When did you quit, Cred Forums?

When did you quit, Cred Forums?

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Never started cause im not a faggot

Played exactly 2 matches in 2012. Never went back.

I never started.

When I picked up Overwatch, will probably go back it at some point.

when I got a dota 2 invite

when I played hundreds of matches and STILL couldn't play ranked mode and had to grind for 1000s of hours to unlock gay stupid fucking runes

such a HUGE waste of time

these games are for people who literally cannot afford any other game to play

The beginning of this year after they continued to go down the jewish route, sold 100% of their company to Tencent, changed Poppy, created that new chest system, and keep changing champs while never balancing them and never letting us sit for one month to learn the new meta so they can keep it "fresh" and continue jewising costumes and champs.

Fuck Riot.

>>these games are for people who literally cannot afford any other game to play
Except they can since there's people spending over 100s of dollars on skins.

Season 3. Balance just got way too fucking retarded.

I started at the start of season 3 and that was also the only time I kinda enjoyed the game.
After that I stopped, went back, stopped and so on until season 5 or something. That's when I decided to quit for good.

It's a boring, shitty game that is in the hands of an incompetent le small indie gaming company.

I've invested over 4000$ dollars into this game.

I ain't quittin till the servers shut down.

I started in 2009, last game I played was probably mid-2015.


Played Windrunner first game, found it cool trees actually did something

I quit because my friends stopped playing it. I had no reason to keep playing it tho I really enjoyed those 2 years playing it.

>tfw been playing since season one and I've only spent $20
>tfw it was entirely on furbait skins

I mostly quit because I gotta a dota 2 beta invite. But when I did come back for a bit in season 3 for some friends it was so strange. Giving everyone a free ward is dumb imo. I thought about coming back because I still have friends who play but I hear they force a meta now which i can't get behind.

Good goy

Play Dota 2 with me pls :D

I will never understand you people. I mean it's your money and all so do whatever you want with it but m8.

Why the fuck did you do it? 4000 fucking dollars?

Still fapping to Sona.
So never.

when dota 2 came out

I was already getting sick of riot getting greedier and greedier, when dota 2 came out not only was everything free but the game was better as well

Tail end of 2011. I remember I stopped before Shyvana.

I quit in 2012 and still do, I don't have to play that shitty game

Haven't played in a while, launching up an ARAM now.

Thanks, OP. Gave me something to do.

Couple months ago, but I still pay attention to it
I should just see if I can sell my account and be rid of it forever

this is a joke, right? do you own everything in the game?

After I got my beta key for Dota 2.
RIP Innervating Locket and Force of Nature.

Not him, but I know that I've spent a little over $1,000, over the course of 5+ years.

Basically always have some RP to throw at on-sale skins, and the occasional luxury buy like the ultimate Sona skin.

When they revorked Poppy into another metamonster. I told myself that i will quit once they delete Poppy. They did. I did. Most of my mates moved on to other games anyway.

When. I picked up overwatch.
To climb in Overwatch doesn't take my entire life away. 10 min games, balanced w/l gains, and no promos.

It'd take at least 100x the amount of time to climb in league

naw I cant play with noobs

Its not the noobiness im mad about, its when my mmr is much higher I tend to be versus smurf accounts with a new player on my team

My Poppy brethen. It was a crime what they did to her, making her into some pixar meme spouting character.

When was heart of gold retired
the 6 stack was the best part of the game

They could have easily fixed HoG by making its gold gain unique. At least tanks could still get some gold income to counteract their shitty jungling.

but why spend that much? do you have multiple skins for the same champ?

Got to diamond just to say that i did and then i quit forever after that. I remember this was around the time before Taliyah was released

I remember making a smurf account and seeing a new player during that time was a really fucking rare ocurrence

What was funny is that, these were level 5-15 accounts and people were yelling at the ones that did not know how to play because they didn't

I'm curious to see how many players still play this game, because judging for the horrible way LoL treats newcomers i doubt there are many


I just want to collect the skins. It started with one then suddenly I had over 200 within a year.

Now I have all to current date saved for the few that are completely inaccessible to get through common means.

>this is a joke, right?


They did make them unique
People just started buying one of each gold item instead

>but why spend that much?
LoL players are basically addicts

2 years ago. They gutted everything I loved about the game.

about a year clean now
feels bretty gud i actually got some taste in vidya now and i'm expanding my horizons
(no irony intended)

The new yorick is pretty fun.

>if a person want's
>Riot devs are actually this stupid

how much of the games content do you own?

Few years ago when they nerfed Nid spear and removed AD Nid and AP Yi. All I ever did was queue with some dudes in unranked and play Veigar or Nid. Just got tired of seeing champions who got a $20 skin release coincidentally receive a broken buff that same week.

>Fuck Skillshots
>Fuck Different Builds

Fuck you too, Riot.

Im aware, which is why i said the gold ability should have been unique. and maybe a buff to the gain

Quit because when I started playing I wanted just casual and fun with my pals but they all went ranked autismo mode, so I had no one left to play with. So a couple years ago.

right about when renekton came out

should have mentioned that i played for 4 years straight almost everyday with no other games inbetween

>Playing since pre-Season 1
>Only RP I ever spent was from event rewards or when I made 10 sockpuppets to get Refer-A-Friend rewards
>Chests come out
>Now I have 3 Draven skins, 2 Garen skins and several others

I left halfway through season 4 and came back at the end of Season 5 cause my friends got into it and now I'm back as the best player on my squad feels good to be honest.

Yeah not allowing different builds is what bored me hard about LoL. If you did anything not ingrained in the character, you had the most lackluster experience.

sounds like you have bad friends

I don't really care about the design, but she was basically the last of the oldschool characters. It all started with Karma rework and ended with Poppy for me.

beginning part of season 3

I only play whenever my backlog clears to pass some time. Its not a good serious game really.

I only play Anivia

Quit in like January of this year. I realized I reached my peak in the game and it wasn't fun anymore.

It should be said that the community is still fucking awful and Riot are still full of lazy kikes. Replays never. Sandbox never. Solo queue never.

I literally can only play ARAM because I don't want to play with or against unfun mobile high damage cancer every fucking game endlessly.

I've probably spent an entire week of my life just sitting and farming while riven or some shit shrieks like she's getting fucked by a cactus dashing everywhere and constantly trying to fight. The game's worldbuilding, music, art and character design are fucking god tier and I actually like their company culture outside of esports, but jesus fucking christ is this game dull when Yasuo has like a 50% pick rate.

i don't remember exactly,but i know i did,i finally did,im free from this curse

End of season 1 because they started enforcing metas, and I was perma-banned thanks to the DDOS attacks, and repeated games dropped.

This was all before the tribunal system, they just had that auto-detect thing, mind you.

All champs, skins (in market) and most of the ward skins.

Played for 2 years till end of 2014, got diamond 3,
stopped playing when i realized i had no objective in this game and there were tons of better games to play

do you want the bird butt

Did they ever release that fuckin' fire map they kept talking about?

Very much yes. Best most interesting character in the entire game.

Only thing that will keep me playing more then I do at the rare times that I do is if they make another Anivia skin. Been a year since the profoundly shitty Jurassic World one.

I actually think Poppy is much better now and is a lot less clunky to play while still having the same character. I think people who say she's not the same to be reactionary retards, because she still does a shitton of damage while being tanky, with the added bonus of aoe cc.

what are you smoking? Poppy is seeing some LCS play now.

>I don't really care about the design
Nevermind. You're no bro to me.

>god tier

But there is almost no lore anymore

Around 2005, when I reinstalled Warcraft 3 but didn't bother with redownloading dota.

Some of us make at least $4,000 a month, or have at least $4,000 saved after normal living expenses.

$4,000 is not a lot of money, user, over a year or two.

My rent is $15,000 a year here on the West Coast, and it's a mediocre 1 bed/1 bath.

Season 3

It's still 4K invested into a video game. It's why mmos are scams, too.

Lore =/= Worldbuilding.

You can write shitty fanfiction in god tier settings, Taliyah is proof of this.

>The game's worldbuilding, music, art and character design are fucking god tier

scrapped long time ago.

