What the fuck?

What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:


Major tournament or whatever.

World championship starting.

It's not even that exciting of a game to watch.

I know right? Is someone big playing New Vegas?

WOW modern gaming is absolute horseshit

>new vegas


>FIFA17 that high

It's always been #1? What am I missing here? fallout?

10 year old obsidian game more interesting to watch than overwatch??????????????

>streaming soccer matches

Whenever I watch LoL on twitch it's always really blurry and I can't tell what the fuck is going on.

people actually watch League? wth

why won't league die

I get triggered watching first person games like Overwatch because the bitrate is too low. MOBAs or third-person games don't have that problem.

Is twitch nothing but normie shit?

>twitch newfags
it's some bigdick streamer playing it
it didn't suddenly become popular again

Neptunia isn't fun to watch user.

Or play.

can run on any pc
it's easy af to pick up
it's pseudo-competitive

I hope it crashes or something.

>10k only
>"le goty xDDD"
Im dying

>dota vs LoL
>David vs Goliath
>dotards think they can compete

Why does it take like half an hour for a match to start in tournaments?

If you've played any of these games in the last month you are the cancer killing gaming.

Oh worlds is on

If you play shit like dark souls or pay 40 bucks for a visual novel and act as a elitist on a anonymous imageboard you should end your life asap.

>streaming a fucking sports game
You can watch sports right fucking now, lol.


compare the average cost of cosmetics and characters in each game. It's more about people being terrible with money.

I didn't, now go back to playing your shitty spectator video games.

>New Vegas

Cred Forums was right again.

It still amazes me how people can sit down and watch league be played. I couldn't even do it for counter strike and I would gamble shit tons of money on it during the summer when there were barely any sports on

Fucking this.
The amount of people with smurf accounts who impulse buy their selection of crutches is astoundingly, stupidly vast.

rip HoN





>New Vegas that high

How? FO4 came out you know.

>David vs Goliath
How did that one go, again?

>New Vegas

>there will never be a game with such a huge playerbase and hours of fun like league never again

why play

No one tell Todd.

Change the quality to Source you dingus

Probably because some popular "streamer" is playing it
You guys realize these people get money thrown at them daily while they sit down playing video games mediocrely sometimes not even talking much
It's ridiculous. So ridiculous that I'm jealous I can't take advantage of losers like that

>Overwatch is shit
This isn't really a surprise to a lot of the Anons here, we were all calling this shit from day ONE.

And look at what happened

>hours of fun
you mean hours of grind right

>hours of fun like league

why can't you?




How is that calculated? Do they take skews from TI compendiums and just throw them out?

Isnt it f2p too?

Shit internet, too poor to start, and I don't have a likeable personality
Every single one of my online friends in the past 5 years has ended up blocking me because I was an asshole to them

>try to have fun
>get reported
>try to play differently
>get reported
>don't buy wards or certain items
>some faggot gives up and starts griefing

I experienced all that in the three hours I played.
It's not fun at all

>call someone a retard
>permanent ban
That's how you know a game is trash

feels good to regularly play the most popular game on earth

>Last TI had $20m
>Coming close to $140m a month

Maybe they make that much money because in LoL they charge you for even letting you move your character. In the end the demographic of LoL ius around 14 years old so they dont understand how money works, just ask mom for a new skin and there you go.

People still play new vegas? Why?
I thought that game died like a year ago.

Only a matter of time till Rocket League knocks it off the top mane

That's the prize pool, which only accounts for a quarter of the profits for each compendium purchased.

9th in the world most watched game is not shit.

Are you serious?
Is that insult really """""considered""""" offensive enough to result in a permanent ban?
I know some people get assmad over banter and report it as """""verbal abuse""""" and can get you muted but come the fuck on.


>10 year old
Try again, retard.

Well, I called him a fucking retard for feeding and the whole team reported me
Then I did it again in another game and got permanent banned

>mfw the most boring games to play are also the most watched
jesus christ

cause theyre fun to watch?

Is there a 4K HD webm of Costanza floating around somewhere?

How would that be produced from grainy 1990s standard definition

People should watch these League tournaments. They are very entertaining to watch compared to cs:go or dota 2 tournaments. I always find League more fun to watch than play.

this brings sadness to me

>he browses twitch daily
>he donates most of his money to streamers

I played the game for 6 years, it had its up and downs but it was not as bad as people say.
WoW is far, far worse in terms of grinding and being boring.

>Dota tourneys
>Not fun to watch
Someone didn't watch the upper bracket EG vs EHOME game from TI6.

>>he donates most of his money to streamers
who are you quoting?

>League will never be as hype as this

>overwatch that low
guys is this the end?


but I'm not me

What's that gif from?

>Watching other people play videogames

I hope so.
Fuck Overmeme and Blizzard and also fuck all the fat waifufags and shills.

League of Legends. It's Renekton.

You're your digital you!

Just aim for a different public.
Look at DSP.

your only issue is the Internet connexion.

Anybody can be a streamer. A lot of people love assholes. Just look at Reynad.

But it will take months for you to have 10 constant viewers.

>watching people play videogame
I mean I'd understand if something actually interesting was happening but so far there hasn't been literally fucking anything

Watching people play video game is the same as watching people play Poker, or Sport, or Chess.

>Watching people play video game is the same as watching people play Poker, or Sport, or Chess.
>not doing those yourself
fucking grade A+ paste

my childhood was mostly just watching my cousin play resident evil and dino crisis

Because everyone has a chess board and someone to play with.
Or has the time to set up a football match.
Or has the money to buy the equipment to play the sport they want.

Eat a dick.

Like I said. Some people like it. I dont, I'm a streamer, not a watcher. I watch stream highlights on Youtube.

you do watch unknown retards talking to each other about various subject about video games.

>Playing video games

maybe you have the settings down? if you scroll over the screen there should be a little gear at the bottom that'll let you adjust the quality

>t. Someone who has never played League

what the fuck is this liquid

>almost half a million people watch League of Loldongs on a daily basis

Why? For what purpose? It's not even fun to play, let alone watch

Might not be a liquid. But if it is, Water or oil?

Looks like a movie theater, its probably some sort of syrup for the soda fountains.

It's only half a million when theres a tournament.

Only 25% of the total compendium sales went into the prize pool, which means the other 75% or 60million went into Valve's pocket.

But the game has been dogshit for like 2 years now

It's just that you have shit opinions.


You guys do realise games only get numbers because of the high profile streamers right? People aren't seeking out streams of some of these games. Thats why you see odd games inflated. You guys aren't that retarded, are you?