What happened Cred Forums, I thought VR was gonna be the future of gaming?

What happened Cred Forums, I thought VR was gonna be the future of gaming?

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not paying the price of a computer for a gimmick

thats because the PS vr already won.

No one wants to pay the price of a decent PC for 5 games that aren't even good.

Might help if there were more games besides tech demos

>mfw i completely saw this coming
Feels good to be smarter than video games companies

We need games. Using ghetto rigged software to force 3D and head tracking gets old real quick.

This. Most Steam users are running Intel integrated graphics as it is, since DOTA2 runs on that just fine. The cost of a Vive, plus a PC capable of running it and the associated extras for the Vive like mounts, easily reaches nearly $2000, which loads of people aren't willing to spend. And that's not even taking into account the cost of the software, which simply adds more on top of all that.

It's an early adopters market right now. In a year or two, we'll see price drops and higher adoption rates.

Super expensive with no games
How could it not fail

No games.

>we'll see price drops and higher adoption rates.
No it will be like 3d tv and kinect, its just going to trail off and die

Current games are either shit or enjoyable for 30 minutes at best.
Resolution is too low to use it in flight and racing sims at the moment.
Most people are on shitboxes that can't even run current VR games.

Very niche market.
No games even for it.

It is made for rich hipsters basically.

The only reason why VR would have any relevance is if there were games that necessitated it, you can't sell VR as a product, only games where VR is the accessory.

>implying I want to put a fucking expensive headset for playing vidya after coming back from work.

no thanks, I never understood why people flipped their shit with VR. It's a gimmick, like Kinect.

Same thing as for ouya.
They are stupid.

Funny you mention Kinect, since it sold 24 million units before "dying".

But like the Kinect, all it takes is a price drop before people start buying.

Too expensive, the only reason. All the rich kids have theirs now

>Have nice phone.
>It fits google cardboard.
>I can make my own out of stuff I already have.
>Free VR porn.

We all know this is all anyone cared about.

Sjws and women ruining the porn, the single biggest reason for vr

Price and no games. Possibly it will work in ~10 years

rather buy a highend monitor and have actual games

Well kinect was successful. Hence kinect 2.
Move wasn't, And this is move story.

I find there is almost nothing worth using my headset for. I'm waiting for the touch controllers to come out but I'm worried of how useless they are going to be after a month of playing with them.

As a guy that has a VR headset, you really don't want to wear this shit on your head for more than 15 minutes.

You bought the wrong headset. Sell it and get a Vive.

Move wasn't successful because it provided a higher-cost alternative to an existing product. The people who wanted wagglan could buy a Wii for much less than a Move setup.

Vive/OR is a case of there not being a low cost alternative yet. Gear/Cardboard aren't serving the same segment, and unless Intel's headset breaks the price barrier there isn't an alternative for true gaming VR besides OR/Vive.

Other than space sim and racing games, are there any really good games to play with VR? Do FPS work well or it's a real mess to aim with a gun?

Move does not have killer app, same as VR.
He also expensive as VR.

Just no market for this thing.

You mean shooting gallery?
Because VR all about teleportation, not movement.

Kinect 2 was what delivered the final blow to microsoft with the xbone launch since it drove the price up $100 and absolutely no one wanted it

>People are barely just stepping into the HD era of television
>Video games are just barely starting to meet the 1080/60FPS standard
>Expecting a cumbersome gimmick like VR to catch on when people just want to sit on their couch and relax while playing vidya


all we wanted was a headset for simulators, basically TrackIR with 3d

instead we got full room bullshit that requires 225 square feet of open floor space and stupid wagglan wands

or I could wait and get touch controllers and have it be compatible with every vive game.

>I thought VR was gonna be the future of gaming?

So it was back in the early 90's before people figured out shit wasnt going anywhere.

Nothing pisses me off about vr more than this. The entire point is immersion, and all of these chucklefucks can't even muster up the balls to attempt figuring out movement in vr

Uh... Maybe the $800 price tag for a gimmick?

Money ran out.

Needing to have a $800 PC plus a $600/800 peripheral PLUS spending high dollar amount on games-but-not-games makes it really hard for anyone to break into VR.

Also even if you have the money, if you get a Vive you need to have either a very neat room or you need to dedicate a room for it. And a lot of people can't do that for various reasons.

It's too early to buy VR headsets and apparently gamers aren't as stupid as the companies thought to pay 800 bucks for a funny gimmick.

>$800 PC


No. It's just not worth developing something that only a small amount of people can enjoy without getting sick. I find it hilarious, that Minecraft's answer to VR nausea and sickness is telling people to keep music on.

Wait, there are no movement? I thought people made mods for Mirror's Edge to make it VR?

>can't even muster up the balls to attempt figuring out movement in vr

There are ways, but god knows none of them are either immersive or economically sound. Confining everything to a single space removes the need for transportation around, but isn't immersive. Multi-directional treadmills could allow for player-driven movement, but those are at least as costly as the VR headset itself, if not more. Or, you could just use a traditional controller for movement, but that means you wouldn't be able to have as much motion control for other functions.

It could be done, but current technology simply isn't there yet at an affordable price.

Here we go again, another chucklefuck thread full of people that dont have a VR headset and haven't played proper FPS games without teleportation.

I'm sure shitposting is a bannable offense.

>800 to play some shitty games

ahahah no VR is trash, stop trying to make video games an even more expensive thing

You need games first.

moving around like that in first person vr is really sickening. Most any forced movement of the camera in vr is sickening unless it's slow.