About 2 years ago, exactly when Gnar came out.
Wasn't interested in the game anymore at all and switched over to dota. Haven't looked back since.
I used to not understand what people meant when they said LoL is like a cheap chinese McDonalds happy meal rip off compared to dota, now I do.

what a bunch of jokers

What's your mmr?


It's either generic wrpg-style or imagine dragons

It doesn't matter if it's "not a lot of money" in a general sense, it's still a lot of money to spend on one video game.
$5 is not a lot of money, but if you bought a paper clip for $5 you'd be wasting your money.

Please stop trying to justify your absurd spending habits on free games, it's embarrassing

I'm fairly certain I left just after Infernal Nasus happened.

Not sure when that was without googling, though.

It's funny how you left before League started upping their champ game, but it's still nothing compared to Doter

The world is a lot better now but the human connection is gone. There's no point in caring anymore if what happens in the background is disconnected from what happened in the game.

Riot was sitting on literal gold with the concept of Summoners and they squandered it because the old people left and retards came in.

Even if you bought every skin it wouldn't cost 4k dollars

So what is it now, a simulation?

>A """"competitive"""" game without ingame VOIP.

Who would play this fucking trash?

Well, you do what you want with your money, and they'll do what they want with theirs. I'm pretty sure if someone took a look at what you tend to invest your money in, they'd raise a few opinions and red flags about you too.

Life ain't fair, bro. Neither is the world.

>What's your mmr?


seeYou're right it's not, but it's close enough.

still the #1 game in the world, stay mad dotards

None of the new heroes were interesting and I got sick of the devs removing fun mechanics.

You can tell a game is going down the tubes when the developers disagree with the community on what is fun.

>upping their champ game
Remember when League actually had various builds per character?

It's also severely hemorrhaging players.

What did they do to Poppy? I haven't played League in years.

>Who would play this fucking trash?
it's free and can run on shit pcs so make a guess

Other than meme ones like 6 sunfire capes? No.

i quit playing as soon as i found out about SMITE

Well fuck, there are still better alternatives.

>popularity is the only thing LoLbabs have to defend their game

>upping their champs game

I know they've released some very fun concepts, but the game built around it doesn't appeal to me anymore at all.
Things like being able to teleport at (mostly) all times instead of having to watch your team get torn to shreds from the other side of the map is just one of the few mechanics that I couldn't go without anymore.

I would play Dota 2 if the characters had any fucking personality whatsoever.

But they don't.

Most people on this board have a video game collection - physical or digital - that $10,000+. Probably into the $40,000s over lifetime.

Most people outside this board and site would consider that a waste of money, while they themselves have probably spent thousands more on drugs or nights at the club.

To each their own - but telling grown men how to spend their money makes you look like a limp wristed candy-ass.

>League system. strike one
>Ruined Skarner. Strike two
>Destroying solo carry potential. Strike 3

It got to the point where I couldn't even have fun with my favorite champions anymore. I really should have quit earlier.


She got a rework. Her dash is the same, her buckler is a passive now where she gets a ranged auto attack and if she recovers it she gets a shield thats 7%ish of max health. Her e stops all dashes for a short time and gives her a passive armor and magic reaisy buff. Her ult displaces enemies.

good one made me push out half a smile

Same thing they do to everyone, turned her into a metagolem with a some "unique" mechanics.

Oh, they also did the same to Shen, Morde and others. I believe Shaco is still the same, but not for a long time. Galio rework incoming too.

t. Smite dev

Never started, i've been playing dota for over a decade though.

>ap kogmaw
>ad kogmaw
>onhit kogmaw
now its
>onhit kogmaw

I've uninstalled this shit game after the kogmaw rework

she looks animu, her ult is a massive knockback, dont remember the rest

They reverted the Kog Maw rework literally last patch. He's back to how he used to be.

>max several minutes of static, non-situational dialogue per character

>Dota 2
>30+ minutes of dialogue per character including situational kill/death comments per character and scripted conversations with particular allied heroes

pic related, average LoL lore page entry

Fuck, I actually liked Morde. #1 en brasil and the only hero I actually managed to get a 1v5 penta with.

>being THIS butthurt and insecure that you spent 4000 (four thousand) fucking dollars on a single FREE game

This vid should explain it.

he doesnt have 4 grand on different vidya, he has 4 grand on assfaggots mirotransactions.

Like 6 months ago. Just picked it up again last week. Still fun from time to time, the games are just to fucking long.

I don't even know. The game just happens in a place called Summoner's Rift, while in the background Olaf is now fighting giant undead sea monsters, Mordekaiser is like waging a civil war in the Shadow Isles or something, Gangplank fucking dies and comes back to life, the people from Pantheon's home had a space faring empire and enslaved a galaxy creating dragon god and other crazy shit.

I find it all hard to get into because of all the previous retcons, but I really liked Mordekaiser's new backstory.

>hey, should we rework Poppy's personality while reworking her abiltiies
>Sure. I'm just a numale and you're a woman who doesnt play games, so let's come up with some new and interesting!
>I got it! Let's design a strong girl character but who is soft and says mem jokes from reddit!
>I love it! We're very good character designers arent we!


Fuck sorry.

>They reverted the Kog Maw rework literally last patch. He's back to how he used to be.
No they didn't retard, riot WOULD NEVER admit "they fucked up" on a rework and revert

fuck off dumbass, fuck this shit game, fuck the people that play it

The make her look less like blue hey arnold, they kept her dash and changed the rest of her kit to be less stupid.
She feels somewhat similair to how old poppy plays but a lot less stiff
Don't worry with the "metagolem" fag he doesn't know what he's talking about poppy has the same shit she had before besides the anti-dash shield.

The fact that the game is so unbalanced was getting to me, but when the new season dropped and they added that new qeue system i got really tired of the game, because the meta was already stalling, matches were taking very long and the new qeue system made the matchmaking take twice as long when it was already slow.

I really enjoyed playing with it a lot and shitting on niggas from a mile away with my bro Xerath, but i can't keep up with it anymore because:
1_ Qeue + matches are taking way too long
2_RIOT shitting out champs every month instead of balancing the game and making people wanna use the old ones again
3_The extremely shitty community.

Eh, I still play it now and again. One of my friends is a League fanatic that refuses to play Dota 2, so sometimes I play it with him.

I don't actually like either that much, but it's what most of my friends want to play, so...

Length and dialogue is not personality.

A crappy fanfiction could be a thousand pages long and none of it would be worth reading.
Quality > Quantity.

Also that's the introduction to the lore, not the lore itself. Lore in league is hit or miss, but Dota's bore me to tears.

>poppy has the same shit she had before besides the anti-dash shield.
What about the ult?
Fucking retard

>can't build full ap anymore, can't build full ad anymore because her ratios got fucked over
>"the same"
you have to go tank on her now, kill yourself

Partially reverted I guess.

no, not even you fucking retard
completely fucking ruined


They removed items that i used on nearly every character i played for what seemed like no reason

I tried a match, didn't like it. It was hot neon garbage, had no hero choice, and had zero idea what to do.

I tried Dawngate and loved it, but now Dota's the only thing that comes close to filling the void.

This is what most people initially think.
"Hurr that guy's name is Axe, what a bland design". Truth is, most heroes have a very interesting lore and many are connected by it, which is referenced in the game as well.
Multiple heroes have voice lines corresponding to certain characters. The more you get into this game, the more you appreciate it.
Think of the Jinx-Vi interactions, it's like that. Only instead of having an interaction between two characters, one hero usually has unique lines for at least 20 heroes.
This one is one of the more common ones:

Personality is fleshed out and telegraphed to the player via dialogue. Where else would it come from? Just you making it up?
Are all LoL players this stupid?

>lategame assassin with various builds who could 1 v 1 anyone
>semi-tank with a gimmick nuke, shitty passive and 1 skill from the old skill set

totally same.

Couple years back. Got my Dota 2 invite and never looked back. Started with Dota way back when, but when league was new, I played that since no one I knew played Dota outside of our high school computer class.

When they removed devourer, it made a lot of fun jungle builds null including but not limited to TF jungle, max attack speed vi, master yi in general, and kindred to a certain extent. From what ive seen a large amount of people are dropping it slowly as riot makes their favorite champs useless.

the biggest fucking meme

Her old ult was a way to make the to quickly remove a selected target or ignore all other targets.
Her new ult is a way to quickly remove a selected target/targets. it shares some similarities but isn't the exact same.

