Say something nice about Bloodborne

Say something nice about Bloodborne

Fuck the defiled chalice amygdala

Fantastic setting

This user is right though

Cool weapons, like that one that's a curved sword but also a scythe if you extend the hande

Combat speed is god tier.

Almost every weapon is fun and viable

Did you mean say something bad? Because that's the hard thing to do.

How do i kill the Cainhurst zombie man boss? He keeps chucking spirit bombs at me and fucking my ass

amygdala is easy though. its the watch dog thats a real problem

Fuck I want to play BB again but the Online is too slow now.

Yes I know it's not DED DED but it still takes too long to get co-op going

Remember visceral attacks


Most of the game is not shit. Like the shit to not shit ratio of areas is better than the rest of the series.

There is actually a reset even that started today. That is, an event where people create new characters and play through the game again, trying to bring some more life to the playerbase, with focus on online play. It's a really good time to play it.

The character and world design are the best I've seen in the last three generations of video games.

Hosted by leddit I presume?


Some people on /bbg/ were willing to join in though.

The spirit bombs track where you are the moment they start moving, if you aren't where they are aimed they are zero problem. So back off if you are right on top of him and he does it. Other than that just know he reacts to getting hit with counter blasts at the beginning, you can safely shoot away the sword plants he places and his melee swings are counterable. You can roll through his little air slam to avoid damage and with proper positioning ready a charged R2 to backstab his ass and catch him in a loop.

this thing is nice

the setting is very generic though.
honestly, its nothing special

when did everyone lower their standards?

oh wait.... sony
yeah, sorry

Is not on PC.

Generic? How?

Can you name 5 other games with a similar setting? Victorian Era with Lovecraft?

Far better than dark souls

Fast, fun, fluid combat
Interesting story
Unique artstyle/setting
Lots of respect to the player and player agency

Are you going to respond or did you realize you are retarded and dip out?

The same thread gets posted over and I guess that's something

A small cool detail, Maria's set upper part fits perfectly with the knight set (female), I know that considering her origin it makes sense but it's still nice to see devs paying attention to details like this.

The entire Gothic/ Lovecraft aesthetic is remarkably well done. Also the music is really nice.

>not playing solo


Just stay in his face and go on the offensive instead if backing up and only backup for healing. Hide behind the pillars also while healing to avoid said attack. Visceral and backstabs also key. Basically same for most bosses in BB

I was like you but then I beat him by myself after abusing his jumping + charged attack.

I'll say something nice and then something bad.

Best setting of any soulsborne game, best lore and best enemies. My personal favorite.

Rolling and backstepping takes way too little gauge and you can beat half the bosses by just spamming roll while they attack. Dark souls made you actually time your rolls because you only got ~3, not 10.

are you a mental retard?

I liked that you could interact with the people in the houses, and had to choose who to believe/help. Where do you send the people looking for safe haven? The blood clinic where you began the game, with the nice sounding doctor, or the creepy fuck in oedon? What do you tell the girl looking for her father and later sister?

>mfw I sent everyone to oedon and it turned out the blood minister in the clinic was a spider with patches head

I didn't like the patches cameo, felt out of place and I don't like patches either

It wasn't made by Anthony Burch

fox and grapes.jpg

People say it has the least replayability of the Souls games yet it is the game I keep coming back to the most

Quickly overtook souls as my favorite after playing. Its going to be hard to get back into ds3 when I finally get it.

Took me 5 hours to get the pattern down but always got tripped up by his low-health phase explosions. Fuck 1HKO bs.

Best game of last year

Music direction and composition. Absolutely amazing.