Why do you hate it?

Why do you hate it?

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They fucked up my favorite skin.

That's it.

>Forced meta is boring as hell and makes the game incredibly repetitive and shallow
>Practically invented the "grind for 5 years or give us shit tons of money" F2P system
>Excessive streamlining and casual-pandering in every patch
>Constant character "reworks" that flatten out characters' unique niches and shoehorn them tighter into forced meta roles
>Douchey and generally incompetent developers
>Cringey esports forcing that infects absolutely every aspect of the game
>Shitty meme community stuff all over the launcher and client's main screen

I could go on for pages but there are some points to get you started

which one fampai
was it zombie ryze?

>make a whole suit of characters with cool mechanics
>force meta

What's the point?

forced meta
that's pretty much all i have against it
it looks great, the sound direction is really cool, the abilities are nice and the game itself is really fun but good god if i hate how the meta is mandatory and not only the players but the also tribunal and devs condemn you for playing out of the meta

also everything is decided not by the players, but by and in favor of esports, and nothing good for the product comes out of shaping your product to fit a billionaire publicity stunt, because they keep catering to these olympian players and fuck over the rest

this is why i play hots now

The community.
Before I quit, I would only ever play with a full arranged team.

LoL is a perfect example of when a game takes a good base idea and then completely fucking misses the point of it and everything that makes it fun and makes it work

What is the point of having a strategy game where you build a team out of 100+ characters and then forcing one exact win strategy with one exact composition of those characters and rendering 80% of them completely useless in any given patch?

LoL is a fucking joke and how anyone plays it beyond something to shut your brain off and melt health bars with is absolutely beyond me

>Boot up client
>Half the UI is covered by aspie neckbeards and "hot" "gamer" "babes"

Also, this guy is a fucking manchild and should eat a glass sandwich.

Because I put too much time into it to stop now.

Literally reworked all of my favorite heroes until they were completely different than what they were originally
Fuck you give me back Viktor, Veigar, and Shen back you fucking chinks
atleast I still have singed

>that Viktor Q change
>let's make you add an autoattack in to do the exact same fucking thing it did before because everything needs as much depthless fake complexity tacked as possible on at the cost of usability, clarity, and general game feel

I don't, but I don't exactly like it much either. I only still play so I can do some group gaming with my friends

The game used to be fun, then it gradually became less fun, now its a fucking husk of what it used to be.
>game launches
>is fun and is pretty dumb
>they fix some dumb stuff like ap yi which was fun but anti-fun because tryhard faggots
>they enforce the tryhard mentality
>muh safespace
>roll out new chracters that are either shit or completely outclass old characters
>reworks completely destroy characters and makes them either shit or even more unfun
>e-sports in general
>terrible balancing
>selling chroma packs
>csgo cancer loot system

the only good thing about league of faggots are the hot waifus and Zed

but doesn't csgo crates require you to buy with IRL money keys?

>37k RP

nigga what the fuck

it might be PBE


i started playing it recently after knowing about it for years and years, even before /vg/ was a thing i'd see generals here every day but never really looked into it

honestly it's a pretty fun game, but i'd never take this shit seriously

i'm pretty content where i am in bronze 5, currently having fun with it

The developers are really stupid and sucked all the fun out of the game. They didn't see anything wrong with introducing a class of character that gets all the survivability of a tank and all the damage of a melee carry without having to invest in damage items. Constantly rework/nerf any characters that aren't played the way the developers intended them to be played. Worse of all they were adamant to not include any interesting skills because it's hard to tell what they do but now you have to memorize like 20 characters with their own little minigames that give who knows what benefits.

HotS is the best. There's some grinding stuff but it's only for a small part of the game and you get to spend most of your time actually playing against other people. But it's not like Bloodline Champions (or the new one) so you can still have characters that do really dumb stuff that only works when you have a bigger map or people moving around.

bronze 1, why the fuck did i type 5

Not yet, but it will, and everyone will applaud them, fucking tencent.

Heroes of Newerth should have been the one!!!!

league of lelgends gives out free keys if you do decent and you can purchase them if you're a nigger with more money than sense
i'm pretty sure in csgo you need to purchase the key and there's no way around it

You can trade 500 boxes for 5 keys, doesn't means that the system works or its fine for it to exist.