Full ap poppy was shit and you know it, you could maybe do half someones health or if you're lucky kill them them proceed to be useless.
Also i have never built poppy tank and still do really well.


Never started.

ASSFAGGOTS are for faggots

I need you to think very hard about this.

Quality > Quantity does not mean that the quantity of the quality = 0.

Hate to break it to ya..

>lelbabbies don't know the feeling of their country actually performing well at worlds

Her kit does the same thing but in a different and less obnoxious way. She's tanky as fuck and deals a lot of damage. No, she doesn't nuke a character in one hit anymore, but she still does a lot of reliable damage.

>shitty passive
Ranged attack that applies on hit effects and gives a really powerful shield. Sure is shitty.

>Full ap poppy was shit and you know it


It's always the faggots who never played her who talk shit.

>Also i have never built poppy tank and still do really well.
then you're a mouthbreathing retard because the new poppy has garbage ratios which REQUIRE YOU TO GO TANK

>Her old ult was a way to make the to quickly remove a selected target or ignore all other targets.
>Her new ult is a way to quickly remove a selected target/targets. it shares some similarities but isn't the exact same.
No, you fucking retard, her old ult was a way to remove ALL targets but the one you selected, and it's done in a completely different manner that impacts the game in a different way and has its own counterplay methods.
Why even post when you don't even know the base mechanics behind what you're talking about?

There is literally no similarity between the two ults. Zero.

Except they gave Devourer's passive to Rageblade and replaced Devourer with Madred's Bloodrazor.

Here's your (You)

Don't spend it all in once place

Hi Morello.

I need you to think very hard about this. LoL does not have the quality nor the quantity.

As a Dotafag, I can say that posting literally any other character's portrait would have been a better move.

Quit when they nerfed and just before they reworked S2 Skarner.

Morello isn't allowed to post on Cred Forums anymore. It's just me, CertainlyT.

as a dotafag i can tell you you are a true fag

And they won MDL

Goddamn it feels good to be American

>best builds are still tankydps builds
game is fucking garbage
when the master 0/1 master yi comes out of his jungle with 300 ad, 3500 health and 100+ true damage on hit you know your game is garbage

How does it feel your cancer champ kalista is in the dumpster where she belongs

Sorry, I'm too busy working on the Warwick rework to care about it.

Dota literally got the same viewers last year for TI6

Hell, even CS:GO tournaments beat league in e-sports viewers.


>Best personality
>not Phoenix

>LoL character
>several paragraph lore entry
>static image portrait
>a handful of static voice clips for basic events like attacking, moving, and dying

>Dota character
>several paragraph lore entry
>animated, lip synced portrait with various facial emotions
>hundreds of voice clips including specific character interactions, killing or being killed by lore rivals, purchasing certain items, various game events occurring, etc

So where is LoL's personality coming from?

Right after the mage update
Mostly cause the people i played with stopped playing with me cause im toxic but w/e

You deal bonus damage to the selected target, so you can use it on a carry to get a faster kill
Full ap poppy is a lot of fun don't get me wrong but it could just be the people i played against but usually when i see it he gets harassed way too easily and take forever to actually get any damage.
80% per tick, 50% per tick, 90% ad. all garbage? Not to mention it's bonus to building full tank means you get none of the scaling.
Are you a mouth breathing silver surfer or something?

got into dota instead

considering getting back into league because seemingly no one irl plays dota, but every time i walk to another class on campus i will pass a circle of chubby asian manlets giggling about league

seem to be a lot of girls who play league too. in 3000 hours of dota i have met maybe two girls.

>You deal bonus damage to the selected target, so you can use it on a carry to get a faster kill
Your point? That has nothing to do with the two ults being similar

I dont because i dont care about Cred Forums.

I would play lol if it wasn't full of SJW retards.

Makes sense why Riot stopped releasing sexy champions.

Even if you like old Poppy at least her rework is good at what it does.

Poor Morde was in a shit state then reworked and then nerfed to hell yet again.

Haven't quit yet after 6½ years but with the matchmaking being this disgusting...I might just quit.

Just had a game (diatard here) where my team composed of me, 3 silvers and a lvl16 plat smurf. The enemy team composed of 4 premade diamonds and a plat. G FUCKING G RITO. This was by far not the first time this has happened no-ho-ho. Nor will it be the last. Fix ur shit pls.

>best personality
>not timbersaw

cut cut cut cut cutcutcutcutcut cuuuuuut

i was saying it could be used to quickly get rid of a target (without getting effected by the team) her new ult is similar to that. quickly knock a dude or multiple people out of a fight.

>best personality
>not sniper



stop posting anytime you fucking retard

Nigga I've played both LoL and Dota
League had a lot more setup with the character relations in the lore but the extent of their interaction is just a couple of one-liners that only happen when you /taunt
Dota has way better interaction between characters but the lore itself is just a random mishmash to justify the characters being there and being WC3 offshoots

When I got permabanned in like February because I said nigger one too many times.

I never looked back.

No one cares about you either.

>not /ss/

>Pick Teemtam top
>Guy calls support and locks in Yasuo
>Other guy goes Jayce mid
>Shit on top but every other lane is losing
>Retard fucking Lee Sin decides he's gonna backdoor and dies constantly
>By the end of the game we're down to our Nexus but I have 21 kills and they can't finish it because I shroomed up the entire base
>Kill two of them with Shrooms and Flash-Blind then blow up
>The rest get really low from shrooms
>Lee still backdooring, Yasuo goes in and dies, Jayce is afk and our adc is farming bot
>They kill the nexus and we lose

Lmao, i've literally never heard this line in all of my 1.6k hours played.

>not the classic HO-HO HA-HA
u messed up


i just stopped playing one day and forgot about it

this was 2012 and i haven't touched it since
i kinda hope my account is there, i have lots of skins and shit i'd want to sell my account for

There's a difference between spending money on a collection of video games that are yours and spending money on digital skins in a f2p game

>but telling grown men how to spend their money makes you look like a limp wristed candy-ass.
Not when you're spending thousands of dollars on microtransactions like a faggot whale. You're a cancer to vidya.


>tfw timbersaw is your favorite ASSFAGGOTS character
he's like Cred Forums but with trees, it's just so fucking hilarious

If LoL has nothing, then DotA has even less than nothing.

Thank you, I'll keep it as a reminder of your rage.

A moving portrait is not a personality. A lamp with lip sync is still a lamp.
When you knock a tree over, it makes a sound. Just because the sound was a reaction to you knocking the tree over, doesn't mean that it was made with personality. Also league has literally all of the examples you posted.

A novel is static, but the characters can still be well written.

Exactly. I don't care about the interactions, I care about the characters.


they should make you a fucking shareholder at that fucking point, jesus christ

When dominion got removed

yes and? a more popular build can exist doesn't mean that it's the only build to exist and win games.

did he hurt your feelings?

>he considers spending thousands of dollars on in game outfits an "investment"

Oh that's adorable.

>a more popular
I see I'm still wasting my time with a retard
look at the screenshot again

After jhin was released

Like 7 or so months ago? Ranked was just cancer and I couldn't take it anymore. I was just too tired of it. Last match genuinely pissed me off since riot doesn't know how to balance and the players are annoying. Some are cool and fun to play with and against but there's so many annoying shits on the game.
After nearly 5 years, I'm just done and moving on. Game was honestly a huge time waster.
Only thing is though, I don't know what to do with my account. Had quite a bit of skins on there and now it's just gone to waste.

I was going to, then they released Jhin and Kled, fuck they got me with both of these, is the most fun that I ever had since S2

Can i still play jungle TF wit insane attack speed? if so then ill give it a shot someone give me a build

I've gotten into ranked recently and I've kinda just hovered around the same rating for 2 months.
I started spamming nothing but timbersaw and gained 500 mmr within a week and a half.
This hero is super fun to play but god damn is he broken currently. I've won like 28 out of 30 games since I started spamming him.
>latest patch barely scratched him, reducing base strength by 1
LMAO thx mr lizard

You dont know what you are talking about. Stop posting.

>If LoL has nothing, then DotA has even less than nothing.
>this preschool logic

Wait why?Was it because people used it for first wins?

