They should have just called this fucking game Batmobile: Arkham Army

They should have just called this fucking game Batmobile: Arkham Army


oh snap

It isn't nearly as prevalent as you make it out to be if you care to vary the sidequests you do.

>people wanted batmobile since Asylum
>finally add batmobile
>people don't want it and want more Asylum
I hope Rocksteady make a new IP now with all the creative freedom they want so faggots don't complain again.

people want batmobile not tank arcade mobile

Has the combat even been improved on the original?

>Wanted optional batmobile
>gets forced on tank battles/platforming
complaints were justified nigger

Too bad merely having the batmobile has a mode of transport wouldn't work since gliding exists.

Yes Knight has the best combat in the series.

I was more angry at the fact that they brought back the Joker, i think that amplified my hatred for the game x10


>no bossfights outside Riddler and the Pig mask guy and some other "Peekaboo" style minibosses
>Joker fucking everywhere
>No true Arkham Knight boss battle, it is just a "i'll hide here and you find the way to get to me" fight

>Dude you asked for X and the developer added it. You're complaining just because it was bad?

>optional batmobile
That's retarded from a design and development perspective. Why go through the effort of adding something with half-assed intentions? Especially something as important as the batmobile.

Face it, adding the car and making a larger city designed around it was the natural progression of the series.

Great opinion.

>Great opinion.


I like the Joker for the most part. But he really pretty overused at this point. Which is a shame because Batman has a ton of good villains they can use.

The problem is they forgot Batman is just a man and the world's greatest detective. There was no mystery in AK. He just becomes a one-man army with a fucking battle tank. It's a car, sure it has some gizmos, but it didn't need fucking unlimited missile rockets. I would have liked to see the Batwing be usable, but I didn't want Ace Fucking Combat in my Arkham game.

>Love Black Mask and the idea of a more mobster and crime syndicate villain as opposed to Joker-Titan or Raz Al-Ghul.
>Origins announces it's going to star Black Mask.
>Get super fucking hyped
>It's Joker again
Fuck. You.

Yes. It's my favorite in this aspect. Same for predator.

There's like a few hours of predator mode in Arkham Knight compared to the original. It's like the developers forgot why the series was popular in the first place. All the interesting boss battles from the first and second game are replaced with fighting generic tank enemies with boss voiceovers.

Can't fault the graphics of Arkham Knight, but fuck me if they didn't fuck up the gameplay. The bank robbery two face missions just serve to remind you how good the game could have been if the developers didn't go full retard.

It's a video game, of course it's has unlimited missiles.

Let's be real man Asylum had some shitty ass boss fights too

I am OK with using the batmobile every now and then, but the waves of tank enemies plus that one boss battle in the batmobile was the worst. That, and it being shoehorned into the game so much.

Better/not broken like Origin after you get the shock gloves, just not as tight as the other Asylum/City

Usually Batman starts flinging himself all over the room when he reaches flow, which would break some animations but you know you'll connect. Knight flips for guessing consistency reasons, but now includes animations where Batman drops to his back and does a backwards kick in the middle of flow. Since it'd look stupid for batman to home in on an enemy's crotch while he goes and kicks while laying on his back, your combo just ends there. Its really minor and the animation is rare, but it happens and it is very, very annoying when it does pop up