What does Cred Forums think about shadow warrior?

What does Cred Forums think about shadow warrior?

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who cares

t biscuit said it was good, its 4 bucks, get it.

the $5 version is a bunch of meme DLCs literally shit like weapon skins for other games.

Way more fun than other modern fps games. Too bad it's shittly optimised.

6.5/10. Everything is good up until the 3rd hour where the gameplay gets tiring, the levels start to drag on and they start throwing more and more bulletsponge enemies and bosses at you. Melee combat is fun, for the most part.

One of the best Single Player FPS of recent years. Had ton of fun with it, though they fucked up the harder difficulties by just turning enemies into tedious bullet sponge, so I recommend just playing it on normal.

>Too bad it's shittly optimised
It is? I didn't notice.

it's good and fun.

the ending is amazing.

>t biscuit said it was good
He also said Thief 2014 is good.
You shouldn't follow someone's opinions just because they're a "personality"

Anyone know what these things are a reference to?

literally the first time i've heard its badly optimised

game has a recommended RAM of 4gb, if you don't have a system around this yet then expect frame drops.

Hard Reset, the previous game of the developer.

if a game is $4 and tbiscuit says its good, you get it.

Not sure, maybe you're extra poverty stricken than most the neets i've met but it's 4 bux my main man.

The original Shadow Warrior? Excellent

The 2013 one? Mediocre

The original's okay. Not necessarily excellent.

>tbiscuit says its good, you get it.

>>The original's okay. Not necessarily excellent.
It's the third best Build game behind Duke and Blood.

it's total biscuit and it's 4 dollars. sick bait.

if it makes you feel any better, he did a video on it explaining why its so good. It wasn't just him posting something on gaybook or whatever.

I'm sorry?

>Get your combat multiplier even higher, S-S-S-STYLISH combos!!

That killed it for me entirely. I played until the end of the first level at the mansion and then promptly dropped it. Disappointing too since the dialogue between Lo and the demon-guy seemed like it was legitimately funny.

not him but shadow warrior was build engine just like duke 3d

build engine was that good, pretty sure even redneck rampage was build

So a random reference made you drop it?

Also beyond that the writting is surprisingly solid and the ending provides a surprising emotional punch. The downsides of the game are how fucking spongy some enemies are. Those skeleton cunts that summon enemies can take a million bullets. I also had a hard time finding ammo and money for upgrades.

2 looks pretty damn promising though.

So, anyone else pre-order Shadow Warrior 2?
October 13 can't come soon enough.


What if someone did a video explaining why it isn't worth buying for 4 dollars?

reddit game

reboot was pretty fun aside from shit boss battles
second game looks like a shitty borderlands clone
just why

Pretty much Asian Duke Nukem. So it's fun but once you get all the weapons it's pretty repetitive.

Ah okay, I've always been under the impression that they were made on a modified version of the DOOM engine. Guess that's not completely wrong. Thanks

The movement was very enjoyable, but most enemies were simply shoot it to death. Shield guys and Berserkers were great because tactics had to change

No, dip-ass, the fact the game wanted you to fulfill combo/style meters to get extra resources is what killed it. It was an entirely unnecessary mechanic that took more than it added.

if things go right, I have 2-3 other friends that will play it with me, if not...it wont matter.

I wish I had me screenshots now, so here's nothing.

I found this game to have a particular oddity in aesthetics, at first it looked like "generic unreal engine 3 game", but progressing, not even much, and keeping an eye for details, it looks pretty damn great.

What? Never played Diablo? It's more like that.

mate it's 4 dollars. You would buy a pizza for that and enhale it in 5 minutes. Pretty sure you'd get more than 5 minutes fun out of this game, and it's yours to keep forever. Relax buddy, it's just $4!

I bought Dark Souls on PC the day it came out on Steam. $70 USD. Already owned it on 360, and had it on ps3 (prepare to die) as well.

I feel it, I don't even pre-order much after I got fucking burned in the past
I need more Wang in my life

Thing is, it's just $4 here, it's just $6 for another game, it's just $12 for another, it's just $3 for another, it's just $8 for another.
You get the idea.

I feel like that user's problem was that you justified it previously by saying that T. Biscuit said it was good, when it must stand on its own merits to be considered worth the 4$

yeah but you're not buying No Meme's Sky, this is actually a decent game. I wouldn't have paid 70 for dark souls if i knew how fast it would drop in price but it's just money. If you can afford it just get it.

it's $4, i did watch a long video beforehand but even without doing that it's $4... there are refunds now anyway.

Maybe you just don't trust t biscuit as much as me. $4 is a fucking bus ticket.

I thought it was okay.

I didn't like how the guns were weak compared to the sword.
I didn't like the bullet sponge enemies, which made the later stages of the game really boring
Lo Wang's oneliners were pretty hit or miss for me but Hoji was funny.

Though I seem to be in the minority here, since most people seem to love this game.

I love the game, but I, and I imagine most other fans freely admit that the sponge was excessive to the point of simply dropping the game at higher difficulties.

As to your other points, I thought the weapons worked well in complementing the more important sword combat which made game stand out from other FPSs, and though Wang's oneliners were hit and miss they weren't audacious or excessive enough to be bothersome, and sort of served as a geeky contrast to a pretty (surprisingly) serious narrative.

>the more important sword combat

I'll admit I really didn't like that. I've never been a fan of sword combat in first person, because the way the camera moves makes me uncomfortable and guns always just feel better for me (well, not in the case of SW2013, I think the only good gun was the crossbow because it was useful for taking out bigger enemies).

Also not including the railgun was horseshit, that was the BEST weapon from the original Shadow Warrior

What's with the shitty cel shading-esque outlines? Hard Reset wasn't a cartoony game and neither is SW...

Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time

Heavy Grenadiers from Hard Reset