Can't have easy IP gains, now can we?

>That pic

I think the reason they changed pinks to 4 HP is because of him and graves.
Annoys the shit out of me to clear them as either of the characters.
Jhin a best champ tho

Problem with league

1. There's no build variety, and any build variety that is left is slowly getting removed via "reworks"
See: AP tristana, AP yi (which was by no means balanced, but instead of being outright removed it should have been adjusted a little), AP Kogmaw, AP Sion
2. Tank items give too much stats at once, no item should give you 500 health, shittons of armor, and an active and unique passive ability compared to a ranged carry item that "heres more damage also ur crits do more damage :DDD"
3. Shit champions aren't being rebalanced and the cancer champions remain cancer for far too long, and when they do get reworked, they add all these retarded gimmicks

You're right.

I wouldn't even be able to sell my account because how low skins are worth compared to how they sell in the store.

So really it's just shit I'm buying for no real gain. But it's my shit and I like it so if that's wrong then I don't wanna be right.

yes, its a meme but its a working meme

just go bloodrazor > hurricane > blade of the ruined king > anything else with attack speed on it

you won't start to melt people right away but you will by midgame

A week after I started

and then a tankydps or leblanc "1 item and ur dead" shits all over you and you uninstall the game

Pretty much no one played it. So they decided to take it out and put it into the rotating game modes like URF, One for all, Hexakill, etc..

It's stupid but with it on a rotation more people will play it when it is there. But by removing it from custom games it made it even worse because the map actually had custom game modes that people did play like hide and seek and shit.

Rip old 3's map as well.

>hear about it constantly
>make account
>join game
>only guy on the team doing anything
>tell teammates to push mid lane
>autist says "fuck you nigger xdddd"
>i say "k"
>game ends, log off, come back in a few hours later
>banned for a week because of toxic behavior

PC playerbases in general are cancerous, dom't even know why I bothered honestly.

The difference is that this is the beginning of the tournament

Exactly. Meanwhile in Dota proper itemization is key if you want to play cores efficiently.
Went for the greedy blink instead of bkb on sven? Oh, you just died twice in a row blinking into the enemy.
Tough luck buddy, better luck next game!
Some games are so damn hard to pinpoint THE best item required to win the game.

>Rip old 3's map as well.
another one of the reasons I uninstalled
>make new 3s map, its shitty
>dont let us play on the old 3s map ever again, not even in custom games
>completely forget about the new 3s map

>I can only play hide and seek on RGM now

Holy shit.

You actually unironically replied with what is basically "delet this"

God fucking bless.

League's character design is better than Dota's, if league's isn't good, then Dota's is even worse.
He hates spaghetti, but spaghetti tastes better than shit.
In the end taste is all subjective, but it feels good to be eating spaghetti and not shit.

Can you shut the fuck up with the whole pc players are immature/cancerous bs. Pretty much every online community has cancerous people but it doesn't mean everyone is.

On a side note, fuck league. Cancerous piece of shit.

still play it erry day
also paladins is good

>League's character design is better than Dota's, if league's isn't good, then Dota's is even worse.

Stop projecting League's qualities onto Dota just because of how similar they are.

Or you are wrong?
you seem to overlook this possibility

that's why its a meme, but you can still get millions of kills with it, you probably just wont win the game kek

last time I tilt picked TF aspd jungle I went like 26/7/19 or some shit

-blade of the ruined king
-guardian angel
-anything defense if you're behind or anything atk speed if you're ahead.

>Exactly. I don't care about the interactions, I care about the characters.
>unironically posting a reddit comic
>unironically thinking jihn "LOLOL DEATH IS SO BEAUTIFUL" is "good character"

get a trip please I wish to follow your posts until the end of time so I may have a ceaseless pool of shit to look at whenever I wish

I really wish i could get back into the game

But i just can't stand how cancerous some champions are and how long matches take

this didn't happen for a fact because the chat reporting system doesn't work that way. You get a chat restriction first and then if you keep the same behavior a temp ban comes. I'm willing to bet you were the one typing racial slurs or you reciprocated with your slurs of some kind

Why bother? Game is 99% PVE.

Play something like quake, battlerite, a real pvp game instead

i'm not defending league because they completely trashed the lore at around season 5 but gangplank was made to be a joke champion

I've been on and off, but recently quit for good after they "reworked"/deleted Yorick

League fucking made online gaming worse due to how popular it is. Every fucking faggot that got brainwashed into League pushes this ridiculous notion of 'toxicity' as though it's measurable - into gaming. You can thank PHD Dr. Riot Lyte for that. Remember folks you're too toxic for sandbox and 1/2 people don't want voice chat because it's toxic.

I almost quit when they reworked Taric. But Bard kinda keeps me playing.

I play 3rd Strike on Fightcade.

But i kinda miss the "moba" experience sometimes. I also fell in love with pic related

This shit is heavily out-dated.

GP is basically punished now.

Around March/April. Had Riot Support delete my account so I could never go back.
No regrets.

>old GP
>a pretty cool guy
>new GP
>an asshole sadist

I'm just saying you know nothing about dota.
I've played league for 2 year before i switched to Dota. I know the character and lore of both games. I currently have around 1900 hour and i can tall you that you are full of shit.

You mean he's really edgy now and he looks like Syllabear.

>League's character design is better than Dota's.

That's why they had to lurk and trash the dotaallstars website and jack hero concepts directly from it?

That's an incredibly huge stretch. You could make the same comparison for any ult that kills someone quickly, which is more than half of them in the game.

I played league on and off in between dota sprees.

After a year I never got a single ban in league of legends.

But for SOME FUCKING REASON. Those fucking rito faggots thought it would be a good idea to perma ban for "acting unsportsmanlike" for 3 games.

Fuck riot and fuck you Chinese loving faggots.

2/10, got me to reply twice

I haven't yet.

Started playing back in March and I was shit at it until I discovered Pantheon.

Then I discovered lane roles.

Then I started playing with my friends who have been playing for years and they make fun of how awful I am and that I'm only level 15.

They continue to play with me and ridicule me for not knowing all the ins and outs of the game.

Why do I continue to do this to myself Cred Forums?

You probably ended up in a game with someone who works at Rito. There is recorded precedence for their employees power tripping like this.

I stopped after I realized Riot was a shit company that was lucky enough to make the core game fun to play, but fuck up nearly everything else about the game.

No, league character design was on the way of being good, then they wen't full edge and remade gp, created zed, yasuo, ekko.
Lore was actually good and then they retconned it, at that point the last fucking straw was malza rework because "muh malzahar can rekt yasuo and zed buhuhu".
Fuck Riot for selling themselves to tencent, and fuck ghostcrawler/CT and lyte for ruining the balance and the community, sure it was cancerous before, but not even close to when I stopped playing.

I have to force myself to play this shitty game, I know its an addiction, but its certainly a fading one.

I can spend as little as 2 days away from the game and start questioning why I ever play it to begin with, and force myself to play a few games just to keep playing so I can justify the money I've shilled out for it.

I can never quit. Every time I decide to myself "This is it," they do something that makes me want to get back in again. I want to get away but I can't because I have some kind of subconscious desire to eat garbage.

I quit in 2014

>A moving portrait is not a personality. A lamp with lip sync is still a lamp.
>When you knock a tree over, it makes a sound. Just because the sound was a reaction to you knocking the tree over, doesn't mean that it was made with personality.
And a static portrait is even less of a personality. A lamp without lip sync is even more of a lamp.

There's zero logic behind everything you're trying to argue with. I'm still waiting for you to tell me where LoL's personality comes from if it's not from all those legitimate character building features it's missing.

>Also league has literally all of the examples you posted.
LoL has a few highly specific voice interactions on just a tiny handful of characters. It has none for purchasing certain items, and it has none for any game events occurring. Dota has all of those features on every single character.

Two years now. I got hooked into playing SP, probably would never touch League again.

