Why haven't Americans who eat burgers, fries, hotdogs and other fast foods not adopted the poutine?

Why haven't Americans who eat burgers, fries, hotdogs and other fast foods not adopted the poutine?

Video game?

Wrong board, but probably because they're so used to plain fries.
I'm sure some people are willing to try new things.

Because Americans make poutine wrong then complain about it. They use beef gravy and shredded cheese.

I would really like to know. Fuck ketchup, I want gravy.

probably because it's shit.

Cheese Fries are better

Vinegar is good on fries

This is literally my first time hearing about poutine

Just wondering what that sauce is

there's some spots in america but they're rare

It's poutine gravy, very specific taste, you'll have to buy it online or something if you want a proper poutine.

Poutine is EXTREMELY popular in America, you dumb faggot. Every fucking restaurant in America that isn't a fast food place or a diner has a fucking poutine.

It's gravy. Poutine is french fries, with cheese curds and gravy.

Do Americans even know about real cheese and not that garbage "cheese" they all love so much.
This isn't video games anyway.

gravy and cheese curds

poutine is fucking ace, but you have to eat it relatively quick or else the fries will just get soggy and cold.


Poutine using generic gravy, yes. You'll never find poutine gravy used in America outside border towns.

What gravy is it supposed to be?

Bad macros.

Yeah, there's really only a couple applications for processed cheese, particularly on crackers and very simple sandwiches.

Poutine gravy, it's made specifically for poutine. It tastes nothing like beef gravy.

vidya gaems

I actually tried my hand at making poutine for the first time earlier this week.

Good stuff, assuming I made it properly, but Jesus Christ is it supposed to tear through your colon like a semi?

The fuck? That's when poutine is at its prime

if they chose a less nauseating word they might've sold well in america

It looks too disgusting even by yankee standards

Because not many people know about it in the US.

>honey, where do you want to go to dinner tonight?
>how about that canadian restaurant?
... said absolutely no one ever.

Poutine is fucking disgusting. Say goodbye to your bowels. Say hello to insane sodium and high cholestoral. It tastes like utter shit. In America we would rather have something of substance, like bread, lettuce, beef, cheese, tomato. Instead of greasy fries, cheap sodium-high gravy, and fucking cheese curds. That shit is not a meal. It is filth.

How did this americans only eat american cheese meme get started?

I've been eating poutine my whole life and this is the first I've heard of "poutine gravy". Is this some kind of meme?

>poutine gravy
No, I meant what goes in the gravy specifically?
Like if gravy is normally flour, a stock, butter, salt and pepper what is the specific ingredient that characterizes it as poutine gravy.

Most commonly turkey or chicken gravy or a sauce brune, sometimes with a bit of vinegar mixed in. Slap that shit on top of some fries and some fresh squeeky cheese curds and you have poutine (pronounced pu-tin), a dish that makes up 50% of Québec's worthwhile contribution to the world. The other 50% is Montreal smoked meat.

Because it just so happens that the fakest, cheapest, least interestingly tasting cheese is named "American," after a nation famous for being fake, cheap and not very interesting. The cheese is probably stupid, too.

Poutine gravy uses a chicken or turkey gravy base and has a fuck load more salt than normal. Poutines defining characteristic is its saltiness.

>Turkey or chicken gravy
Worst gravies. Fucking disgusting subhuman trash taste.

Why are foreigners so fucking cocky about their shit?

>Say goodbye to your bowels

Is this an American meme? Not once has poutine ever given me any form of digestion issue.

It's gravy, yes, but a very specific gravy if you want the ideal flavor, texture, and amount of fry penetration.

>Hey Cleetus and I made your food and it sucks, oh but we cooked it wrong and used different ingredients, your country fucking sucks USA USA USA

Yeah I wonder why people are tired of your shit.

I am American, I like poutine.

But I lived in British Columbia for 5 years.

The irony in this post is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.

Worst gravies in general, but best gravies for poutine.

Beef gravy on poutine is only good when you're also topping it with other elements like braised beef or smoked meat.

Muriclaps are the worst offenders.

>insulting the best thing to happen to Earth

Bold move, Cotton.