>sign up for HoN
>first couple of matches
>get bitched at and flamed through voice in half of them

God damn let me at least learn the game, they wouldn't even give me pointers when I asked what to do

it's dota for babies

it's ugly

it's casual

it's easy

pay $ for heroes


tries to differentiate itself from its inspiration in the most obnoxious manner possible

most players from it are insufferable cunts
aspects and elements from league have been transmitted via their cancerous players to other games (playing overwatch, someone calls the heroes "champs" or in for honor, or dota)

riot games is a giant pile of dogshit

Because I lose half my matches even if I have 15 kills and only 2 deaths

>instead of nerfing singed or making his kit retarded they gave him a fucking root

pretty based to be honest

doesn't viktor's Q has some retarded broken scaling now that pops anyone that didn't build MR?

that sucks, user
I don't remember having problems in my first games back in 2011 or whenever.
Or maybe I just had thick skin.

>they gave singed a root

HoN had some fun heroes but it looked like someone threw up all over the screen. It probably wouldn't be so bad if you came from WC3 dota, but I couldn't stand it.
Also all the other new players were total shitters and would remake the game or surrender as soon as they could once anyone died.

Because during the time I played, it made me become toxic.

if you fling someone into the goo they get rooted for a short duration. Rarely useful but its cool nonetheless


Maliken, Balphagore, Engineer, Bombardier, The Chipper, Drunken Master, Pandamonium, Monkey King, GAUNTLET, Electrician, Moraxus

These heroes were fucking badass as fuck and real gems. I always think fondly on my memories playing with these heroes, as they were either fun as shit and/or badass. Some heroes I absolutely detested were shitfucks like Cthuluphant and Deadwood. Fuck those niggas man. And fuck every cunt who would pick Magebane, Scout, or Nightcrawler or whatever and demand mid.


>A lvl 6 illaoi almost one shots 2 full HP champs the same lvl as her with one ult

this game can be infuriating sometimes, but a girl i'm interested in at work plays it with me so I haven't dropped it yet.

she's shit.

>illaloi ults
>walk away because no fucking cc
>wait for her ult to wear off
>move in and rape her face against a wall

because i lost half of my friends for this shit

>almost one shots 2 champs

By the time we could even walk out we were already dead.

They banned me for standing my ground against little faggots trying to shit talking me.

>that x axis

>tits and cleavage: the game

Learn to kite. they made her broken because people didn't buy her except for a handful of people. If you bait out her E,R combo then walk away from her ult range for 8 seconds you're fine.

>this is bad

Also to address this,if you're a tanky toplaner you're fine to walk out of her ult. Even with Black Cleaver (which a good Illaoi will buy first against a tank,Death's Dance for a squishy laner) she still can't delete someone instantly with her E,R combo when they're tanky,no matter how much damage she does. Kayle's a good counter to her also,she has a lot of range over her and can poke her down and ult out Illaoi's ult. If Illaoi's smart thoguh,she wait at tower until six and have her jungler gank after she's farmed from tower so try and be aggressive but don't sacrifice too much farm for it though.

>there are people in this thread that still play Summoner's Rift

That only reason I have ever gotten bored of this game is because I haven't played enough ARAM. At this point it is the only mode worth playing imo.

deadwood has some dank as fuck sound effects though

The people behind Heroes of Newerth were dicks. A couple friends and I competed in a local HoN tournament. We get first place among non-professional teams, and instead of paying us our prize money or giving us the advertised free copy of the game they just give us T-shirts and never speak to us again.

Fuck HoN

Buddy of mine got in a game with him, stole the hero he was going to select, called him a nigger, and got a temp ban

Pretty funny

Pendragon stole his hero, friend called him a nigger I meant

I don't hate LoL.

I just don't see the point in playing a shitty version of DotA 2

Why does Dota 2 insist on taking up a quarter of its screenspace with the GUI? It didn't have to directly copy Warcraft 3.

Rito can't balance.
Forced meta.
Not enough bans for forced meta.
ARURF and One For All are only fun modes, everything else is shit. Regular URF became No Fun Allowed because it's always the same bullshit champs used in it.
Murdered and butchered lore, Shurima is probably only cool bit left now.
Way too many dances don't actually loop.
Fucking bitch ass fish has a passive for moving through units because he's "agile" when he can barely walk right while Hecarim's a tall ass ghost-ish centaur but lolnope, can't have him move over minions, nope.
All the cool and fun champs are barely viable because of meta.
No r63 skins even though Riot would easily double all revenue and income.

Despite some pretty creative characters and unique mechanics for some it feels like there are so few roles in general.

So many champs make other champs outright redundant and irrelevant. Any decent Bruiser has some form of gap closer and survivabiity mechanic. All AD carries melt enemy heroes but are glass canons. All assassins have a way to get beside an enemy and blow them up but they are squishy.

>People still post morello when he hasn't been in the design team for over four years

Cred Forums really is out of touch

>muh GUI is too big
this is the worst fucking argument LOLfags bring up, you just get used to it with proper camera position.