After I got a majority of the characters, a bunch of skins, maxed out my rune pages, played thousand of games, met my girlfriend through the game, and thought I was actually kind of good, but couldn't get out of Bronze I to save my life.
I stopped because all I could focus on were the awful game design flaws in all of the extremely powerful characters, while having my own characters demolished by updates that fundamentally change the way they're played while fixing none of their flaws.
I had no fun in any of the games I played, because character choice is more important than player skill. Characters with Mana, especially when they have unbalanced mana consumption, are fundamentally worse than characters with free skills or Energy. Taking out mana potions and most mana regeneration items only accentuates that flaw.
Instant targeted disables, giant AoEs that occur instantaneously upon button press, and other point-and-click moves have no reads, tells, or anything to allow for player skill to come into play. This becomes tolerable once you know characters' "danger radius," basically the range of their instant death/disable skills. However, that danger radius is blurred by the fact that Flash is in every single game, used by every single character.
Easy, free mobility like Flash makes spacing absolutely retarded and allows people to get out of jail for free. It doesn't rely on player skill -- just reflexes or cunning. It's a twitch ability that makes players more dangerous or more safe at a moment's notice, and it's pathetic that it still exists. Something that is chosen 99% of the time over other choices is evidently unbalanced. It's a crutch for bad players and it's an unfair advantage for good players. It's awful, and I don't know why it's still in the game.

tl;dr: I've played the game so much that I've gotten very critical of its flaws and can't stop focusing on them, so I quit because I wasn't having fun.

Yeah i could compare, i'll instead admit it's more of a stretch the more i think about.

No cussing, user!
>Meanwhile I occasionally casually insult people, at very rare occasions rage like a motherfucker in dota.
Less than 3 reports, 7 recommendations, just from my latest conduct. Haven't ever been in low priority before.

ill play with you

after kha zix died and fiora got reworked

yeah this is basically every game of league and the reason you have to play boring ass champs that auto win for your team, because everyone that plays this game are fucking brain dead

league balance isn't as bad as its made out to be, its just that everyone plays the characters with auto win ults like malphite because it FORCES your team to win fights, if you play splitpushers or assassins that don't team fight well, you are basically fucked because every game of league is basically 1v9

> Kanye Wst is better than J.S Bach cause more popular

Not even a Dota player but this is just hilariously wrong. Popularity doesn't equal quality, even the dumbest American should know by now.

Around the time Rek Sai or whatever came out.

The game was feeling more like a second job than a fun way to pass time.
Even with my friends the matches were nothing but stress and salt.

Poppy is much better now and honestly I hate playing against her. She builds full tank and can still kill everyone thanks to that short CD Q that does %max HP damage in AoE. I honestly don't know how she's not complained about more.

Are you me from the future?
I still play, but I agree with everything you said.

Your image is outdated as fuck.

"It's a special thing, the bond between a monster and an admiral"
He doesn't talk like a person.

"You're projecting"
That is what people say when they know they are wrong.

I have looked at the possibility, and found my judgement to be accurate. It's all still subjective in the end however.

>Reddit comic
That comic was from reddit?

If you're going to strawman then at least spell the character's name correctly. You would make a good writer for Dota 2.

I didn't play then because the character design was shitty. The new ones are good.

You might be right, I've given many attempts to play Dota, but the character design drives me away every time.

Nice buzzword. They have edgy characters, and they also have characters like Braum and Ivern.

Lol's personality comes from its voice lines, animations, music and art.

Wow all those characters in books must have no personality at all, all you have is the text.

The new characters have more specific voicelines. This is nice and I like them better than the old ones.

pretty much this, it's your money to waste however you like

Just go play Bloodline Champions. Wait, no, don't. It's a MOBA but there are no targeted abilities whatsoever. Even buffs and heals are skillshots.
I think the devs of that game are coming out with another game, but it's not a moba, more of a 2v2 arena game with the same mentality of SKILL ONLY. Not sure if I'll be interested in it.

it's the same you numale

The reason I said not to is because Bloodline Champions is FUCKING DEAD. No one plays it, so even if you did, you'd never get a real match.

When they changed Sion. I miss playing AD Sion on top. Literally a Pentakill machine

>I honestly don't know how she's not complained about more.
Because you faggots got told that targeted spells the fairest way to balance spells. Retards


>Lol's personality comes from its voice lines, animations, music and art.
You mean all of those things dota has more and better of? The things my entire argument has been based on?
Why are you even posting?

>no courier


>edge is a buzzword
Jinx is a shitty harley quinn with lel sorandem humor
Zed is a buttfrustrated teen who killed his master because things didn't go his way
Yasuo is a male Riven who can't be more edgy because at that point it wouldn't be funny anymore
Ekko is a nigger who steals time and god forbids he has to pay for his fuckups other than his friend getting killed
Jhin is another edgelord that paints with death or some shit like that
Illaloi is tumblr looking for people to force her to follow her blog
Taliyah is another cunt who thinks shes hot shit
They made GP into punished GP

Fuck you nigger

Get it, i's great.

CM = League Player

The main thing that bothers me with League is Riot's obsession with remaking old champions into new ones and the stuff they did with the lore. I don't know why they couldn't just leave things alone.

>Old Karthus
>Lives in a swamp by himself
>Overall not really evil
>Lore hints to something happening to one of his loved ones

>New Karthus
>Now grew up as an edgy teenager obsessed with death
>Now over the top evil
>Colorful spell effects now the same green bland green color

Riot says they are changing the lore of champions to make them more unique but most of the time they end up making something even more generic.

2014, stopped playing online games because I was spending too much time on them...

new jinx skin has midriff and stocking, the beach skins this year were some of the most scantily clad in game. As for champions not a lot get released a year and Diversity for a moba game actually matters when you have 100+ heroes to play, there are plenty of already present sexy champions to work off of and I guarentee they will release some more in the future.

It has been 3 years since Jinx release, she wasn't exactly a "sexy" champion but she is basically wearing a bikini and stockings.

BLC is ded but the same developers are remaking the game as Battlerite now and it's pretty solid, but comparing it to moba/arts/assfaggots is pretty retarded. It has zero meaningful similarities, it plays like a WoW arena with dual stick shooter controls.

>dragon gives the killing team gold, the most versatile stat in the game since you can turn it into anything you need
>"how can we fuck this up?"
>dragon now gives unique stat bonuses
>while no longer as versatile, this lets end-game builds be stronger by tacking on more bonuses and allows for more immediate power spikes
>"how can we fuck this up?"
>dragons are elemental and completely random, meaning you might not get the dragon type you want/need for your comp and get screwed by FUCKING MAP RNG

This and the never-ending cycle of making the newest aids champion a retard-strength murder machine finally pushed me over the edge. Good fucking riddance, Riot's incompetence knows no limits.

The thing your entire argument is based on is retarded then.

More does not equal better. A swimming pool full of shit is not as good as a bath tub full of water.

Wow a whole bundle of strawmans from a huge bundle of sticks.

Though to be fair, I only really like Illaoi, Jhin, Ekko and GP out of all those.
Being able to turn back time isn't as interesting if it's used responsibly by someone who knows what they're fucking with.

They actually have an entirely different updated voice set for unpunished GP that they gave to pretty much everyone who played him.

>that fucking shen rework
I used to play him so often and now he's just kind of shitty. What the fuck is Riot's issue with changing established characters so radically?

reminder this is what the other side has

Think around the time that slime guy was released.

>More does not equal better
Correct, better equals better. I'm still waiting for you to tell me how LoL's minimalistic, inferior dialogue and animation is somehow "better."


>liking the old Poppy

Are you legit retarded?

The real bullshit problem that league has, and has always had, is that there is no way to comeback, they give the trailing team NO path back into the game whatsoever, and you pair that up with level curving bullshit that makes it so you take 150% extra damage from shit when down 3 levels and you get splitpushing rivens that have 5 levels on everyone 2 shotting your entire team.

Meanwhile, in Dota 2, you have no level curving so even supports that are millions of levels behind can still be relevant and not just walking ATM machines for the enemy team, and you have high ground effect that sorta gives you a way to defend when pushed into your base. Also goon squad ganking actually can work to get you back into the game since you lose money on death in dota 2

league is shit but its been shit for a LONG time

after 5 hours of playing.


>there are people who didnt stay on the poppy rape train


Let's go over this again user.
More =/= better.

In all honestly, it's better because I like it more, most people outside of Russia hold a similar opinion.

The animation is definitely better, Dota2 is jerky and weightless as far as I've seen.