Americans can only ingest highly-processed foods. They say the same thing after eating Mexican and Chinese food, too.

inferiority complex

much like this place and reddit

are you serious? that stuff is popular over here

Do you live by the border? There has never been poutine on the menu of a restaurant my entire life.

>my shitty unhealthy food is better than yours nah nah!
Just eat what you like, niggers

how can anybody laugh at hamburgers when they're scarfing this salty heart failure down, lord in heaven help you ya miserable foreign filth

Canada is the worst fucking country on Earth
>Legal to fuck animals to a certain extent
>Loli/shota banned
>Cuck PM
>Liberal everywhere
>Like 80% of population lives near the border, is liberal, and have fucking terrible taste in everything
>Absolutely nothing worthwhile in the entire country
>Very rarely produces anything significant culturally
>Nu-males go fucking nuts over the country and want to move there if Trump wins (He will)
>Full of fucking frenchies

You guys (particularly on /ck/) waste the vast majority of your time here bitching about what Americans eat and cook. Meanwhile I'm sitting here just like, okay then white don't you enlighten us with your brilliant cuisine.

>okay uh-b-b-but amurika hurrr

Every time.

>go to kfc
>order mashed potato famous bowl
>tastes better
>costs less


Honestly? I think it's the cheese. American cheese is literally hilariously bad. Not that Canadian cheese is much better, but with Poutine we've culturally agreed to only use cheese curds and those that don't are socially shunned.

Poutine is fucking disgusting.

Fries with bacon, ranch, cheese, chives, and sour cream topped off with a Parmesan cheese crust and truffle olive oil sauce are better.

Naw, it's closer to,
>hello foreigner. i made a dish kind of like yours, but i added an extra ingredient. what do you think?

>I upped the fat game, that pleases my American diet more

Get the fuck out.

>Poutine is EXTREMELY popular in America
America is slightly larger than Minnesota.

>Yeah I wonder why people are tired of your shit.

Is it because our continued presence on your "continent" keeps you from starting WW3?

>"Fuck you slightly different flavor of white guy!"
>"No, FUCK YOU!"
>And then they started a world war.

inb4 some foreign faggot uses the fact that I said "white" instead of "while" as an excuse to dodge my point.

>>hello foreigner. i made a dish kind of like yours

If by "kind of like" you mean "Completely changed the base ingredient of the gravy that makes up the majority of the flavour" then yes.

And if you made a dish "kind of like" then stop using it as a springboard to comment on the quality of the properly made dish.

I can't believe this simple "dish" that looks like shit is what Canadians are so proud over.

And they're the same ones who would mock America if we invented it.

>truffle olive oil
You know damn well truffle oil is seen as garbage.

>ranch on anything
fucking degenerate

>Worst cheese is American
>Not wizz

>Cuck PM

But dude, weed!

>Can only argue through fallacies


I've never had poutine

Would it work with sweet potato fries?

Nigga I weigh 175 lbs at 6 ft. If I'm going to eat fries I'm not going to eat it with the sauce they put in dog food, and incomplete cheese.

Because Canadians can take their still on fire country and fuck right off

Literally all of those things are great though.

Except the Frenchies. Fuck Quebec

You have some nerve being mad at how we fixed your shitty food that almost always lacked any flavouuuuuuuuuur

Wizz cheese on a Philly cheesesteak is bomb.

Is that really the best you could come up with? It's even factually wrong, kind of sad desu.

>loli banned
Yeah nah m8 youre done

Yeah, whatever dude. Your hard-on for poutine is pathetic. Trying so hard to make Canada relevant.

because it's not fulfilling. that is equivalent to like, one hot pocket and probably costs $3-$5. in the US food is cheap and abundant so we eat pic related for 5 bucks. notice the side of fries and drink
>canacucks and eurofags being poor as shit once again

I feel like that would seriously clash with the insane saltiness of the gravy

>being a pedophile in current year

You folks can stay in American tyvm.

>inb4 "b-but loli isn't pedo"

Sure thing buddy. Sure thing.

Because they sell this in my area instead

Looks like the burger places in anime

It's pretty bad but I'm an american and my favorite cheese is sheeps milk gouda so take that as you will

>covering fries with anything
>not eating superior seasoned fries or steak fries with seasoned salt

Way to drown the flavour out