What's the verdict, was patch XIV patch 3.4 any good?

What's the verdict, was patch XIV patch 3.4 any good?

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sure why not

It's alright.

Astrologian shields are way to overpowered atm, otherwise its alright.

I'm just concerned that after we beat the raid tier in a month we won't get another tier for almost a year.

I am currently leveling and playing solo. When I reach max level, will it still be fun to play solo?

I'm mostly playing solo and it's OK. Unless you're going to do the end raid and "Extreme fights" you don't really need to play in a group at all.

But the game is way more fun to play with friends.

its the best patch in 3.0 so far
theyve been steadily getting better

>muh raids
>muh world firsts

Raiders are the worst part of MMO communities.

I've been playing with Noct and how are they op exactly?

Except Diurnal AST is still better.

Better than being exhausted on trying to beat 1-2 fights for three months because it's too rough for the majority.

They still do not beat the other pure healers. The healsluts!

For a while but after all the story and side-quests (there are a lot but they are obviously finite) the only remaining end-game is either capped by daily/weekly limits for raid drops, daily quests or currency - or is focussed on grinding (like levelling professions, levelling other classes or acquiring gear for glam reasons).
Casual PvE instances can be done with random strangers but you won't ever beat hard content without playing as a team with a specific group of people.
I'm sure you are aware that the game has excellent social features and as such makes for a solid roleplaying foundation - you can play with others without actually being yourself, even in a FC.


AST are now confirmed the best healer in the game. WHM and SCH now must stop making fun of AST.

Here's my big problem: getting a weapon that's not the aetherpool i235 weapon is a massive fucking chore. Seriously. I can't get into Alexander and I don't care to do Goddess either, so I'm basically stuck at an i235 weapon unless I buy an i250 off the marketboard. Annoying as FUCK.

Pretty much everything added was fine. I kind of wish they'd done more with Diadem. At the moment, it's just been given gear below even welfare-gear status, and an ability to lock out gathering nerds. And the Ixali dungeon is a bit shit too. But Wondrous Tails and Squadrons are both good additions to the game (although they'd better not back down on the future "take your squadrons into dungeons" idea), apartments helps reduce the real estate jews, and they finally added something to report RMT bots. And to top it off, we finally get to stop wearing this hideous primal gear.

What DPS Job should be paired with Dark Knight for maximum fun?

DRK main but hopefully a DPS to break up the monotony/queue into 8 man's with.

Don't believe the AST meme. WHM are still the superior healers and they're even allowed to dress slutty without being judged.

AST are pure and don't dress like dumb whores.

>Playing healer
>Do not dress as a slut.
Come on dude you got two jobs as a healer. To heal and to dress slutty.
No wonder AST is the meme tier healer.

Aspected helios is essentially a deployment tactics from sch without the crit.

Shield potency from aspected benefic is basically nearly double that of adloquims without the crit, which is ridiculously OP in a raid setting if you're going for mitigation. That fact that its instant cast just makes it worse.

The card buffs feel a litte bit to strong as well, but i feel its a well deserved buff considering their dps is trash.

In terms of dps WHM is highest but shit mp, sch is second highest but its consistent, ast is definetely the lowest unless they buff themselves in which case they are probably the highest.

Tldr, i think their shields should be nerfed back to how they were but card buffs should stay (or at least reduced to like 15%). Alternatively what i would actually do is just make their deck of cards work like an actual fucking deck instead of just being pure rng, i think that would solve a lot of the problems ast has.

You're half right. In a dungeon diurnal ast is still better because nocturnal ast still lacks a regen, in a raid nocturnal ast can be really fucking OP.

Heres my analysis. In terms of mitigation AST currently trivializes alot shit by a huge margin if they precast, whereas SCH has "enough" mitigation. Combine with bole card and it gets absolutely stupid. However in a raid you technically don't need this much defense, but it does serve as a huge insurance policy which can definetely be OP.

To put it into words, if you took a SCH you'd be meeting dps pushes regularly thanks to their more balanced utility, if you took a nocturnal ast it'd probably be harder to meet dps pushes unless you get lucky with balance cards, in which case it'll get really fucking ridiculous.

I'd say AST/SCH is the new meta for raid, and WHM/AST is like an incredibly overpowered insurance policy.

All in all though, as a player who plays all three healers, nocturnal sect is fucking broken as fuck right now.

>no porn where AST uses her buffs to enable her party to gangrape the bully healers
>Spear to increase pace, AoE balance for a huge bukkake and Ewer to get everyone ready for round two

What is even the point of this fucking game?

As an ex-PLD main, I went BRD to see the action from a ranged perspective. It's fun and BRD has a decent number of things to manage so it's not totally boring like PLD is. Bad healers neglect to heal DPS classes though so you'll die a lot more often to dots and unavoidable damage.

>same OP pictures
>same type of questions for the OP

shill or autistic /vg/ player?

So do people still run A1-8? I haven't set foot in there yet and i'm wondering how hard it'll be to get a group together.

Could a brain dead retard like me still do Alexander? I've never done it before our of fear.


>Fanfest stream costs $30, 10 dollars increase from the last time

normal alex is faceroll babbymode

This image is the epitome of "butthurt shitter erp-fag"


We’re pleased to announce that the Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas live stream is now available for purchase! Experience all of the fun from the comfort of your own home and receive the exclusive in-game bonus items!

Players looking to enjoy every minute of the Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas won’t want to miss this offer!

Price: $29.99
HD resolution
All main stage content, including fun shows like:
Opening keynote by Producer/Director Naoki Yoshida
Development and lore panels led by members of the dev. team
Piano concert featuring Susan Calloway on Friday night
The Primals concert on Saturday night
Stream segments with various special guests
A bonus item code for the Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas-exclusive Wind-up Rikku minion, and your choice of either the Abes attire or High Summoner attire
Access to the archived footage after the event until August 31, 2017
Hosted on the official Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas live stream site

Just DF it silly.

Unless you mean Savage in which case you're shit out of luck for now.

Really? even as a healer?

Not really, considering the Sch is still WAY more valuable to a raid than a Noct Ast. Diurnal is better, Ast/Sch is the optimal composition and Whm/Sch is still as good as it ever was and makes a "safer" prog comp. Whm/Ast is not preferred, only if you have no other option


>doesn't include all 3 Fanfest
>have to buy it all again if you want all the minions

I doubt it's HD either.

Why would you buy one instead of watching a free stream?

I have this problem too. Got PADJ weapon (looks like complete shit) and there's literally no way for me to get a better weapon at this point. Shit sucks

>our SCH wanted to play AST for long time
>sees nocturnal buffs
>still telling him, ast is shit and cannot replace sch, but if he want's he can play it
>3.4 kicks in
>he swaps back to sch after 30 minutes in new content

Minions and Yuna/Tidus Outfit.

>implying I erp

Raidershitters everyone.

Oh yeah whatever

>High Summoner Attire

Are we talking Yunas outfit or Braska's outfit? If it's the latter that might be pretty dope for my SMN.

ast was comparable to whm with self buffs. in a group that's just increased since you have actual dps to buff. and that was back in 3.2
it was whm>ast>sch then and card buffs alone make them top that.

I have the same thing going on
I love AST especially after the buffs, but I just don't think it will work in savage content as an off-healer.
My co-healer only plays WHM and it doesn't seem like there's too much synergy between them, if you share dps the WHM will go oom, if you mainly dps then you'll be doing less than a SCH and will hope card buffs the party damage. You could funnel ewers to the WHM but then thats a wasted aoe royal road

>No healer who doesn't use regular spells
>No magic tank

That sucks. I want my main character (who in the backstory I wrote doesn't use any magic spells at all) to have healing capacities and my alt (Wants to be best magician) to tank as well

>Why would you buy one instead of watching a free stream?

