflect.

What are you talking about? He's the most common third tank on payload/point defence and is only replaced by winston in koth

Roadhog is benefitting a lot from the tank meta

>most common third tank

I don't see him on objective-based maps. But KOTH? Yeah, it's a tossup between himself and Winston.

Most characters are relatively balanced, hitboxes just need to be tightened up and actually fit.

Hog's hook, Genji's midair hitbox, and Rein's hammer's wonky range/radius would be nice fixes.


Removing his double-jump recovery after wall climbing really just made him into a clunky hero. It was really just done out of spite because the Overwatch community is a bunch of tank scrubs that just want him deleted out of the game. They say enabled him to be too difficult to hit, but that's a load of shit.

>get 2 Hanzo legendaries
>never play him
>he gets buffed so I start playing him
>mfw he's actually fun as hell

Jesus Christ, you sound like a WoW forum poster when I used to play 10 years ago...

Zarya is pretty balanced thou, only character I think needs a nerf is Mei or just remove her from the game or retire

>"Tank" that is easy as fuck to kill and has really low ammo, whose only saving grace is being able to one shot low health chars that have no escape mechanic
>Cred Forums - Let's nerf it so it becomes useless!

Roadhog is common in attack and defense but very uncommon on KOTH. That being said

If a character benefits from the meta then it's not the character that needs nerfing. It happened last cycle with Genji where he benefit a lot from the Discord meta but didn't need nerfing himself. They're already killing the tank meta by nerfing Ana's charge rate, which will in turn lower Roadhog's usage without them having to do anything to Roadhog himself.

>Really roadhogs just too fucing nooby
I think you probably just suck ass, you can't even hit the right keys to type

>It's a "you're winning but somebody gets salty over something stupid in team chat and switches to Widowmaker to throw the game episode"

>he STILL thinks the meme arrows are used just for quoting
Spotted the redditor.

>it's a "you were dominating the enemy team but suddenly no one knows how to counter Bastion setups" episode


>doesn't recognize maymay
>calls someone else a redditor two hours after the post was made
Who are you quoting?

>Add a ddr minigame when players get hooked. players can escape hooks by succesfully pressing the arrows that appear on screen. this makes it more pro.

How to counter Roadhog
>Use character capable of high dps
>Stay out of range
>Most Roadhogs will heavily telegraphy when their going to go for the hook (such as popping around corners or suddenly rushing forward), learn to dodge and bait effectively
>Learn your heroes 'escape' move (Reapers shift, Lucio's RMB)

And there you go.

I don't know, I kind of like it.

>main winston

>Play Zarya
>Friend plays Zen
>Discord him
>Bait the hook
>Bubble for 50 free charge and then melt him while walking back to the team

>dying to a road hog
>blaming anyone but yourself for this

Hey, c'mon don't talk shit about Symettra. She's the hottest character in the game, and she's pretty fun to play as

>playing Ranked while Platinum

Why even bother? No one listens, people pick stupid shit like Torb. Rather just play quickplay.

Roadhog can pretty reliably pick off one squishy per encounter, which is why people get mad at him. What the shitters don't realize is that the rest of your team, if competent, will immediately burn down the Roadhog, which puts the team balance at 5v5 except your team has a bunch of ult charge as the Roadhog's team doesn't. Hence Roadhog is a 1v1 specialist who's a liability outside of 1v1, unless you're running a 3-3 setup.

He's so easy to kill.
Anyone one hit him from outside his hook range, he's a big fat cunt
You're just bad OP

>Reaper is slow and significantly larger than the other attack heroes.
Tracer and Genji are the only characters with a differing move speed.


Duke side to side in an erratic pattern.

Shoot him in the head from medium to long range.


His hook should pull slight farther away from him. There's no reason it should be a guaranteed kill against everyone escort Tanks. It's especially dumb because now you're in the middle of the enemy team so even if he can't kill you with his shotgun you're basically dead because you're surrounded. This is why it's basically a guaranteed kill against everyone

stay in bronze/silver

Alright retard, enjoy silver.

