Go on ten game wins treak

>go on ten game wins treak
>then immediately go ona ten game lose streak

Forced 50% W/L ratio is real

This is literally entirely the point of the matchmaking system in games like this. It determines your relative skill level with an arbitrary number of placement matches and then places you against/with players of similar skill ratings, with the end goal of keeping you at a MMR rating where your win/loss is approximately 50%. Unless you're an uncommonly skilled player, this is your life.

>go on ten game lose streak
>then immediately go on another ten game lose streak

should have stopped when you lose two in a row, rest up then try again

Why is everyone so obsessed with mics in this game? It's more so than any other game I've played, even CS.

I don't want to talk to you people, get it through your thick skulls.

then dont play competitive on a heavily team based game then. if you wanna be a loner fag go play COD. Communication literally helps win games.

That's a 100% W/L ratio

>win a game as one of the worst players
+30 elo
>lose a game as one of the best players
-30 elo


What are you going to use mics for in Overwatch? Calls? The fuck are you going to call out that no one any good at the game knows about already. Enemy footsteps and abilities are SO FUCKING LOUD you have to be either deaf or shit to not notice them. And it's not like in CS where one split second mistake can cost you the game.

None of my games have been decided by people using mics. I have won plenty where everyone was completely silent and have lost many where people talked the entire time. The game isn't deep enough where communication actually matters, it's all aim. If you can't aim you lose, that's it.

That never works in a game where team comp and coordination matter more than individual skill

footsteps doesnt mean shit if its far away. calling out if they are going left or right helps a shit ton. also calling out if an enemy as their ultimate helps prepare the team. what rank are you if you are claiming that communication doesnt help?

The only important things you need to announce to your team can be done with the in game voice lines. Like need healing and ultimate charge status. There's zero reason to use a mic.

The maps are also too basic and teams always stick together making directional calls unnecessary, except in the case of flankers which brings me back to how loud footsteps and abilities are which removes the need for calls.

it can, when you feel right and proper you can bring positive vibes to your teammates,i've help turned bad games around bringing good vibes, it's how i got to diamond with literally few losses your mental state is half the game friend

Then explain to me how even pro players are still getting flanked by reapers and getting triple to quad ult'd? quick chat does help but even then it has limitations. just because you can see where the enemy is going or know something is happening doesn't mean that others will know too. you don't even need to respond to people. just a quick "reaper is flanking watch out" that's all you need to say. you are giving off a gold ranked vibe right now. i bet you also are one of those "play what ever you want" types of players. using a mic doesnt mean you have to have a whole damn conversation with someone

le blog post again

>mfw hearing people complain about mandatory loses when I went from platinum to master in solo queue
Overwatch is not that difficult. Communication and switching up the comp will put you at an advantage over 90% of the playerbase.

This is literally what matchmaking is designed to do. It aims to pair you up in a match that has a 50% predicted win probability. How do people not get this...

I don't watch competitive Overwatch so I'm not going to comment on it.

And yeah as for heroes you can play whatever you want as long as the necessary roles like healer and Reinhardt are filled. Otherwise if can hit shots and not die you can pick anything and get away with it. Good players who stream like Seagull and Ster have recorded plenty of proof for this.

You don't really need a mic. Keyboard works fine for communicating with your team.

sure when youre respawning, its pretty hard to type "ulting" when you have a widowmaker and soldier 76 on your ass.


Wheres the button that says reaper is behind you mcree?

Wheres the button that says enemy reinhardts charge and shield are both down?

I could go on, any team based game ever made makes it easier on your team if you can communicate effectively.


There are literally bad times to play. I don't know why, I don't know how, but letting yourself continue a lose streak is the only reason you hear these stories about people dropping 500 rating in one day. In particular I notice people leave games more often on Sunday mornings, so I haven't queued today yet.

Any and all scenarios you can come up with are either a non issue for good players or are already obvious thanks to their built in audio cues.

Overwatch is casual, admit it and get over it already.

Even if you're uncommonly skilled it will still happen eventually. At some point your rank is so high that you can't compensate for the lack of skill of your teammates (since the system can't find better allies and enemies to place you with and will instead just give you worse allies than enemies).

Diamond here. You're full of shit. There is no substitution for being able to call out flankers and low-healths.

Diamond here. You're full of shit. There is no good reason to use a mic ever.

using seagull as a reference is the most stupid thing you could say. he is a pro league Overwatch player. if you listen to raw audio files from pro league you will here nothing but communication

post a photo of your rank, you can't just bring up being a diamond like that without proof

Grandmaster here. you cant just ask for people to show their ranks

>claims to be diamond
>mock him
>nooo post prooooof

Are you serious?

Not the same person. I don't give a shit if you believe me. Feel free to stay gold.

my entry was high plat with a easy climb to diamond with good vibes and communication
it is important heres my proof

Yes, calls. Do you not think that's a huge fucking deal?

>'Reaper flanking left'
>One of our DPS focuses him and kills him before he can kill our entire backline
>'Focus Mercy'
>Zenyatta discords the Mercy while team gangs up on her, preventing a 3-4 man rez during a big push

If you think that communication isn't a big deal in Overwatch, then please post your career profile so we can kneel in awe of your GM rank.

literally few losses to get there


You guys do realize the ranks are broken right? There are more plats than silver and bronze combined.

>only played mei
you fucking nigger

oh jeez its not like plat is like the average rank or anything. there also isn't any rank fall off until master and grandmaster. so someone can get plat then derank all the way down into the low 2k high 1k

I'm talking about current rank, not the stupid symbol you get. And plat being average isn't a good thing.

>a simple typo makes the entire argument illegitimate



you are all gold retards stfui

I rarely hear anyone speak on a mic compared to TF2 and CS

>"plat being average isn't a good thing"

so people being competent at the game isn't a good thing?

diamond fag reporting in

I've never used my mic in OW. Low masters playing nothing but tracer. It's really not that hard of a concept.

that's because your actions have no bearing on the game what so ever.

Rank 3000 is still top 10%.

Just got to diamond after 70 games stuck in plat since i got placed in 2500, win as much as you can in one day, after the first loss you stop playing, dead simple.