Free stream won't have the expansion announcement keynote or Soken concert.

I wish gravity would spread both combust dots to all enemies.

user you literally gave me 0 arguments. You just said "you're wrong". I will humor you either way.

I assume the basis for your argument is the sch fairy. The embrace regen is nice, but unecessary, esunga is irrelevant in this raid tier, and fey wind is weak as fuck especially when compared to astro, it honestly hardly makes a difference unless you have a ninja or monk and even then they hardly notice it. Eos is unnecessary 100% of the time and aspected helios makes her medica 2 laughable at this point.

Heres the deal, the extra regen in the tank is nice but unnecessary, the shields will make a much bigger difference than her and AST is basically almost double the shield potency than SCH right now. Its DEFINETELY broken if the AST precasts their shit, it trivializes tb and aoes. Like i said, its more of an insurance policy, yeah whm/sch still works, infact it probably works better than whm/ast from a meta perspective thanks to the dps but I'm talking about the shields and mitigation. AST's shields are definetely OP right now in terms of mitigation, it definetely needs to be nerfed.

The REAL reason SCH is still in a good place right now despite these ridiculous buffs to noct, is indomitability. An aoe snap heal like that can save you from a lot of tough situations and AST can't do that without blowing lightspeed.

>Queue for A10
>20 minutes later still hasn't popped

Dead game.

My friends are also kind of casual and can't learn content, which sucks. I usually only play with them so trying to do too much else is going to be a chore.



active players

No this is false. AST only tops SCH in dps on a dummy if they buff themselves, otherwise their dps is really shit.

In a group setting sch dps > whm and ast dps, even if the ast buffs an actual dps because rng. You'd have to ONLY draw balance cards to outdo the extea dps a sch does.

>second time today that I abandoned because everyone is wiping to forgall on weeping city
>no bonus
where did all these shitters come from

Have you tried not going as DPS?
I know you Everquest/WildStar/Wow shitter don't actually play the game, so no you did not bait me

people resubbed for 3.4

nobody resubbed

they're all playing WoW

I play Whm, and both our Sch and I expressed interest in Ast pre-patch, we both have all 3 healers leveled. I wanted to play Ast 3.0 until it launched and the job was shit, and I leveled Whm instead, and the Sch didn't feel confident he'd be able to play Ast very well. As it is right now, I'm using Whm for progression content, and then Ast for farm. By the time week 7 comes and I can actually get a Script weapon, we'll be so deep into Alex prog we should know which healer we actually want me to be, Ast and Whm have the same healing formula so want the same gear.

>nobody resubbed

yeah that's why i keep seeing people running around in fucking gordias normal mode gear

Why NIN and SMN specifically?

Not super interested in MNK.


this isnt WoW.

i dont know what that means

>Sophia phase 3
What the fuck is this shit?
There's like 6 different mechanics going on at once.

Biribiri unrelated.

>AST only tops SCH in dps on a dummy if they buff themselves
literally how that post started.
>ast was comparable to whm with self buffs
reading is hard

So is anyone going to buy me HW or what.

well then go back to your overwatch thread then, jesus fuckin christ

Friendly reminder that most xiv threads are shill threads. And this one is one of them, just look at the filename.
Please ignore.

The newest WoW raid was cleared even faster than FFXIV's.

wow raids = 20 bosses in a large zone with varying design

ffxiv raids = 1 boss in a circular room

so is our girl Minfilia gone forever

Forgall is an annoying fight on healers. I went in there and died once to Doom and three times to dots because healers don't pay attention to DPS. for fuck's sake, the other two tanks are unnecessary after the adds are dead, put healing priority on DPS instead of the offtanks, they're doing shit for damage anyway

because its the first raid of a new expansion and people have been gearing quicker because we have mythic+ with varying difficulties

WoW has so much to do nowadays in getting gear that it isn't just tied to raids

I leveled a nin for fun and they are pretty interesting to play as. They are boring as fuck for the first 50 levels though.

You said ast beats sch in dps in a group because of buffs. This is a literal impossibility because of rng.

Yes, she fucked off for good. Thank god.

nin probably for increased slashing damage, but you can also get that from a WAR and it doesnt stack

don't know enough about mnk or smn to say though


people who care about gameplay and content left this game a long time ago, thats why there is only 250k active players

the only people who still play this game are degenerates who play for the catgirls to erp

WoW general on /vg/: talking about the game and things people are doing

ffxiv general on /vg/: "oh god i love sucking dicks" "does anybody want to fuck my boipussy"

Sophia EX is easy as fuck once you understand her.

>250k active players

fact: WoW is so boring that blizzard shills have to shitpost in XIV threads in order to have fun

>you're wrong because I said so
>numbers and analysis don't mean anything, you're just wrong!

no, I said the increase from those buffs is greater because you get actual dps to buff.

reading shouldn't be that difficult. english 2nd language?

>tfw cut the price of tank chests from 25m to 3.5m

Leviathan EX easy? What's the recommended item level? I don't see myself getting too much higher than 240 any time soon.

>WoW content
>2 dungeons and a raid for an expansion pack, last one was over a year with 0 content in between
>XIV content
>2-6 dungeons per patch, more than 6x the events per year, tons of new features per patch and tons of new side quests
its ok to be mad, wowbaby. We understand lashing out

yes actually

But yeah i guess you're right now that I read it again.

a game with 250k active players compared to a game with 5 million active players is no threat

people come here to laugh at this game and how big of a failure it is

You're the one that doesn't understand it. 250k completed the most recent story stuff when that census was done, but over 500k players were actually active. There are tons of people that were leveling or stuck on the trial of 3.3 so they couldn't have completed the story.

yeah but now alphagnaud is in charge

doing gods work

At least he does something rather than being the damsel in distress and literally do nothing at all.

>xiv content

>a bunch of dungeons that feature hallways that 99% of the game outgears
>""""""""""""""""side content"""""""""""""""" that has no relevance and could just be ignored

Wow, I'm convinced now.

I am now #MentallyHill

That's fine, he actually does shit.

A bit harder than Levi EX, and not as boring.
i235, the enrage check is lax as fuck

>>""""""""""""""""side content"""""""""""""""" that has no relevance and could just be ignored
Its called world building and good MMO's are build around it.


[incomprehensible Koji rap]
[bleep bloop bleep]

My group was in 240 no new 3.4 gear and we killed her before she even started repeating her rotation. Our Ast still had Sephirot weapon. You'll be fine.


I don't think the song would be as catchy without the rap, oddly enough.

How they go from 2mil active players to a 10% of that/

By the time they're ready to do it, they'll have some 260 gear from scripture tomes, so hopefully their lack of good will be made up for by just plain overpowering it.

Yuna for girls, Tidus for boys and girls :^)

just to add
the main draw of sch was always the reliability and consistency of their dps along with the utility they bring in spades. not their maximum output.





What if I play because I like my character, getting gear for it, the story, and doing the class quests (ties in with story)?

>grinding FATES in south shroud for last Yo-kai! weapon
>barely anyone there
>only three leveling and a BRD farming a weapon too
>comfy, nobody fucks over others and I can get almost half of the needed medals
>even give BRD heals after each FATE
>peak hours starts
>suddenly a shitload of autists doing FATES
>including one male Roe SMN who was first on a FATE yet tags everything including the few I got first
>have to leave because of how unbearable farming is now with all those retards online
>done Weeping City each week without any significant wipes
>pretty much flawless
>patch hits
>shitters and tunnelvision elitists return
>did WC last night once with a shitload of wipes, abandon request, ragequits, premature respawns and having to explain mechanics to those who should know better
>it's so bad the entire alliance starts making jokes about it
>one of our healers is such a dumbass, he put four or so meteors too close to us
>even respawned just as other healer was about to LB3
>MT kils the majority of the alliance
>he had boss at the edge, sideways and Calofisteri spawned her claw on our side
>still slowly getting past her without entire alliance wiping
>and 70% of it was either dead on the floor or outside
Old dungeons ain't better. Some are so bad, even the ones running the content for the first time do way better. I hate some people.