>he thinks that character background is all the lore in LoL

It's okay to shitpost but don't go spouting 120% wrong misinformation, it just makes you look retarded.

Initially back when Graves was released.

Then I came back fairly recently and quit shortly after dynamic queue and the confirmation that solo q never.


I like the bushes and the ranking system

>Dota2 is jerky and weightless as far as I've seen

so we've established that (You) haven't played Dota

meanwhile people like (You) praise League for not having any turnrates or cast animations

How about you go use Warlock's Ultimate right now vs Annie's Tibbers.

I recall the screencap mentioning that DotA still leaves you with options (though maybe only a handful) as your enemies get stronger, but League's champion niches are so rigid that any advantage makes your opponent STRICTLY BETTER than you. I think it was just around the dragon patch that they removed solo queue, fucked up dragon some more, and I just got fed up enough and lost interest. Haven't installed it on my new machine, never will.


>not the epitome of sex

Her old Q also did % health damage and she was even tankier back then. What the hell are you on?

>Dynamic queue
>role queuer or whatever it was means you have to always play support instead of sometimes
>most content and balance revolves around boring e sports

Coupled with the fact I spent a fair chunk of time (took me 200 games with 60%+ win rate, why?) to get to gold, and then it was erased a month after I realized it was pointless.

When I got banned for calling someone autistic

lol what

>that sadpanda
probably expelled more semen to that one than all of the others

is it this one

>modern LoL doesn't have sexy champions

It is

Community is garbage and I always got angry, which isn't healthy. Another reason is because I know Dota was better.

I don't even play Dota.

Spell effects are not characters.

what about the time LoLfags invaded all the DotA threads prior to /vg/ and Dota 2

>The animation is definitely better, Dota2 is jerky and weightless as far as I've seen.
That's pretty uneducated, but sure, that's your opinion. How about the dialogue? This should be good.

You can. You could even rank with it, there is some weird shit that somehow works.

Why does invoker wear socks instead of shoes?

DFC will do that to anyone, user

You're talking about animations of characters and frankly Dota has top-tier animations. So much so that you can make effigies of heroes in poses based on animations and frames so you can them off in-game.

League doesn't even have an economy or trading.

So fucking basic.

Interesting how everything I've seen makes it look like they're ants scurrying around at 2x speed.

I have yet to hear a single piece of dialogue from Dota that has provoked an emotional response.

Perhaps I should go play Dota 2 right now, that skeleton king guy looks interesting, I'll go try him out.


the original

Sometime between Zed and Ice Witch. So over 3 or 4 years ago I guess?
By best friend got me a Dota key, I seem to remember. Amazing improvement. The quality of DOTA2 gameplay and character design is absurdly higher.
Unfortunately, my girlfriend figured out we could play LoL together on the computer I renovated.
So now I just dropped $35 on a DJ Sona skin for her. Because shes awful and that's her favorite character. (only plays girls)
And I'm playing again.

doesn't league have a literal syndrome hero

Pic related. It's my GF's renovated computer.
It still plays LoL at 60fps




League has so many problems that I don't know where the hell to start. It's just this one giant pile of incompetent development, terrible community, and bad decisions.
They have this absolutely retarded crusade on toxicity going on because apparently people don't know how to use a mute button, and the only time the report system they have going on does work is when someone said something that slightly hurt someone's feelings rather than when someone deliberately feeds the enemy team to make things worse for their own.
The development is absolute shit because Riot doesn't know how to balance, nor do they have any form of hindsight. Whenever they make a change to a champion, it's fucking set in stone until the next rework, even if everyone else realizes it's terrible and harms the champ more than it does good.
The community is composed entirely of shit-flinging chimpanzees that can only make decisions based on what their marginally smarter members do, and they get incredibly touchy whenever someone even mentions playing a game other than LoL. I can't ask my friends if they want to play Smite without them acting all repulsed as if I said nigger in a room full of black people.
What I find even worse than all this though is that they're deliberately trying to make this game a "sport". What went through their minds to make this decision, I don't know, but it's beyond stupid, nearing borderline insanity. I don't want this game to play out like a fucking sport, I want it to play like a god damn game.


End of Season 4
Just lost interest for no reason but I don't miss it

I was there since the beta. I have bowser rammus and the UFO corki skin from it. I wonder if those are worth real money.

I'm pretty sure they are. Sell your account.

>people don't know how to use a mute button
Gonna bet this is a pasta but this stupid fucking meme needs to die.

DOTA2 is has been notorious for one of the nastiest, worst communities in online gamming.

Honestly? I hated LoL's more. At least with DOTA they were teenagers or older.
League is filled with fucking 10 year olds. And that pisses me off more than anything. Not sure why.

I've seen streamers on league get asked why they don't report people that feed on purpose in their games, and the answer is the same, its because riot can't act on it unless you SAY something in the chat, so if people decide to just feed without flaming LOL CANT DO ANYTHING, its a fucking joke of a system.

you couple that shit with the SJW itty bitty babby mentality everyone has on the game now, and their inability to handle a little banter, and you can get banned for "toxicity" just for trying to tell people how to improve, like any criticism is now a bannable offense in that game

oh you can also get warned/banned for not picking META champs and roles in ranked, because "it ruins other peoples games", even if you are good on said non meta picks, as in good enough to carry the game, I've had friends get shit for WINNING games as non meta picks

I think It was around the time I stopped fucking with drugs. My head started to clear and I realized how boring, stupid , and an overall waste of time this game was.

There's nothing more pathetic than seeing some grown fucking men getting in a heated argument over who called which lane.

I actually spent more than one afternoon on youtube just listening to everything timbersaw says. Funny as shit.
He needs a nazi outfit

Where would I even go to sell it.

>original content LoL comics will never be a thing again

I stopped when Lucian was revealed. He took forever to come out and it seemed like all updates stopped.

I mainly stopped because I got tired of seeing ps1 looking shit on the same map over and over and over again.

And why is it that voli barely gets a speed boost nor can he leap ledges yet it seems like every single new champ can? It just seemed stupid

About 3 months ago.

Feels good.
Almost came back for urf, but then realized it wasnt worth it.

Would come back if urf was perma, only fun thing about this game.

>dodging the question
Hearing how the character respond to various real time game events and seeing other characters fleshes out their personality in a way that static dialogue can't. That's not quantity, it's quality. It's a level of detail that LoL's voice acting doesn't have.

Your turn.

probably the best part about league were the old comics

I quit at the end of season 3/start of season 4.

Started meeting people in real life that played the game and they basically all were fagets that raged and blamed other people. Season 3 was the first season I started ranked games and went into diamond in less than 60 games.

I don't think I was ever congratulated by anyone. Other than congrats on being lucky.

On top of that there was the whole it's 40 fucking minutes of farming and small fights for 30 seconds of destroy fucking everything in the end due to some guy being out of position.

It's an awful game. Girls are good though. Shame Wakfu is just as bad.

i'm quitting league the moment i reach challenger.
not too far away from it, got high masters this season.

You got the Jayce one?

It's my favorite

I agree completely.

it's gone from instant locking to , instant calling.

Then some guy who doesn't get ADC says hes going to support with Ezreal or some shit.
Followed by a solid 45 mins of all-chat shit talk.

I bet it was pretty good on drugs though.

You mean this one?

support ezreal is fun, he can 2v1 botlane and KS all the kills and carry the game.

but i get your point

Yep thanks user your the real hero of this thread.

Craigslist or Ebay I think.

around the beginning of Season three, after wondering why I was putting up with shit eating morons and why I was playing the same match every fucking time
Seeing the new characters come out and how viciously Riot will protect their Meta has ensured I will never go back to that shitty game

Saying the same shit over and over again does not make it true.

Characters in a novel do not react to real time events, but they can be written better than Dota 2 characters.

Even then LoL still has some of that.

I really wish Riot Games would get off their collective asses and make other games in their lore. I would shamelessly play an League-verse objective based team FPS.

This user gets it. I was so immersed in the Lore, but then Jinx got released. She wasn't bad for the game's lore or anything, but any lorefag knew there was troubled waters ahead when they realized they never gave her a reason to be in Summoner's Rift. Then they slowly retconed things across the board hoping no one would notice. They broke a lot of hearts. I realize I love the characters more than the game.

