Counters: Every hero in the game

>Counters: Every hero in the game
>Countered by: No one


Other urls found in this thread:

B-b-b-but Genji can reflect flashbang sometimes


Roadhog eats mccree for breakfast. Get good

Get good faggot.

isn't he countered by himself?

Use Roadhog and don't play like a retard

There ya go


People told me McCree is a Genji counter.

Road hog counters the fuck out of him

Road hog shits on him, and anyone with good range is on even footing with him. He doesn't have any HARD counters beyond hog, but he also doesn't really HARD counter anyone either. He's just a very solid, versatile hero, that needs to be outplayed.

It's trivial to outplay a genji as McCree if you don't suck.

It used to be at least McCree needed to be in decently close range for him to do good damage so at least he was somewhat vulnerable, now not so much.


what youtuber had this hot opinion everyone is parroting?

>Mei exists

>all of these shitters complaining about McCree. Coming from CS:GO to Overwatch made two shotting with him across the map a breeze.

Mei can almost always beat him unless he gets lucky with his flashbang.

His range is just absurd.mthey shit needs to go back to what it was pre-buff.

Genji is the really problem, he counters every single defense hero himself because he has an option for literally everything

Hog loving scrubs that try to claim Roadhog's is a solution to everything

>but he also doesn't really HARD counter anyone either.
At close range he basically hard counter every 200hp hero, I don't see your point.

McCree's weakness is his relative lack of effectiveness in a brawl and his slow shooting speed. Other than that, he's great at close range, more than decent in middle range, and can effectively escape any bad situation with both his abilities if he's not greedy.


>he can go through a full rein's shield with a fully charged ult shot
simply wow

McCree is shit ,it might not have a specific counter but theres a list of heroes that beat the shit of him everytime. For me these :

>overpowered since beta longer than every other hero that's gotten nerfed
>in every single game
>'git gud'

I was playing winston today and mccree killed me from full health with one fth

D.Va is more cancerous than McMeme will ever be.

Zarya also.

>people are catching on
pls don't tell blizz.

>Dva cancer
>When she is the worst tank out of them all.

>Flashbang + FtH


If you aren't a Tank, McCree deletes you at close range. And if you're a Tank McCree deletes you from mid range with his absurdly high head shot damage.

No he didn't. fth max damage is 270

Symmetra counters pretty much everyone

including McCree

Mei can counter nothing. If you get killed by a Mei in a 1vs1 you are a bad player.

Feels good being the most balanced hero in the game.

But he is.
> has shields up? Hook
>Genji just used deflect and is running away? Hook
>76 just ulted? Hook
>Reinhardt is about to use E? Hook
>Mei just got out of her ice? Hook
>Zarya full health? Right click, wait for shield, Hook
>Ana being a pesky old bitch? Right click, then Hook
>Pharah flying around/ulting? Hook
etc etc


Maybe your just shit at the game?

She counters genji and
Genji can't deflect or kill her fast enough and dva can't block her beam.
Also tracer.

>play McCree to "counter" Genji
>throw Flashbang two feet to his left to stun him with AoE
>still gets deflected back at me


>Blizzdrone shitters solution to "fixing" Overmeme is nerfing every character they can't counter
Wew lad

Reminder that Soldier 76 needs to hit 25 headshots with a gun that has spread to do 5 more damage than McCree's 6 bullets with pin point accuracy.

When a certain character invalidates the existence of two other characters, something should be looked at.

Icecube spam when flashbanged
EZ counter

Mei can 1vs1 any hero if she get first move though, LOL YOU CAN'T MOVE.

They've nerfed mccree 3 times already, made his ult shit and made it so tanks can survive fan flash roll fan, hes fine.

Leave him alone for two seconds to realize you're just shit

Countered by console aiming.

>mfw barely any McCree is like the only benefit of being a consolefg

What the fuck

git gud with Genji, deflect his shit or just annoy the fuck out of him with your speed

Git gud with piggu and enjoy yourself with your lovely chain
i fucking hate Mei shit or lol harambe memes as Genji main. l take them out only if can do it for sure.

Fuck Harambe players. stupid memers

She certainly can't 1v1 genji, pharah, tracer reaper, junkrat, tobjorn with turret nearby, or any of the tanks, unless it's also a enclosed space. Heck, a good mccree could probably kill her 1v1 even if she got the jump on him.

>be in beta
>play McCree because he looks cool
>demolish people because he's stupid strong
>be now
>don't play him because 76 exists
>don't even have to try
>get at least 3 gold medals + regular POTGs

Better question is how do you counter a good Mei? I feel fucking dirty when I play her because I inevitably end up shitting on the enemy.

He only hard counters Pharah and soft counters squishies
Every tank hard counters him
You wanna talk about overpowered fucking characters lets talk about Tracer and Reaper

how to git gud with Tracer?

i seriously find her annoyingly shit to fight against when the player is a good one.