>Lots of friends left for WoW
>a week later some already quit WoW but they are not playing XIV
>I ask then if they are planing to come back
I felt like a fool for asking that, I will quit myself soon.

They just don't want to take a risk and stay on the safe *lets do 2.x* whole thing again, and that why the game won't even last half of what XI did.

the game is just too boring, and brings nothing to the table. they need to revamp so much stuff, mainly the gameplay..

the new journal and removal of the weekly lockout has brough so many shitters to wc
I can carry one alliance as a sch, I cant carry fucking all 3 of them though

You can get your lore weapon to i240 by running Void Ark and Weeping City one time each.

Archer is so god damned boring kill me now

Watching the a12 fight makes me actually want to start raiding. on normal at least.

What day is fanfest next month?
I'm sucker for FFX stuff

October 14th

Normal is pretty easy you can do it on DF.
If you want to do savage you'll have to find yourself a static.

>static just got made
>3 people were no shows on the second day we met up
>took a day off again cause of the patch
this wait is killing me I just want to start doing savage


Don't bother, fuck grinding for gear lol

>mainly the gameplay
I think the (max level) gameplay is FFXIV's strongest point, especially after playing WoW again.
The biggest problem with the game is that only the new content gives any meaningful rewards, which is just a huge waste

Sounds like you've got a group of shitters.

Doing Savage is the exact opposite of grinding for gear

I was weirded out that she didn't have another 50 phases like other mechanics heavy fights.

>They just don't want to take a risk and stay on the safe *lets do 2.x*
This, the main reason why XI felt always fresh is because each expansion was not the same crap you did last year.

Dungeons? Same shit for 3 years now.

End game Raids? No change since 3 years ago.

Currency/Gear management? Same shit for the last 3 years

24 Man dungeons? Same shit for the last 3 years now.

Nothing feels fresh in the game because in the presentation layer, is all the same. The game is screaming to differentiate its past content with the new content that is presented the same way.

the expansion being little more than a large patch was a kick in the teeth
nothing changed but some surroundings.

how long until 4.0? it'll be their last chance to get me to resub. alex is not interesting enough to bring me back yet. coil kept me subbed through it all.

My static's managed to get down A9S and A10S in about 3 hours each. They're really fun fights and from what I hear A11S is good too.

I'm happy with the reduced difficulty from Gordias/Midas, yeah progression isn't lasting nearly as long, but I'm enjoying the fights themselves way more.

Is Alisaie a red mage or rune fencer

Alphinaud did nothing wrong. He's our girl (male) and will continue to try and get in Y'sthola's bike shorts for our sake.

>your choice of either the Abes attire or High Summoner attire
I'd pay the $30 if these two outfits came with the Tidus & Yuna laugh emote with your character imitating that scene. But nope, sorry, Yoshida, I'm not paying for your new castle this time.

I'll see soon. The leader is kicking out anyone whos late or a no show the second time if they dont inform him a second time so there might be some replacements

>we manage to get past forgall after like 3 tries
>we keep wiping on ozma
>our tank leaves
>we decide to boot a bitchy healer and the other alliances cull a few of their really stupid dps
>we ace ozma and hairlady without a tank, a healer, and like 5 dps

>I think the (max level) gameplay is FFXIV's strongest point, especially after playing WoW again.

You really should try to play other games then, Try Black Desert/Blade and Soul only for the gameplay.

>But user those games suck
STFU don't go off-topic. I am talking about core gameplay, those games have intuitive responsive and dynamic gameplay that are far ahead WoW/XIV.

Black Desert is less Responsive but more deep and Mechanic heavy.

Blade and Soul is more responsive/reflexible, but has way less skills, mostly because the game is build to be a Esport PvP game in KR.

I am serius user, XIV and WoW gameplay are a borefest compare to those two games

So I'm thinking about getting this, but is it really worth paying monthly to play this?

She's in the crystal you doofus, she will be back for 4.0

Can I pay 60 to keep that woman from translating?

>Static leader has to cut down raid time by 6 hours a week due to titanic wife aggro
>Haven't even set foot in Alexander Savage yet
>Only 4/8 are even Sophia EX cleared
>Nobody, myself included, wants to replace raid leader because we all adore him so much
>But I just want to fucking do savage

Things went way smoother in 3.2. Had a blast all the way through A8S.

Anyway I made this spreadsheet, feel free to agree with it because it's completely perfect

>5 mil
Source? Afaik WoW had as many active players as FFXIV

why do half of them look exactly the same

>entire FC migrates to another FC
>it's a zerg company
>only three ranks: member, leader, master
>members have no rights and can only put something into the chest, not take
>chest full of CUL material you can easily farm
>next day I get asked why I didn't show up to the raid
>nobody ever told me and FC master asked through our old FC master
>current master then sends me a friend request
>I ignore it while discuss the my view of that FC with the others
>we decide to make our own company again since this one clearly only wants members as raid replacements
And then the new FC died thanks to the master's GF, then a new female leader who got a raid BF and then the third leader's static that joined way down the line.

She's top waifu job.

I'd have liked the Rikku minion but not for 30 bucks.

speaking of, WHEN

Maybe she's teasing Red Mage for 4.0 the same way that Thancred and Yugiri teased NIN for 2.4?

>disrespecting Aimi

Fuck off.

Alexis is a really chill raid. It is really easy (I did A1-A8 on my first attempt in 2 nights.), but regardless they are really fun, especially Brute Justice.
Also, Living Water has the best music

>Try Black Desert/Blade and Soul
I've tried both of them, and I don't their gameplay at all compared to FFXIV, at least in PvE.
I'm not saying they're worse though, it's just what I want out of MMO gameplay.
I love FFXIV's complex rotations, high punishment for wrong inputs, attention needed to keep up buffs and debuffs, convoluted bosses and the importance of party synergy.
The games your suggested don't have any of those

What are you doing savage for if not for the gear?

It's fun you idiot

That said, he's also crazy to pretend that he's not in it for the phat loot

Nigga you don't need to be a 'raider' to do normal, you just queue for that shit and its over in 10 minutes. Just do it.

Anybody on odin have a half decent FC to join?
Don't want to resub to a dead FC and find a new static. Finding both is too much of a chore.

Because the girls in my static play female Au'ra and half the males do too for some reason

Literally what is there to do in this game aside from raid?

Did 2.55 tease any HS job?

I really want the minion, but 30 bucks each? How was it last time? Were we able to get the bonus items after the respective streams to a reduced price?

Only fun the first time you clear it tbqh.

I pass the loot if anyone else in the group wants it.
You can finish Savage raids with welfare gear, and I'm there for the challenge

>down a9s
>aiming neck drops
>down a10s
>aiming boots drop
>static gives me the weapon tomestone

Not bad for the first week.

>tfw still haven't got all Yokai minions
It's not fucking fair, bros
G-Gerro Gerro Po!

No, but then, we didn't get a job mid-way through Heavensward like NIN in 2.4

You didn't make it to A3S, A4S, A8S did you? Those fights are gear-gated as fuck.

So we're finally at the part of the game's life where Yoshi has to bleed hardcore players for every dime since they've totally failed on developing the game properly.

minions is easy as shit to collect, it's getting all the weapons. only the true autist gets them all.

Wtf, it was $20 last year.

