Now that the dust has settled, what did Cred Forums think of this game?

Now that the dust has settled, what did Cred Forums think of this game?

Did I fuck up by killing both Radich and Otar?

In the original Deus Ex, the gameplay did all the talking, the story was just a bonus.

In this game it feels like the story does all the talking and the gameplay is a bonus. Although it's good, it's not really fun.

nice hat

Nice hat Adam

I don't feel that way at all; I was more engaged in MD than I ever was in DE1. Hong Kong was the best part and it still doesn't compare to Prague.

A dumbed down version of Human Revolution, which in itself was dumbed down in a lot of ways.

It's like a bunch of frenchies in quebec wanted to write a conspiracy story, but knew nothing about conspiracies.


> don't feel that way at all; I was more engaged in MD than I ever was in DE1.


Very festive hat you got there.

>dumbed down
What did he mean by this?

B-but Angry Joe liked it...

you literally have it backwards

had a lot of fun with the game, stealth was good, but the ending was severely lacking and predictable

this came out?

Dishonored 2 will be leagues better

I feel as if the writing is worse than previous games, and it's as subtle as a south park episode.

I still like the game, a mediocre Deus Ex game is still a good game by any standards, I'm just pissed they could have done so much more with the game

The gameplay is great, the story is meh. A lot of the plot background hinges on 99% of the human race being dumb enough to think the aug incident was an accident despite Darrow's live stream where he apologized and flipped the switch. And for a scenario where naturals are supposed to fear and mistrust augs, they're sure going out of their way to antagonize and provoke violence from them. The fact that many augs were prosthetic with human-level strength seems to be completely forgotten for the fact it punches holes in the desired narrative.

tl;dr: The plot is built upon false equivalencies, and anyone with two brain cells should be able to recognize that.

>Did I fuck up by killing both Radich and Otar?
Not really. You saved Koller.

Apparently doing Otar's jobs are supposed to help overthrow Radich, which also saves Koller since it takes away Otar's need to kill him. Problem is, it's glitched and doesn't always work.

I took them out right before I went to London.

Did I miss a bunch of content by doing that? My main gripe with the game was that it felt like it was only a third of HR's length, but then it occurred to me that it could've been due to killing them.

Nah, you didn't miss anything. The curfew night is short as fuck.

Your Koller is probably dead if you didn't outright steal the calibrator, though. It happens sometime during the GARM mission.

>tl;dr: The plot is built upon false equivalencies, and anyone with two brain cells should be able to recognize that.

I also didn't buy into the treatment of augs in HR either. there's a ton of money to be made turning people into iphones. all the interests of power and corporate would be aligned in conspiracy to get people to accept and adopt it. they'd be treated as superiors. the idea of the "natural" or "sacred" is would be attacked until we all need their latest firmware in our brains.

it is the opposite that will happen, it's empty for speculative fiction.

also the conspiracies were way cooler in DX1. Mankind divided had what 1 false flag?

>Now that the dust has settled, what did Cred Forums think of this game?

It feels unfinished and the DLC feels like it was cut out from the main game.
Design wise and level design wise the game is a huge improvement over HR and it's the second best DE game to date, it's just a shame that the game has no satisfying conclusions and basically nothing you do matters.

>Dishonored 2 will be leagues better

As if there was ever any doubt?
Dishonored 1 was 100x better than DE:HR.

The base game was decent enough. Felt short however.

But the rest of it was full of shit business practices. The store for credits and praxis in a single player game, the shitty DLC that feels like cut content, the pre order bonuses, the absolute shit optimization, the long loading times and the fucking unskippable movies when you run the game.

To make things even worse they put special outfits for Jensen in the game, but many cutscenes are pre-rendered which means that they don't even appear in them.

Gameplay wise it's an improvement on HR, though it still suffers from merely being HR2 and Jensen is even more OP early on. Combat can actually be fun now though. Story was pretty awful. Characters are really weak as well, only high point is Bob Page's scenes and he's not their OC donutsteel.

Another point I'd like to bring up is how the soundtrack was noticeably weaker than HR's. It sounded similar(because McCann), but there wasn't much ambience. The only two tracks I really remember are Prague Daytime and TF29. After that it goes samey and lacks the creative spark.

The down side to using Bob Page however is that he's always going to be untouchable since JC will be the one to deal with him.

Jensen and his allies might talk about taking him down, but we all know that they won't be able too.

Though I am very surprised that Navarre and Gunther haven't made cameos yet. Wasn't this time suppose to be when they were at their height?

It's funny how the best character in this new DE-verse are not (or barely) in the game.
Sarif, Pritchard and Quinn.

>Another point I'd like to bring up is how the soundtrack was noticeably weaker than HR's.