There will be Serious Sam VR, but honestly it looks like iphone garbage.

lack of games that work with it

lack of software that makes it possible

the hardware is good

the software is SHIT

False. Movement is available. I can play onward for hours on end without getting sick.
Stop cerclejerking your lies.

>onward for hours
>any vr game
>let alone fps
Yeah, right, i believe you.

>I cant walk in first person so no one else can either

It's okay user, some people regret spending 5 bucks on a piece of chocolate, other people regret spending a grand on a shitty gimmick. You can admit it, you're safe here.

>falling for such an obvious and transparent gimmick
It's 2016 already, for fucks sake. You should know better than that.

Those are the only methods attempted and there is vast room for improvement in each one

The one with most promise is joystick movement with a focus on mitigating the discomfort, like what has been successfully done in onwards

only realistic use for VR is flight sims (or arma if BI weren't incompetent)

>main selling point of 3DS was 3D
>no one uses it
but 3D TV slapped on your face will suddenly be a success


It's fun, but the software is lacking. It's like a console right now, needs a game to sell it. Maybe if we ever get a solid RPG or a MMO lite.

>with a focus on mitigating the discomfort

This is why VR is a failure.

When did I say that I could not do first person vr? It just becomes really sickening after a while.

The real issue is games

The only multiplayer game is "Rec Room" which is free, but kinda shit, and "Onward" which I haven't bought yet because the dev team's size makes me suspicious.

There are no RPGs that I know of. I was supposed to get Call of the Star Seed, but the code they game me was already redeemed...

You also need a good amount of space. I hit shit in my room when I play and I know my movement is extremely limited because I don't have 2x2 meters to move in.

Or watching tv shows in the most comfortable position. Reading ebooks, manga.
When the headset costs

Where are the people who were legitimately claiming VR is a revelatory experience that would change gaming and that the rest of us "just didn't get it because we hadn't tried it yet"?

They were everywhere a few months ago but they've dropped off the face of the earth.

I've played Onward for 3.5 hours in a row without any issues. I'm pretty sure a lot more people can handle it.

The first 2 hours of the game were disorienting but after that your brain gets used to it, I don't have any issue with it anymore.

I also don't have the best videocard, so the quality is low and it stutters forcing me to take breaks

Needs to come prepackaged with a GPU good enough to run it AND drop atleast half in price. If you got the headset with a 1070 or something for 600$ it would fly off the shelves. Can't see it happening at the current price at all though.

Because VR still takes too much effort and money to enjoy, when people want to play video games they just want to sit back and enjoy themselves, and the ammount of games that let you do that with a VR headset on is very very limited, namely flight/racing sims

Probably too busy enjoying VR.

VR in it's current state is for the early adapters only, only adapters bought it so of course numbers won't grow.


I can confirm that this is false, the people I know that bought Vive/Oculus don't even use them any more. They don't even use them for porn. They're just gathering dust, they've gone back to their triple monitor setups. One guy even tried streaming with his Oculus for a bit that he bought not too long ago and he gave up

>expensive and no games
>why isn't anyone buying this

Since the VR launched, nothing has changed about it. There hasn't been any significantly impressive games that'd sell the platform, or price drop.
If a console is released, and no interesting games come out, of course people will stop buying it after the initial rush. It's the same here, people who were really hyped about VR bought it, and people who are on the fence haven't been given a reason to get into it too.

>get called a retard 2 years ago when I said VR gimmick is gonna fail like motion control bullshit and 3D TVs

>huge price
>need space
>need really good pc
>no games
>most vidya genres will never work with VR
>only walking simulators or other gimmicks
Who ever thought this would be a breakthrough is an idiot.

who the fuck wants to take an entire room just for VR? lol it's a gimmick like 3d was.

I just want them to get rid of the space requirement.
I want to sit when using vr

I've owned a GearVR for a few months and was pretty blown away by it that I got Oculus. Returned that hunk of junk after 2 days because of washed out colors, terrible god rays, the interface not being snug to my face and the controller shipping with a borked button. Just wasn't worth $640.

I'm still really excited for VR in the future, but atm, there are no real killer apps for it just yet, the technology is a little undercooked and it's expensive for now.

PSVR is around the corner and they might actually have enough games for it at launch for it to be interesting.

/thread. VR is just a gimmick, and quite an expensive one

>Building is gone


They should have focused on giving existing games VR support instead of pushing tech demo shovelware that's fun for all of two minutes

As far as I know the only real game that supports oculus rift is TF2

please tell me that pic is fake

>muh lenseses
>wonder what the fucking hype is about

Am I abnormal for being able to easily view vr stuff (cardboard, youtube SBS videos, etc) without any lenses or headsets? Just focus past the phone until poof, 3d

granted i have really bad myopia, but still

might have to make my own headset since none work with my eyesight

The future?

Maybe. In 20+ years.

Same here. People will continue being deluded over this, though. As soon as Oculus 2 comes out, you can bet the same fags are gonna fall for it all over again.

Holy crap all these dummies in this thread saying that VR is a gimmick.

There are issues with it, but this board is known for being a bunch of contrarians and I bet you dinguses have never tried a good VR headset.

>first cars come out
>no it's a work in progress, but cars really are sticking around and are an alternative way for transportation

>google the pic
>it's Paris
Fucking figures

>falling for the VR meme

yes, that is how stereoscopic 3d works.
you dont need lenses for any vr headsets though so you are massively uninformed


Weak bait user, try again.

