Sean Murray did nothing wrong

Sean Murray did nothing wrong.

Everyone who bought NMS is retarded and deserves it anyway.

sean is a shit-tier liefu, Todd is best liefu

I unironically agree with you. The fact that people have to go back to some offhand thing he said back in 2014 when the game was still in development to prove he lied is just ridiculous.

You got exactly what was shown in the trailers and demo. Get over yourselves.

Games like The Last of Us and Bioshock: Infinite had blatantly scripted fake demos and yet everyone forgave them for that.

i agree. bad developers and bad games only exist because of ignorant consumers. And I hate NMS and Sean

If caveat emptor has ever applied, it does here. If people had one iota of patience or skepticism the industry would be ten times better.

Personally I thought it was funny how hyped people got into the game before the release.

Like it was neat but it wasn't something I would say would be the next biggest game ever created. It's just marketing in general that people got sucked into.

A fool and their money are easily parted.

You'd have to be a certifiable dipshit to believe videogame hype these days. They things always fall short of what the developer promises or promotes.

And this guy was promising the fucking moon, apparently. That was a massive red flag. There was no way in possible Hell a single one of those promises was going to be met. Billions of planets? Randomly generated wildlife that wasn't going to look like ass? Multiplayer on top of it? No way, man. No way.

If you bought into it, you're a dummy.

The thing is, even if there WAS going to be multiplayer and two people could actually see eachother, it still would've been awful

At least NMS gave us really fun memes

I hope they never forget this

It was funny as fuck. The threads here shit all over it while leddit praised it, and it ended up being a bigger failure than anybody could have hoped for.

The trailers outright lied my man

The game was destined to be shit as games of that scale usually are but they absolutely lied up through release about features that weren't in the final product


>At least NMS gave us really fun memes
I'm so glad the game exists for this specific reason. The months since release have been fucking hilarious. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

nobody forgave them for that

you did not get exactly what was shown in the trailers

4/10 trolling, got me to reply

This guy made millions off lying and will face no consequence, if anything it just proves deceit and marketing are all that matters, lie to people, lie to their fucking face; dude just made more money than you will in a lifetime and if you bought NMS the joke is on you i didn't

I can't even hide threads today without my autism being triggered over the stacking hats.

Remember, putting "sage" in the options field means your post won't bump the thread.

Has he suicided yet?


If you feel like you were duped, then you need to take a long hard look in the mirror. If you were duped, that's because you believed asinine shit. Plain and simple.

>small team
>of relatively inexperienced devs
>led by random no-name dude
>to develop
>most infinitely complex and interesting game of all time

It's your own damn fault.

Why would he? He's a fucking millionaire thanks to preorders

>people who bought the game learned a valuable lesson for $60 which is cheap
>people who didn't buy the game had some laughs
>some former EA conman got rich and ran away

I think only the last one is bad

I rented the game for 2 dollars and didn't feel bad.

Post yfw you bought NMS
n-not that i did


He and HelloGames took everyone's money and ran for the hills

Everyone who overhyped the living shit out of this deserved it

You do realize that the 60 dollars doesn't go all to the pocket of a single guy in a company made up of multiple team members, being published by another larger company right?

From the very first screenshot and trailers shown, I knew NMS would be a lie, and I can't believe I'm in the minority when I say I never even pre-ordered it, let alone bought it. What is wrong with everyone when they'll get their jollies from falling for blatant scams? I hate to sound like a fedora toting neckbeard, but you'd think they'd learn after the countless billion scams that have already been tried using the exact same sales pitches no less.

Why do you keep remaking this thread?

Why hasn't your ass been temp-b& yet?

Even if Sean gets 4 dollars per sale he's rich user, are you dumb ?

He probably just gets a salary like everyone else.

You. Yes, You. The one complaining about the game and insulting Sean and Hello Games, saying slurs I dare not mention
You should tread very lightly.
Remember, you are one.
We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority. I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together. Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you. I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life. I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

Were the people who bought this too young to remember Spore?
If you're only real draw is random generation then the games gonna be a mile wide but an inch deep.

Except those exact details made the best game of all time

I will never be happier about not buying a game than I was with NMS. I already got tricked by Spore, and that's not the kind of shit that fools you twice.

Yeah sure but at some point we gotta ask ourselves, how many times can we forget about it before it becomes an industry standard to fuck us that hard?

We gotta draw the line somewhere, and someone must be punished as an example to the other developers.

Why is reddit so retarded?

I blame Sony Marketing the most. But this faggot is not blameless.

Well said, my friend. I mean, why would you guys criticize someone's video game design? Actually, why criticize a person at all? If you don't like a game, maybe you criticize the game, and maybe don't buy it again.

But being mean to the point of criminality? Because of a video game? Via cyberbullying?

Don't you people have mothers? Or friends? Or gamerchurch or something?

If you spent half your bullying time designing a game, or trying to learn how at least, you might have a professional viewpoint to share. But anyone that thinks the way you do really doesn't care what you have to say about anything.

I think the game show professional design qualities that stretch the genre into a new place. And I have personal experience of trying to bring an indie game to market, so I can feel for the time and effort it takes to accomplish that with a small studio like Hello Games.

I spend a good chunk of time encouraging young people to delve into game design. As part of my effort, I encourage them to not try to enter the market with a 3D game, because it's soooo much work. Better to think small, produce small, and learn about all the things they literally know nothing of. And THEN pursue their grandiose designs, preferably as part of a larger team.

I worked for LEGO, and during my time there felt we needed to have created far more content. And we had a team of roughly 50, (not including contracted QA and services). I'm deeply impressed that your team brought an Unreal game to market, in any universe.

I only began playing today, so I'll get back to you again here when I've got some more game play under my belt.

And kudos for hangin in there with child-trolls. You'd think they'd be playing a game instead of wasting their time.

>Sean did nothing wrong but people deserve all the bad things that happened to him because of his actions

Excellent logic.

I don't entirely agree, but I won't lie that I got some small amusement watching morons fall for "YOU CAN DO ANYTHING" for the millionth time.

People who bought No Man's Sky actually fell for the "you can do anything" meme despite the fact that No Man's Sky isn't even that kind of game. We all tried to warn them but they didn't care. Given nothing but the promise of exploration in a huge universe, they assumed that No Man's Sky would be EVE Online, and they deserve to be disappointed.

>Everyone who bought NMS is retarded and deserves it anyway.
>Sean Murray did nothing wrong.

But taking advantage of mentally handicapped people IS a crime.
Just like taking advantage of children and the elderly.

I think you posted the wrong picture.

>you did not get exactly what was shown in the trailers

I bet that you would be hard pressed to find me even one trailer nowadays that does not feature something that did not end up in the final product like it was in the trailer, and I mean in a negative way, but yeah, NMS trailers were a big pile of bullshit. Still are, as a matter of fact, and nobody cares to even take them down from steam, or other places.

If he owns the company he owns the profits, and sony does not own HG, yet, and probably wont try to buy it, after this entire affair.

>small team
>of relatively inexperienced devs
>led by random no-name dude
It is not like they were inexperienced or led by some random no name dude, they were already known by some for joe danger and JD2, and some of the devs were people who made fire warrior and the MP of dark messiah, but it is true that this rather random portfolio of games and random number of things to be considered successes was no reason that they would be able to pull off something this big where others already failed spectacularly.