Having a Zarya on my team is like having a guardian angel.
Thought I'd hate her 'cause of the hair, but now she gives me a boner when someone picks her.

symmetra is op

D. va is fucking trash, worst tank

>fan the hammer
>pinpoint accuracy

Use the jumps while fighting, one of the worst things you can do as Tracer is to jump in there and then just strafe a little bit while you shoot them. Shoot them for a little bit, then jump somewhere and shoot again to confuse them

How is she even good?

Never ever 1v1 her.

basically anything with decent range or high mobility, in other words half the cast

I don't understand to me how people have trouble fighting mei, she's so fucking weak

the fuck did i just watched

Anything with range
Reaper if you can shoot face

Lol no, no he can't.

Reaper is well-known as the most balanced hero in the game. You're so bad at video games that your opinion is discarded instantly.

But that's not Roadhog.

Watch your mouth.

>I main mei please don't nerf her. I'll lie and say she's countered by everyone

Mei literally has no counter, and I'm so tired of mei Mains claiming she does.
"Taking damage" is not a counter. Nor should one character be able to deny area, cut off mobility, slow down enemies, have the largest ultimate in the game, do that much damage with her right click, AND block 100% damage while self healing.

Mei is beyond fucking broken.

>great damage
>self heal
>invulnerable on a cool down
>no aim required
They should really think about this character.

mcree counters himself

>does piss damage outside of point-blank range
If you let a Reaper sneak up on you its your own fault for having shitty situational awareness and you're just bad.

D.Va kills him too if she's healthy

>He's just a very solid, versatile hero, that needs to be outplayed.


He's 76 but for actual players.

>it's a "baddie gets killed a couple time by the same hero played decently in one or two matches then he gets so angry he starts a 'balance' discussion in an anonymous image board" episode
so tired of this shit, I'm not paying a Cred Forums GOLD account for threads of this calibur

She's the best 1v1 character in the game. Just grab a buddy and she's dead.

>great damage
>self heal
>invulnerable on a cool down
>no aim required
They should really think about this character.

>Counters everyone

If you're still getting killed by McCree easily you might be trash

>all these mega-shitters pretending they know anything about game balance
Just because you're awful at the game and die to X hero doesn't make them OP. The only unbalanced heroes right now are Zarya and McCree. Most of the defensive heroes need buffs. Any other answer gets your post tossed out on the basis of you being bad at the game.

your average shitter mei is easy to counter, just play pharah, zarya, or junkrat.

If you run into a decent mei though you're going to need your team's help

You don't know about balance either if you think McCree is still unbalanced
Fan is absolute trash against anything that has more than 200 HP and you getting in range of flashbang is your own fault

I never said he's OP.

I said he's unbalanced because he's literally the best offense hero and picking anyone else is intentionally gimping yourself. Just look at competitive pick rates.

McCree only has 200 health so that puts him squarely in "Don't enter Roadhog's effective range" territory

>mfw Mei ruins arcade
I cannot give a fuck about McCuckhold, Roadhog, or Tracer with this character still existing

>No aiming required

user, the thing that seperates a good Mei from fucking garbage Mei's is the ability to snipe with the icicle

McCree is poorly balanced but he doesn't negate every other offensive choice. Tracer is still really great on KotH and Reaper had his own niche that was only made obsolete when people switched to 3 tank/3 support and that meta doesn't really have anything to do with McCree.

>this anonymous person i know nothing about knows nothing about the game because i just know that they are shit at the game
kill yourself league child

>this will never be a skin in overwatch


Before the dawn of the 3/3 meta, McCree was a must-pick in every situation except maybe KotH where Tracer reigns supreme. That makes him the best offense hero. His FTH might be crap but good players don't use that. If you can consistently land headshots at any range, he invalidates all other offense heroes and both snipers.

>countered by: no one

He's the slowest Offensive hero. He needs to be babysat by a fucking tank in order to not be blown up in half a second. Every other Offensive hero is either highly mobile or has a heal mechanic or both.

ability to protect teammates from oneshot kills or helping them get out of enemy fire, insane dps capabilities when the energy is high and one of the best ults in the game, that's how

also it's good to bait earthshatters with reinhardt
>enemy team has ES ready
>teams reinhardt is getting a lot of damage on it's shield
>it breaks
>zarya shields rein as soon as the other rein uses earthshatter
>post yfw

If you think any character other than Zarya and McMeme are unbalanced you're objectively wrong and it's safe to assume you're just crap at the game. Literally no one who plays at a high level thinks Reaper, Roadhog or fucking Mei are OP. This thread is just full of sub-diamond baddos.

t. Reaper main
Reaper is a mobile Bastion that heals on kill, has a get out of jail free card, and one of the best ults in the game.
Take away his ability to headshot and make him unable to pick up medkits in wraith mode and he's fine.
>B-but he's loud
Doesn't matter, it takes a whole team to kill him since he can 1-2 shot 75% of the characters in the game and 3-4 shot the other 25% and as soon as he gets spotted or damaged he wraiths away and is back to full HP in a matter of seconds.
>B-but he has to be 5 feet away to get kills
Wrong again, reaper can chase squishies while emptying his ammo into them from 30 meters away and will kill 200 HP heroes on the eighth shot if you can't get to cover in time
Reaper also has no hard counters and only has soft counters in Pharah and Roadhog, and even then he can deal with Hog easily.
>B-but you've never played Reaper
My 5th most played character.
Reaper is massively overpowered and is the highest picked offense hero. Either nerf him or buff the 18 characters he hard counters