>Or watching tv shows in the most comfortable position. Reading ebooks, manga.
>>>>look to the side or shift to better position
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>no longer looking at virtual screen

just get some cardbord and tape and tape the phone to your head

poof, free """vr"""

I wanted it for porn, but then thought I'm not paying that much to look at some bad porn.

vr needs games, or games need to support vr better.
but right now its stuck in a really bad area of shit tier tech demos worse than mobile games pile of shit and its gonna crash and burn because of it

its more like comparing cars to motorcycles. its a niche interest that wont impact anybody who doesnt care about it

>Reverse search
>Article comes up detailing Africans setting up shanty towns on sidewalks in Paris while holding signs begging for free housing

>Captcha: Police FAR

>you dont need lenses for any vr headsets though so you are massively uninformed
Then why do they have them

Except they were.

If you need a more relevant example: sound in films. Took years before people honestly thought it would work, the first movies with sound were laughed out of theaters because nobody knew how to make it work, but 80 years later people are still using sound in film because it kept being forced in until it worked.

It may be yet, but it's still way too expensive for wide adoption. Plus most of the the games out are tech demos.

>Sound in films
>First movies were laughed out of theaters

Dice please, nobody wants your historical revisionist bullshit about talkies, and nobody wants to hear you try to compare a face monitor to a car or sound in movies

can you link the article please? Sounds like an interesting read. Have a cute penguin in return

Yeah, just like 3D was "revolutionizing" movies two to three years ago and is irrelevant now, right? Honestly you'd have to be a bit of an idiot to not see this coming.

shits expensive as fuck

curves the image better. helps with making it look like you are viewing something natural instead of a screen

>mfw i have a 3d tv
>but only because samsung wasn't manufacuring tv's without 3d at the time
>i have never even turned it on


I don't know the quality of their website and it's mainly images


>random screenshot
>VR is dead

I put more hours in to VR than I do regular games or any other form of entertainment now. Been this way since it launched when I got the Vive and Rift. It's far from perfect, needs more software and blah blah blah but holy shit is it "fun".

Don't be so mad you're poor. Get off the internet and get a real job.

What do you fags think of Razer's headset?
I only ever hear about Oculus/Vive while the HDK is only 400 burgerbux. It looks more finicky on the software side though where you need to wade through forums to make games work ("nvm fixed it").

99% of the current VR games look on par with early Wii shovelware though. I'm mostly interested in using it for racing/flying games.

not only that who the fuck wants to put a retarded looking setup just for gaming for hours on end in your head, at least i want to be fucking comfortable when i'm playing games, doesnt fucking matter how "IMMERSIVE" this shit is supposed to be

Nobody thought 3D was revolutionizing movies. It was pretty clear it was just a minor thing even after Avatar came out. Keep being an idiot.

VR is tits and you poorfags can keep badmouthing it. It's fine, your opinion doesn't matter much.

I bet you guys think Teslas and other self driving cars are a gimmick too.

>VR is totally like a car and not at all like motion controls and 3D tv's PLEASE BELIEVE ME

>never tried VR, don't like new things

They're absolutely not the same thing. Try a Vive one of these days instead of staying inside and shitposting all day.

funny, why didnt you use 3D in films as a comparison?

Exactly, everytime a thread is made it is full of faggots that haven't even tried the Vive. It is the most amazing piece of tech I have ever experienced. Blows away all my expectations. Every person that plays it is also astounded. This is for sure the next step in gaming. VR is shit without room scale. Have had mine since April and play it all the time.

Anyone comparing VR, Rift and Vive for now, to 3D tv or Wii motion controls is a moron proving they don't know what they're talking about. 3D tv is trash and was always a gimmick as it is. Motion controls were never true replications of your motion until now which leads to improved immersion and control in game. The 3D effect in a real VR headset gives you real depth like with your eyes in the real three dimensional world not just staring at a flat screen.

The gross majority of VR trash talk is from people who never used it or don't know the basics of the new technology involved.

>bought the Oculus Rift in the only official reseller in my country
>got completely bored of it after 1 week
>even my friends stopped caring about it
>the thing collected dust for 1 month in my room
>buyer's remorse kicking in
>ok, let's try this thing again
>connect it and turn it on
>black screen, shit looks broken
>update videocard drivers
>update Windows
>ask in reddit
>"lol, ur fault, mine works great!"
>fuck it
>call the reseller, invoke warranty
>they seem like bros
>they take my Rift with no cost
>"yup, it's broken. What do you want? Change or refund?"
>"refund please"

>mfw I fell for the VR meme without spending a dime in the end

So desperate. Maybe you will learn for next time.

So should I buy a Vive? Can I play normal first person games that weren't made for VR on it? How is it for porn?

t. Oculus backer

As it turns out, most people don't want to spend $800 just to strap a screen to their face.

It also was supposed to be 300€ top

>Nobody thought 3D was revolutionizing

Is that why it was advertised hard as hell by theaters? Is that why 3D TVs were pushed like the next coming of christ?

I'd be rationalising too if i spent that much money on a pimped virual boy

You know I come back here every six months or so hoping things would be different.

I kind of hope that this board wouldn't be full of mouthbreathers and contrarians who just shit on things all day without anything to back up their shitposts.

I kind of hope people would be actually engaging in conversations and contributing to discussions about all things vidya.

But it's the same as it has been for the last ten years I've been coming back here.

You're shit, Cred Forums. You're always been shit.

I'm gonna go play some video games and then get some fresh air. I hope you sad fucks get out of this unhealthy state of mind and get out of here.

