What would Cred Forums look like if Gaben bought it?

What would Cred Forums look like if Gaben bought it?

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Early acces threads

Vocal chat

More video games related threads?

Hats on more days than just Cred Forums's birthday

Free key a month for every Pass owner

Pay 2 view

He would say he would make 3 new boards but only ever get to two of them.

Family friendly posts only. Market to buy Valve approved emoticons.

Do people call him "Gaben" ironically or do they really think that's his name?

perma banned for the smallest shit, if steam forums are anything to go by.


It's his name shitlord

His Gabriel or Gabe for short.

>Introducing Cred Forums cosmetics
>buy a key for $5 to open a boxes you get randomly for posting, these boxes can contain cool stuff such as bold text, emoticons and hats to out on top of your picture.
>link your steam account with Cred Forums
>give us money

I've been gone the past week traveling for work.

Why is everyone freaking out? Did Hiroshima do something retarded again?

Was that "I'm sorry" tweet ever explained?

its because of his original email address when he had it up for people to personally email him (which he replied to quite a lot)

don't people call him that because "Gabe N."

>[email protected]

if that's not his real name then I don't know what is

controller support

Like yesterday, but everyday.

Man... Cred Forums is a bunch of flunkies. That's just how user names/email addresses are doled out in business network environments. Your first name and the first letter of your surname. That doesn't mean his name is "gaben" you sorry proles.

You know nothing of american naming traditions. Get out europlebe

Nigga he doesn't even make games himself anymore, he just sits back and rolls in his cash as steam turns into an average ripoff-filled mobile-store-esque shitshow, contemplating suicide for the monster he's created

Paid mods

I see what you did there

>calls others flunkies
>cant read into obvious irony
everyone knows his real name is Gay Ben
