Hello Cred Forums, do you see this? Do you know what this is? This is the FOX ENGINE, I worked on this for 7 years...

Hello Cred Forums, do you see this? Do you know what this is? This is the FOX ENGINE, I worked on this for 7 years. 7 years of my life went into this, and what did I get in return?

F I R E D.

And then Konami took my fucking franchise and turned it into a generic zombie survival shitfest, they didn't even bother to make a new map or new assets, they just took MGSV and put it in a blender with some zombies.

7 years of my life I worked on this for Konami, for Kojima Productions, it was to be the perfect engine, you guys have no idea the things this fucking engine can do, and now you never will, Konami has no idea how to use it, we designed so many tools and Konami isn't using any of them.

>Afghanistan map re-used.

>Zombie AI re-used from Puppet Soldiers.

>Added Melee Weapons

>claims to feature stealth but gameplay demo completely proves it doesn't.

You fuckers think you're mad? I'm fucking furious, time and time again Konami demanded more of this engine, at first it was small things, like making it work for PES, and other game types it wasn't designed for, but then the demands got insane, like wanting it to work on the fucking PS3 and 360.

Do you know how many MONTHS of development time it took to get it to run on those outdated pieces of trash? but we did it, we fucking did it, and it even looked ALRIGHT for a PS360 game, it even looked alright.

And as soon as Konami got what they wanted from us, what did they do? They fucking fired us. No one saw it coming, it was never planned, they never hinted at it, just one day Hideo comes in and says "welp we're all fucking fired guys"

Fuck you Konami, you devoured 7 years of my fucking life, you basically fucking worked us to death and then when we were done you shoved us out the door.

Fuck Konami. I'm never working under a publisher again.

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Like all your games kojima, too long didnt read

What's with all this MGSV shilling lately?

Is konami preparing more DLC or it's just to raise interest/conversations about MGS for surVive?

shame kojimadrones and mgs fangirls left /vg/ because that Quiet poster made it impossible to have mgs threads there, so now the retards and shills are flocking here.

>5 mgsv/kojima related threads on Cred Forums right now
don't you faggots have /vg/?

game is dead.

Yeah OP here so wow I didn't know they had Konami shills here too! You people are just the worst you know that? They pay you like what, fucking 2 dollars an hour or some shit to sit in a fucking computer farm and spam all the high profile forums with shit like this?

It's fucking amazing that Konami thinks it's worth it to pay you fucks but the real talent like me and the rest of the fucking team get shitcanned.

they didn't pay us well btw, no where near fucking competitive for the industry.

>i-i-i-i-if you dare to criticize KOJIMA-SAMA you must be a Konami shill

pathetic illiterate fanboy.

>high profile forums
>Cred Forums
>high profile
retarded sandnigger

kojima and konami can rot. same with mgs. glad it's dead

Post proof that you worked for Konami developing the Fox Engine or get the fuck out you lying faggot.

fox engine: it's cant reproduce cuteness

>FOX ENGINE, I worked on this for 7 years
kojima has no programming skills

I never said I was Kojima, I was a programmer working for Kojima Productions.


Hi Hideo. Please stop making threads about yourself my man it's getting kind of embarrassing.

Okay so here's the deal about the FOX ENGINE, it was never designed to be used for fucking third person games at all, we were making it to be used in the new silent hill game which was to be 100% first person.

We were going to bring back the fog, which in the original games was used to reduce draw distance, we were planning on having the area in front of you no bigger than the hallway in PT at all times, the fog would allow us to have PHOTOREALISTIC gameplay, even in an open world city.

But no. Konami wanted MGS more.

Also you see this shit? these tools were meant for YOU GUYS. We designed and developed shit that was DEAD SIMPLE to use because we wanted people to be able to mod our games to death, we wanted user-created content to be a massive part of silent hills and MGS, but konami said no, it would hurt their sales to have users making their own levels and models and shit for our games, so all these tools that we MADE FOR YOU? They're rotting on a server somewhere.

looks like something bethesda releases for their games

In fact, looking at the fucking diaster that is MGSURVIVE I'm willing to bet that whoever is left at Konami used the fucking user-generated-content tools to make the entire game.