The Kinect sold those units due to hobbyists that wanted a cheap body tracking camera.

>0,5 cents have been deposited your account


3D was pushed hard because it increases ticket prices and movie studios wanted bigger profit margins.

3D movies aren't new, it gets tried about every 20 years.

ooooooooooooooooooooh snap

do you VR memers have any argument besides YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT? because i did. it's neat but there was nothing i have any desire to go back and play again. it's like stuff you'd drop a dollar in at the arcade and play once. what's the appeal?

>Because it increases ticket prices

Irrelevant. The statement was "nobody thought 3D was revolutionizing". I refuted that by claiming that TV producers (Sony, Samsung, among others) and theaters tried to paint it in this light, and this was met with response by people purchasing 3D TVs. And of course, just like every other gimmick, nobody uses those any longer.

Not the first time a new technology was pushed as the next big thing and ended up dying. Also, which iteration of 3D are you talking about? 3D was "the next big thing" in the 1950's, 1980's and 2000's.

The last "3D" tv obsession was a marketing tactic to push sales in the slumping tv market. There wasn't anywhere to go with the panels until OPLED became cheaper to produce which is why that's being pushed now with the new and legit improvements of HDR and the like alongside "4K" which is used to market them as a whole. The last few years of sets being nothing but shitty smart features were the result of this weird time for the industry until now we get the next actual push with larger resolutions and improved colors/pixels/lighting instead of just a gimmick to push sales.

this. it's nice and all, but i have desire to own such a thing myself. and certainly not with that pricetag


>VR adoption among steam users has crashed to a halt

No shit, with the current prices and support. It doesn't mean there's a lack of interest. A lot of people are waiting for a price drop or alternatives to come up.
Most people willing to buy at the current price have already done so. You won't see much more growth until there's a change on the current situation.

You don't need games that require it, but you do need games where it's a meaningful option. Problem is everyone keeps trying to make it so the camera is first person instead of letting you free float around your avatar.

I don't even care if VR never takes off, I still want a Vive for the porn game potential. Not paying the current price tag tho


Not to mention I wear glasses, and these headsets look plain uncomfortable

The most recent push. Regardless, another gimmick that was thought of/pushed as revolutionary, which that user is trying to claim never happened.

You know, even though I have a PC more the capable of VR and can even afford it, I could care less about picking one up. They are overpriced for what they are and the games are overpriced tech demos with no substance or flair.

I actually have a friend who won a Sony VR Headset from Taco Bell and I might try it out once they get it. Otherwise, at the moment until they go down in price ($300-350 is the sweet spot for me) and have more available I could care less.

>$800 to play early access shit

PSVR will carry VR or it will be kill.

>Being on v on a toaster Get out

>3D was pushed hard because it increases ticket prices and movie studios wanted bigger profit margins.
Clearly you weren't around during CES 2008-2011, when ever fucking TV manufacturer was pushing their 3D TVs as hard as they push their 4K TVs

You're an idiot who confuses actual innovations with marketing strategies.

Yes, because a face monitor that does the same exact thing as track IR is revolutionary.

Don't worry kiddo, I'm sure when the third iteration of VR headsets are out for 600 dollars you'll finally be happy with your purchase.

I actually love my rift. Sadly most of you haven't actually tried VR.

Honestly VR seems perfect for Porn games but of course only the Japs will be the only ones to actually do them.

When was the last time you looked at a "monitor" that had the same perceptive depth as real life?

>You're an idiot who confuses actual innovations with marketing strategies.
Again, go back to CES from 2008 to 2011 when ever TV manufacturer was making a 3D TV and pushing it, Samsung being the worst offender, hard.

By 2012, everyone moved on, by 2015, the very few that were being made, were all gone.

Why are the VR buyers so fucking transparent. YOu guys make it painfully obvious that you bought a VR head set.

The tech is still expensive with a limited number of games supporting it

What a surprise.

Excuse me?

>fell for the VR meme back during the oculus DK1 era
>after a while got cold shoulder and refunded my purchase before they shipped out
>they still sent me one
>tried it for a while, holding onto it in case they realized their fuckup and told me to give it back
>they never did
>i got bored of it and eventually sold it on ebay for the whole 300 bucks

my only regret is that i didnt hold onto it longer until it became "collectible". got a free trial, and learned that VR is a fun toy but the novelty inevitably wears off. now I don't see myself ever buying into it again

they tried once, a huge chunk of the testers and early adaptors got motion sick after a short play session. And considering the costs and marketing that went into it, aiming for the unknown market of "who wont suffer from motion sickness" isnt realy an option for the investors.

Lol, poorfag.

>Not having a rig with 1080 plus or better get out poorfag

The 3d isn't the gimmick, all the motion tracking shit is. Being able to play a 3d game in 3d is fucking great, but it should be just like you play now, but with a screen on your face.

I was complaining about how uncomfortable the headsets look

Are you projecting, or just acting like an ass on purpose

I just want Dev Kit 2 with a better display beside Note 3.

Cant even upgrade DevKit 2 screen cause you have to be apart of the Mipi alliance to get access to that shit to be able to upgrade the screen.

Either way I want DK2 at better res and no SDE

I dont give a fuck about anything else except head and pos. tracking, and just people make mods for games that make that shit work

its fun as fuck for Dolphin and PPSSPP

So instead they condemn it to shovelware, instead of mastering movement that works for everyone

You are literally retarded.

Did you miss the point of his little example?