And yet most of them don't and she can still be pretty annoying even in the hands of a retard.

she's one of my most played but she's straight up garbage. She was OK when they changed the defense matrix but then they nerfed it again to appears bronze - gold shitters because they don't understand the concept of depleting her shield then ulting or flanking

the most picked entails he's the most balanced

see pudge in dota 2

sounds like to me you're just shit

Hook is crazy strong and I honestly hate that not one character in the game absolutely shits on roadhog like most other characters have. His only liability is that you feed offensive ults being a giant fucking sponge which admittedly is a quite a liabilty but a roadhog who knows the wonky mechanics of the hook who can abuse it to pull people from out of sight and or cover is a nightmare. I hate him so much

considering most of the levels are tight corridors, it's pretty easy to be effective.

>most played

Thats not even remotely true:

I should have called him out on that too

No you're fucking retarded.

Hanzo, bastion, and torb are shit and completely unbalanced. They need to be fixed or just removed.

>highest picked offense hero
Wrong, Tracer is, so your whole argument flies out the window since there's an offense hero that's better.

His flashbang is meant to but not really. If anything Genji is the closest Mccree has to a counter in the game if the Genji is good. Deflect hitbox size is broken so just get reeeeaally close and he can't throw flashbang without you deflecting it. If you do get flashbanged, make sure it's while you're midjump since that makes you move while flashbanged making it harder to land a shot after, almost impossible to land fan the hammer.

tfw my favorite heroes in the game are Genji, McCree and Ana and they're the most commonly referred to as cancer

>remove ability to headshot

This is like people calling for Genji's Swift Strike to no reset after a kill

Holy fuck is it possible to be this bad at the game?

Whiners who don't know about game balance need to just go play something else.

She's only good if you have sniper tier aiming accuracy.

If by bastion and torb being "unbalanced" you meaan they are absolutely shit compared to other heroes than you are correct

I just fucking dropped from 2600 to 2200
Game is literally unplayable when you have people that refuse to change their shitty junkrat/hanzo/symmetra pick to something actually useful.

what? no it doesn't. what kind of correlation is that?

>nerf the best tank-killer in a meta where 3 tanks is the norm

The thing about Overwatch that a lot of people haven't realized is that 75% of the roster doesn't counter anyone, but also has no counter.

I mean, some characters like Bastion or Winston have hard counters. But the vast majority of the characters, if evenly matched against each other in 1v1s, will be a tossup.

>cleavage showing

Of course it won't, that's #problematic

tracer is picked more than reaper and his pickrate is barely higher than genji. And earlier in the meta Mccree was king dps. Reaper is only "OP" now because everyone is running around with three tanks which he is meant to be good against and even in that situation the presence of an ana who outranges him and can nullify his healing and ultimate keeps him way in check. I don't think he was ever a priority pick so I don't know where you're coming from.

You're both wrong. Soldier is the most picked Offensive hero


this right here.

I'd rather have every hero in the game be on McCrees level on usefulness rather than the tameness of soldier 76. People complain about the flashbang but they don't realize how fucking annoying Reaper and Tracer would be without it. Those two are practically shitting on everyone if their opponent doesn't have a McCree to stop them.

If his E is on CD he shouldn't fuck with me.

>Fuck Harambe players. stupid memers

Swift Strike should not reset after an assist. Only of killing blows.

Pretty sure the 3 tank meta exists because Reaper is underpicked.

>when the team never focuses Mei
Her broken kit means you need to focus her down immediately. Yes even before Mercy. If she isn't gangbanged at every possibility she will stall time, contest, regenerate health and get ult every 30 seconds.

i honestly don't think that nerfs are the solution. buffing the weaker characters would be better.

Maybe they should buff Bastion and Symmetra out of useless garbage-tier so ReOPer isn't the onoy tankbuster in the game

It does reset on killing blows.

Ana or widow can take him out pretty good at most ranges. I almost lumped in Hanzo but at close range Mccree really has him beaten.

Seriously its a lot easier to counter characters in this game than Cred Forums makes out. Just don't be an idiot and think your plan though.

For those who seem to be confused about the pick rates and are posting misinformation or unironically linking masteroverwatch, here's the REAL competitive pick rates (which are the only ones that matter):

>(which are the only ones that matter)
>It's from a tournament of 20 games where the only people playing are the only ones who wanted to go to that dumb tournament
Lol ok nerd.

He meant that Genji only has to tag team for the first 1 damage and still get a refresh when a Widow does the rest 199. But I disagree with him, it'd be fucking annoying to almost solo kill someone and then someone else, like a DVa with her giant pellet spread do the final blow and be denied your refresh.