>8 months ago
When they raped everything I enjoyed. FOR THE THIRD TIME.

>Characters in a novel do not react to real time events
They react to prewritten real time events. LoL characters don't react to anything.
Congratulations on making the single most retarded analogy I've ever seen on Cred Forums or otherwise.

Are you done being a retard now, or is there more in you?

>tree brought to life by summoner's magic being used over and over in the Twisted Treeline
>he doesn't want to live, he wants to become a tree again
>fucking mages are ruining his home
>upon birth he slaughters all six champions in the match and starts going after the crowd, before Kayle has to intervene with divine intervention
>Maokai now fights to harm mages, find some way to become a tree again and for the Treeline to be left alone

>changed to
>Maokai is a happy tree spirit
>there's bad creatures in the treeline
>I must run for help!

>See, now Maokai's story isn't complete and he has a reason to fight

Please no

i liked elise's new lore.

>LoL characters don't react to anything

They do.

league characters actually react to some things now, but not nearly at the level of dota 2, so this dude is being a pretty big retard just the same

He die, no really, he literally die and got revived, even got removed from the game for awhile.

It's over. It was one of the few instances in the game lore that showed champions being weakened for the games and what they can do outside of a match.

Kayle was in the crowd watching, but got dragged in. And had her Divine Interview working indefinitely on an entire crowd of people to block off the great american deku tree instead of 1 to 3 seconds on a single entity.

When I realized Riot was no longer interested in making a game and was just shoveling garbage at the behest of their gook masters. Pic related.
>inb4 tumblr filename
>inb4 autist with red crayon
Best image I could find with a quick Google search, sue me.

I haven't

I started watching Tyler1 and I play Draven as much as possible and try to hyper carry for fun

Aside from a few outlier exceptions on a handful of recent characters, they react to you right clicking the ground, you right clicking an enemy, and dying. That's it. There is very little character and personality you can cram into those three events.

>Here people on this thread that actually believe the old Poppy was better than the new one mechanically/looks.

You really need to be a kind of special person to think like this, like, visit Cred Forums.. no, not even, very old maybe.

When they re-worked Graves, had a lot of fun climbing from Bronze 4 to Plat 5 in a few weeks playing Graves only.

I came back and I play it right now but I play Viktor and Jax only.

>Summoners are gone from the lore
>Worlds trophy has summoners on the side

I think I noticed the problem with your logic.

You think that more automatically means better, when better means better.

>played since beta
>Karthus was my first champion
>during the first minute of the game I would read the lore
>"There's a proverb about death: 'Death is death and will hear no denial.' Karthus nods, knowing the ultimate truths therein"

and I did read the new lore and it's horrible accurate to the first user mentioning it

>>inb4 tumblr filename

You know you could just change the filename?

I thought the lore seemed different now!

I managed to return to the game just in-time to see them release a hero gayer than Taric. A FEAT EVERYONE SAID COULD NOT BE DONE.

"Everyone's trying to kill each other, what if we introduced a really nice guy?"
He's still going around murdering people, this shit isn't even consistent. AND HES STILL A CARBON COPY OF OTHER CHARACTER SKILLS. Just 1 original skill. Bushes.

Nothing wrong with that honestly.

play caitlyn if you ever get bored of draven, she can carry even harder.

Casuals play lol. Real gamers play dota 2.

I like new poppy because of her looks and gameplay, but old Poppy was so much better in terms of her, personality. Instead of being some naive girl on an adventure to find a hero, she was a short angry blue dwarf that would fuck you up if you so much as looked at her funny. It was so much better than what we have now.

Normal people play lol
Neckbeards play dota2

About 2 years ago i honestly was not bored with i just couldn't put up with how cancer the community was

>Dota heroes
>voice response for -

>entering the battle
>beginning battle
>using abilities
>leveling up
>killing an enemy
>killing a specific enemy
>first blood
>last hitting
>acquiring an item
>acquring the Aegis
>bottling runes
>activating runes
>using abilities without enough mana
>using abilities on cooldown
>missing top, middle and bottom
>thanking someone
>getting a cosmetic drop

>>>this somehow isn't better

Like I already told you, when the subject is character personality development, having them react to more situations and creating more space for that personality to fill = higher quality character personality.

This isn't quantity = quality, it's quality = quality. Quality character depth comes from seeing how they respond to more situations, because that's what the raw content of personality is.

Stop being a retard.

Pretty sure anyone who looks at it will be able to tell it came from tumblr anyways.

in 2014

Riot hired the designers of Battleborn

just look at the new hero

Casuals play ASSFAGGOTS.
Real gamers play real games.
Normal people don't play video games.

He still looks better than any battleborn character plus hes the most interesting champion to come out this year in LoL.

>V5.7 (April 08, 2015)
>NEW EFFECT: Blitzcrank is slowed by 30% for 1.5 seconds when the movement speed bonus ends

At that point I was already on the way out. Breaking Blitzcranks legs was just the last nail in the coffin. No point playing a champ that actively incapacitates himself as part of his ability.

They are thinking of removing Grave's CIGAR because it doesn't fit with the image they want for him.
They feel that they need to renege on the more EDGY design decision they made as a young company. Like cigars.
Heard this in a live-stream I found myself in out of boredom.

user if this game had voip. I fear the things that would be said.

If Dota2 has more potential for character development, how does it still manage to make shittier characters than league?

You can make many different sculptures out of as much feces as you want. It is still shit.

True, except for the third line, or there would be less normal people than weirdos.

LoL has these for every champ.

>>beginning battle
>>using abilities
>>leveling up
>>killing a specific enemy
>>acquiring an item
>>entering the battle
And you either get these sometimes or are forced to pay to have these by buying high end skins.

Oy vey.

>They are thinking of removing Grave's CIGAR
They already did this. A long time ago.

Don't remember exactly but any interesting mechanic that was in the game that kept me in was eventually homogenized and promptly removed or adjusted so that Riot could make the meta their way.

That's what I like about Dota. They make necessary balance changes, and then just let the meta do it's thing for a while. League wants to change the meta to their specific vision every month and a half and it's just not interesting or fun. There is no discovery involved and thus no actual planning or decision making is ever incorporated into games, just counter picking and basic flowcharts.

>how does it still manage to make shittier characters than league?
That's an opinion. Back it up.
There's tons of proof for our side, you haven't provided any for yours.

>Real gamers play real games.
>Normal people don't play video games.

>Hmm, this vomit is green while the rest is brown
>Thank God, we needed a change-up

>And you either get these sometimes or are forced to pay to have these by buying high end skins.

There are no skins in Dota and cosmetics don't affect voice responses except for maybe Arcanas which add a voice filter.

Fuck off retard.

Seriously, normal people don't play video games. I don't count mobile shit as video games and frankly anyone who does should not opine on the subject.

>being this retarded
>calling someone else a retard
Please think long and hard about how what I said could be true when it's clearly not true of DotA. Take as much time as you need.

You're all going to hate me but I miss all the generals on Cred Forums and the shitfests

When Talon came out.

I never touched this or World of Warcraft. I'm not into casual normemes.

these analogies are triggering me

You're trying too hard. Cause any design would be better than stillborns.
Need I remind you of this atrocity.

It is an opinion. In fact, there is no objective measure which you can grade art on.

I am comfortable leaving my opinion where it is, as you are speaking from the shadow cast by another game's success. I don't even actually like either, a game with league's character design and Dota's balance would be god tier.

Truth is painful.

Graves is actually WAY more oppressive than he used to be. He is a jungler now, but almost no one can fight him, and he can invade the enemy jungler with impunity and is now like an AD caster, but he can 100-0 someone with his basic rotation and his ult has almost no cool down.

I get 15-20 kills with him every game and climb like crazy

>Normal= casuals that suck on everything they do

holy fuck you are so right, that made my day

It's not that you're correct or anything, it's just on a middle schooler's level of analogies that's bothering me.

Almost immediately after I started playing. I'm really bad at it.

Tear up a piece of paper.
Write a different body part on each one.
Put them all in a hat.
Pull out three.
"We can make this work."

>"I got a skin for invoker so people will think im good"
>le fire spirit spam

>league's character design and Dota's balance would be god tier

Didn't think I would see good opinions on Cred Forums today, let alone in a League thread.