It would be, but you also have to take into account the costs.

Most people barely know that you can download porn via torrents or buy it from sites, since they stick to streaming sites like youporn or pornhub. VR porn (on a truly immersive scale) would be asking people nearly a thousand bucks for a whole lot more equipment simply so they can masturbate, when all they want is a quick pump and dump.

If the Japs actually made decent VR porn, they'd be charging incredibly high prices because the market would be tiny at best.

Am I missing something about movement in VR? Why can't you just plop your ass in the chair and use M&KB/controller to move around?

And who where you responding too saying fpbp
I was refering to you respondign to this.

>if u refund a stupid purchase, ur a poorfag lol

i'd rather be a poorfag than be cowed by buyer's remorse. sorry you wasted your money

so how much are you getting paid to shill on Cred Forums and probably other online platforms?

>Doritos Pope

Fitting image with how hard you're trying to shill your face monitor purchase


well yeah I guess I'm cheap then

I don't even think they are being paid to shill. They just want others to buy it so they don't feel stupid for making the purchase.

Makes me question why every businessman out there is smart when it comes to normalfag shit, but once games are involved they become drooling retards, only seeing green infront of them.

Nah it was just a test to see if your brain is trained like a monkey and whether or not you be distracted by an old meme and continue to not mage an actual counterpoint.

>a "monitor" that had the same perceptive depth as real life?
a 3D monit- WHOOPS, I guess we don't want to talk about that.





>literal "i-it was just a test!!!" post

The industry unanimously deciding that they don't want lewd games on vr. Only things I've seen interesting are from Japanese devs.

>Continue to not mage an actual counterpoint

Again, I have everything that you have in track ir for 5% of the price you paid. Not to mention my gimmick doesn't require an incredibly expensive PC, nor does it make half the population sick.

Thank you for #CorrectingTheRecord


are you autistic?

>VR Shills

Jesus Christ

Because when it comes to it no one actually wants to strap a monitor to their face to play waggle games.

VR is more of an experience that fits convention floors better than personal homes.

no real games on launch

it ended up being a gimmick like kinect because of it and is treated as such by pretty much everyone developing for it

West industry is complete cucks. Not news

Japan will save us.

How many people in this thread actually tried a consumer Rift or Vive before?

If I wanted hentai, I'd just watch hentai. Why would I pay 800 dollars to watch hentai in a sadder fashion?

How long until the well of VR bots' tears and buyers remorse threads run dry? What are we going to do for entertainment then? The schadenfreude in these is always satisfying as fuck, I never want it to end

Sexy Beach Premium Resort has VR support your arrangements of words are invalid

I've tried Gear VR, a Rift at Best Buy and I have google cardboard. All are shit and I would never recommend them with google cardboard being the worst by a large margin.

>Y-You haven't t-t-tried it yet

The go to response for VR shills.

That's not really the argument.

you've never wanted to explore the very depths of depravity

That is the argument.

Except it is.

Other than a handful of NEETs who continue to cheat their governments out of money by sending it abroad, who honestly wants a VR headset for porn? Not only that, but considering the amount of effort to make VR-centric porn means that the prices on it will be exorbitant, well beyond what most people are willing to pay for porn besides furries.

Starless has been out for 5 years now, we've seen the depth unless you really want to see Mexican Sugar Dancing.

>It's j-j-just a m-monitor you s-s-s-strap t-to y-y-your face!
That's like saying a movie is bad because you saw the trailer

It's really fucking expensive and only good for simulations where one sits or stands or walks in a very small area. Outside of racing/flying sims that all sounds real fucking boring, and most people aren't autistic enough to spend that much money on one or two games. I hear the porn is nice but, again, that's a lot of money to step up your jerk off game.
Wake me up from cryostasis when I can SAO myself right into the geimus.

Simple: My computer can't run any of them. I'd save up for a headset if I met the entry-level requirements, but I don't, so I'd need to make a new computer just to be able to begin saving up for a VR headset. It's two levels of paywalls.

It doesn't help that I have no faith in the staying power of VR, despite me wanting it to become a widely adopted thing that companies design media around. I can't see that happening any time soon, so I'm worried I'd be buying a device that would become an unsupported doorstop within a year or two.

Meanwhile, I'm over here buying games left and right because I have zero self control, so saving up money is proving fairly difficult.

I've gone above and beyond in depravity, I don't need to spend 800 dollars to go further.

VR is just the next incarnation of the Wii. A dumb gimmick filled up with shitty gimmicky games. It will never take off.

I'd rather have light gun games than vr

Make interactive porn complete with auto jerk off device and I'll buy it. It's garbage for games.

>Wii comes out
>literally perfect for light gun stuff
>only ones are a ResiEvil game that sucked and a House of the Dead sequel

damn shame, Time Crisis would have made me buy one.

Ooh interesting. Are there no games that do that?

>Problem is everyone keeps trying to make it so the camera is first person instead of letting you free float around your avatar.

Call me when I can free float around myself IRL

Google what the R in VR stands for

I fucking told you guys this was just a stupid gimmick

Everyone who didn't blow 800 dollars on it knew it was a stupid gimmick.

>Promise that the Oculus will cost $250 tops during the kickstarter
>"You don't need expensive tech, you can solve tracking with software!"
>Headsets end up being +$600
>No games

Gee I wonder.

No AAA VR games = No customers

If you want VR you go PS4

This. Low resolution too. I'd pay the current price if it had a good enough resolution for sims.

>low resolution
Are you retarded?

VR is the future.