Not even sure it's worth resubscribing every time a new patch is released, just on account of how empty and decrepit the game is.

I guess I'll give it a shot later then. I'll probably go research the fights first just so that I don't hold back the group.

this scene, also
>when you fight titan after this, the primal starts screaming what the boy said instead of his usual lines

My BRD is iLv 240 and I can barely beat the training dummy for Sophia Ex. 6% left. Will I be fine?

>not having all minions
Did you just join the game?

It costs 10 quid more because it's a minion and a piece of GEAR!

But, remember you'll have to buy others at full price for the other minions and the GEAR again, for if you ever want to use other gender version because fuck using a npc that swaps exclusive gear? and fuck knows what the 3rd live stream you have any use of the gear since it'll just be for the minion./

>He isn't doing (Normal) Raids

Why not? 3.0's are really easy and fun. 2.0's are quite challenging even if you do them unsync blind, but satisfying as fuck as well as doable.

I managed to do A3S when it was relevant, but not either of the final bosses. I know you definately don't need BiS gear for them though

Maybe I'll start respecting her when she learns how to fucking translate properly and not getting everything wrong so even Yoshi P has to correct her.

how much does blizzard pay you?, I log on almost every day and leviathan is full of life, people everywere doing stuff

your dps will be even worse on the fight desu, lots and lots of movement

should have picked MCH you fucking retard shitter

sure, you don't need BiS but if you went through A5S-A7S passing on everything that dropped you better bring full penta-melded crafed gear with vitality materia up the ass or you literally will not have enough HP to get through brute justice

>I love FFXIV's complex rotations, high punishment for wrong inputs, attention needed to keep up buffs and debuffs, convoluted bosses and the importance of party synergy.
You would had love XI so much user, you were born on a wrong time, maybe a few years too late to experience it.

Regardless I have really really bad news for you sadly

>Y. We already have the players skill gap between players and if we add stat builds to that, i think the hurdle will be too high, so we don't have intentions to add any factors to widen the gap, but we'll be touching the sub stats with less influence when 4.0 comes out. Regarding accuracy and the need for it is a hot topic we are still debating over. The answer to your question is, we would like to keep it as simple as possible so players can focus on the content itself.
Q. So stats are also going through big changes in 4.0?
Y. Yes. To make sure it doesn't get over complicated and to keep the gap between top players as small as possible are the 2 concepts we are being careful about. I can say the changes won't be as extreme as level 50 to 60 where it felt like a different job.

To put it short, Yoshi say all classes will become easier to play, they will be simplify, rotations will be tuned down, less inputs will be needed etc. But again the gameplay was lacking anywais.

>mfw SAM will never play nothing close to this


You really should move to a better game user.

>coil of bahamut
>perfect raid, beatable by anyone given some time and gear, nerf bat taken to anything that would really stop shitters (except t9)
>amazing 10/10 story and music

>pure dogshit catering to the worst kind of NEET scumtards that make up 1% of the playerbase and even less of the revenue
>story is awful and is made even worse by being forced to run ez mode first, music is good

what will 4.0 bring? can yoshi somehow save face with the next raid without exposing that he has no idea how to balance the casuals and hardcores and flip flopping every patch

inb4 he adds a third raid tier


>Tfw haven't touched Yokai and will continue to ignore it until it finally goes away forever.

>best part of 3.4 is Wondrous Tails
>helping a lolicat cheer up her other lolicat friend
>only takes about 1-2 hours to complete
>have to wait a week before starting a new one

>bard gets sliced for 95% of health at the end of Wiping City
>massive bleed kills them a second later
>blames healers for "not paying attention to dps"

It's not her fault, it's Koji's translation that differs greatly from the source.

I don't know, communicate with other people outside combat? Take in the virtual world vistas? Read the story? Take part in interesting events? Play against and with other people un tourneys of varying kinds?
Become a craftsman? A mentor? Explore the different mechanics the game has?

Why are you even playing an MMO? To repeatedly rythm dance around monsters with cooldown rotations?
Did you miss the entire point of the genre?

>little shit immediately grants everyone increased independence because he knows he's worthless as a leader

The humbling of Alphinaud has been the best part of FFXIV's story. If we could just see Krile domming his tight boipussi I think we could call his character arc highly successful.

People will still wipe to a4, a5, and a8.

So nothing.

That scene got me, wasn't expecting those feels. Then they tried to hamfist in feels at the end of 3.4, like I give a shit about the WoD's and Milifina.

You basically proved his point.

>5 button presses just to report RMT

>should have picked MCH you fucking retard shitter
Call me when they get foe, DoTs that are worth a shit and turrets that can't be destroyed and don't have to be repositioned every time the group positions itself away from the turret.

>""""""""""""""""side content"""""""""""""""" that has no relevance and could just be ignored

I don't get faggots like you. Why are you playing an MMORPG if you hate what constitutes an MMORPG World? Go play Vindictus or some other lootcombat focused game if that's all you want to do like some minmaxing autist.

What? I'm just saying it lacks substance. Legion is just as uninspired, but less so, so if you want to call me a marketer for knowing distinction then have fun.

I still dont quite understand the book. Am i only allowed to do 9 stickers? Do i shuffle on 8 and pray thta RNG favors me to line up 3 lines on my 9th sticker? Can i shuffle after 9?

>every patch is just same shit + new thing that is actually just thing to make you do old content again

Remove Yoshi when?

>wanting BDO's clusterfuck combat
fuck no

Hypercharge is better than foes though.

i tried doing coil unsync with a friend and we got destroyed so i though alex would be just as hard.

WoW > GW2 > FFXIV > ESO > weebshit > f2playshit

im surprised you had time to type all that since your rotation is so god-awful when it comes to movement

have fun being stuck in place or whatever, foes is nice i guess too bad its a very melee-heavy meta :^)
good thing bard can boost physical damage for 30 seconds right? oh wait

also turret management is piss easy that's not even a valid complaint but then i wouldn't expect a BRD to actually know anything

There's 12 missions, you can get stickers from up to 9 of them. And yes you're right about shuffling, you cant shuffle when you have 9 so shuffle 8 to a pattern that enables you to get 3 lines with a lucky 9th sticker
or just go for 1 line like i did, mhachi matter is all i care about

hypercharge bishop is strictly worse than foe requiem

You can only obtain 9 stickers and can only shuffle until 7, then pray rng doesn't fuck you over

>Haven't touched the Yokai event at all because FATES are the worst thing in the game
>Decide to get it finished while waiting for my static to get ready
>Check a guide for it
>Need TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO (222) legendary medals that have a 30% drop rate to get everything
>Takes me an hour to just get 7

Yoshi designed this event and then thought to himself, "How could I make this less fun?"

You're gonna do it right? You're gonna fill out that journal and make her happy.

3.4 is pretty good. Probably worth a month sub.

>only takes 1-2 hours to complete
Nigger what kind of lucky fucking roll did you get?

im dumb, you cant shuffle with 8 either.

Filled out the first one, matched 2 lines. Got me some Demimatter and 100k MGP Voucher.

>hypercharge bishop is strictly worse than foe requiem
Yeah, but your tanks are doing melee damage, you're doing physical damage, so unless your other 3 dps are all magical, rook hypercharge is going to out-do foes requiem. And all your other complaints about the class are that you're too fucking lazy to replace turrets.

>hypercharge bishop is strictly worse than foe requiem
lol who cares about magic dps, melees and by extension physical damage are better.

It's understandable. Coil is quite difficult even nowadays thanks to mechanics. The final battle is really epic. Did you do them you two solo or with a PF party?