I think what's-her-face that co-composed the soundtrack for this game is the problem.

Eliza Cassan is best waifu. All of the humans are shit.

Hello, Adam.

Had more fun then I thought but I feel like a lot of the story was leading up to something bigger than what we got. The story was probably dumbed down to make dlc which really sucks because I was really interested in the story and seeing the whole conspiracy and how Jensen could fuck with the Illuminati.

Also how does a AAA game not get decent lip synching? The mouth movements weren't even close to the voices. I also didn't feel like there was any incentive to not kill people.

why would it end with the dr being a part of the illuminati and then fucking nothing? fuck the devs

>waifuing a newly born AI child

Cyber Pedo.

My favorite temptation.

>The down side to using Bob Page however is that he's always going to be untouchable since JC will be the one to deal with him.
Page can absolutely be done right if he hijacks Jensen's brainwashing and forces Adam to do his bidding against the Illuminati. Pages taunts you with smug infolink calls and you can't do a damn thing about it.


Unless we're talking TV Eliza.


I think the game was planned to be longer but got cut for a sequel.
The final boss is Gunther tier, not final boss material.
Nothing you do or find out has any pay-off. Saving your boss at the end with the antidote only results in an achievement and nothing else.


It doesn't matter. Nothing you do or discover does.

I honestly prefer it to HR. The plot is better in HR but MD is a far nicer place to be. The game-play is greatly improved and the environments are far better crafted and all twist into each-other making exploration actually fun. Also I may be in the minority here but I miss the piss filter, I liked the golden glow everything had in HR.

She's not newly born. She's damaged and confused.

More like an adult suffering from amnesia.


Why was the Visitor killed? Did the Watcher do it? Do the illuminati have a plan to use AJ's unique innate mutation to control human evolution?

The Orchid was made from Adam's DNA, right?

>Adam Jensen was born on March 9, 1993. At a very young age he was one of a group of infants subjected to experimental genetic therapy treatments by White Helix Labs, a subsidiary of VersaLife. All of the children, aside from Jensen, died as a result of the treatments. Two scientists in charge of Adam found out they had succeeded with him, but had grown too attached to let VersaLife continue experimenting on him. Also, not wanting any more children to undergo the same treatments, they burned down the facility where the experiments had taken place. They were murdered by the Illuminati and later reported as fire casualties, but their plan worked and infant Jensen was rescued by a kind-hearted facility worker named Michelle Walthers. Walthers gave up the baby Jensen for adoption, and at age five he was adopted by loving parents, Arthur and Margie Jensen. The rest of his youth and his adolescence were relatively normal. He grew up unaware of his origins, and believing that his foster parents were his birth parents.


needed more outside of prague missions

Definitely made using research involving Jensen's DNA, yeah.

Wasn't all that info from a side-quest in HR?

Was all that conspiracy talk about depopulation true? Do the illuminati want to reduce the world's population down to 500M?

Alex Jones has been saying that for years

But she's a mix of the Hyrone women and Eliza. That's very much a newborn.

DEMD's version of Jones wasn't bad.

I heard Alex himself wasn't very fond of Lazarus.

I loved the piss filter too, but its absence in MD makes sense. HR took place during the Golden Age of augmentation; MD doesn't.

>DeBeers has been a member of the Illuminati since the 20th century, and potentially even acted as its leader since then. During his rule, he ordered the assassinations of both President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert in 1963 and 1968, respectively.

He must be in his 80s/90s during DEMD and his is 20s when he ordered the assassination.


I thought the game was shit but the 3rd act was alright

>go in the cinema
>sneak through (non-lethal)
>go in the back rooms
>see where they keep the girls
>used condoms everywhere
>hack the turrets and go on murderous rampage leaving no one alive

last mission was fun

The party hat fits on his head nicely

Several popular and highly effective medications were dropped by their manufacturers and then banned just because they were increasing the chances of a heart attack by a very slight margin and a few relatives of people who MIGHT have died because of those drugs made a huge stink over it. The Aug Incident killed millions in a very grisly manner; the if something like that happened in the real world, the corporate sector would drop the whole industry the very next day.

Who is Janus?

that bald guy in the illuminati

>killing anyone
Radch definitely deserved it (I just punched him), but Otar dindu nuthin

The CEO of Picus is also Janus?

It's strongly hinted.

Where was this? What was the hint?

His composite sketch during that mission where you "meet" him had randomized faces, but his dome stayed mostly clear.

He also reacted a bit strangely to the mention of Janus at the meeting in the final cutscene.

Why is Prague split into 2 areas? I hate having to sit thru the long ass loading screen. Is there really no way to just walk there?

I fucking hate how they've infected DX with all these numale elements. Just remake the original

You can take a hidden corridor in the northern part of the first district, but IIRC it gets locked near the end of the game.