Strapping a phone to your face is the worst possible application of it.

For what I'd have to pay to get a decent VR setup I could get a lot more milage in either non vr gaming stuff or any other hobby I have.

It's just way too costly when there isn't really anything compelling for use with the device.

Considering it's strapped to your fucking face, yeah. It's a matter of PPI and distance. This is very high PPI but insanely goddamn close up so it ends up being a shitty mess. The "screen door effect" metaphor is apt.

If it's not affordable for the General Mass it will fail

This. I just wanted to old play games were I could look around. Why is it so insanely expensive?

I tried a google cardboard with a cheap chink android phone and that was good enough for me.

Hey VRfags?
You homos have been clamoring the VR revolution since the fucking kickstarter, and at every single failure you just moved the goalpost to the next event.
How deep seated the buyer (and emotional) remorse must be to prevent you guys from admitting you were wrong?
Even the Nintendogs finally admitted to the Wii U being a failure, why can't you?

>That expensive ass buy in

Literally the only reason. Im working, but im not making the money to just burn $300 or so just to add VR to my gaming experience. Thats the kind of cash ill be putting down for my next video card when my 970GTX starts to under perform and seeing as how the last gen went, I doubt ill be making that change any time soon.

For what it would cost to get my computer VR ready, get a headset and controllers, I was able to build a nice mame cabinet and buy a smaller pinball machine.

That's why VR is fucked.

There was Ghost Squad too.

>high entry reqs even if all you want is an HMD
>expecting to be successful



>Hey everyone! Check out our VR device! Cool, right?
>We've got a bunch of industry peeps to say it's cool as well!
>Now, I know what you're all thinking. Will it be affordable. I mean, a device like this will live and die based on how many homes we can get it into.
>It is for this reason we will price our device sensibly. We will then throw in a bunch of shit NOBODY wants or needs, like gamepads, numerous sensors and the like when most people who want to play with VR wish to use it as an immersion device in games they've played before, with their comfortable control setups.
>Our sensors might also be designed to be installed in rooms far bigger than many people have, this goes especially so for the PC gaming audience where the PC could well be in an office space or bedroom, already cluttered with furnishings.
>So there we have it folks, please buy our VR gear, which instead of being a simple couple of sensors and head-set, easily installed into most living spaces, it will require its own fucking room, on quite expensive hardware (which I guess at least made sense since you're having to render a game twice for the 3d to work) with unnecessary additions. We will also potentially sell in with decidedly NOT video game related groups involved with Social Media and have them make clear changes to proceedings.

>Coming to you soon, for the price of a fairly decent PC.

aaaand go fuck your collective selves, Oculus, Vive, etc. By all means make these shitty package deals for idiots with money to burn, but if you want to actually fucking sell things, try bringing the price down to that of a decent monitor, not a whole fucking PC.

So fucking disappointed

Pretty much 90s VR all over again. It's kinda neat to play some VR games at a arcade or something but having to drop a few thousand for a large unit just to play a game is insane for the equal amount of consoles, computers, handhelds, and games you could buy and enjoy way more.

There is no killer app

>walking around
jesus christ

i stand on my feet 8 hours a day already, gimme a vr wheelchair

If I don't at least try to justify this paper-weight, I'd be cucking myself.

Thinking about getting a new phone, looking at the S6 + Gear VR

But the only thing stopping me so far is that I cannot find a reliable source for info on the diopter adjustment on the Gear VR

I am -8.25 and if I can't use it without glasses I won't bother

Can anyone give me a real answer to what the adjustment range is on the Gear VR?


You're such a fucking dork.

None, it's the average diopter. One size fits most.

because its trash.

there arent any games yet where the VR actually adds something meaningful to the gameplay.

VR will come but it will take another 10 years for it to happen honestly.

not only that but the VR equipment is too large and bulky for no reason, the technology isnt quite there yet either.

there's also the problem of the headset itself causing eye problems when you have a fucking screen 2 inches from your eyeballs.

just shoot lasers into my eyes senpai

VR started out slow.

Now it's steady but lacking.

I've been playing onward, and it's tits.

The real test will be PSVR. If that fails then the market is dead.

But it probably won't because Sony-fags will buy any kind of garbage they shit out.

What happened Cred Forums, I thought wagglin was gonna be the future of gaming?

>mfw called it
>all the fanboys have once again gone silent and are secretly ashamed of themselves
>just like the dozen flops before it, like the Wii U
>feel empty inside regardless because they'll inevitably fall for some other stupid shit

Sonyfags are conservative for the most part. The PS4 Pro will definitely be very successful with them, but they're perfectly fine with their living room experience as it is. They see no need for any new shit. PSVR won't make a stand.

I still believe VR has a future but many of us were too optimistic in the past couple of years. Oculus made us believe that we'd have a relatively affordable decent-quality VR headset by now.

And then they revealed the price of the Rift and basically postponed that for a few more years.

Still, I think VR will remain as a niche for the time being. Then in a few years we'll have more powerful consoles that will actually be capable of driving a VR headset and the hardware will slowly become more affordable. Then adoption will go up.

that article in OP is bullshit, is just based on steam survey that almost nobody does.

If It had good games I'd be tempted to get it, I don't know actually.

Well it will be the most affordable VR solution so theres that

is there not a thing that just makes regular games vr compatible?

I mean, really that's what should be worked on instead of reinventing the wheel

While affordable, I can see the main VR games taking off like how Sony tried to push the PSmove's games out. Everyone dumped them and the move was slowly phased out.