>Got a perfect shuffle on 7
>Fail the 9th sticker

>communicate with other people
>Take in the virtual vistas
>Take part in interesting events
>A mentor (LMAO)

I want to play a game not have a second fake life because I'm an autist loser in my real one.

it doesn't make sense to try and compare hypercharge rook to foes, they do different things

that comparison makes sense in the context of the two jobs, ie, MCH is better than BRD in a melee heavy meta (because of hypercharge rook, which BRD has no equivalent to). if it were a magic-heavy meta, BRD would be superior because foes is better.

but you can't just say "hypercharge rook is better than foes", its apples and oranges.

>not doing all the primal fights and low dungeons unsynced
>not using Second Chance on the easiest tasks to do them again

>DNC healer
>RDM tank

we were solo. probably gonna get a PF group together eventually because i still wanna go through the whole thing.

Yet wow raids are still cleared on the first day, what's your point?

When they grow up they will most likely be the cutest yuri couple!

It would be cooler if RDM was a dps and just summed multiple weapons during the rotation.

Nobody was born too late for XI, they just skipped it because PlayOnline was awful, and the game looked ugly as sin.

The reason we come to Cred Forums is to try to avoid the shitty /vg/ posting

Pretty much. In a way its cool to keep players in it without getting getting all the cool shit right away ( And thus, people no longer looking to do old shit.) But stuff like that is really frustrating.

I don't get how the sticker thing works.

Its like "Aquapolis the book".

>actually manage to get to the last door
>no, fuck you, lock out!

>since your rotation is so god-awful when it comes to movement
>have fun being stuck in place or whatever
Says the MCHitter.

>also turret management is piss easy that's not even a valid complaint
Lost seconds I could use in doing damage instead and BRD is not losing his songs until MP is empty or the BRD dies. Same with MCh only that the turret can be destroyed, forcing them to respawn the turret and press another button for MP or TP regen. Again, that's precious seconds BRD wouldn't lose.

every patch is the same shit, not even going to bother doing the grind this time

i only log in to play with friends

It's fucking dumb because the chance of actually getting 3 lines is about 0.2% or roughly 1 in 500.

Even if you shuffle and get a lucky configuration which favours 3 lines, there's only a 3% chance the last two stickers will go in the right spots.

Would have been so much better if the sticker you got just matched the objective placement.

It is too lste to join now as a side MMO? I've been interested in it for some time but never got around to buy it, thinking since it was an old-ish game nobody would be playing it in 2011/My computer being shit and thinking it wouldn't run at all

>Call me when they get foe,
They already do have it, it's just not optimal on single target for them

>DoTs that are worth a shit and turrets that
450 potency is huge, it's almost fell cleave.

>can't be destroyed and don't have to be repositioned every time the group positions itself away from the turret.
Oh no, instant free recast

im gonna fill something alright, it wont be her journal though

Yeah. MCH mobility blows BRD out of the water. What's your point?

There aren't any lost seconds either. Worst case scenario you lose one attack on your turret. It's so fucking easy mayne

>not wanting healers to dps
Yoshi, pls

Holy shit some people are just way too sensitive about stuff. If you don't want to see any in game pictures,fan art or characters of the game the thread is about you should just stay out.

None here is starting any drama, none here is avatarfaggoting. There's nothing wrong with posting pictures of your character if you keep it moderate and don't do any of the things I've mentioned before.

>None here is starting any drama
You should reread the thread.

>Holy spam with Presence of Mind capped off with a Cleric'd Assize
Feels good.

please point out where the drama is.

I'm gonna have to get another class to 50 soon so that I can keep doing my HW dailys and get easy exp

Right here:

>like I give a shit about the WoD's
>introduce mysterious villains that are equal in power to you including the echo
>do absolutely nothing with them for like 4 patches
>suddenly introduce their motivations, which includes huge revelations about multiple universes, origins of the void, the nature of the ascians and their goals and methods, and could be enough to carry the storyline for multiple expansions
>kill them off immediately after

bravo yoshi

>tfw when i'm still salty about the holy nerf

I don't want FFXIV to have combat that's a watered down action game, like BDO. What I want to is to keep up with dozens of skills, cooldowns, timers and stacks, and to constantly make choices of what to use and what to save.
FFXIV is like a real-time JRPG, and that's how I like it.

>they will be simplify, rotations will be tuned down, less inputs will be needed
The interview you posted doesn't imply any of that, it's only speaking about stats and the amount of new skills.

Also, I did play FFXI, and I still occasionally do. It has a much better content structure, but I think FFXIV's gameplay is better. They're hard ot compare though

What jobs you hope to see in 4.0?

Geomancer, Soldier or Gambler

Red Mage ala Bard, mime or dancer

It's anime 101 including the entire thing with Urianger. At least the teasing for 4.0 fit into the storyline and didn't feel like an entirely unrelated thing that just happens in the MSQ this time.

What the fuck is up with A11 on normal? Are people too fucking stupid to do mechanics?

What class should I play now that WHM is trash?

I want dancer fags to fucking kill themselves.

Chemist/salvemaker healer or fuck off


PotD is actually pretty comfy to solo

Exactly, even with healer dps factored in, hypercharge's melee contribution is still greater.

And of course, if your healers are not dpsing, it blows foes out of the water. Win/win

ffv is better than tactics

Raidershitters are cancer to MMOs. I'm glad that MMO developers nowadays neglect you so much and barely give you anything to do.

>physical ranged healer
yes fucking please

Never because he thinks he's the face of Final Fantasy XIV, all your sub money isn't going towards XIV, XV, VII:R or Kingdom Hearts III it's going towards his flamboyant pseudo rockstar tours and castles.

I can't kill the floor 30 boss as a mch, it just does too much damage I can't heal through with just potions. Just talking about melee hits too, of course I'm avoiding the aoes. Is there some gimmick I'm missing?

Why did you quote me when im the one who pointed out YOUR EXACT POINT

Make sure to have attack, defense and succubus pomanders for the boss.

Meh not really a Dancerfag, I just think it would be fun seeing a non-magic Healer and Dancer was the first thing that poped to mind.
Not sure how Chemist would work, considering how items work, but would be fun regardless. No idea whag Salvemakers do.

XI looked great though, assuming you were on PC and could take 2 seconds to tweak the grafix.

They'll end up in slavery.

Just join one of the populated servers.

The other 99% of the game. Literally everything.

Where does this NOBODY DOES OLD CONTENT shit come from
people have continuosly done coils, along with old primals for mounts, along with the 25 or so leveling dungeons

>Joined a static several months ago as my SCH main
>Started to just raidlog since there wasn't much else to do at that point
>Completely forget how to play my other 4 jobs at 60 now
>Too intimidated to join anything on a job that isn't SCH

Is there a subscription or is it a "pay once play forever" kind of thing?

>Completely forget how to play my other 4 jobs at 60 now


How the fuck is Alexander shit? Normal is leagues more entertaining and enjoyable than the Boring Coils.

What's the point of all these mounts when you can only ride one?

SMN is basically SCH Except you have the easiest depreciating stack management of HW to deal with too.

Gib $13-$15 every month

PotD is great with the hidden chests now.
I just did 10-20 and got two items that sells for 100k each on the MB.

I put that shit on the highest graphical settings and it was hideous still. You are out of your mind. Using the goddawful Ivalice-lite aesthetic didn't help.

>turning a game into a job, but without any money

>Hidden Chests

have you cum inside of your heal sluls today anons?


This is Cred Forums not /vg/ delete delete!

They added a new feature to PotD.
Now you can get a special pomander that reveals hidden chests on the map. These chests contain tokens that you can give to a NPC to get random items.
The chest can drop off mobs too.

I hate these PvP queue times. At least they can be more truthful about the waiting time.

Who else is waiting for their duty queue here?