I think Genji can deflect too many things. I know he can deflect Junkrat's bombs and I'm pretty sure he can deflect missiles and Reinhart's hammer. None of that makes any sense

the problem is many counter characters are shit

e.g. pharah counters reaper since she can just shift away and shoot him at range, but because she's shit and has many counters herself it doesn't really work well. Similar to widow and any non tracer offense character, she's fucked by many other characters

>from Lenovo Group Stages and Gossamers Weeklies
>not even posting stats from the Overwatch Open

Besides, the true Competitive esports meta and pub meta are entirely different. Stop thinking that they are the same


Good thing it's not a realistic game. Seriously though, Genji being able to push those grenades back at Junkrat is great, having him spam his shit down a hallway constantly is incredibly annoying.


bruh mccree is like the only strong counter to tracer. She doesn't do shit against flashbang.

Reaper is Mei's hard counter

A Tracer retarded enough to go into flashbang range deserves to die everytime

Tracer can actually outspace his flashbang range and still have effective dps to kill him in a few seconds. This can of course be countered by him having great aim and the fact that he has a lot of power in each shot.

I mean normal shooting you dip. If McCree hits all headshots with his 6 bullets he does 420 damage. Soldier 76 does 425 if he lands all headshots.

So Soldier 76 needs to land quadruple the amount of bullets while maintaining a spread just to compete with McCree's 6 bullets that have pin point accuracy.

Way too powerful at high levels of skill, good at decent levels, useless at low levels
Depends on how good the enemy team is
See McCree

>"soft" counters squishies
>if caught in close proximity they are basically dead for extremely minimal effort


Pub meta means absolutely nothing. Nobody below the pro level has any valid input on game balance because they don't understand the game well enough.


I can't aim for shit and I can go pro with zarya.

Literally everyone in this thread is talking about pub meta you fuckwit. But since I don't play on a team I guess I don't know anything about the game

It should only reset off killing blows. Right now Genji can just do damage to someone and have someone else kill them and Swift Strike will still reset. It's fucking stupid.

Just rework roadhog to make him stun his enemies while he holds them still for his team instead of making him able to instakill people alone by throwing the world's biggest magnet. This is supposed to be a team oriented game.

Zarya is the one I think is genuinely OP right now. McCree is seeing less use in this triple tank meta but Zarya is fucking everywhere, in every comp, having no counters and constantly making everyone invincible.

>run in as mei
>start freezing Genji
>this fucking weeaboo nigger can actually reflect pure cold
Why the fuck is this allowed?

>gut Roadhog and make him useless
Please stop posting.

>Genji can reflect Ice Stream

False. He can only reflect projectiles. Get your facts straight before you shitpost.

>76 gets unjustly nerfed because of the fear of a script that lets you go full auto but keep burst fire accuracy
>didn't stop the script
>76 is still untouched

Fuck off Blizzard.

No he can't? Why are you lying. If you catch him with his swift strike on cooldown he's almost certainly dead

Mei should either have her icicle damage reduced or just have the damage falloff be more extreme. She's basically a slightly worse Hanzo with how straight those things fly and how easily you hit with projectile hitboxes

She's like the Lucio of tanks. She provides good all-around utility without actually being overpowered. The utility is what causes her to get picked so much, and nerfing her runs the risk of sending her straight to the basement. Since 3-3 is already being deleted thanks to the upcoming Ana ult nerf, I'd rather they just buff Roadhog and especially D.Va instead of nerfing Zarya.

If you miss your hook, you are dead.

Her shots come out so fucking slow yet they are so easy to land due to the ginormous hitboxes, and do 150 damage on headshot? She's a better Tracer counter than McCree for fucks sake. She was shit so recently but suddenly she's broken again even if her damage output is pretty much the same.

Even if Roadhog misses his hook it just takes two M2s to kill a McCree, 1 if it's positioned just right.

I think so too, just a bit more cooldown on her shields and she would be fine.

>be Rein
>other Rein uses earthshatter on me with my shield up
>drop my shield to slam his dumb unsupported face
>get knocked down
>mfw the earthshatter keeps knocking you down about ½-1 second after it's used
Fuck off Blizzard

The gun is too inconsistent to kill him properly.

One if it hits perfectly actually. God, it's annoying when you know his hook is on cooldown so you peek to damage him but get one shot anyway. Feels worse than dying to a Hanzo

A good 76 that knows how to aim (and burst fire) can give him a rough time. A decent sniper could also do him in assuming he doesn't start headshotting them rift out the gate

Until they rightfully turn McCree's stun into an ability silence, McCree is just going to be for scrubs who can't aim.

I get more ticked about how inconsistent the Earthshatter hitbox is. I mean, it can go UP terrain and hit people who are sitting on top of a box but if they are standing behind the tiniest sliver of a pole then they don't get hit. I don't know anymore

God forbid Genji would actually require some sort of team coordination instead of being "muh ebin lonewolf" character



I still feel like that chart is wrong. I see, mercy, and even Mei way more often then I see winston in competitive. Where is this data from anyway? console???

Bitch Soldier is one of the easiest to kill as McCree. Soldier will only win if he gets the jump on him or if McCree is a worse player.