>"hurr yours is shitty because I say so even those your case has proof and mine doesn't" is "truth"

the moment some smurf complaining to me about how I dont know how to play a hero
and that was like the sub lv10 match up

1+1/2 month ago found Warframe as a better timesink game

They were omitting the League in lore at least since Syndra.

Please post what you would consider a high level analogy. I'm interested.

There is no proof on either side. You cannot prove an opinion.

I wasted way too much money on BLC and now I realize I miss that game. I even designed an avatar and won a contest (the shitty dryad avatar) Igniter was best btw.

>playing a moba for personalities

Good fucking lord user
I mean just good fucking lord
What the fuck happened to you to make you into this obstinate, stubborn jack ass who refuses to acknowledge basic shit because he is so fucking indoctrinated into his one shitty argument that he can't think outside of the box that is on his head
Let us help you user, please I don't want to see you like this anymore

>My stance is just an opinion opinion and I have no rebuttal to your arguments
So you're just admitting you were wrong? Why not just say it an hour ago?

i started when riven came out, decided to play after getting burnt out on WoW arena (cata at the time).

stopped when i hit diamond cause to me that was like winning the game

>i am now pursuing 4k in pic related

>There is no proof on either side.
Sure, if you just close plug year ears and scream LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M RIGHT BECAUSE I SAY SO then there's no proof.

Better and more dialogue in the other game won't disappear, no matter how much you wish it away!

I lasted for like 4 or 5 days. Those faggots really can't handle the bantz

>tfw old taric's lore wasn't huge but it was entertaining
>Tfw new taric is a flanderized version of himself that nobody likes


Don't even get me started on how they literally removed him from the game and replaced him with a terrible utility support instead of the Tanky top laner.

>more = better

I still play with friends occasionally. Usually only aram or whatever the weekend mode is

>using the chat at all
You deserved it desu. If you wanted to be a toxic cunt you shoulda just played anivia or bard like normal people do.

>CLG just beat #1 Korean team

More =/= Better.

I have said nothing but the truth.

This entire argument from the beginning is stop not liking what I like. It's just a pointless clash of subjective opinions that convinces nobody on either side. I know this, but I continue on because watching dotards get hyper-defensive while watching the world championship of league is comfy as fuck.
I think the reason Dotards get triggered so easily is that they both want to put on a hardcore air, but know in their hearts that ASSFAGGOTS are fundamentally shit. Was fun dudes, hope y'all have a fantastic night.

inb4 cliche meme response; I recommend reading the line above this paragraph before you post what you're thinking of, I believe everything that I have said.

no they didn't retard

enjoy enough korean win though

This doesn't happen. Shut the fuck up.

>He still looks better than any battleborn character

Not really, looks right on par with battleborn shit

You should get your seeing eye dog to check the screen before you post m8.

I miss good old LoL shitposting. /vg/ is full of faggots who talk about waifus and OTPs more than they do about the game and esports

I've been enjoying Paladins more and more
If Paladins keeps improving, I'll probably be playing it more than Overwatch

>More =/= Better.
Nobody has said this. Better = better, and more situations to express a character's personality equals a better personality. You haven't been able to dispute this, so you lose.

About Season 4 around the time Urgot got that insane W buff, something like 10-15% of Mana as bonus Shield? It's been a while and I don't remember precisely, but I just adored dumping Chainsaws into retards and being untouchable for a while, then dropped it like a brick.

Me too, this thread has scratched the itch pretty well though.

>Nobody has said this
You literally say it the next line

God bless.

That makes no fucking sense. They just beat them you stubborn gook.

I didn't, but if you refuse to read and comprehend simple sentences that's not my problem and there's nothing I can do about it.

There are many situations to express sewage.

It is still sewage.

>still can't tell me why it's "sewage"
>has no argument

Tell me why its not without saying that more = better.

Is it true that LoL is bleeding players?

Used to play 2 years ago and it seemed everyone and their mother played the game.

It's a very slow decay, but yes. Influx is lower than outflow.

Yes, most people left when they announced solo queue was never coming back.

Don't waste your time, they're both the same game

I never quit the game, but all of my friends did, and I really hate playing alone. The community is too TOXIC to enjoy playing in random pubs, and I'm too much of an antisocial ass to bother trying to find people to play with.

>originally from a grotesque but extremely nice dude that martyred himself and took on the suffering of his entire tribe
>now a generic power hungry ice troll that likes smashing things and being retarded
Fuck Riot.

I spent a little over $1300 over 5 different accounts in the past 6 years, and I won't let the game go.

I was just thinking why League threads can never be. Makes sense now

Because in the context of personality building, more situations for us to see how that personality reacts DOES make it better unless the way it's done is absolutely god awful, because that's what personality is. Good personality in fiction comes from being able to see how that personality reacts to things. This is what I mean when I say it's not more = better and it's better = better - it's not an issue of "more," it's an issue of it existing at all.

So, given that, the only way you'd have a valid argument is to somehow prove to me that LoL's dialogue is so fucking brilliant and teeming with character that it's capable of having more personality in a few minutes of lines across three scenarios than 30+ minutes of dialogue in ~50 scenarios.

So let's hear it.

>more situations for us to see how that personality reacts DOES make it better

I gave you the most simple task imaginable and you still managed to fuck it up. Average dotard intelligence.

>objective based team FPS

LOL is Overwatch and Overwatch is LOL.
I really shouldn't have to explain it but you can't ask for a game to be made into a different game when you're literally asking for the same game

How do you see this?

I get maybe having a smurf account but what would you use 5 accounts for?

Read the whole post.
If you just ignore the argument, you're admitting you're wrong.


This site tells you.

And all the Dota players are too busy bashing league threads than actually playing the game

You admitted that you're wrong by saying more = better.

Quick name your graveyard of reworked champs that made you quit:


Rest in peace, stopped playing this game a while ago but iirc Hec and Singed are still just as good as ever

Fuck yes.
>USD 60.0

Not bad for three years. Feel slightly better about it, and fuck, I could probably sell my account for more than that.

I have Season 1 skins and two end of season gold skins.

too bad morde is broken as a bot lane presence.
>If my team kills dragon, we get dragon.

Read the fucking post.

>So, given that, the only way you'd have a valid argument is to somehow prove to me that LoL's dialogue is so fucking brilliant and teeming with character that it's capable of having more personality in a few minutes of lines across three scenarios than 30+ minutes of dialogue in ~50 scenarios.

What's your answer? "hurr more =/= better xDDD" does not make an argument for you, you need to prove to me that more actually ISN'T better in this case.

Did they ever rework Draven? He was the only champ I played.

I last played beginning or season 5.


What? You were expecting something more?

2 days after I started playing

My friends would only want to play for hours on end, and wouldn't try anything else.
They went 2 years straight of playing and since then have dropped out of college and are living at home while working shitty paying fullt ime jobs

LoL ruins lives

When the whole community was pleading for Riot to remove Flash due to the broken nature it had on the meta and game design in general.

Instead Riot nerfed it's distance traveled.
A lot of people quit at that time. Especially since a lot of people were simply waiting for a doto key.

How many champions and skin did you own? There's a chance you got flagged.

>be me in cancer
>every player
>every mode
>every division
>flame when its deserved
>people get triggered by the truth that they actually suck dick
>get chat restricted
>10 matches to play to undo it
>hugbox shit but ill still flame when deserved even if im restricted to 5 messages
>encounter some faggot being toxic up the ass
>so much more than i was to the point that the other team wanted to end by /ff just to not hear him
>i wait til the end of the match
>unleash words
>all of them report him
>he reports me
>he gets off with no issue
>i get 20 more matches onto my restriction
>keep playing
>still in cancer
>still flame when deserved
>nothing chances
>hugbox to the rescue every time because "muh feelings"

i only still play this shitty """game""" because i hate dota and dawngate is fucking dead

then to add to this
>game still a buggy fucking mess
>still not a single chance of riot """devs""" fixing shit
>basic shit from beta still isnt in the game post launch like a FUCKING REPLAY SYSTEM
>still only one game made bu riot games
>only other one was some shitty web based game with blitzcrank
>that was timed only
>this company only has 1 fucking game