All it really entails is log on at x time and be prepared to play for x hours.

Accidentally quoted you sorry i'm a dummy.
Meant for

You have to edit the registry to make it look good, and if you don't then it won't.

>a short history lesson in themepark mmorpgs

And if you mod Skyrim it won't look so shit. Same bullshit, the actual game is ugly.

So don't play an MMORPG, you disgusting shit eater,go be a shitter autist somewhere else.

Ebin. Simply ebin.

Literally takes you 2 minutes to adjust and is the actual base game assets with 0 mods.

>its ok to overpower classes because shitters are too retarded to play them

I fucking love this image

Right. And if you don't make sure to show up on time for your job, you get fired. And never get paid for keeping a schedule for a bunch of random people online.

Some people want to play an actual game and not a glorified skype session. FFXIV has a few weeks worth of game per patch, then it's just a chatroom.

>Farm group takes longer to get kills than the kill party.

It only lasted for 2 days since savage is already beaten.

Adjusting registry values for a game is modding the game, you idiot.

they're all waiting for 4.0 you fucking faggots

>a few weeks
Maybe if you didn't play the game 100 hrs a week, hm? Maybe you should play real games, and do this as a side thing.

What will happen when this game hits 4.0?

more of the same, simplified jobs, 2 or 3 new jobs with no classes and continued ps3 support
please look forward to it

Yoshi is a really bad lead developer and wasted tons of resources on garbage that doesn't matter for 3.0. XV is also eating into the game a lot since it cannibalized the dev team.

People expect MMOs to have literally infinite playability. I don't know if it's because of having a sub fee or if the whole "persistent online world" makes people want to treat them as a life-surrogate.

>pvp in an MMO
>pvp in fucking XIV

You can clear everything 50x in a month just playing 3 hours a day, and once you get bored of the instance fights there's nothing else to the game.

The rectum of each and every WoWfag will simultaneously blow up.

I've done PvP half a dozen times now and I still don't know how it works or what's expected of the various jobs.

Yoshi said himself that people should just subscribe for the first month of each patch, experience the content and then unsubscribe until the next patch drops.


so how do you get the maple tree

Absolute lie made by an autist that defecates in a sock. Stop playing so much, go breath some air.

I don't see what you're even trying to say here, this IS a game. There are many activities to take part in. Combat isn't worse than any other MMORPG.

Just because it's not an autism simulator for the most part doesn't make it any lesser of a game. It just means it's not made for autists like you that care more about seeing their spreadsheet numbers go up and breaking record time for autistic runs.

I doubt you even cleared all the savage stuff yet. Stop shitposting about shit you can't understand or appreciate.



>t. Balmung """player"""

How do you play BLM at 60?


> t. meme

Not only are you wrong, you literally outed yourself as a memester.

Have fun in EvE online, I guess?

I REALLY hope we get to see Alisae, Krille and Y'shtola teaming up to bully Alphinaud at some point.

Look up a rotation and follow it.

Post characters!

>995 craftsmanship 955 control
>still 100 points below both


Whm isn't trash, Whm/Sch is as good as it's ever been, keep playing Whm

But getting the lore weapon requires you to run raid content. 5 item levels also isn't really significant on the weapon sadly

>Koji's gonna be performing this live in 2 weeks

>A8 normal
>raid content

>Make myself a full set of carbonweave + 2 star accessories
>Have tradekeep tools for all crafters, augmented on a couple
>two-star crafted off-hands on a few
>Even on specialists with all of that, to even hit the minimum requirements for 3-star stuff (not even Ironworks) I'd have to max meld pretty much everything I could.
>No way to hit the reqs for ironworks gear without ironworks gear or weeks worth of red scrip shit.
I'm reminded why I quit endgame crafting. Scrip farming is absolutely miserable.

>AxS isn't under raids in the duty finder

Wish me luck Cred Forums

enjoy getting berated by an ungrateful little shit child for something you had absolutely no control over when you inevitably get shit placements.

glass the cats

So yeah we'll still be able to just watch someone stream it right? I'm not paying 30 bucks to get access to info like 5 minutes earlier.

>It went up $10 from the last one


Cat- or dragongirl, what's best?

>Make myself a full set of carbonweave + 2 star accessories
That's where you went wrong, ironworks is so cheap now people are selling it on the mb for literally the cost price of the mats due to all the crafters undercutting each other.

Unless you're one of those autistic 'gotta craft everything myself' people, just jump straight to iw. Crafter progress gets reset every even patch just like battle stuff, you dont see people running neverreap to gear up for experts or something, you just jump straight to whatever the newest plateau is.

HA HA HA HA fuck that

>Sophia Ex farm party
>Technically it's a farm, but there's 5+ deaths every clear
I swear they shouldn't have casualized this fight by throwing players back onto the arena when they fall off.

I'm on a heavy gold-buyer server so every IW piece is still over 1 million.

>heavy gold-buyer server
curious, which are those? I don't have much experience with that side of things

Ultros. My blacklist is full of gold sellers, and I routinely have to delete old ones to make room for newer ones. You can easily get multiple tells per minute of just gold seller spam. Some of them are really obnoxious too.

And it's simply because shitloads of people buy.

People overrate the hell out of Coil. I mean fuck, do people not remember that there were turns in Coil that didn't even have fucking bosses in them? Except for Twin First Coil was absolute dog shit. T9 and T12-13 were anazing admittedly but I think they kind of skew people's perception of Coil as a whole.

I just want my fucking SAM already.

>What's the verdict, was patch XIV patch 3.4 any good?

It's still 2 experts and a raid

It's because Ultros is mid pop and it's easier to create characters on it than on servers like Gilgamesh since it's hardly ever locked now.

Shit taste, fuck off.

Have someone petted you today?

The fight has so many mechanics that make you fall off the stage it would be unpuggable.

So.. Are marauders/warriors any good?

There's only three mechanics that knock around.

>Tank buster
>Thunder 3 (only idiots get hit by this)
>Meteors (you have 10 seconds to react)

They even easy-moded it by making corpses on the platform move half the distance as living ones.

I've been on other servers where character creation is available and they are nowhere near as bad as Ultros. They weren't north american though, which might have something to do with it.

It actually has very few mechanics, they just come in a different order. It's actually kinda reminiscent of Titan EX.

Warrior is literally the best offtank. There isn't any reason to not bring a Warrior to any kind of 8-man content.

They're also the best tank overall.

pay for a commission on hentai-foundry then you fag

No, only 220.

Good thing I started with a marauder then

Any mch changes?

Well, every tank brings something different to the table so there isn't really a "best tank".

What, am I supposed to think ADS and T3 and T4 are in any way compelling? How about you fuck off instead.

Easily the best of the 3.X patches

Aside from the Warriors of Darkness story ending early, the main scenario was extremely impressive, especially the Kobold Kid stuff

Sophia lived up to expectation

The new dungeons had nice fights and a great look. Up there with Sohr Khai

Alexander beat the odds to have it's best raid yet. A12 was a masterpiece

The music was outstanding.

Wondrous Tails and Squadrons are decent little time wasters

There were so many nice little QoL improvements

If the Shire gear wasn't so fucking horrible, i'd put it up there with one of the best patches yet.

>tfw Titan, Levi, Ravana, Bismark Extreme all got their difficulty nerfed by throwing dead bodies back up on the platform

Can't change perfection. They did get qol stuff like ammo not having a duration anymore though.

If they didn't have lb penalty as a soft-ban against class stacking you'd see drg mch mch mch on every fight.

that was why I quit at the beginning of HW

The binding coil was interesting enough to keep me going, but Alex was so boring and I did not care enough about the game to invest so much time into it

WoD story ended at the right time. Only problem was that there wasn't more encounters with them in between.