I just dont think the fact that she can get to 100% charge off of simply being present on the field and absorbing spam, it punishes players for shooting in an FPS and when she's running at you with a barrier field up, dealing pretty high damage, there's no real counterplay outside of "well fuck I guess i either run away or die" because you can't even stun her or knock her away when she has one of those things up. I think they could easily increase cooldown timers or reduce how quickly she charges up without hurting her very much at all, as a D.VA main I can't tell you how many times I've had to just run away entirely or just switch characters because invincible zaryas just chase me around the map and there's NO counterplaying it.

It's from pro competitive tournaments, so characters like Winston see a ton more usage because they're gods as part of a coordinated prebuilt team of 6 while characters like D.Va and Mei are so easily countered by a coordinated team it isn't even funny, even with their stalling tactics.

Its from some /literalwho/ tournaments that no one cares about. MasterOverwatch actually has pub stats, just not pro stats

Professional pick rates, which are the only ones that matter.

i can make him eat shit as sym desu

It would be impossible to coordinate Genji to receive the killing blow, do you know how fucking hectic fights get in higher ranks? He's not even overpowered, stop crying and get good at playing

>MasterOverwatch actually has pub stats
Because everybody gives a shit which meme characters are picked in silver.

>doesn't have pro pick rates
>he thinks it's relevant data without pro pick rates
>he unironically gets his meta info from masteroverwatch and not overbuff

>gosugamers weeklies

the majority of entrants in these tournaments are pleb stacks. Very rarely are there actual pro teams (and by pro I mean teams who actually made it to the OW Open)

Solider cannot do shit to McCree unless the McCree is insanely shit at aiming. McCree's damage is just too fucking high. At no range does Soldier out perform McCree, and that is the exact reason no one in tournaments touches Soldier while McCree is a staple.

>make roadhog take teamwork like all the other tanks instead of having him be a one man apocalypse
Fixed that for you

Winston is incredibly good in a coordinated team. Have Ana constantly heal him while he goes berserk, and Zarya shield. Have Winston and Genji jump into an enemy group together to just create chaos. I love him.

A good team knows that shit lasts for 2 seconds and has 200 health. Literally wait it out then murder her or just focus fire right through the shield and murder her. The difference between a Zarya dominating you and one who dies all the time is wholly dependent on you as a team focusing on killing her when she's engaged and popped her shield. If you let her back out she regens her health and goes off cooldown again.

>play mccree at release
>have loads of fun with him
>fan the hammer gets nerfed into being totally worthless
>no longer enjoy him as much, play boring s76 instead since i can't aim
>stop playing

unless they've given him big buffs in the last month or two mccree can't counter a wet paper bag

but we aren't talking about pro meta because none of us here play in pro games

whats your problem

Just because your aim is dog shit doesn't mean McCree can't counter things

They should just not allow her to headshot people unless they're frozen. While they're at it. Just remove Hanzo's headshots as well. At least Mei doesn't one shot every 200hp hero by spamming corners

>making his weapon useless because he now has no way to close the distance between himself and a target
Give him a machine gun and we'll talk. The hook is what makes his shotgun viable. Reaper can close the distance in a number of ways. Roadhog is a walking ult charge who can't sneak up on anyone. Stop bitching because you have poor situational awareness and got hooked.

I deal with her easily when I have those days where I actually play McCree well. Headshots wreck her relatively low health pool.

>clearly leading the shot on a genji shitter

Yeah. It should ignore tiny obstacles but not go up walls

>you enjoyed the least skillful, boring aspect of McCree
>now you dislike him since you're forced to actually employ skill to do well
So you're a console player?

>tfw I can't play ANY Offense hero besides Pharah(who I'm only slightly better at)

Ok, then maybe have his cooldown be reduced based on the amount of damage he did?
>100% damage/killing blow
100% reduction
>50% damage
70% reduction
>2% damage
Fuck off Genji, stop spamming randomly

Until Overbuff starts posting hero usage stats at specific skill levels (gold, silver, plat, etc.) we can't really talk about pub meta

How long before they buff 76 and Pharah to be as useful as the other offense heroes?

Remember when Pharah was a tier-1 pick after both 76's spread and Mccree's damage falloff were nerfed? I remember

Her "relatively low" health pool is 200hp 200 shield and 200 bubble. Literally roadhog tier, with smaller hitbox.

Doesn't sound like a bad idea. But I still don't think it's a big problem. A DPS hero having good dps is a good thing. The 3 tank meta that is currently in strong effect is boring as fuck and nerfing won't help this situation.

Barrier has a duration of 2 seconds and a cool down of 10. So no, her health isn't 600 all the damn time

Hitscan is way too stronk in this game for pharah. Maybe if they let her rocket jump more often.

By that logic Roadhog has 900 health, Winston has 1100 health, Reinhardt has 2500 health and D.Va has infinite health. Stop being shit.

junkrat as well. He's even being buffed, his ult is going to run faster (not charge, speed)

Relatively for a tank. The bubble lasts 3 as mentioned. Wait it out, place a few headshots/focus fire as a team to get her down since you know she's basically support with her life saving shields.