Just think about that, Konami took the shit we made for you guys, made a fucking mod, that should be free, and is going to sell it to you guys.

Their creation kit has nothing on ours. Have you ever tried to use that fucking mess?

konami has ID cards for staff. That's literally nothing.

good thing you got fired anyway. that's what working for a retarded gook with delusions of grandeur and a retarded company like konami gets you

We had to turn in our ID badges when they shitcanned us, remember? We couldn't even use fucking e-mail you think they'd let us keep our passes?

I don't really give a fuck if you believe me. I'm just here to vent to anyone willing to listen about what a FUCKING CESSPOOL KONAMI WAS.

did you fucks know that our bathroom breaks were timed? We were allowed 5 minutes a day for the bathroom. 5 minutes. If you didn't go on your lunch you were basically fucked.

I now believe you.

I think you should tell those stories to all the gaming sites you can. People are eager to know what happened and Kojima wont say a word so they would listen to what you have to say.

unless you have a non disclosure clause...in that case...

>I don't really give a fuck if you believe
k i believe you


Here's a fun fact for you guys, Mission 51 was not only done, but we had already started work on the 8 other missions that were to take place on Kingdom of the flies.

That scene of snake yelling that got moved to the shining lights mission? That was done.

Konami cut that part out and spun the whole thing with the (30% complete) meme, they wanted to save their face by blaming us for the unfinished game, so they could push it out earlier and get rid of all of us.

believe it or not, we didn't work on the fucking missions in order, that's now how development works. Mission 51 had been finished for months.

That footage they used was given to them during a meeting to show the progress of various things months before release.

>these tools that we MADE FOR YOU
The modding tools i've lost.. The hentai mods i've lost.. won't stop hurting.

What was SUPPOSED to go down in chapter 2 is, snake bombs the kingdom of the flies in order to prevent the parasites from spreading, as you saw in the "phantom episode", however, after the bombing snake went back there to recover some stuff from sally and do some other extraction missions.

this scene here is from a plot point where snake realizes that bombing the island killed hundreds of innocent civilian living there.

Chapter 2 was to revolve around venom realizing that he could be an absolute murderous demon, it would have shown him growing into his role as big boss after realizing that he was the medic all along, and his inner struggle with being a doctor who should "do no harm" (there was a scene where 'do no harm' was written all over the walls of a fort in kingdom of the flies, which would later be revealed as venom hallucinating)

this is why at the end of the "phantom episode" snake looks into the ACC window and sees himself as demon snake, it was the start of the demon arc, which was the focus of chapter 2.

>There is a world out there where the Fox Engine is free to all
>It's not this one

god is dead

Also, Ground Zeroes was originally a mission in MGSV, it was supposed to be the second mission, third if you count the hospital.

When kaz looks at you and there's that white loading screen, that loads into the flashback of GZ?

What was actually supposed to happen there is kaz says "Yeah, I remember it all..." and then you play the GZ mission, after the explosion, you would be back in the helicopter with kaz, this is why Venom looks at himself awkwardly in that scene, GZ was supposed to be a PTSD flashback, and venom is just coming down from it when they arrive at MB.

But Konami wanted more money, so we sold it to you for $30.

Fuckin' Konami.

Do you know anything about PT or SILENT HILLS?

Sadly no, the team working on PT wasn't in the same building as us, and Team Quiet (which was kojima's little joke name for his silent hill team) was on a different floor with different security clearance.

That being said, I did get called in once or twice to help troubleshoot some bugs on PT, and from what I saw while there, A LOT of Silent Hills looked completed.

>Team Quiet (which was kojima's little joke name for his silent hill team)

kojima's such a dweeb

This is what Zero was going to look like.

Originally, Zero was going to be in the hospital, before the game started you would see him talking to a nurse, you know that tape of him talking to snake while he's still asleep?

Yeah, that was going to be a full cut-scene, it was designed in a way that it seemed like he was talking to you, but when watching it the second time, it would become clear that he was talking to the person in the bed next to you.

Second Picture

You pushed your luck.


if you were really the programmer OP show me Stephenies nudies.

I didn't post these. Some butthurt user trying to discredit me.

don't really care, I was done venting anyways.