I honestly don't believe affordability is the issue here. Sports cars aren't affordable, but they have a decent enough market. The point is that unaffordable products can be popular. I just don't believe VR in its current iteration offers that much. I believe it won't be big before mixed reality devices (imagine Microsoft Hololens, only more advanced) are available for the mass market. And those seem more than a decade away.

The second people realised that if they have a smartphone they already can enjoy VR with the way way way cheaper cardboard or plastic phone casing headsets.

A sports car is still a car

The market for vehicles that are only allowed on certain tracks and are not street legal is considerably smaller.

VR faces the same problem- you're stuck using it for very limited, low value applications. Give me something that will convert any 3d rendered game into real 3d and you've massively increased the market. Make productivity software that utilizes 3d in a way that actually boosts productivity, and poof, you're now a billionaire.

Fove is promising to be more affordable with dynamic rendering on eyetracking but the adoption rate isn't there either

Why are there so many threads shitting on VR ahead of the PSVR's launch? It's almost as if the diehard masterracists are afraid of Sony taking over the market, that they disregard an entire technological medium out of spite.
As soon as someone writes a PC driver for it, everyone of you NEETs will be circlejerking your loli VNs and Skyrim mods on /vg/.

>vr shitters so focused on head tracking and irl movement when i just want to sit in my comfy chair with a mouse and kb shooting things

i'm not sure whether to blame retard soc-devs or the kikes

>needs more/better games
>price of entry is too high
>those who wanted it and can afford it already got it

It is the Future, not for U.S through


Found the pasty white cuck.

The Japaneses have around 500k PS VR's sets already in pre-order, did you really think Amurika was going to handle the Waifu age? Please, the patron, the nigga that started it all loves Trump, I bet that guy hates Japan and Waifus.

Only good for porn

I want it and can afford it, but VR devlopers went in the wrong direction.

What VNs are in 3D you retard?

It's a fancy toys, chinks buy like retards but it won't push the product at all

>What happened Cred Forums, I thought VR was gonna be the future of gaming?
Yea, drop its price to 300€ and I'll buy.

So to put it short, VR has a Future, just not in the U.S, Japan for sure will adopt it extremely quickly unlike us, because we love to rip off people moneys and create overly expensive technology, intead of trying to reach to the masses firts before creating quality VR's, lets forget the middle class.

In Short, just like the crash in 1980's of video games, American's fuck up VR.

Just like in the mid 1980's Japan Saved Video Games, they will Save VR.

Peace out, I see you when our waifu simulators are out.

It's the price. The PSVR is about half the price of the Vive

>Products selling won't push the product selling

Your sentence makes so little sence, I lament for your love ones because of the amount of stupidity they have to go through when they speak with you.

Because in Japan, VR is the promise of VR waifus and porn, while in the west VR is FRUIT NINJA VR EDITION and other shit.

This is what they should focus on first to ensure it's survival 2bh

Neither are good.

>What happened Cred Forums, I thought VR was gonna be the future of gaming?


Yes, and like how I mention before, Sony is trying to hit the masses, not rich kids that have 800$ laying around.

When you introduce a new technology you make it accesible, not create a block around it.

You think the Wii would had sold if it costed 500$? I promise you not, The U.S Video Game industry is as clueless as it was back in 1980 when they fuck up the industry.

>Not Good

This is why people dislike you in your group of friends, if you ever wonder.

>was gonna be the future of gaming
Maybe if somebody actually made some proper games for the things, they'd actually stand a chance.

>buy $800 Vive
>use it to fuck around in Valve's Lab for 2h and never touch it again
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how these big companies could possibly believe that VR without a few high-quality, lengthy games was going to be successful. Who fucking cares how amazing the tech is if all you've got is shovelware? The potential for immersion in some well-crafted RPG world is amazing, yet there's fucking nothing like that anywhere. Maybe I'm missing something and there's a good, technical reason that can't be done, fuck knows. If that's the case however, then these headsets are essentially worthless.

The market of early adopters has been tapped. Sales will be low while the upfront cost of home vr remains high

Yes, because when I spend 300 dollars on a headset, I just want porn.

If I want hentai, I'll watch hentai dipshit.

>Sony is trying to hit the masses, not rich kids that have 800$ laying around.
Exactly. I don't understand what Oculus or HTC were thinking DESU. What's point in making something so expensive if only 5 people are going to buy it?

>Everyone is a loser neet like me

Wayyyyy to expensive. $20-$50 games that are only a 5 minute experience and not an actual game.

Name one useful application of tactile-less VR other than looking at waifus. VR is terrible until they can invent full body simulation.

No, it was always going to be part of a niche market. Nobody seems to remember why people stopped giving a fuck about the Wii. People didn't really give a fuck of getting up swinging their arms which VR is the same type of gameplay, also doesn't help that 99% of the 'games' are shitty tech demos. Especially when most people don't have the room to set this shit up for.

However, the headset itself was probably one of the better things to come out for games where you're already sitting down ie racing, flight, trains, etc etc. Sooner or later 3D visual novels

I wish I own one for racing games. I've borrowed DK2 a few times and 10/10 best experience, ignoring shit resolution, since my head is controlling the camera and not some auto camera movement based on the car turning.

>Name one useful application of tactile-less VR other than looking at waifus.
That's why VR is pointless and waifus is not a use to anyone who''s not a loser.