Her hitbox is even worse than Hanzo.

Step up senpai.

The symmetra and mercy games were me throwing down to 2700s. kek

Also @OP, tracer absolutely shits on mcree. The shit netcode in overwatch means you can lag blink mcree's flash 9 times out of 10 and tilt the fuck out of anybody you're fighting.

It's insane how long that shit is active for. There have been times I have been out of range when he did it then walked forward and was stunned.

>Take away the headshot
>On a non-hitscan projectile, of all things
>You can see it clearly making contact with the head.

>He also cries about dying to Hanzo, who also requires shot-leading

I'm sorry, but you need to get better at playing yourself if you can't kill them before they kill you. It's really that simple.

Increased movement speed so she can actually dodge Mccree shots. There's is no reason she should move slower horizontally in the air than she does while walking on ground. She is way too vulnerable doing what she is supposed to be doing.

76 literally just needs that retarded spread completely rolled back. Pharah needs more of a rework because her obvious playstyle and her stats work against each other and playing her to her strengths just means half a dozen characters can do the same job but better.


People (95% of 76 mains) had scripts that auto burst with 0 downtime for laser accuracy with the old recoil.

That's good, we need more tank and support mains

Or at least in quick play

>You can see it clearly making contact with the head.

Pharah needs one buff and one buff only, and that is her hover speed.

>Lets nerf a character because of a script instead of banning script users

GG Blizzard.

>who also requires shot-leading
Spam enough and you're bound to hit a couple of headshots every now and then because projectile hitboxes are huge. Hanzo having no reload, barely any time between shots, infinite ammo to spam with and 400 damage shotgun at point blank range makes him one of the cunties heroes to be up against. He's usually useless but getting instantly killed across the whole map because he was "leading his shots" thanks to his widow-ult arrow showing him exactly where I was is not fun to play against

>There's is no reason she should move slower horizontally in the air than she does while walking on ground.
It's actually the same speed, it just feels slower because you expect it to be faster. But no, it's the same speed. It should be 1.5x ground speed like Soldier's sprint. Soldier can sprint infinitely on the ground so letting Pharah "sprint" in the air with a fuel gauge is a balanced tradeoff.

obviously the game can't be balanced perfectly for all skill levels. If you're at a point where one specific character is ALWAYS causing you grievances then you just need to play better or coordinate with your team more.

You could do the exact same thing without a script by burst firing smartly like you'd do with an actual semi-automatic assault rifle. It was balanced because you still traded damage for accuracy since you weren't firing at max rate. Now the spread even with the minor rollback means you can't shoot for longer than a second without your bullets flying off all over the place.

Maybe you're right, I just find it so much easier to avoid his shots when on ground than in the air. Same when I play him myself. Airborne Pharahs are piss easy to hit, her aerial mobility is way too predictable.

Heres what we do with Pharah:

-remove Concussive Blast
-replace with: Directional Boost
-"Use a percentage of hover fuel to quickly be boosted in any horizontal direction"
-8 sec cool down
-*can't be used on the ground


No, the old recoil allowed scripts that had the same RPM as holding down mouse 1 but laser accuracy, since the recoil reset instantly after letting go mouse 1. You can burst fire manually and achieve a similar effect, but you won't have the same RPM as going full auto. Which means the script absolutely gave an advantage using the old recoil.


for the elo that soldier is relevant the nerf doesn't even matter too much

if they buffed him to competitive viability he would be too good at lower elos (they designed the character to cater to new players who like generic shooters)

>-"Use a percentage of hover fuel to quickly be boosted in any horizontal direction"
>-8 sec cool down
One or the other.
Not both.

>8 sec cooldown
I don't see how this would help her at all. It would literally be like concussion blast except she doesn't need to shoot it at a surface to gain momentum. After using it she would still be easy pickings for everybody while slowly floating in the air. At least the concussion blast can be used to throw off people's aim giving you time to get in another rocket hopefully killing them.

>Roadhog mains will defend this

Everybody knows the hitbox is fucked. Blizzard will fix it sooner or later, I'm not worried.

>frozen in 1/10 of a millisecond
>frozen long enough for her to taunt me with a wave and "A-MEI-ZING"
>proceeds to slowly insert an icicle in my mouth
Fuck. Mei,

Why is this thing hitscan in addition to having a giant fucking hitbox? Like at least force Roadhog to lead his throw.

>highest win rate in comp
I dont believe it

Roadhog's range/hitbox needs to be nerfed for the same reason Junkrat's sticky needs a delay on it: no one should be able to just zero-skill instakill any non-tank character. That's the sort of thing that should be exclusive to sniper headshots and the like.

I used to lead my throws until I realized how the stupid hookbox worked. Then, after killing poor squishies for too long I stopped playing Roadhog because I felt bad for them

>Blizzard will fix it sooner or later, I'm not worried.
just like it took them 7 years to fix the warrior's broken charge on wow right?

overbuff has better stats

Every objective, either capture point or payload pushing, is in a wide and open area where you should be able to see most Reapers coming from a mile. Turn around once in a while or stop fucking around in the backrooms that are nowhere near the objective.

