Like seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Did the people in Fallout forget how to clean their shit...

Like seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Did the people in Fallout forget how to clean their shit? In 200 years there was nobody who got the idea to sweep up the dirt and random bricks lying around in your house or city?

This breaks immersion for me. Just look at Hotel Rexford with it's hanging down wallpapers.

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The nuclear fallout made people retarded, wait, this games set in america right? It wasn't the nuclear fallout then

you don't have to be a nitpicking bitch you know


I'm usually not an immersion faggot, but this always stood out for me in FO games. Fucking trash everywhere, even inside the houses.

You'd think that an older couple, living in a house for like a decade, would've bothered taking out all the trash inside the house. But oh no, muh wasteland aesthetics!

Some fags to explain by stating the "its a dangerous time, so they dont bother cleaning something up they might have to leave soon" crap, which is utter nonsense. It might work for shelters or caves, but not for established settlements. Thats not how designated labor and force of work works at all.

Shh, just imaginate the game being set 20 years after the bombs fell and you'll have less to sperg about

I'll bet 200 years later in China they restored their shit back to pre-war status.
The Americans too busy having a war with eachother Enclaves, BoS, etc. Why hasn't China launch nukes again?

Maybe if you're character wasn't voiced and constantly spouting off about being 200 years old, not 20

It is clean.
Just look at what a real post-apocalyptic settlement looks like:

Like seriously? SERIOUSLY? Did the people in Africa forget how to clean their shit? in 6 million years there was nobody who got the idea to sweep up the dirt and random bricks lying around in your house or city?

This breaks immersion for me.

Yeah but Fallout has white people.

There's no trash in Diamond city, just a lot of mud outside the main paths, you can't really expect a red carpet now.

Maybe if you knew how spelling works.

There is no more China. All of Asia or something was glassed from the surface of the planet

I read somewhere on FO1 or 2 that China and Russia still was intact. Europe was the one that was all Ghouls.

The inside of these houses is very clean.

i thought diamond city was like primm or nipton
i couldn't believe it was the largest city in-game

Maybe Todd's a fan of Anime and thats why no one behaves like a normal human being.

Were there even any other cities?

I remember a few small settlements here and there but no cities.

Where do you think the US sent all its nukes? China got hit so hard you can see the glow from space.

Goodneighbour comes second
And truth be told, I found Goodneighbour to have that city feel a much more than Diamond City

Never played past the first hour of FO4, but OP's pic looks just like Megaton, only with a few extra obstacles and shit. Is it just as big?

It's not.

>Bethesda ""cities""


Nuka World USA is pretty big. I hope they make large cities for next TES.

>still eating and drinking 250+ year old food

It's amazing how retarded the Fallout franchise is, even before you start analyzing the plots.

Imagine living next to that garbage dump. Holy fuck.

That's not fair and you know exactly why, sir! I'm not even going to go into it because I don't want one of the new cultural marxist mods banning me for 3 days, but you know exactly why your pic is bullshit.

I know rite?? xD and then meeting aliens and shooting up robo... Oh.


>200 years after the war
>wasteland wanderers will literally murder travelers to steal a few bottle caps and a scrap of food
>every bombed-out home still has seventeen frying pans, appliances that haven't been stripped for parts, and a few 10mm rounds in a box next to the Fancy Lads.

I have travelled quite a bit and I can tell you with much certainty that it's a cultural thing

Only in Bethesda FO, though, F1 and 2 have clean houses, for example, Shady Sands and Vault City

Not a bad concept but the delivery was too contrived

Cabot House is clean


>hoped Todd would take some lessons from New Vegas to improve Fallout 4
>he didn't
>hope Todd will take some lessons from TW3 to improve Elder Scrolls VI
>he won't


This, is not that they dont know how to clean they just dont want to/know better. They are mostly highly uneducated people who in turn were raised by people that also shared those traits. For example the middle ages weren't known for how clean people were, I'm pretty sure most poor people would live in a rat infested filthy shit hole not unlike the houses in Fallout.

When you go to places where people are educated everything is pristine for example

Oh, so in first two games everebody is educated?

Stip trying to justify Bethesda's retarded decisions.
FO3 and 4 are just theme parks, that's why all the houses are dirty. There's no need for any other explanation

There's more wrong with the game than the fact no one has picked up a can or tidied their house in 210 years.

Wait are you saying that Bethesda devs are retarded and black isle devs are smart?

I wholeheartedly agree on that.

He can and he will because I will always buy his games and I will enjoy every one of them!