I really hate october first

I really hate october first....
>inb4 phonefag
I'm on a loading screen playing a game on my pc right now, can't be arsed to use firefox.

>Im a newfag, please be nice to me

It's always annoying. It just reminds me my birthday is tomorrow, and I'm closer to my eventual suicide.

Mad as shit. Stupid fucking Hallowen holiday even though its the first.


use adblock

>Virgin Mobile
Well at least it's appropriate.

>not celebrating

This would never happen with dashchan


Blocking phone posters would instantly improve the quality of this board tenfold.

Why are you seeing hats on every image? They're only on the OP posts.

You could've spent the money on second monitor instead of smart phone, faggot.

Because Clover is a shit app. I miss Chanu.

This board is for shitposts only.

Blocking everyone would improve the quality.

Sucks to be you OP

>using a broswer to go on 4chinz

Is it worth using any of the apps to browse Cred Forums or is the mobile browser okay enough?

Use clover or chanu

I only see mimi on the play store, I gotta side load these apps?

Think you fucking homo. If you can't find them on the store, what should you do. Do you need help going to the toilet too?



:stophats: in the email field. You're welcome!

start with anime fags first then phones and reditors

I don't really do a lot with my phone. Sorry i'm not a pro Cred Forums user. No reason to be so upset about it.

You are on a website molded around Japanese culture.

It doesn't take a pro Cred Forums user to not be retarded d00d.

who cares what it was molded around, you human colostomy bag.

Hows webm support? Didn't like it last time. I would have stuck with chanu if I didn't upgrade my phone

>Not being retarded
>Cred Forums
Good one user ;^)

of every board*

You're an attention seeking cunt. If you were to commit suicide, you would have done it already. Instead, you just pussy out and tell everyone how edgy and broken you are inside. You're not suicidal. You're just a teenager. Now fuck off

>Cred Forums is 13 years old
In just a year or so we'll not be able to call Cred Forums a loli anymore

>virgin mobile

I love it since Cred Forums's birthday is on the same day as mine.

Not him, but I use overchan. It plays webms on repeat, just no scrubbing or pausing. Works great altogether, lots of options.

Mate just use the old version of clover. It's objectively better.

>can't even put down Cred Forums for long enough to just play video games
Serves you right.

>Using clover instead of dashchan

>mobileposting still hasn't been disabled

Why would it be disabled?

how new?

Because doing so would make mobile shitposters who don't know how to evade on an actual computer unable to post.