Back when I used to play him a lot I lead my throws as well, it worked so I thought that's what I was supposed to do but it turned out that the hitbox is just huge enough for it to not matter if I missed a bit. Fucking stupid design. I can understand it on console but on PC it just feels insulting and annoying.

God yes, Junkrat's mine just has way too much utility right now.

Just have the damage Build up over time or just go from 0-120 in two seconds or so

They've fixed most of the broken stuff in OW that I could think of so far. Besides, it's not as if roadhog is an actually good pick at any decent elo, it's cheese, nothing more.

It's really easy to believe.

Here's a flowchart

>First point on defense, you're symmetra
>Do you win there?
>Symmetra's winrate goes up
>Did you lose the point?
>Immediately stop playing symmetra, play someone else
>Symmetra's winrate doesn't change

He's a must have in the 3 tank composition, due to his damage output. He saw plenty of use during Overwatch Open

I only started playing Mei because we are in a world of dva, zarya, mobility creep, unstoppable tanks, and nanoboosting.

The sad thing is Blizzard knows what to do, but it wont. They will always protect tanks like Bungie protects sniper rifles.

At least they're smart enough to leave widow alone.

Roadhog has 0 ability to actually tank, unless you hide behind his fat ass like a meat shield which will still just feed the enemy ult %. He makes up for this fact by having more kill potential.

Where is Sombra from?

>get cornered by someone in close quarters as zero suit or Mercy
>pull out gun
>projectiles are so huge/slow that they cannot possibly miss
>hit every single one of them and melt the poor guy who was in there with me
Projectile hitboxes are dumb

Then make him skinny, reduce his health and throw him into the attack classes then. Right now he's some sort of weird hybrid that sucks at higher levels but utterly stomps at lower levels

It's kinda nice freezing a boosted Reinhardt allowing the team to get in some damage, hopefully killing him before he wipes us. I hate Mei but mostly for her walls, I've grown to see that her freeze fits in the current game. Her walls however are broken for the utility they bring.

Man shut the fuck up and git gud you stinking nerd.


>Then make him skinny, reduce his health and throw him into the attack classes then

he would just be a shitty Reaper

>Right now he's some sort of weird hybrid that sucks at higher levels but utterly stomps at lower levels

then I guess Blizz has to change some numbers around and/or give him a little more utility

>mfw roadhog's hook is not actually a hook since it can't grab people on the way back and should just be a spike ball or something since it grabs people by hitting them with the useless part of the hook

Fucking Blizzard themselves.

Or did you not grasp that the "Good, Bad and Ugly" Brawl was intended to be a rock paper scissor set up?

Unfortunately, the walls are needed just because of what you mentioned at first.

You need to have the ability to punish high mobility heroes by blocking off escape routes. You need to be able to bring some point defense with something other than the freeze spray and also have a way to stop the death ball bum rush.

Is Reaper supposed to be dangerous?

>Be D.Va
>Hear DI-
>DM and just look at him twirl like a ballerina
>Everyone kills him as he only barely got to do any damage before I made all his bullets disappear
>Repeat forever

Really unintimidating.

I own as Bastion.

If you don't kill people in MIN TTK as in hitting almost all your shots with most of them headshots, you're fucking terrible and should kill yourself.

Fuck """""pros""""" who think they're good with their shitting tracking, aiming and game sense of a silver.

That is pretty much why no one complains about reaper.

>he plays this garbage
overwatch is literally the league of legends of fps games

They need to lower the health of the walls. It takes to much effort breaking one pillar of it to save the Reinhardt that got separated from your team. She is making some of the worst maps in the game even more unpleasant thanks to how strong her walls are on their choke points.

Speaking as someone who has piss poor accuracy, I would disagree. I think if I had good accuracy I'd be soloing entire teams instead of just getting the gold medals for elims and damage.

>which will still just feed the enemy ult %.
Which he will counter.

>save the Reinhardt that got separated from your team
>implying the Mei isn't the one separating the Rein from her team

Yeah, Zarya has to track well which is different than Snipers who have to predict movement or strafe aim then click when cross hair meets head. It also helps judging how her grenades lob.

>all this talk about nerfs and buffs
>my cute Egyptian waifu is still forgotten and hard countered by every hitscan hero in the game
>meanwhile every patch includes at least 5 balance changes

Fuck Blizzard. I wish "they forgot about my favorite character" was a valid reason to want a refund.

D.Va nullifies a shit load of ults, the only offense hero whose ult can't be stopped by her alt is Genji.

There aren't enough 60 FPS OW vids.

>"we need to hurry to the point to recapture!"
>"uh oh, enemy fire comes from that room, better block the entrance so not even we can get in any damage"
Meis can be so incredibly dumb

They needs to just give Pharah 250 HP already.