That's no hint. Bald heads are easier to render than hair and the composite images fit better.


Huge improvement over HR. New Augs made various builds fun. PEPS + burst fire shotgun with max capacity made the last mission funs.


The Jensen you play in MD a clone? What happened to real Jensen? Did he die during Panchea and they cloned him for some random reason?

Where is Simmons?

Now I'm assuming Page is working with the Illuminati to further his own agenda until he is ready to fuck them over and become one with Helios in DE? Or whats the angle he is working there?

Who is Janus? My guess is some kind of Daedalus prototype.

What was with the whole China ipad dialogue being reactivated near the end? Did that have something to do with the Chink in Hong Kong?

Page was a member of the Illuminati before he betrayed them, did you forget that? It was kind of a major plot point.

Was the story this short in HR? I felt like it was to short with to many lose ends. I'm sure it s all fucking cut to sell as Dlc

Elizabeth a best. The other girls have got fucking nothing going on.

It doesn't grab my attention as well as HR did. Truth be told I felt more like playing HR after 5 hours in MD. The combination of atmosphere, music and visuals just doesn't work as well in MD.

I still think bob page is janus.

Volkard is a red herring

I'd merge with her, if you know what I mean.

She's got nothing on Aria and Delara.

How's System Rift? I don't hear any talk about it

He's actually over 100, I shit you not

Mathematically unlikely.


Not good.
I waited for this game, figuring it has to be better than HR which was only passable. Somehow this is worse. They have simplistic, stupid stories and themes, the devs completely misunderstand what made the original deus ex great and the gameplay is too easy even on the hardest difficulty.
Its an OK game on its own, but a shitty deus ex game just like HR was. I should stop expecting videogames to ever be as good as they were around the original deus ex. Graphics get better, gameplay gets smoother, but thats it. Its just sequel baiting, shallow, boring and safe story story elements so they wont offend or spook anyone.

Deus Ex offended or spooked you? How?

the entire game felt like a setup for the sequel.
Stealth was extremely boring with maybe 2 exceptions (wow, another ventilation system to bypass the entire area).
The final boss was so easy that all the optional stuff that you are encouraged to do in the room really doesn't matted, even on the hardest difficulty.
Inexcusably buggy on launch, with the sprinting bug, events not triggering properly and the awful interface.
Even if Prague was a god hub it felt like the game was severely lacking in environments, the cyberpunk ghetto was cool though.
The cloak field is still a bad idea.
Lacked fun NPCs, some showed a spark but it was not nearly enough.
The portrayal of racism was laughable at best and insensitive at worst

>In the original Deus Ex, the gameplay did all the talking, the story was just a bonus
No one says this. DE's story was undeniably it's biggest draw for most people, and the most praised aspect of it.

Map design is the best stuff I've seen this year, easily
Art design was pretty boring with only a short trip to Golom living up to the dark cyberpunk mood.
Gameplay was pretty good, however takedowns are pretty big letdown with them still being a cutscene and a really glitchy one at that.
Story was a hot mess. Game dumps you in and expects you to have read the comics and played a shitty iOS game? It just drops you in the middle of shit, and boy I didn't care about fucking ANYONE. The only character I remember by name is Chang cause he was annoyingly eccentric and Aria cause she was a cutie. Nobody got the amount of screen time they should of had, and holy fuck all these characters with random eastern european names got confusing after a while. Really wish there was a sort of encyclopedia with peoples names, portraits, and info you have so far on them, like Alpha Protocol.
A lot of interesting things are being hinted at but it's all delivered so dry and boring.
Also there's setting up a sequel, and then there's how they handled Elizabeth blueballing the players like that with shitty sequel bait cliffhanger shit. Fuck you
Overall it's between a massive letdown and being OK.

Also holy fuck that lipsynching, what the hell is going on here?

Hahaha what? Are you high?

The story was good, but the game play is absolutely the strongest point of DE.

where is this?

>Lazarus playing Hong Kong Streets
>rediscover DX's soundtrack in game folder and VLC plays .umx files flawlessly
mmmmmm so good


It's a photoshop.

>liking traitor and backstabbers

personally I think the original Deus Ex gameplay is horrible, but the story was great

Mankind Divided has both shit gameplay and shit story

I always thought she was going to be some sort of love interest later in the story, but now she is illuminati scum like Megan

I like the parallels, Adam, as the first man in the bible, only ever meets a woman who ruins his life and gets him kicked out of paradise, DX Adam only runs into women who abuse his unique genes for their plans

What was so bad about Deus Ex's gameplay?

I think he's talking about rpg elements in combat when you can't aim for shit without points in skills.

No, the white bald guy is Janus