>new technology to learn/work with
>likely very expensive as well; both result in nogaems
>expensive and niche to mass audiences
>currently gimmick-based purposes
>confirmed to cause worse eye and brain problems than 3D
>the former most-open build was bought out by Fagbook and turned into an ad-machine
>unforeseen lasting power

It's a potshot in the dark trying to work with this shit, especially if it ends up harming its users (at least until VR becomes something beyond "LCD literally on your face").

I have a VIVE since 2 weeks, i think that:

No games, we have Wii level waggle shovelware.

The couple games have lousy support, for example elite dangerous does not have any good controller setup, and there are 2 out of 5 UI elements in the cockpit that cannot be properly used with headlook, default settings for VR make text very hard to read, and any fix good enough fries my gtx 980 ti

From the device tech, i we they need some eye tracking tech, It's too uncomfortable to be remembering to look with the head and not with the eyes.

>Slant-eyed Japs wasting their on useless shit

News at 11.

>(at least until VR becomes something beyond "LCD literally on your face")

what do you mean by this? what else could it be? plugging your brain in?

>More Than 1 Million People Used the Samsung Gear VR in April

I've used one, no it isn't


>.02 have been deposited in your account, Thank you for #CorrectingTheRecord

What's the game that I have to have then huh? What's that killer app that has told you "yes this is it, the VR game that will change everyones mind about VR." Because as far as I know, no such game exists yet you shill. You can't even say "lol get a job nerd" when a good set-up is 800$+. People have bills to pay before they can sink that much money into an entertainment system with phone-tier games charging 40$ for each.

What did you use it for

Okay, don't know what that retarded ass shit means, but have you used it before?
Have you played games that benefit having VR yet?

Something further down the Hololens or holographic tech I assume.

Every title that I can.
Most notably Team fortress 2 where I'm able to aim forward while being able to look around me. Yes, rust has this but it's done perfectly with VR

>Play Driveclub VR
>Looks like a PS2 game

Simple, it takes the most impressive looking games and makes them look shit

Probably one of the worst with VR

I dont want to because there is no need for it and no game will be "enhanced" with adding a screen to your face.

That's not true at all. Racing sims are easily enhanced by it since the camera is your head. Other than that, I agree it's basically garbage.

Agree to disagree, but it still gives you a benefit in multiplayer.
Haven't tried racing but that does sound like the same benefit. Having the ability to move your head while having a controller or mouse move the body is extremely useful

The resolution is just too low, not to mention the off center blur.

Oh yeah and every time you slam on the brakes you puke all over yourself.

That doesn't mean it isn't a gimmick.

VR Shills are out in full force today.

People are waiting for actual games to come out.
Onward is basicly the only game that's actually worthwhile atm.

It's not completely a gimmick, it has purpose.
If anything why not have someone play devils advocate, or would you rather this be a echo chamber

remember kinekt...

if u can watch all 3 parts u will understand what is wrong whit our world.

An object can have a purpose and still be a gimmick. Learn what words mean.

Anyone got an archive of
? It got taken down because it told the truth and nothing but the truth.

It has purpose other than being a gimmick, it's not JUST a gimmick



You're right about the resolution and that won't be fixed until they start slapping 4k screens for each eye.

But I didn't really have the feeling sick issue whenever playing. Unlike that user saying TF2 is good, I completely disagree. It's easily one of the games that makes me sick and almost everyone I know whose tried it with DK1 when it was the only game to try out agreed with me. Controls are awful in TF2.


Dont know why it's on huffington but there it is.


we just have to wait and see what happens once the early adopter price is brought down.

Ha, wait and see what happens when my balls are brought down.

Honestly, if they made VR sets as pure replacement for monitors(as an starting point), people would buy them.
That is to say, segment that is forced to buy gayman laptops would rather buy capable mitx/itx gaming rig+glasses(that can fit in an backpack).
All they needed to do is glasses capable of delivering 1080p@60(or vr equivalent of it) and I could see an pair by the monitor(or without monitor at all), i dont follow vr much but if picture is not at least somewhere in vicinity of 1080p quality than that product is unfinished and shoulnt be sold in an first place(also, price shouldnt go above standard 24" 1080p@60 monitor~200-250$ max).
When/if that happens it wil be VR ver1.0 or "good start", as it is ,its just HW beta and early adopters are just free
beta testers.

because no one gives a shit about being immersed by being locked into 1 room or teleporting around to move.

Here's what's working against VR
>lack of AAA software
>high pricepoint
>restricted graphics
>misinformation about the after-effects of using VR (pro-tip, there is none for adults[kids under the age of 9 are still developing their eyes for focusing, and 3D anything can fuck up their eyes. 3D movies are literally hurting children])
>its use being labeled as a porn/deviancy device
>motion controls history/hate
>GPU intensive

Put all these together, and the fact that it was able to penetrate the market at all is a miracle.

Until the price comes down and there are games that aren't literally kinect/wii/move/iPhone type mini game shit or "proof of concept" tech demos, VR will be doa.

It's just like those other mediums. No one figured out how to use them. Fucking teleportation isn't an acceptable solution for these games. Until devs work out a better solution the games will remain extremely limiting.



VR does look really cool though, and if you remember back when valve released the tf2 and hl2 vr modes, everyone was so hyped imagining that they could actually run around and explore all of these amazing worlds. It was a perfect add on to your favourite game (mirrors edge anyone?)

It's only when you've tried it and seen how poor it is visually and how very deep down to your soul that motion sickness feels, that you give up on it.

Everyone wants to try it.

>and how very deep down to your soul that motion sickness feels
except only ninnies have that problem