>by every hitscan hero
And Hanzo. Don't forget about Hanzo who now moves faster and shoots faster arrows up ms. Egypt's snatch whenever she shows herself in the air

Make the extra 50 HP be armor. Or at least turn 50 or 75 of her normal HP into armor so McSniper won't two-hit kill her.

Why the fuck is Pharah always inside a suit of armor even to play basketball, but the armor doesn't protect her at all?

>camp 3560 after a nice winstreak
>mmr decays to 3470
>finally queue a match
>win and get placed at 3611
Oh man am I fucking TERRIFIED to queue again

Hanzo's arrows are fast enough now that he's basically hitscan. There is literally no reason to pick Widowmaker with him around having her exact same sniping capacity + an overpowered ult + faster movement while aiming.

Pretty much any Mei that opens the game by walling the entrance instead of waiting for one player to run through first is shit tier.

>beat the shit of him everytime
>D. Va
Some of you are complete trash

>-remove Concussive Blast
Fuck off.

>has a right-click that's completely free (space bar already jet-packs) and would make far more sense for such an ability

>"hurr we need to remove her E to make room for another one"

>sniping with a projectile weapon in overwatch
>difficult in any way shape or form

How fucking bad are you at this game? There is a reason Mei is one of the least picked heros in the game.

>mei has the largest ult in the game
> ult
The ult has a long startup time half the characters in the game can escape before it even goes off. Just fucking shoot her if she goes close to you and if you die to her on the objective your team is stupid. Her mechanics are capitalization on poor teamwork. Her counter is teamwork.

>genji, pharah, tracer
These people are all hard-countered by Mei the moment Mei is in range to start freezing them. Pharah wins if she can stay back, and Genji only wins if he has ult.
>reaper, junkrat
skill matchups. If Rat can get 2 grenades down +mine fast enough, he wins. otherwise he's the easiest thing for Mei to kill. Reaper is likewise whoever shifts first, loses.
>torb with turret
wall the turret, free kill on dwarf. His strength is being able to damage from two angles, which Mei can negate.
Mei doesn't need to kill tanks. She just freezes them and fucks off. Winston loses to her 1v1 without ult to get 3 HP bars, D.Va can't actually do anything to her, and Rein is pis-easy to disengage from. Zarya and Hog are the only tanks that actually give Mei problems, because of lolbarrier and the sustain + hook-burst from Hog.

Mei is damn strong, but all of her fighting takes time. She has no burst, and her abilities are utility, not damage. She wins almost every 1v1, else disengages from most others. The only reason she doesn't see more "OP pls nerf" anymore is because range is her weakness, and she takes time to kill.

>wide open
maybe from a top-down perspective. look at the areas from the front and you'll see that anything that isn't a hallway is a corner in almost any case if you don't have a vertical boost.

tracer shits on mei fuck off your opinion is invalid

Only if the Mei is dumb enough to think she should attempt to freeze Tracer. Mei one shots Tracer with her rmb.

So I've been thinking about Symmetra.

Does anyone else think that her teleporter shouldn't be her ult? Every other hero in this game has their ults work with a "Build it up and then fire them off at the right time" idea behind them. Symmetra is the only hero whose ult doesn't work like that.

And its use varies far too much based on the situation, your ult is supposed to be potential gamechangers but half the time it's just something that gets teammates back at the front-line marginally faster.

It would make far more sense if her Teleporter could be built at any time, however only become active after being on the field for awhile. And then let her Ultimate charge be something that behaves more like the other supports ults and directly boosts her teammates.

I just want Sombra to be revealed

Mexican characters are God Tier

Could somebody please shoop this to be a symmetra edit? I see a lot of potential here.

This is something that has been mentioned several times actually and many agree. Her teleporter should be deployable just like thorbjorns turret. Maybe make her have to upgrade it for charges like how Torb has to upgrade his turret, but how she does it should be done passively through damage done or something.

So does widow, so does hanzo, so does mcree (flash headshot). Tracer absolutely shits on all three.

You can headshot a tracer, but over the course of a match and over the course of many 1v1s, you won't headshot the tracer more times than the tracer can just kill you.

In other words, the argument that you can 1 hit headshot the smallest hitbox hero and the most agile hero in the game is a low percentage play at best.

But he wasn't invalidating all other offensive heroes since Tracer and Reaper were both being picked regularly. Tracer and Reaper are offensive heroes.

Widow has no realistic way to headshot a Tracer in close range, Mei and McCree has. You sound like you have terrible aim (or if you claim you are the Tracer in these situations, then you get matched with awful opponents)

>can deflect bullets from a sniper rifle with pinpoint accuracy
>this is ok
>can deflect slow moving, large projectiles like grenades and rockets

the only thing that doesnt make sense is deflecting rein's flame strike

I'm a low masters tracer picker. Mei is not a counter to tracer in this elo

See vvvv

>which he will counter
no, zenyatta is going to ult and sit on your fucking face

pick one faggot. Reaper gets shit on in a ridiculous amount of matchups.

>half of the dps heroes are shit
>instead of buffing them, people want to nerf the good ones

Blizzdrone numale logic.

A wet rag counters this casual.

Just shoot him, you dumb bitch.