What's a bigger red flag that someone has plebeian taste: Playing a game for the graphics...

What's a bigger red flag that someone has plebeian taste: Playing a game for the graphics, or playing a game for the story?

Graphics, although playing for the story isn't much better

Being bothered by someone's elses feelings on video games.

>Plays game for graphics. Calls it atmosphere

>Plays game for story. Calls it experience.

Tough choice OP. Im stumped.

You shouldn't have to compromise for either. However, you can prefer either really.

But it doesn't really matter. You're trying to be elitist about a hobby. You're the only pleb I see.

Claiming the gameplay obstructs the story.

How is this even a question? Gfxwhores are a thing, what do you call ppl who play for the story?

>playing games
That's the biggest flag


>female """"comedians""""




>appreciates the advancement of technical development and aesthetic capabilities of modern technology

>appreciates the creative and unique worlds and stories of modern games


The only real plebs are no-fun dorks like you, OP.

>plebian taste
I want you to put this into perspective.

You are browsing a board on the Internet filled with males 10-30 that spend days of their lives arguing about video games, pretending to be girls to hide the fact that they're obese men, and complaining about pixel titties being covered up, whilst sharing a website with pedophiles, disgusting weebs, horsefuckers, and people with cases of autism so intense that the DoD is probably looking into weaponizing them.

And you're asking them to tell you what "plebian" taste is.

Good luck.


Hey now, some of us have grad degrees and pull six figures. But true, the vast majority of Cred Forums are needs and kiddies

>>appreciates the creative and unique worlds and stories of modern games

The first green text yeah, but where have seen this?

It used to be like this and it was glorious now there's too many normies.
please go back to plebbit.

>cases of autism so intense that the DoD is probably looking into weaponizing them

Like a quilt user.

Playing video games for the story is like eating soup for the spoon.

>us 4channers am I right?

we are all Anonymous here.

There is nothing wrong with playing a game for a story. You can watch a movie for a story even if the cinematography is shit.

Someone caring what platform other people play on.

Yeah, but at least we have good taste in shit.

There's something wrong with playing a game exclusively for the story - but there's nothing wrong with valuing the story of a game above other aspects.

I value environment design and atmosphere in certain types of games more than anything else, for a similar example, but I still obviously value the game-play and story too.

Fuck I hate Amy Schumer.

And you are retarded anonymous

This 1000 times
Why the fuck do you faggots care so much about what companies name is splattered across the side of your device?
Who cares that much about framerates and graphics when gameplay is what really matters?

Games should strive for good gameplay above all.

Sacrificing gameplay for the sake of either story or graphics is contrary to the very concept of games.

If you don't agree with this, you are the cancer killing gaming.

>read this in his voice
Apex kek

>"What have you been playing?"
>"Oh I've been playing X."
>"What makes it so good?"
Normies don't articulate very well.

Just answer the question!

Story 100%

Games don't "sacrifice" one thing for another in development. It's not like the publishers are like "here Steve get off the debug menu we need you to help write the story". That's not how it works.

When one is bad, it means the people they had dedicated to it are bad at their job. The best games have both a good story team and gameplay team.

You can value whichever one you want above the other, but don't pretend like you have to compromise. Writers aren't programmers. Programmers aren't writers. They don't do each other's jobs.

If a game has shit gameplay, the story is irrelevant.

Games aren't art, faglord.

Not playing games for the story is actually the most plebeian thing of all.

I refuse to believe anyone actually plays games for the graphics.

Ioften times a studio can only raise so much capital to develop a game, and so they must decide how many programmers, developers graphic designers, and writers they will need. On this case, another writer or graphics person is one less game developer

Playing a game for the gameplay.

>playing a game for the story
I played Xenogears for the story

Because just making a statement / point of view / standpoint without offering an explanation / elaboration, makes you automatically right.

How about you forget how politics work and actually put some effort into it?
Or are you just so full of yourself that you "don't have to explain the obvious"?

Its not about "sacrifice" its about focus.

If you focus a game on telling a story, there's different considerations than focusing on gameplay. Story considerations are more "How do I keep the narrative flowing" and "what story reasons are there for the player to do what they're doing". This affects how you implement gameplay, because often story driven games that want to tell a complicated story often simplify the gameplay for the sake of story. This can include making the difficulty easier, making the controls easier, and making fail conditions less punishing. These affect gameplay.

Graphics is different, but it can still effect gameplay. Focusing more on graphics leaves you with considerations more related to performance, such as level size. If the ultimate focus is on looking good, then levels are likely to be more linear, there's going to be more restriction on how and when the player can interact with the environment at large, and there's likely to be a lot of times where you take control directly from the player for the sake of showing them something pretty.

The simple fact is, once you've chosen to make a story driven game or a graphically good game, without having the base that it have good gameplay above all, you've already decided that you're going to make that aspect the be-all end all of your game, because if players have all those contols and options, they aren't seeing your masterpiece story or beautiful designs, they're playing a game.

Both are huge plebian red flags, and Cred Forums does them both. I can't decide which is worse
see: Haydee hate