How do we fix him

how do we fix him

Higher speed. Stronger bubble shield. Shorter jump

He's fine.

Some alt fire could be nice tho. Maybe something transferring the ammos of his gun to his jetpack so it can be used faster.


>Shorter jump
So you hate fun?

a tree

some rope

That's retarded. He has infinite ammo. That would just mean everyone is always holding right click

His problem is he's not tanky at all. He's a glorified support harass, and does it worse than tracer. He needs a stronger shield

everyone has infinite ammo you dipshit

Let him fly like fara then you also have air balance.

Hence why any ability that consumes ammo (rather than shooting) is retarded.

His melee attack should get the ability to knock opponents back like he does in his ult, but with a short cooldown.

You still need to reload.

by forcing everyone into 6man premades

This/ more damage for melee

This. Winston needs coordination to be good.

>It's a "Let's find ways to make Pharah even worse" episode

I get the feeling you don't actually play this game

>see Pharah
>she rocket jumps
>I put down shield
>by the time shield is dead Pharah is low
>jump up and start electrocuting her
>we both land
>continue electrocution
>she's dead within seconds

Jump resets on eliminations or jumps do more damage.


You're just retarded. ALL abilities operate on a cool down, they don't consume ammo.

>Higher speed
What does this mean? Only three characters move at higher speed. Genji, Tracer, and speed Lucio. Everyone else has the same speed.


>le unfunny r/The_Donald meme xD


He should move like tracer since he plays the same role as her

Oops, you seemed to have typed that into the reply box instead of the address bar


>see Mccree coming towards me
>oh shit he can kill me in 2 sec
>jump away harass mercy or widowmaker instead

Its simple dont try to 1v1 stronger characters go after and harass squishy chars while your team cleans up.

>harass squishies meme

Why not play genji who can do that literally a thousand times better?

Let him vault up ledges like Genji and Hanzo

I think he's fine it's the only Improvement I think would be necessary is making it so that it ricocheting off a wall after he hits you makes you take damage because the walls surrounding the objectives turn fights with his ult into bounce houses

Meme monkey has bigger health and is easier to play

Give him the ability to jump off walls, Like Genji. Then he can be come the only high-mobility tank.

because le monkey man XD

Give him two charges on the jump

Same cooldown

That's literally all he needs.

by doing nothing, he's a perfectly fine situational tank

if any tank needs buffs right now it's d. Va

In competitive you can only play one of every hero.

Yea lets buff the tank that is already instalock on king of the hill and still highly played in every other map. Is everyone on this board completely retarded when it comes to this game or what?

found the silver surfer

He's fine, he only suck at defending payloads and checkpoints which only Rein does well.

>he only sucks at most game modes

Theres currently ongoing overwatch tournament where you can see how often Winston is played, it in almost every single king of the hill map, its highly played on payload and often also used on 3x3 comp. So after you get out of that silver bracket which picks you seem to be familiar with you will realize that winston is perfectly fine and its dva that needs fixing the most.

that's why he's situational

let's address the real problem here

is it even POSSIBLE to fix bastion?

a character who is only powerful while unable to move in highly mobile game sounds retarded, but they made it anyway.

lets fix the entire fucking game

>losing on defense
>last chokepoint
>switch to bullshit characters like mercy and bastion

He's there for shitter lobbies
Same as Mei

Probably not.

A flat buff would make him a pubstomp character.

By not playing class-based shooters.

except theyre picking Mei in almost every single game on tournament level atm due her ability to split team.

can't really fix him without completely changing the concept.
as long as the dmg is that high, he'll have to be vulnerable.
if you'd tune dmg down and survivability up you'd just create a robo 76.

Make anyone who has typed the word "harambe" unable to pick him

Give him a juicy ass.

Make the jump not a buggy pos, give it a longer cd make it go less far but do more damage/or short knockdown and give him wall climb. More characters should have that

>niggas who are bad at the monkey think he needs a buff

Fucking casuals. Have fun in gold.

You do realize he's one of the most highly played heroes competitively, right?

I can agree with the wall climb

The jump is fine though, git gud

You do realize that most people here are retarded?

No I mean rework it so it doesn't shit itself on inclined planes.

>cooldown for bubble shield doesn't start until bubble shield is destroyed

It's effectively a 30 second cooldown. Making it the longest cooldown in the entire game.

give him the shield he used to have in turret mode, just make it less hp.

>spot the kid who can't even get get into master
Jesus, even diamond players know when to play mei. How fucking bad are you?

>Thinks he's good because he's in plat
That's the equivalent of 55-59 from Season 1, which was shitter tier

Im diamond

>buffing a character who is balanced
There is also the fact that he doesn't need to aim and does damage to more than one person within range of his gun while having a shield that forces people to go in also a annoying ultimate that's basically Torb mixed with Roadhog and Rein melee

What the hell are you talking about?

I've seen it at all SR ratings, the dumbest people in any group will always pick either mei or junkrat.
And they are always the type that refuse to switch and are a detriment to the team.
You don't get good Mei's because XxX420MLGXxX instalocked her because "I'm amazing with her, I promise" and refuses to switch.

>Ult is Torb, Roadhog and Rein put together
>Except with none of the damage of any of those things

Maybe Whole Hog used at like 20 ft

Put him in a cage and shoot him in the head

Yeah I guess, it would be overkill with that level of health plus damage if it was, it's only good for disrupting team positions on KOTH maps as it should be

he's shit

slightly stronger shield would be enough

i always thought a lightning bolt that uses 1/4th-1/6th of his ammo would be interesting. if it hits an enemy it chains to all nearby enemies. short-medium range, lets him finish off enemies running away or harass from a distance if he can't get close.

he really just needs to be tankier. a new ult would be nice too, it's next to useless most of the time.

the shield needs more hp

it goes down in literally three shots of anything

he needs to be tankier, maybe more armor for healthpool, or have a source of burst dmg, an alt fire thats a big bolt or something. His bubble could also use more HP but I honestly think its p good as is

For every buff you give, she would need 3 nerfs as a trade off in order to keep balanced. The amount of salt from matrix rework is proof giving her something like more speed or more damage would cause even more uproars. Just git gud.

Because you're supposed to be together.

get rid of his heal and give him another form that makes him more mobile or something.


that's a p neat idea, turret mode, tank mode, and helicopter/car/4 legged walker

Stronger shield or less cooldown on it.

The cooldown is "only" like 14 seconds but it's more like 25 since the cooldown only starts until the shield is destroyed

And the shield expires on its own too. It's not like it's even guaranteed to absorb the meager damage it can.

He already just has to sit his fat gorilla ass on the point and have semicompetent teammates to win koth, he doesn't need anything else.

>highly mobile
only 3 characters qualify for that description

It actually used to have more health and they nerfed it because people would just go 5 winstons+healer and absolutely roll every match

Let him repair while moving