Once you know their motivations there's no need to keep dragging them out. If they were recurring villains they'd quickly become Team Rocket-tier failures, showing up every now and then just to get BTFO by us.

Post yfw

They clearly wanted to wrap everything up for the next expansion.
Look at what happened the last time they had to manage several different plot lines at once. We ended up with the Ul'dah plot line.


RDM weapons better not all look like fucking PotD shit.

I think we needed 1 last fight with the WoD, I agree it felt a little short but it was handled ok

>storyline literally ends with a "the gang's all back together now, we're gonna move forward in our own ways from now on moment

I'll say. I think it's actually good that they can focus their attention in one direction now, there's literally only one place in Eorzea left to go before we start branching out.

There's only maybe two weapons that are at all decent looking, and no reason to collect them all unless you want a glowing but otherwise identical version of a really ugly mount

They should have made it a proper trial. The ensuing cutscene wouldn't have been as cool but the fight could have been more interesting.



How are they the same? (you) explain

I just finished leveling my paladin to 60 and have suddenly decided to level my warrior up. Are warriors or paladins in more demand for endgame tanks?


They need to explain what the fuck the Echo is and where it comes from already, they dangled that "true nature of the Echo" shit in front of us over two years ago now and we still ain't heard shit:

There's nothing else interesting to do in the game besides raid, so it's not surprising.

>ammo not having a duration anymore
Damn, that sounds pretty nice.

I'm still waiting for them to copy WoW and introduce level boosts. I know it's a little redundant because one character can potentially max out every class, but I like to give my characters personalities, and if she's an Edge Knight one minute and an Astrologian the next, it kinda messes with that characterization, so I prefer separate characters for each class, or at least each role.

Inb4 roleplayfag

Didn't you know? It's an instagram filter.

>Who else is waiting for their duty queue here?

Labyrinth of the Ancients.

23 minutes expired of more than 30 minutes. We're just waiting on a single Tank. We have been for 15 minutes.

It was explained a long time ago, most of it during 1.0. It's a power that appears near a Calamity because the walls of reality are getting weaker. It's also called the Power to Transcend, because it basically removes all limiters to your soul. Your soul can invade others (viewing memories), and translates all languages because you're actually speaking and listening to the other person's soul. It can also do shit like remove your soul from your body which is how Ascians are immortal.

It was cheesy as fuck but I liked it way more than I'm ready to admit.

How on earth does anyone level gatherers? It's so intensely boring that it makes sorting out my file cabinet look fun.

Netflix while burning leves.

I just have one class I identify my character as and everything else is strictly for gameplay.

Our character has the ability to become an Ascian like being since they can transfer their souls into our crystals of light rather than dissolving into aether.

That's was a pretty fucking huge revelation.

>They FINALLY got round to addressing Nero and Omega Weapon

Holy Crackers

Bot it like everyone else does.

Seriously nothing easier than setting up MMOMinion to automatically gather for you while you sleep or AFK. Nobody ever gets banned for this shit.

Yeah but Eddy was all like "IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE TRUE NATURE OF THE ECHO THEN WE'D BE BEST PALS" like there's something going on that we aren't privy to.

I fucked up anons

>First day of patch no Sophia ex PFs
>Second day only last phase PFs
>Third day "FARM PT. NO BONUS"

Shit. No static either. I could try raid finder and hope for the best

who else full i250 set already?

>Pretty fucking huge revelation

Fantasia's were a complete giveaway for this revelation

Fantasia is just glamor magic. You don't actually become a catgirl, you just look like one.

I assume he meant its relation to appearing near a Calamity. The reason it appears then is the same reason the Ascians are creating Calamities at all. The walls of reality get weak, which allow them to smash the Reflections back into the Source. Elidibus sees it as him trying to fix the universe back to how it originally was and return everyone to the Lifestream of the true world to give life a chance to come back there.

It was over 500k. You didn't read how that census was done or understand. The JPs did a better one

do the daily company turn in. gives a fuckload of xp if you hand in hq.

>use a Fantasia
>everyone still immediately recognizes you and doesn't bat an eye that you went from Bararoe to Femtato overnight

>not full i270


>shire gear
>worse than the fucking primal gear

I don't know, it's a bit wonky on the chestpieces but at least the very concept isn't fucking horrendous.

250 with complete melds>270

Another patch another more added weekly lockouts and no lasting content

Are all the people who shit on the Idyllshire gear anything but tanks? Because the tank gear is absolutely gorgeous.

I like the magic gear except the boots.

Secondary stats from penta-melded i250 doesn't come close to offset the mainstat loss in i270.

>BLM Scripture staff has Crit/Spellspeed

Might wind up being BiS over even the Creator weapon.

Not to mention you don't want to literally wear i250 everywhere because some pieces have meme stats for your job. If I see that it just tells me you have more money than sense and can't into stat weights.

>really like that new world Indian set
>want to buy it
>main material for it is going 10mil a pop on my server atm

YFW you Go back in time to save yourself.

Get a group together and do some Aquapolis.

Get the non dyable version for now.

It drops from polis? Didn't know that

That entire fight was amazing
>your cds completely stop when time freezes

Not the set but the materials are pretty common.

Their memories of you changed.

>Go in fight blind in the guys I was grouped with with awesome enough to say "Sorry people that are new, but we're telling you NOTHING unless we wipe. Enjoy"
>Completely miss entering the spheres as a result

I'll be sure to do it next week


there's a non dyable version?

warriors will always be more in demand for everything

Every new piece of glamor gear since 3.1 has a non-dyable version that uses cheaper mats.

>going from the best race and gender to worst race and gender

Who hurt you

Haven't played since 3.0, convince me to play XIV again? To me it just looks like more of the same, patches are still exactly the same formula and people are probably just as antisocial as they ever were.


Would you be okay with more Active Time Events so long as they were as easy and sparingly used as A11?

Contrary to popular belief we're not here to sell the game to you. It hasn't changed nearly enough for you to enjoy it if you quit because the formula was getting stale.

Wait for 4.0 or just move on altogether.

I was just listing the biggest possible difference I could think of.

Wait for 4.0.

Its more of the same but its well executed more of the same.

Fights are better.
Story is better.
Side content is better.
Its not a revolution, but a return to form to 2.x levels of quality.

If you want something game changing wait until 4.0 and ask again.

Ah. It can just be assumed they see through your glamour magics.

How does one get 3 rows with only 9 marks?

Enjoy your suffering

Make your own, goddamn.

>need to do ravana ex, ramuh ex and turn 5
>no friends

2 lines is pretty good
I would still be happy in that case

>missing out on the best mount in the game
>not wanting your ERP c@ waifu to ride a giant strand of semen through the skies of eorza

The game would have been better received if 3.1 had a proper trial fight. It was the only patch in the game's cycle without one

>Though I had to do T3
>It was actually T8

Not falling for your shit Yoshi P. Put an actual event into the game instead of sucking your Level 5 friends dick.

This is why I love Cred Forums. We can actually talk about the game in xiv threads.

Thank you, Cred Forums :3

Btw a12 best raid ever besides t5.

Thordan doesn't count?


>best race and gender
Not even close.

>implying Thordan isn't still the best Trial.

a8, t9, and t13 are also better than t5. :)

Diagonals count user. Use your head.

warrior and scholar are the best classes in this game

This pic reminds me of a anime, but wich one? anyone knows?

You can't possibly get 3 rows cleared wothout having 1 cleared first. Show your work if you disagree.

