What does Cred Forums think about Paladins?

What does Cred Forums think about Paladins?

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Better than overmeme and fairly fun.

Discount Overwatch that could be better than Overwatch if it tried. But it won't.

Poor man's Overwatch

>I have to unlock heroes
>the card system is looking like a future P2W game
and in the trash it goes

Remember what they did to tribes. This will follow the same fate

i perfer to overwatch myself. overwatch felt like a f2p game arbitrarily given a 40 dollar price tag imo

Felt and looked really cheap. Too moba-like for my liking as well.

I'm having fun

best fps imho really like it

Pretty much this. Hi Rez can't be trusted not to jew out.

An Overwatch clone that ended up being better.

Would have lots of potential if it wasn't freemium garbage.

Just a cheap Overwatch knockoff.

I'm 99% sure the people claiming it's better than Overwatch have never actually played Overwatch because they couldn't afford it. Which is exactly the audience that Paladins is aiming for.

overwatch had a free beta tho?

All the jewery will be in skins, just like smite. People will buy a stupid amount of chests just to get a rare skin, on top of all the normal skins that aren't gold purchasable. Hell, people spent thousands getting hextech annie in league

They're just selling skins. Same as tf2. Freemium is if you could only play 3 matches then had to shell out real money to play more without a timer or waiting an hour.

It's very much like the 'WoW killer' argument with every other new MMO that's totally free, no really, with it's new fancy graphics and tits physics

I couldnt be fucked with the Overwatch beta and being on PC, theres been no way to try it and I'm not taking a £35 punt on a game.

I really enjoyed Paladins but all it's made me do is want to buy Overwatch, but I'm still not paying £35.

OW had a free weekend a month or so back. Still I can appreciate not wanting to throw money at it without trying it. That price isn't going to shift for a long time.

That weekend at the start of september was console only. Which baffles me, as I reckon PC gamers are far less likely to just drop full price on a game with all of the sales and piracy filling up our backlogs constantly.

Hoping Paladins and Battleborn going f2p brings the price down, but knowing Blizzard it probably won't.


I've been playing it to help cool down from getting mad at ow, it's fun enough

For some reason though the people who play it are even more retarded than they are in ow and will not stand on the point/push the cart under any circumstances. I can always count on getting most objective time regardless of the hero I picked

Kinessa players are undoubtedly the worst in game and will never contribute anything meaningful to a teamfight or a push on the objective or stall the cart

Really good fun IMO. The card-based loadout system is cool.

>Which baffles me, as I reckon PC gamers are far less likely to just drop full price on a game with all of the sales and piracy filling up our backlogs constantly.
I would bet hard cash that their PC playerbase is going considerably stronger than their console counterpart, hence the console demo
Once they will see PC numbers stagnating then they will probably add a free pc trial

I like it and it's barely P2W compared to some other games

Overwatch isnt a bad game, but it is seriously lacking in any sort of depth. Its replayability is very low

Staying in the point is dangerous because you become an easy target for flankers if you don't have a good tank.
Now, not pushing the cart, you have no excuse unless you're actually clearing the road.

Gameplay changing things like the loadout cards are bought with free currency. Literally the main thing you buy with premium currency is some skins and loot chests I guess. It's very un-P2W which is great.

The problem with the point though is I see people clustered together right outside of it, still completely open to a skye or evie popping in and fucking everyone but not capping the goddamned point

I played an overtime game with a Fernando on my team who, at the end, and 35 seconds obj time, I almost broke my keyboard I was so mad. He would just charge off amd shoot a grover for two seconds and then shield and lumber backwards til he was just barely outside the point

I play Fernando. My strategy is
>Rush to the point
>Stay in the point
>When the first enemy arrives to the scene I throw a fireball to him / her
>When enemies start to fire at me, I raise the shield
>Once my shield is depleted, I chuck fireballs / use the flamethrowers on enemies inside the point
>When my health is low I use charge to get out and hide behind a corner to heal
Am I doing it right or should I be more assertive with the enemies? I almost don't attack at all.

Paladins is better than Overwatch in almost every way except for two:

1. waifu quality is not as high
2. map design is somehow worse than Overwatch, which is saying a whole fucking lot

Sounds like a solid Fernando to me

If you roll together even the slightest bit of teamwork with a good fern you will absolutely stomp the other team, his kit is so strong it's almost op

pretty much. as fernando you need to rely on your dps a lot since he doesn't output any of his own. I've lost a couple matches because a viktor walked behind our lines and just shot everyone in the ass while the dps fucked around.

Overwatch lacks one thing: A new gamemode that isn't some spin on point capture or cart pushing.

its a more casual overwatch with less production and value and it shows.

so is this
what is lucioball?

They are a pretty good class.

I think it's an awful game and Hi-Rez has always been a terrible developer but I have to give them credit for being the first developer smart enough to make a F2P Overwatch and rake in the massive third worlder playerbase who isn't willing to spend $40 at once but will probably spend that several times over in gradual microtransactions

You know the game will have a short lifespan, you shouldn't ever bother with F2P games


Not touching that shit desu.

Humor me on why should I play Paladins if I've already got Overwatch.