Again, that's not a "single shot kill". And besides ALL of these retarded 1v1 scenarios, the point is that people are really trying to argue that Reaper, a character that 4 shots Roadhog and who only needs to kill him once to charge his ult because Hog's only form of escape is healing himself, a character with fucking shotguns who will have almost 100% headshot rate on Roadhog because his hitbox is fuckhueg, and the only flanker he can't kill with a simple hook + M1, somehow isn't a counter to Roadhog, who is also the only tank who can't defend himself from Reaper's ult in any way.

>When executed properly, the melee occurs in the same frame as the M1, while you're still stunned from the hook. It's been tested.

Yeah, hence why you press shift as soon as the supposed "combo" starts. Right after he right clicks.

>You do know that Lucio only heals 12.5 health every SECOND, right? How long do you think the full combo takes?

Which is more than enough to heal damage from stray shotgun pellets that were only used to trickle down health for a combo.

>I'll give you a hint - it's a lot shorter than a single second.

Lmao, okay. Firing Hog's right click alone takes 3/4th of a second. Show me a video where a Roadhog does an M2, hook, M1 and then cancels into a melee in less than a second and I'll concede.

>play every character
>only get the worst legendaries per character

>implying there's a "worst"
All legendaries look amazing

is that a new skin for pudge?

except that doesnt work cause the fucking hook hit box is broken as fuck

Junkrat's legendaries are garbage.

>2 matches in a row
>nobody picks tank


Jesus Christ.
Do you bads have to complain about EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER because you probably had a hard time this one match you fought against an average/above-average player?
Holy fuck, get your shit together already or quit playing.

I will never understand the hate for these characters

>ult the size of a city block
>low cool downs/HOTINVULN/fast ult charged by self heal.

What? Nah

He's fine and he makes the game easy.

I get my reaper ult instantly, and when I'm Zarya I'm always at 100% and get my ult so quick against him.

>>don't be in the same area as him and don't let him see you
>>he's totally fine guys just don't be in the general area of him
Either pick someone who counters him, or if you're someone who he counters play around him.

You realize what game you're playing?

Bad game huh pal? :^)

>no place in the game for harassment characters.

The fuck is this dumb shit? It's like taking the spy or scout of TF2

Reddit and Cred Forums have the exact fucking same community. Get back to preschool kid.

I thought this was obvious but apparently most people on here are silver.

The killcam isn't to be trusted

Watch Roadhog gameplay, or better yet play him. You'll only get a bullshit hook once every game to once every eight games.

Meanwhile killcams show you half your deaths to a hook are bullshit.

You got hooked fairly, but the killcam makes it weird.

That doesn't happen often in random. Quick play guarantees bad choices though.

I've seen many clips of his hook's hitbox being way longer than it appears
You can see that when he tries to hook someone at a great distance, the hit marker will confirm before the hook even reaches the target
As long as they fix that then I'll be a happy camper

That's a problem with the game itself.

>People complaining about Roadhog
>Not the bitch that has an endless supply of pocket shields
>Not the walking behemoth that blocks hooks
>Not the do-everything tank whose ulti can wipe an entire team and can't be countered
>Not the fat-ass that can insta-heal and invul
>Or the wannabe-demo that can instantly distance himself

Nearly every other tank can out-tank Roadhog, and half my hooks don't even pull close enough for melee range, and his shotgun is only with shit at point-blank range

Roadhog is fine where he is--he might even need a fucking buff.

This. Reaper hard counters him. I fucking suck with Reaper but I pick him whenever there's a Roadhog and ruin his day.

Zarya's not so good against intelligent Roadies, but still a decent pick.

>Reaper gets close and murders him while he's standing still

>Its a similar deal as when people said bastion was too strong

Holy shit, I remember that! Now you hardly see Bastion anywhere. And when you do, he's getting ganked left and right.

Why is he so perfect bros?
>hooks fuckfaces like genji, pharah, and tracer in for EZ kills
>huge bear mode aesthetics for best hugs (I'll admit he probably smells bad tho)
>partners with the other best character in the game Junkrat
>self healing tank that if played correctly can literally be a one-man apocalypse
>hands down the most THICC hero