The playerbase is toxic.

I played HoN 5 years ago.
Even Starcraft 2 does it better.
Do you really think it's a good component?

Not the guy you're responding to but I play DotA 2 and I think that the UI should be more minimalist.

Its easier
Games are faster


I fucking hate this term. It's an AoS all the way back from Warcraft before the DotA bullshit started. Moba implies massive battles, which it does not have.

The developers are really incompetent
>Why no replays
Because the client will literally die
>Why havent you re-added solo queue
Because the client will die and and queues will take even longer
>Why does it take 4 mins to load into the game despite all the players being already 100% connected
Because we suck

Some champs also have a fuck ton of bugs which make them useless

Not much anymore, although I'll spam it next week when Definitely Not Dominion comes back around for Hide and Seek.


The community is really bad.
Shit flinging starts before banning phase even begins
/lolg/ is nice though

>Aeon64 stated that he was attempting to create gameplay similar to that of Future Cop: LAPD's Precinct Assault mode
god bless the boys in blue

lol as a moba sucks ass. Their old lore was decent. Fairly more interesiting than current stuff.

Their character design is good, the women are all god tier.

Riot needs to stop with the moba and start making spinoff games with their characters. They have such a huge fanbase anything they shit out would sell instantly.

they're making a board game, that's that
plus they bought that fighting game if i'm not wrong

their old lore was decent because they stole it from an old dota forum lmao


that's why

good shit Pendragon is a shitstain

I can't rise.

It is if you're not 14

What is your point

>No r63 skins even though Riot would easily double all revenue and income.
This. Let's not pretend the waifus aren't the only good thing about this game.

it doesn't have enough yordles

The developers decided that they hate competitive integrity, lore, voice chat, little to no RNG elements, solo players, high risk high reward/low risk low reward design, good jungling requiring map and timer knowledge, and the fog of war.
As a solo diamond jungler, I felt like I was being fucking directly antagonized. I mean, look at what they did to my Skarner. He was barely viable before, but then they had to go and break him with with that horrible dominion passive then removed Dominion because no one liked playing Dominion. YOU STUPID FUCKING FAGGOTS, YOU CAN'T BALANCE SKARNER NOW BECAUSE HE CAN'T COMPETE VS META WITH NO PASSIVE YET YOU CAN'T BUFF HIM WITHOUT BREAKING HIM ON PASSIVE. GOLLY GEE, BETTER MAKE SURE HE HAS TO LIGHT A FUCKING SIGNAL FLARE TOO JUST IN CASE SOMEONE ON THE ENEMY TEAM DOESN'T KNOW WHERE HE IS.

However - all this could've been ignore if they didn't treat their players like absolute mouth breathing retards.
I played League since S1. Not a single flamer - not fucking one - managed to get a bigger rise out of me than a Riot dev typing "we can't have sandbox cause it's toxic! P-people could be expected to practice and get their fee fees hurt!"

Everyone can get a little hot under the collar, especially with a game that's a minimum 25 min investment considering queue and champ select. I can totally understand it, and have fun trading insults.
But that? That was just pure, unfiltered contempt. I had to stop.

I'm a gold player so not high elo, but I've had a lot of experience with this game.

Fucking dynamic queue. Unless you're a pro or in 5v5 ranked, it should be fucking SOLO ONLY. Fuck dynamic queue faggots.

The fucking ban system. You should only be punished for leaving, AFK, or intentionally feeding/griefing. Riot turned the game into pussy-central when they start punishing players for flaming and raging. It's a fucking video game, if garbage tier faggots don't what to get flamed they should either mute me or learn how to not get picked off every fucking two minutes.

And last but certainly the most important: League inherently fails at being a viable competitive game unless you're on a 5v5 team. By it's nature, individual skill matters for very little unless you're playing in ELOs way below your skill level or if you play hundreds of ranked games each season. You lose lp and rank for the most retarded shit despite your individual ability, and if you're a veteran you know that this game isn't any fun unless you win. A loss is just a waste of time and doesn't help you get any better.

Climbing in ranked is a fucking brutal, maddening grind and normals are boring as shit. Fuck League of Legends, fuck Riot, and fuck feeders. I WILL NEVER STOP TELLING THEM TO REPORT TO THE GAS CHAMBERS.

Forced meta and casualization


>league of legends players consider themselves "junglers" and have a main hero
it's like the kindergarten of moba games

moba doesnt imply anything
thats what its such a stupid term
nearly everything is a multiplayer online battle arena

Riot's fucking awful at making games, it's a typical "we got big on some idea lets hire all our friends regardless of their competence" dudebro company, if they tried to make another game that wasnt lol it would be a colossal failure