How were you supposed to know you could jump into the paintings?

How were you supposed to know you could jump into the paintings?

The milk were made of candles

How were you supposed to know to run across the bridge?
How were you supposed to know to bottom the lower right section to the entrance to Kraid's lair?
How were you supposed to know to go back to the hallway with closing doors and speed boost through it again?
How were you supposed to know to go through the wall in lower Tourian which the X-ray visor didn't see through?

People give Prime shit for backtracking but it is NOTHING compared to the backtracking you need to do in Super. Zero Mission having map markers was great.

The commercial that played on TV constantly when it first came out showed Mario jumping into one. That's how I knew to do it when I first played it anyway.

It didn't even take long to get from one area to another in Super. It only takes a few minutes to make a full round trip through all of the areas in it once you have a decent number of the items.

How were you supposed to know Metroid was a girl?

It's a slog due to constantly respawning enemies and the fact that the map doesn't distinguish between connected areas.

If you talk to Toad in the first room with the Bob-omb battlefield painting, he says you should jump into them were you supposed to know to talk to Toad?

I didn't like Super Metroid. I beat the first boss and then had to jump up this long shaft of tiny platforms in a time limit which is impossible on a keyboard. Should I try Zero Mission?

Wait a minute...

Nah. Go for Fusion. Zero Mission is basically Super but slightly different.

I've never played a Metroid game, but isn't there usually a giveaway with Metroidvania games where you can check the map and see if there are walls, or if the hallway continues?


Not in Super. Can't remember about Zero Mission.

Doesn't the title screen attract mode eventually tells you can do that?

No, I tested it thoroughly by getting to different parts of the game before waiting for the attract mode. I also recall seeing it in part of a sizzle reel, maybe from the commercial.

Buy a gamepad.

How the fuck were you supposed to know you had to play the flute to the bird?

Sometimes in Super. You'd find map stations.

And in this particular instance the map shows the shaft continues in both vertical directions.

I'm pretty sure an NPC tells you.

How does a retard like you even know how to breathe?

Not only does it not do that, it's the only time the super bomb works like that

Jesus fucking Christ.

I actually recently played it, and no, no they don't. The dude that gives you the flute mentions some friend it used to have in a village but that's literally it.

Yes it does. In fact the path through Maridia from east Crateria takes you right past the map station, anothet broken tube and massive sections of Maridia that you can clearly access in the future.


Sorry, but bombing literally every wall in the entire game out of trial and error is not good game design.

Not to mention Toad has complete mastery of his QPUs, allowing him to shift in and out of existence.

But the tube is already broken, you're missing the point that you don't know it's the super bomb that can shatter a tube
which is why people are lying when they said they beat Zelda 1 when they were 6 years old without a guide

Do you need to bomb every wall in aLttP to progress? The game gives you hints, you're just too dumb to read them.

First time I player Super Metroid was on keyboard and I did it. You're just bad.

I was talking about Super Metroid, and but anyway, no, ALttP does not give you any hints about playing the flute near the bird.

That first look at Maridia tells you several key things.
>Maridia is huge, and there's lots of it you haven't explored yet like that giant room in front of the elevator.
>Maridia connects to the tube room, because the map room tells you it does. The tube room is significant.
>The tube room is the last room in this first pass of Maridia and you can't go back, so this is the only place you can experiment.
>Tubes can probably be broken, because you walked past one that is broken.
It telegraphs that you need to do something in the tube room every way possible. Literally all you need to do is guess what item you need to use - it happens to be the item you use on everything else in the game.

If you couldn't figure out the tube, you're just a dumbass. Exploration video games are not for you because you are unable to intuite anything.

When I played this as a kid I thought it looked suspicious like you were supposed to blow it up so I shot a rocket at the glass but nothing happened so I never tried again, eventually just stopped playing because I didn't know how to progress.

>"...mumble mumble... Oh? This is my son's flute...! Did you meet my son? Where is he? Is he all right? ... ... ... ... Oh, I see... Well, I can tell what you want to say by the look in your eyes... Would you keep the flute?"

>"And will you play its sweet melody for the bird in the village square? I beg of you, please! My son would probably want it this way..."

I don't remember that second line. Who says it?

probably but all the hot secrets were pretty well known and quickly spread among the schoolkids.
Now if you had some obscure title for the master system that was almost impossible to beat without a walkthrough you were royaly fucked.

Fuck you The Ninja

The flute guys dad.

Where is he found?

The tavern, there's another guy there that says the bird was the kids pet.

>some kid buying a guide and telling his friends at school the secrets so they spread around makes bad game design good

What makes it bad is that it's way too obtuse to figure out in a vacuum.

Oh OK I legit don't remember ever speaking to them.

Then again by that point in the game I was just rushing to beat it as fast as possible.

That's why I hate video games. You have to talk to everybody multiple times to trigger flags and to figure out what to do. There's so many NPCs in a game, why do I have to explore the whole world to find one that gives me a little bit of information for something else across the map?
And then when you advance the story, they start saying NEW things and you have to talk to them again and see if any of it is relevant

I checked all the demo sequences from youtube. None of them shows that.