"I'll be WATCHing OVER you"

>"I'll be WATCHing OVER you"

wow Blizzard

just wow

lost all respect for them

>I'll be OVER WATCHING you


they werent keeping it a secret. they knew the game was already going to be bad and ass.

ill be GAYOVER you

>I have big plans for jews
What did Blizzard mean by this?

>It's a me, Mario Party 8!
Can't believe the general public let Nintendo get away with that one.

>good writing
pick one

who is you

it really makes you think

wtf? I hate Blizzard now

wtf? I love Blizzard now

wtf? I hate Blizzard now

wtf? I love Blizzard now

can I fuk her

>This is our Assassin's Creed 2: brotherhood
Fucking Ubisoft


wtf? I love Blizzard now

wtf? I hate Blizzard now

wtf? I hate Blizzard now

>We are the Black Ops 3
.. wow

>Ahh, fresh meat


I listen to hour long nightcore compilation's on youtube.

>meme dialogue and the game trademarkā„¢
[disappointed nerd lynch mob noices]

>Its also the name of the company
I think we are onto something here...