Thordan EX should have been included with the expac like Ravana and Bismarck




It was originally but they delayed it to nerf the fight. It was going to have like 12 different phases but they toned it down because it was harder than Gordias Savage for their playtesters.

search in your heart you know it to be true

>Ears facing forward

>Don't add Nidhogg ex to duty finder
>Remove Sephi ex from duty finder
>Actually expecting people to use raid finder

Nice job Yoshi
I didn't want Niddy ex kill anyway

Not really, but whatever floats your boat.

That means they are interested or want to play.

>tfw you kill A10S late
>tfw it's the fastest kill on fflogs

mixed feelings man

form an arrow pointing to any corner you want. so a diagonal, and then a row and a column all of which connect at their ends.

This is as far forward as their ears go though.

That is 10 stickers.

How is DRK as a tank? Good, bad?Want to play again, probably gonna play that, but last time i played it was FOTM bullshit and everyone was playing that shit . Is that still the case?

Do not stifle the cat ear creativity, Cred Forumsman.

>See training party for Sophia on PF
>"How about I help some people, what could go wrong?"
>Tank dies on the first tank buster
>2 dps and 2 healers fall off during the phase transition
>"Sorry guys I gotta go haha"

Last time I ever do this

Why was Manipulator so shit compared to Brute Justice and Alexander?

DRK does silly damage for a tank, but it the weakest defensively. It will put you to the test, but it is good as a tank.

No personality

100% sure the guy who drew this draws porn.

A well played DRK is on par with Warrior. But people who play it exactly like Paladin are god awful.

What's the best outfit to glamour for BLM?

C'mon, user. Don't give them attention. They'll just keep replying with their avatarfagging posts.

Any pointers?


Welp. You're right. What the fuck.

you mean put the healer to the test when hes doing level 56+ dungeons with level 50 gear

So the E.D.D adds from A11 are just reskinned Estinienidhogg

not that dogshit mess

poncho is the best glamour for everything

I thought Manipulator was fine, it's just Brute Justice and Alexander are way better than fine.

It works, but it's horribly designed and feels like shit. Higher DPS than PLD but worse than WAR in every way.

>I thought Manipulator was fine


It looks kinda boring.

Use your defensive cooldowns often and learn how to manage blood weapon.


>PLD sword is sexy as fuck
>But PLD is a joke class in small scale content

Kill me.

>when you enrage on sophia and tanks can't swap

I can't stop switching between this and wow. I always want to play the other game when I'm on the other.

it looks amazingly cute though



is shit

What's wrong with Manipulator? It didn't have the personality of Brute Justice and Alexander, but it was mechanically fine.

I have the same problem, but I ended up choosing XIV only because it requires less time commitment.

Figure if I was going to hate the MMO I was playing, I'd play the one I'd hate less often, if not less.

Won't you be forced to stop once you clear one line? There is no key space for all three of those.

>but it was mechanically fine
That's why everyone cheesed it right?

Why arent my challenge logs giving me recruits, fuck.

because it was easier to deal with the cheese method, you can still do it the legit way and win like the JPs do.

Are we talking about Savage or Story?

Savage was fucked, and yeah, they cheesed it because it was fucked. I didn't even know there was a cheese method to beat Story Manipulator.

No why would you think something stupid like that. The game explicitly tells you how it works.

So who's going to be the big summon that's getting the 4.0 raid?

Bahamut got 2.0
Alexander got 3.0

We've already had Ifrit, Shiva, Titan, Ramuh, Odin, Leviathan, Phoenix, Bismarck, Siren, Knights of the Round, Garuda, Zodiark, Moogles and Enkidu.

Eden maybe? Hopefully something like fucking Anima? Or a 12 step raid inside DOOMTRAIN?

Only people joining were looking for carries... in a learning party

lol the JP players fucking abused the nisi sac. They were the first to do it, even Lucrezia's clear video they did it.

>white clothes
never stops triggering me



You get the rewards once you hand the journal back to Khloe so you can still try to clear more lines after you've cleared one

Having to cheese your way through a fight does not mean it's fine mechanically.

Savage. Story mode was just boring, if only for the complete lack of personality like you mentioned.


I'm not sure what you mean, but you can hang on to the journal for as long as you like (well beyond 2 weeks they expire and cant be used to claim rewards but thats another story).

The only restriction is you can only use shuffle with max 7 stickers on the board. The moment you stick an 8th one on there you cant shuffle anymore.

Can't read. I don't remember Zodiark though...

If he has I want to fap to it.

We're either going back to Allagans with Nero and Omega Weapon as the new coil, or they're going to come up with something new. Maybe attacking the Empire itself becomes the new coil style raid.

I've never heard the idea of 12 step Doomtrain but that actually sounds kinda rad too. Battling through train cars, working your way to the engine.

Because they haven't shown it yet, but it's the Ascian God that we're eventually going to fight as the final boss of the whole game. I doubt they'd put it in as a Raid since they've been building since 1.0

>mechanically fine
>you need a spreadsheet of every DoT tick to plan the proper handling of Steam Regulators at the expected item level
>Whirbelwind is clearly a punishment mechanic but there's no way not to take at the expected item level

Topmost of kecks,

They really blew their load on major franchise summons, so I'm expecting something else for the next series.

We won't get Zodiark because he's involved with MSQ.

They're a monster in the game files atm that looks like Anima with the whole tied up arms and ass head, so doubt it would be that. Doomtrain is also still on the table.

having another mechanical Primal right away would be pretty lame though

Plz no. I can't stand Allagan architecture.

Do you think they'll do a 3.2 and release a new relic step just before people get enough tokens from normal for a scrip weapon?

Not to mention they'll probably just rip Omega's model from XIII-2

If we're going to Ala Mhigo in 4.0 I really hope we get to see where the Hellsguard roes live since it's somewhere in Abalathia's spine.
From what I've read they live near a volcano they nicknamed "Hell's Gate" or something like that. It would be neat to have a raid centered around it with bosses like Belias or Rubicante. Don't know who the big baddie could be though.

The Scions. We have to stopthem from completely destroying the dark. Things need balance.

Time to wipeout our waifus

The Hellsguard live right west of Xelphatol, on the edge of the Sea of Clouds. You can see their volcano on the map right there. So we're probably not going to see it. We would've seen it in Heavensward if we were going to.

Next step will probably be with 3.45. Or maybe later so it doesn't coincide with the POTD weapons which are also 255. There's already 3 weapons around that ilvl, so it would have to be a 260 jump.

What a shame. Still hoping we'll get some Hellsguard lore at some point.

The world first groups cheesed it, people who aren't progression autists can do it the normal way just fine.

>I didn't want Niddy ex kill anyway

you sure as hell weren't gonna get it in the df

>tfw never gonna see the origin of my race

I want to see the gates of hell dammit

>people who aren't progression autists can do it the normal way just fine.
Really because every single group I know of on multiple servers all did the sac strat.

Seems that Abalathia's Spine is predominantly the sky areas in HW. Chances are that 4.0 will deal with Gyr Abania and the islands to the east.

Wouldn't surprise me. Back during ARR they said the first expansion would be "Sky" or "Sea", and they settled on "Sky" with "Sea" next. FFX shit is the fanfest ticket reward, so I'd say we're probably going to the islands to the east and maybe zones like Paglth'an. Ala Mhigo isn't likely since it's literally an Imperial capital now.

EM's first group did it the legit way. They're one of the few groups who actually do it properly, and they got World First.

>cashmere panchos selling for 30mil on my server

hot diggity no

Just make the poorfag version.

We might see Thavnair and Radz-at-Han then.

>Can't dye it brown


Go do aquapolis, that's where the Wool top drops from. Sell that for massive dosh. The bearskin is venture, I believe.

Ala Mhigo will probably be a hostile zone. With how much they've talked up Radz-at-Han, that will likely be our hub zone. It's even out in the sea in that direction, just a little further to the east.

>not dyeable